UpdatePolicy attribute - AWS CloudFormation

UpdatePolicy attribute

Use the UpdatePolicy attribute to specify how AWS CloudFormation handles updates to certain resources during stack update operations.


By using the UpdatePolicy attribute, you can control how the following resources are updated, as described here:

  • AWS::AppStream::Fleet – CloudFormation can stop and start a fleet, which causes the fleet's instances to be replaced. By doing so, all instances will have the latest changes applied immediately after a stack update.

  • AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup – With Auto Scaling groups, you can use one or more update policies to control how CloudFormation handles certain updates. These policies include:

    • AutoScalingReplacingUpdate and AutoScalingRollingUpdate policies – CloudFormation can either replace the Auto Scaling group and its instances with an AutoScalingReplacingUpdate policy, or replace only the instances with an AutoScalingRollingUpdate policy. These replacement operations occur when you make one or more of the following changes:

      • Change the Auto Scaling group's AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration.

      • Change the Auto Scaling group's VPCZoneIdentifier property.

      • Change the Auto Scaling group's LaunchTemplate property.

      • Change the Auto Scaling group's PlacementGroup property.

      • Update an Auto Scaling group that contains instances that don't match the current LaunchConfiguration.

      If both the AutoScalingReplacingUpdate and AutoScalingRollingUpdate policies are specified, setting the WillReplace property to true gives AutoScalingReplacingUpdate precedence.

    • AutoScalingScheduledAction policy – This policy applies when you update a stack that includes an Auto Scaling group with scheduled actions that scale the group at specific times. CloudFormation can't modify the minimum size, maximum size, or desired capacity of the group unless they have been explicitly changed in the stack template. This policy helps to prevent any unexpected updates that could interfere with the scheduled scaling activities.

  • AWS::ElastiCache::ReplicationGroup – CloudFormation can modify a replication group's shards by adding or removing shards, rather than replacing the entire resource.

  • AWS::OpenSearchService::Domain and AWS::Elasticsearch::Domain (legacy) – CloudFormation can upgrade an OpenSearch Service domain to a new version of OpenSearch or Elasticsearch without replacing the entire resource.

  • AWS::Lambda::Alias – CloudFormation can perform a CodeDeploy deployment when the version changes on the alias.

The sections that follow describe the syntax and properties for the UpdatePolicy attribute supported by each resource type.

AppStream 2.0 update policy

To stop an AppStream 2.0 fleet before an update and restart it after an update, use the AppStream 2.0 update policy.



{ "UpdatePolicy": { "StopBeforeUpdate": { "Type": "Boolean" }, "StartAfterUpdate": { "Type": "Boolean" } } }


UpdatePolicy: StopBeforeUpdate: Type: Boolean StartAfterUpdate: Type: Boolean

Stops the specified fleet before the update.

Required: No


Starts the specified fleet after the update.

Required: No

AutoScalingReplacingUpdate policy

To replace the Auto Scaling group and the instances it contains, use the AutoScalingReplacingUpdate policy.

Before attempting an update, ensure that you have sufficient Amazon EC2 capacity for both your old and new Auto Scaling groups.



"UpdatePolicy" : { "AutoScalingReplacingUpdate" : { "WillReplace" : Boolean } }


UpdatePolicy: AutoScalingReplacingUpdate: WillReplace: Boolean



Specifies whether an Auto Scaling group and the instances it contains are replaced during an update. During replacement, CloudFormation retains the old group until it finishes creating the new one. If the update fails, CloudFormation can roll back to the old Auto Scaling group and delete the new Auto Scaling group.

While CloudFormation creates the new group, it doesn't detach or attach any instances. After successfully creating the new Auto Scaling group, CloudFormation deletes the old Auto Scaling group during the cleanup process.

When you set the WillReplace parameter, remember to specify a matching CreationPolicy. If the minimum number of instances (specified by the MinSuccessfulInstancesPercent property) don't signal success within the Timeout period (specified in the CreationPolicy policy), the replacement update fails and CloudFormation rolls back to the old Auto Scaling group.

Type: Boolean

Required: No

AutoScalingRollingUpdate policy

To perform a rolling update of the instances in an Auto Scaling group rather than wait for scaling activities to gradually replace older instances with newer instances, use the AutoScalingRollingUpdate policy. This policy provides you the flexibility to specify whether CloudFormation replaces instances that are in an Auto Scaling group in batches or all at once without replacing the entire resource.

