Account level targets for service-managed Stack Sets - AWS CloudFormation

Account level targets for service-managed Stack Sets

The AccountFilterType allows you to limit deployment targets to individual accounts or include additional accounts with provided AWS Organizations units (OUs) with your Create, Update, or Delete operations.

Service-managed Stack Sets can deploy to individual accounts with the accounts parameter, to all the accounts in specified OU, or to a subset of accounts in the specified OU. For more information about deployment targets, see DeploymentTargets.

{ "Accounts": ["string", ...], "AccountsUrl": "string", "OrganizationalUnitIds": ["string", ...] "AccountFilterType": "string" }

The names of one or more AWS accounts for which you want to deploy a StackSets updates to.


An Amazon S3 URL for a list of accounts.


The organization root ID or organizational unit (OU) IDs to which StackSets deploys to.



The following is a list of possible values for the AccountFilterType operation.

  • INTERSECTION: StackSets deploys to the accounts specified in Accounts parameter.

  • DIFFERENCE: StackSets excludes the accounts specified in Accounts parameter. This enables user to avoid certain accounts within an OU such as suspended accounts.

  • UNION: (default value) StackSets includes additional accounts deployment targets.

    The default value if AccountFilterType isn't provided. This enables user to update an entire OU and individual accounts from a different OU in one request, which used to be two separate requests.

  • NONE: Deploys to all accounts in the specified organizational units (OU).

AWS CLI examples

The following examples show how to use AccountFilterType in the AWS CLI.

Target individual accounts within an OU

The following example filters the deployment targets in the OU. In this example, A1, A2, and A3 accounts are all in the OU1 Organization. The AWS CLI command deploys to the A1 and A2 target accounts.

Target individual accounts within an OU.
aws cloudformation create-stack-instances --deployment-targets OrganizationalUnitIds=OU1,Accounts=A1,A2,AccountFilterType=INTERSECTION

Results: You've created stack instances for accounts 1 and 2.

Target an OU and filter individual accounts

The following example creates a stack instance in all accounts in the OU besides account 1 and 2.

Target individual accounts within an OU.
aws cloudformation create-stack-instances --deployment-targets OrganizationalUnitIds=OU1,Accounts=A1,A2,AccountFilterType=DIFFERENCE

Results: You avoided deploying to specific accounts in your OU.

Target an OU and an additional individual account

The following example updates stack instances.

Target individual accounts within an OU.
aws cloudformation update-stack-instances --deployment-targets OrganizationalUnitIds=OU1,Accounts=A4,AccountFilterType=UNION

Results: You updated stack instances for accounts 1, 2, and 4 in your OU. By filtering accounts, you didn't update stack instances on account A5.