AWS::PCAConnectorSCEP::Connector - AWS CloudFormation


Connector for SCEP is a service that links AWS Private Certificate Authority to your SCEP-enabled devices. The connector brokers the exchange of certificates from AWS Private CA to your SCEP-enabled devices and mobile device management systems. The connector is a complex type that contains the connector's configuration settings.


To declare this entity in your AWS CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:


{ "Type" : "AWS::PCAConnectorSCEP::Connector", "Properties" : { "CertificateAuthorityArn" : String, "MobileDeviceManagement" : MobileDeviceManagement, "Tags" : {Key: Value, ...} } }


Type: AWS::PCAConnectorSCEP::Connector Properties: CertificateAuthorityArn: String MobileDeviceManagement: MobileDeviceManagement Tags: Key: Value



The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the certificate authority associated with the connector.

Required: Yes

Type: String

Pattern: ^arn:aws(-[a-z]+)*:acm-pca:[a-z]+(-[a-z]+)+-[1-9]\d*:\d{12}:certificate-authority\/[0-9a-f]{8}(-[0-9a-f]{4}){3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$

Minimum: 5

Maximum: 200

Update requires: Replacement


Contains settings relevant to the mobile device management system that you chose for the connector. If you didn't configure MobileDeviceManagement, then the connector is for general-purpose use and this object is empty.

Required: No

Type: MobileDeviceManagement

Update requires: Replacement


Property description not available.

Required: No

Type: Object of String

Pattern: .+

Update requires: No interruption

Return values




The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the connector.


The connector's HTTPS public SCEP URL.


The connector type.


Create a general-purpose SCEP connector and challenge resource

The following example creates a AWS Private Certificate Authority (CA) general-purpose connector with a challenge password. Before you create a connector, you must complete a few prerequisites, including creating a private CA in AWS Private Certificate Authority (CA). For more information, see Set up Connector for SCEP.


{ "AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09", "Description": "Cloudformation template to set up a general-purpose connector for SCEP and challenge password.", "Resources": { "RootCA": { "Type": "AWS::ACMPCA::CertificateAuthority", "Properties": { "Type": "ROOT", "KeyAlgorithm": "RSA_2048", "SigningAlgorithm": "SHA256WITHRSA", "Subject": { "Country": "US", "Organization": "string", "OrganizationalUnit": "string", "DistinguishedNameQualifier": "string", "State": "string", "CommonName": "123", "SerialNumber": "string", "Locality": "string", "Title": "string", "Surname": "string", "GivenName": "string", "Initials": "DG", "Pseudonym": "string", "GenerationQualifier": "DBG" }, "RevocationConfiguration": { "CrlConfiguration": { "Enabled": false } } } }, "RootCACertificate": { "Type": "AWS::ACMPCA::Certificate", "Properties": { "CertificateAuthorityArn": { "Fn::Ref": "RootCA" }, "CertificateSigningRequest": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "RootCA", "CertificateSigningRequest" ] }, "SigningAlgorithm": "SHA256WITHRSA", "TemplateArn": "arn:aws:acm-pca:::template/RootCACertificate/V1", "Validity": { "Type": "YEARS", "Value": 100 } } }, "RootCAActivation": { "Type": "AWS::ACMPCA::CertificateAuthorityActivation", "Properties": { "CertificateAuthorityArn": { "Fn::Ref": "RootCA" }, "Certificate": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "RootCACertificate", "Certificate" ] }, "Status": "ACTIVE" } }, "RootCAResourceShare": { "DependsOn": "RootCAActivation", "Type": "AWS::RAM::ResourceShare", "Properties": { "Name": "RootCAResourceShare", "PermissionArns": [ "arn:aws:ram::aws:permission/AWSRAMBlankEndEntityCertificateAPICSRPassthroughIssuanceCertificateAuthority" ], "ResourceArns": [ { "Fn::Ref": "RootCA" } ], "Sources": [ { "Fn::Ref": "AWS::AccountId" } ], "Principals": [ "" ] } }, "GeneralPurposeConnector": { "DependsOn": "RootCAResourceShare", "Type": "AWS::PCAConnectorSCEP::Connector", "Properties": { "CertificateAuthorityArn": { "Fn::Ref": "RootCA" } } }, "GeneralPurposeConnectorChallenge": { "DependsOn": "GeneralPurposeConnector", "Type": "AWS::PCAConnectorSCEP::Challenge", "Properties": { "ConnectorArn": { "Fn::Ref": "GeneralPurposeConnector" } } } }, "Outputs": { "GeneralPurposeConnector": { "Value": { "Fn::Ref": "GeneralPurposeConnector" } }, "GeneralPurposeConnectorChallenge": { "Value": { "Fn::Ref": "GeneralPurposeConnectorChallenge" } } } }


AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' Description: Cloudformation template to set up a general-purpose connector for SCEP and challenge password. Resources: RootCA: Type: AWS::ACMPCA::CertificateAuthority Properties: Type: ROOT KeyAlgorithm: RSA_2048 SigningAlgorithm: SHA256WITHRSA Subject: Country: US Organization: string OrganizationalUnit: string DistinguishedNameQualifier: string State: string CommonName: '123' SerialNumber: string Locality: string Title: string Surname: string GivenName: string Initials: DG Pseudonym: string GenerationQualifier: DBG RevocationConfiguration: CrlConfiguration: Enabled: false RootCACertificate: Type: AWS::ACMPCA::Certificate Properties: CertificateAuthorityArn: !Ref RootCA CertificateSigningRequest: !GetAtt RootCA.CertificateSigningRequest SigningAlgorithm: SHA256WITHRSA TemplateArn: arn:aws:acm-pca:::template/RootCACertificate/V1 Validity: Type: YEARS Value: 100 RootCAActivation: Type: AWS::ACMPCA::CertificateAuthorityActivation Properties: CertificateAuthorityArn: !Ref RootCA Certificate: !GetAtt RootCACertificate.Certificate Status: ACTIVE RootCAResourceShare: DependsOn: RootCAActivation Type: AWS::RAM::ResourceShare Properties: Name: RootCAResourceShare PermissionArns: - arn:aws:ram::aws:permission/AWSRAMBlankEndEntityCertificateAPICSRPassthroughIssuanceCertificateAuthority ResourceArns: - !Ref RootCA Sources: - !Ref AWS::AccountId Principals: - GeneralPurposeConnector: DependsOn: RootCAResourceShare Type: AWS::PCAConnectorSCEP::Connector Properties: CertificateAuthorityArn: !Ref RootCA GeneralPurposeConnectorChallenge: DependsOn: GeneralPurposeConnector Type: AWS::PCAConnectorSCEP::Challenge Properties: ConnectorArn: !Ref GeneralPurposeConnector Outputs: GeneralPurposeConnector: Value: !Ref GeneralPurposeConnector GeneralPurposeConnectorChallenge: Value: !Ref GeneralPurposeConnectorChallenge

Create connector to use with Microsoft Intune

The following example creates a AWS Private Certificate Authority (CA) connector to use with Microsoft Intune. Before you create a connector, you must complete a few prerequisites, including creating a private CA in AWS Private Certificate Authority (CA). For more information, see Set up Connector for SCEP.