Things to consider when using an AutoScalingRollingUpdate policy:

  • When CloudFormation rolls back an update, it uses the UpdatePolicy configuration specified in the template before the current stack update. For example, you change the MaxBatchSize from 1 to 10 in the UpdatePolicy, perform a stack update, and that update fails. CloudFormation will use 1 as the maximum batch size when it rolls back, not 10. To avoid this scenario, make changes to the UpdatePolicy in a separate update before any updates to the Auto Scaling group that are likely to initiate rolling updates.

  • CloudFormation recommends specifying the SuspendProcesses property to temporarily suspend Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling processes that might interfere with the rolling update and cause it to fail.

  • CloudFormation supports using Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling lifecycle hooks when launching or terminating instances. This gives you time to perform custom actions on an instance before it moves to the next state. To make sure that new instances reach the InService state, complete the lifecycle hook with a CONTINUE result when the custom action finishes. By default, if no response is received and the lifecycle hook times out, the instance launch will be considered unsuccessful and abandoned. If no instances reach the InService state, the rolling update will eventually fail.

  • Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling features such as instance maintenance policies, termination policies, and scale-in protection are not available for use with CloudFormation rolling updates. Plan your rolling updates accordingly.

  • If you use an AutoScalingRollingUpdate policy and remove the placement group setting, the placement group will be removed from the Auto Scaling group and the CloudFormation template. Also this triggers a rolling update, so new instances won't be launched into a placement group.



"UpdatePolicy" : { "AutoScalingRollingUpdate" : { "MaxBatchSize" : Integer, "MinActiveInstancesPercent" : Integer, "MinInstancesInService" : Integer, "MinSuccessfulInstancesPercent" : Integer, "PauseTime" : String, "SuspendProcesses" : [ List of processes ], "WaitOnResourceSignals" : Boolean } }



Specifies the maximum number of instances that can be replaced simultaneously.

Default: 1

Maximum: 100

Type: Integer

Required: No


Specifies the percentage of instances in an Auto Scaling group that must be in the InService state relative to that group's desired capacity during a rolling update for an update to succeed. You can specify a value from 0 to 100. CloudFormation rounds to the nearest tenth of a percent. For example, if you update five instances with a minimum InService percentage of 50, at least three instances must be in the InService state. If an instance doesn't transition to the InService state within a fixed time of 1 hour, CloudFormation assumes that the instance wasn't updated.

Setting MinActiveInstancesPercent in your UpdatePolicy will also affect instances launched when the DesiredCapacity property of the AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup resource is set higher than the current desired capacity of that Auto Scaling group.

Default: 100

Type: Integer

Required: No


Specifies the minimum number of instances that must be in service within the Auto Scaling group while CloudFormation updates old instances. This value must be less than the MaxSize of the Auto Scaling group.


We recommend that you set the value of the MinInstancesInService property to at least the MinSize of the Auto Scaling group. This avoids potential availability issues during a rolling update due to 0 instances serving customer traffic.

Default: 0

Type: Integer

Required: No


Specifies the percentage of instances in an Auto Scaling rolling update that must signal success for an update to succeed. You can specify a value from 0 to 100. CloudFormation rounds to the nearest tenth of a percent. For example, if you update five instances with a minimum successful percentage of 50, three instances must signal success. If an instance doesn't send a signal within the time specified in the PauseTime property, CloudFormation assumes that the instance wasn't updated.

We recommend that you set the value of the MinSuccessfulInstancesPercent property to a value greater than 0. When the MinSuccessfulInstancesPercent property is set to 0, CloudFormation waits for 0% of the capacity instances to be in an InService state. MinSuccessfulInstancesPercent returns immediately and before considering the Auto Scaling group status as UPDATE_COMPLETE to move on to the subsequent resources defined in the stack template. If other Auto Scaling groups are defined in your CloudFormation template, they will update simultaneously. When all Auto Scaling groups are deployed at once with 0% of the capacity instances in an InService state, then you will experience availability issues, due to 0 instances serving customer traffic.

Default: 100

Type: Integer

Required: No


The amount of time that CloudFormation pauses after making a change to a batch of instances to give those instances time to start software applications.

Specify PauseTime in the ISO8601 duration format (in the format PT#H#M#S, where each # is the number of hours, minutes, and seconds, respectively). The maximum PauseTime is one hour (PT1H).


When WaitOnResourceSignals is set to true, PauseTime acts as a timeout value. It determines the maximum time that CloudFormation waits to receive the required number of valid signals from the instances being replaced during a rolling update and from new instances being added by increasing the DesiredCapacity property of the AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup resource. If the PauseTime is exceeded before CloudFormation receives the expected signals, the update fails. For best results, specify a time period that provides sufficient time for your applications to start up. If the update needs to be rolled back, a short PauseTime can cause the rollback to fail.

