AWS::MediaLive::Channel VideoBlackFailoverSettings - AWS CloudFormation

AWS::MediaLive::Channel VideoBlackFailoverSettings

MediaLive will perform a failover if content is considered black for the specified period.

The parent of this entity is FailoverConditionSettings.


To declare this entity in your AWS CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:


{ "BlackDetectThreshold" : Number, "VideoBlackThresholdMsec" : Integer }



A value used in calculating the threshold below which MediaLive considers a pixel to be 'black'. For the input to be considered black, every pixel in a frame must be below this threshold. The threshold is calculated as a percentage (expressed as a decimal) of white. Therefore .1 means 10% white (or 90% black). Note how the formula works for any color depth. For example, if you set this field to 0.1 in 10-bit color depth: (1023*0.1=102.3), which means a pixel value of 102 or less is 'black'. If you set this field to .1 in an 8-bit color depth: (255*0.1=25.5), which means a pixel value of 25 or less is 'black'. The range is 0.0 to 1.0, with any number of decimal places.

Required: No

Type: Number

Update requires: No interruption


The amount of time (in milliseconds) that the active input must be black before automatic input failover occurs.

Required: No

Type: Integer

Update requires: No interruption