{ "AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09", "Description": "Cloudformation template to set up a connector to use with Microsoft Intune.", "Resources": { "RootCA": { "Type": "AWS::ACMPCA::CertificateAuthority", "Properties": { "Type": "ROOT", "KeyAlgorithm": "RSA_2048", "SigningAlgorithm": "SHA256WITHRSA", "Subject": { "Country": "US", "Organization": "string", "OrganizationalUnit": "string", "DistinguishedNameQualifier": "string", "State": "string", "CommonName": "123", "SerialNumber": "string", "Locality": "string", "Title": "string", "Surname": "string", "GivenName": "string", "Initials": "DG", "Pseudonym": "string", "GenerationQualifier": "DBG" }, "RevocationConfiguration": { "CrlConfiguration": { "Enabled": false } } } }, "RootCACertificate": { "Type": "AWS::ACMPCA::Certificate", "Properties": { "CertificateAuthorityArn": { "Fn::Ref": "RootCA" }, "CertificateSigningRequest": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "RootCA", "CertificateSigningRequest" ] }, "SigningAlgorithm": "SHA256WITHRSA", "TemplateArn": "arn:aws:acm-pca:::template/RootCACertificate/V1", "Validity": { "Type": "YEARS", "Value": 100 } } }, "RootCAActivation": { "Type": "AWS::ACMPCA::CertificateAuthorityActivation", "Properties": { "CertificateAuthorityArn": { "Fn::Ref": "RootCA" }, "Certificate": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "RootCACertificate", "Certificate" ] }, "Status": "ACTIVE" } }, "RootCAResourceShare": { "DependsOn": "RootCAActivation", "Type": "AWS::RAM::ResourceShare", "Properties": { "Name": "RootCAResourceShare", "PermissionArns": [ "arn:aws:ram::aws:permission/AWSRAMBlankEndEntityCertificateAPICSRPassthroughIssuanceCertificateAuthority" ], "ResourceArns": [ { "Fn::Ref": "RootCA" } ], "Sources": [ { "Fn::Ref": "AWS::AccountId" } ], "Principals": [ "" ] } }, "IntuneConnector": { "DependsOn": "RootCAResourceShare", "Type": "AWS::PCAConnectorSCEP::Connector", "Properties": { "CertificateAuthorityArn": { "Fn::Ref": "RootCA" }, "MobileDeviceManagement": { "Intune": { "AzureApplicationId": "222-222-222-222-222", "Domain": "" } } } } }, "Outputs": { "IntuneConnector": { "Value": { "Fn::Ref": "IntuneConnector" } } } }


AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' Description: Cloudformation template to set up a connector to use with Microsoft Intune. Resources: RootCA: Type: AWS::ACMPCA::CertificateAuthority Properties: Type: ROOT KeyAlgorithm: RSA_2048 SigningAlgorithm: SHA256WITHRSA Subject: Country: US Organization: string OrganizationalUnit: string DistinguishedNameQualifier: string State: string CommonName: '123' SerialNumber: string Locality: string Title: string Surname: string GivenName: string Initials: DG Pseudonym: string GenerationQualifier: DBG RevocationConfiguration: CrlConfiguration: Enabled: false RootCACertificate: Type: AWS::ACMPCA::Certificate Properties: CertificateAuthorityArn: !Ref RootCA CertificateSigningRequest: !GetAtt RootCA.CertificateSigningRequest SigningAlgorithm: SHA256WITHRSA TemplateArn: arn:aws:acm-pca:::template/RootCACertificate/V1 Validity: Type: YEARS Value: 100 RootCAActivation: Type: AWS::ACMPCA::CertificateAuthorityActivation Properties: CertificateAuthorityArn: !Ref RootCA Certificate: !GetAtt RootCACertificate.Certificate Status: ACTIVE RootCAResourceShare: DependsOn: RootCAActivation Type: AWS::RAM::ResourceShare Properties: Name: RootCAResourceShare PermissionArns: - arn:aws:ram::aws:permission/AWSRAMBlankEndEntityCertificateAPICSRPassthroughIssuanceCertificateAuthority ResourceArns: - !Ref RootCA Sources: - !Ref AWS::AccountId Principals: - IntuneConnector: DependsOn: RootCAResourceShare Type: AWS::PCAConnectorSCEP::Connector Properties: CertificateAuthorityArn: !Ref RootCA MobileDeviceManagement: Intune: AzureApplicationId: "222-222-222-222-222" Domain: "" Outputs: IntuneConnector: Value: !Ref IntuneConnector