Default: PT5M (5 minutes) when the WaitOnResourceSignals property is set to true. Otherwise, no default value is set.

Type: String

Required: No


Specifies the Auto Scaling processes to suspend during a stack update. Suspending processes prevents Auto Scaling from interfering with a stack update. For example, you can suspend alarming so that Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling doesn't initiate scaling policies associated with an alarm. For valid values, see Types of processes in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

Default: Not specified

Type: List of Auto Scaling processes

Required: No


Specifies whether CloudFormation waits for success signals from new instances before continuing the update. CloudFormation waits for the specified PauseTime duration for success signals.

To signal the Auto Scaling group, use the cfn-signal helper script. For Auto Scaling groups associated with Elastic Load Balancing, consider adding a health check to ensure that instances are healthy before signaling success by using the cfn-init helper script. For an example, see the verify_instance_health command in the sample templates for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling rolling updates in our GitHub repository.

Default: false

Type: Boolean

Required: Conditional. If you specify the MinSuccessfulInstancesPercent property, the WaitOnResourceSignals property must be set to true.

AutoScalingScheduledAction policy

To specify how CloudFormation handles updates for the MinSize, MaxSize, and DesiredCapacity properties when the AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup resource has an associated scheduled action, use the AutoScalingScheduledAction policy.

With scheduled actions, the group size properties of an Auto Scaling group can change at any time. When you update a stack with an Auto Scaling group and scheduled action, CloudFormation always sets the group size property values of your Auto Scaling group to the values that are defined in the AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup resource of your template, even if a scheduled action is in effect.

If you don't want CloudFormation to change any of the group size property values when you have a scheduled action in effect, use the AutoScalingScheduledAction update policy and set IgnoreUnmodifiedGroupSizeProperties to true to prevent CloudFormation from changing the MinSize, MaxSize, or DesiredCapacity properties unless you have modified these values in your template.



"UpdatePolicy" : { "AutoScalingScheduledAction" : { "IgnoreUnmodifiedGroupSizeProperties" : Boolean } }



If true, CloudFormation ignores differences in group size properties between your current Auto Scaling group and the Auto Scaling group described in the AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup resource of your template during a stack update. If you modify any of the group size property values in your template, CloudFormation uses the modified values and updates your Auto Scaling group.

Default: false

Type: Boolean

Required: No

UseOnlineResharding policy

To modify a replication group's shards by adding or removing shards, rather than replacing the entire AWS::ElastiCache::ReplicationGroup resource, use the UseOnlineResharding update policy.

If UseOnlineResharding is set to true, you can update the NumNodeGroups and NodeGroupConfiguration properties of the AWS::ElastiCache::ReplicationGroup resource, and CloudFormation will update those properties without interruption. When UseOnlineResharding is set to false, or not specified, updating the NumNodeGroups and NodeGroupConfiguration properties results in CloudFormation replacing the entire AWS::ElastiCache::ReplicationGroup resource.

The UseOnlineResharding update policy has no properties.

Things to consider when setting the UseOnlineResharding update policy to true:

  • We strongly recommend you perform updates to the NumNodeGroups and NodeGroupConfiguration properties as the only updates in a given stack update operation.

    Updating the node group configuration of a replication group is a resource-intensive operation. If a stack update fails, CloudFormation doesn't roll back changes to the node group configuration of a replication group. However, CloudFormation will roll back any other properties that were changed as part of the failed update operation.

  • Any node group updates require identifying all node groups.

    If you specify the NodeGroupConfiguration property, you must also specify the NodeGroupId for each node group configuration in order for CloudFormation to update the number of nodes without interruption.

    When creating a replication group, if you don't specify an ID for each node group, ElastiCache automatically generates an ID for each node group. To update the replication group without interruption, use the ElastiCache console (https://console.aws.amazon.com/elasticache/) or DescribeReplicationGroups to retrieve the IDs for all node groups in the replication group. Then specify the ID for each node group in your stack template before attempting to add or remove shards.


    As a best practice, when you create a replication group in a stack template, include an ID for each node group you specify.

    In addition, updating the number of nodes without interruption requires that you have accurately specified the PrimaryAvailabilityZone, ReplicaAvailabilityZones, and ReplicaCount properties for each NodeGroupConfiguration as well. Again, you can use the ElastiCache console (https://console.aws.amazon.com/elasticache/) or DescribeReplicationGroups to retrieve the actual values for each node group and compare them to the values in your stack template. You can update the property values of the node groups as a separate stack update, or as part of the same stack update that changes the number of node groups.

