AWS::MediaLive::Channel NielsenWatermarksSettings - AWS CloudFormation

AWS::MediaLive::Channel NielsenWatermarksSettings

Settings to configure Nielsen Watermarks in the audio encode.

The parent of this entity is AudioWatermarkSettings.


To declare this entity in your AWS CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:



Complete these fields only if you want to insert watermarks of type Nielsen CBET

Required: No

Type: NielsenCBET

Update requires: No interruption


Choose the distribution types that you want to assign to the watermarks: - PROGRAM_CONTENT - FINAL_DISTRIBUTOR

Required: No

Type: String

Update requires: No interruption


Complete these fields only if you want to insert watermarks of type Nielsen NAES II (N2) and Nielsen NAES VI (NW).

Required: No

Type: NielsenNaesIiNw

Update requires: No interruption