AWS::DynamoDB::GlobalTable ReplicaStreamSpecification - AWS CloudFormation

AWS::DynamoDB::GlobalTable ReplicaStreamSpecification

Represents the DynamoDB Streams configuration for a global table replica.


To declare this entity in your AWS CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:



A resource-based policy document that contains the permissions for the specified stream of a DynamoDB global table replica. Resource-based policies let you define access permissions by specifying who has access to each resource, and the actions they are allowed to perform on each resource.

In a CloudFormation template, you can provide the policy in JSON or YAML format because CloudFormation converts YAML to JSON before submitting it to DynamoDB. For more information about resource-based policies, see Using resource-based policies for DynamoDB and Resource-based policy examples.

You can update the ResourcePolicy property if you've specified more than one table using the AWS::DynamoDB::GlobalTable resource.

Required: Yes

Type: ResourcePolicy

Update requires: No interruption