    When you use an UseOnlineResharding update policy to update the number of node groups without interruption, ElastiCache evenly distributes the keyspaces between the specified number of slots. This can't be updated later. Therefore, after updating the number of node groups in this way, you should remove the value specified for the Slots property of each NodeGroupConfiguration from the stack template, as it no longer reflects the actual values in each node group.

  • Actual node group removal results may vary.

    When you specify a NumNodeGroups value that's less than the current number of node groups, CloudFormation instructs ElastiCache to remove as many node groups as necessary to reach the specified number of nodes. However, ElastiCache may not always be able to remove the desired number of node groups. In the event ElastiCache can't remove the desired number of node groups, CloudFormation generates a stack event alerting you to this. In cases where ElastiCache can't remove any node groups, the CloudFormation resource update fails.

For more information on modifying replication groups, see ModifyReplicationGroupShardConfiguration in the Amazon ElastiCache API Reference.



"UpdatePolicy" : { "UseOnlineResharding" : Boolean }


UpdatePolicy: UseOnlineResharding: Boolean

EnableVersionUpgrade policy

To upgrade an OpenSearch Service domain to a new version of OpenSearch or Elasticsearch rather than replacing the entire AWS::OpenSearchService::Domain or AWS::Elasticsearch::Domain resource, use the EnableVersionUpgrade update policy.

If EnableVersionUpgrade is set to true, you can update the EngineVersion property of the AWS::OpenSearchService::Domain resource (or the ElasticsearchVersion property of the legacy AWS::Elasticsearch::Domain resource), and CloudFormation will update that property without interruption. When EnableVersionUpgrade is set to false, or not specified, updating the EngineVersion or ElasticsearchVersion property results in CloudFormation replacing the entire AWS::OpenSearchService::Domain/AWS::Elasticsearch::Domain resource.

The EnableVersionUpgrade update policy has no properties.

For more information, see Upgrading OpenSearch Service domains in the Amazon OpenSearch Service Developer Guide.



"UpdatePolicy" : { "EnableVersionUpgrade" : Boolean }


UpdatePolicy: EnableVersionUpgrade: Boolean

CodeDeployLambdaAliasUpdate policy

To perform an CodeDeploy deployment when the version changes on an AWS::Lambda::Alias resource, use the CodeDeployLambdaAliasUpdate update policy.



"UpdatePolicy" : { "CodeDeployLambdaAliasUpdate" : { "AfterAllowTrafficHook" : String, "ApplicationName" : String, "BeforeAllowTrafficHook" : String, "DeploymentGroupName" : String } }



The name of the Lambda function to run after traffic routing completes.

Required: No

Type: String


The name of the CodeDeploy application.

Required: Yes

Type: String


The name of the Lambda function to run before traffic routing starts.

Required: No

Type: String


The name of the CodeDeploy deployment group. This is where the traffic-shifting policy is set.

Required: Yes

Type: String

For an example that specifies the UpdatePolicy attribute for an AWS::Lambda::Alias resource, see Lambda alias update policy.


The following examples show how to add an update policy to an Auto Scaling group and how to maintain availability when updating metadata.

Add an UpdatePolicy to an Auto Scaling group

The following example shows how to add an update policy. During an update, the Auto Scaling group updates instances in batches of two and keeps a minimum of one instance in service. Because the WaitOnResourceSignals flag is set, the Auto Scaling group waits for new instances that are added to the group. The new instances must signal the Auto Scaling group before it updates the next batch of instances.


"ASG" : { "Type":"AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup", "Properties":{ "VPCZoneIdentifier":[ "subnetIdAz1", "subnetIdAz2", "subnetIdAz3" ], "LaunchTemplate":{ "LaunchTemplateId":{ "Ref":"logicalName" }, "Version":{ "Fn::GetAtt":[ "logicalName", "LatestVersionNumber" ] } }, "MaxSize":"4", "MinSize":"1" }, "UpdatePolicy":{ "AutoScalingScheduledAction":{ "IgnoreUnmodifiedGroupSizeProperties":"true" }, "AutoScalingRollingUpdate":{ "MinInstancesInService":"1", "MaxBatchSize":"2", "WaitOnResourceSignals":"true", "PauseTime":"PT10M", "SuspendProcesses":[ "HealthCheck", "ReplaceUnhealthy", "AZRebalance", "AlarmNotification", "ScheduledActions", "InstanceRefresh" ] } } }


