AWS::KinesisAnalyticsV2::Application CustomArtifactConfiguration - AWS CloudFormation

AWS::KinesisAnalyticsV2::Application CustomArtifactConfiguration

The configuration of connectors and user-defined functions.


To declare this entity in your AWS CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:



Set this to either UDF or DEPENDENCY_JAR. UDF stands for user-defined functions. This type of artifact must be in an S3 bucket. A DEPENDENCY_JAR can be in either Maven or an S3 bucket.

Required: Yes

Type: String

Allowed values: DEPENDENCY_JAR | UDF

Update requires: No interruption


The parameters required to fully specify a Maven reference.

Required: No

Type: MavenReference

Update requires: No interruption


The location of the custom artifacts.

Required: No

Type: S3ContentLocation

Update requires: No interruption