ASG: Type: 'AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup' Properties: VPCZoneIdentifier: - subnetIdAz1 - subnetIdAz2 - subnetIdAz3 LaunchTemplate: LaunchTemplateId: !Ref logicalName Version: !GetAtt logicalName.LatestVersionNumber MaxSize: '4' MinSize: '1' UpdatePolicy: AutoScalingScheduledAction: IgnoreUnmodifiedGroupSizeProperties: 'true' AutoScalingRollingUpdate: MinInstancesInService: '1' MaxBatchSize: '2' WaitOnResourceSignals: 'true' PauseTime: PT10M SuspendProcesses: - HealthCheck - ReplaceUnhealthy - AZRebalance - AlarmNotification - ScheduledActions - InstanceRefresh

AutoScalingReplacingUpdate policy

The following example declares a policy that forces an associated Auto Scaling group to be replaced during an update. For the update to succeed, a percentage of instances (specified by the MinSuccessfulPercentParameter parameter) must signal success within the Timeout period.


"UpdatePolicy" : { "AutoScalingReplacingUpdate" : { "WillReplace" : true } }, "CreationPolicy" : { "ResourceSignal" : { "Count" : { "Ref" : "ResourceSignalsOnCreate"}, "Timeout" : "PT10M" }, "AutoScalingCreationPolicy" : { "MinSuccessfulInstancesPercent" : { "Ref" : "MinSuccessfulPercentParameter" } } }


UpdatePolicy: AutoScalingReplacingUpdate: WillReplace: true CreationPolicy: ResourceSignal: Count: !Ref 'ResourceSignalsOnCreate' Timeout: PT10M AutoScalingCreationPolicy: MinSuccessfulInstancesPercent: !Ref 'MinSuccessfulPercentParameter'

Maintain availability when updating the metadata for the cfn-init helper script

When you install software applications on your instances, you might use the AWS::CloudFormation::Init metadata key and the cfn-init helper script to bootstrap the instances in your Auto Scaling group. CloudFormation installs the packages, runs the commands, and performs other bootstrapping actions described in the metadata.

When you update only the metadata (for example, when updating a package to another version), you can use the cfn-hup helper daemon to detect and apply the updates. However, the cfn-hup daemon runs independently on each instance. If the daemon happens to runs at the same time on all instances, your application or service might be unavailable during the update. To guarantee availability, you can force a rolling update so that CloudFormation updates your instances one batch at a time.


Forcing a rolling update requires CloudFormation to create a new instance and then delete the old one. Any information stored on the old instance is lost.

To force a rolling update, change the logical ID of the launch configuration resource, and then update the stack and any references pointing to the original logic ID (such as the associated Auto Scaling group). CloudFormation triggers a rolling update on the Auto Scaling group, replacing all instances.

Original template

"LaunchConfig": { "Type" : "AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration", "Metadata" : { "Comment" : "Install a simple PHP application", "AWS::CloudFormation::Init" : { ... } } }

Updated logical ID

"LaunchConfigUpdateRubygemsPkg": { "Type" : "AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration", "Metadata" : { "Comment" : "Install a simple PHP application", "AWS::CloudFormation::Init" : { ... } } }

Lambda alias update policy

The following example specifies the UpdatePolicy attribute for an AWS::Lambda::Alias resource. All the details for the deployment are defined by the application and deployment group that are passed into the policy.


"Alias": { "Type": "AWS::Lambda::Alias", "Properties": { "FunctionName": { "Ref": "LambdaFunction" }, "FunctionVersion": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "FunctionVersionTwo", "Version" ] }, "Name": "MyAlias" }, "UpdatePolicy": { "CodeDeployLambdaAliasUpdate": { "ApplicationName": { "Ref": "CodeDeployApplication" }, "DeploymentGroupName": { "Ref": "CodeDeployDeploymentGroup" }, "BeforeAllowTrafficHook": { "Ref": "PreHookLambdaFunction" }, "AfterAllowTrafficHook": { "Ref": "PreHookLambdaFunction" } } } }


Alias: Type: 'AWS::Lambda::Alias' Properties: FunctionName: !Ref LambdaFunction FunctionVersion: !GetAtt FunctionVersionTwo.Version Name: MyAlias UpdatePolicy: CodeDeployLambdaAliasUpdate: ApplicationName: !Ref CodeDeployApplication DeploymentGroupName: !Ref CodeDeployDeploymentGroup BeforeAllowTrafficHook: !Ref PreHookLambdaFunction AfterAllowTrafficHook: !Ref PreHookLambdaFunction