Update request for CloudFormation custom resources - AWS CloudFormation

Update request for CloudFormation custom resources

When the template developer makes changes to the properties of a custom resource within the template and updates the stack, CloudFormation sends a request to the custom resource provider with RequestType set to Update. This means that your custom resource code doesn't have to detect changes in resources because it knows that its properties have changed when the request type is Update.

For an introduction to custom resources and how they work, see Create custom provisioning logic with custom resources.


Update requests contain the following fields:




A unique ID for the request.


The response URL identifies a presigned S3 bucket that receives responses from the custom resource provider to AWS CloudFormation.


The template developer-chosen resource type of the custom resource in the CloudFormation template. Custom resource type names can be up to 60 characters long and can include alphanumeric and the following characters: _@-. You can't change the type during an update.


The template developer-chosen name (logical ID) of the custom resource in the AWS CloudFormation template.


The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that identifies the stack that contains the custom resource.


A required custom resource provider-defined physical ID that is unique for that provider.

The value returned for a PhysicalResourceId can change custom resource update operations. If the value returned is the same, it is considered a normal update. If the value returned is different, AWS CloudFormation recognizes the update as a replacement and sends a delete request to the old resource. For more information, see AWS::CloudFormation::CustomResource.


The new resource property values that are declared by the template developer in the updated CloudFormation template.


The resource property values that were previously declared by the template developer in the CloudFormation template.


{ "RequestType" : "Update", "RequestId" : "unique id for this update request", "ResponseURL" : "pre-signed-url-for-update-response", "ResourceType" : "Custom::MyCustomResourceType", "LogicalResourceId" : "name of resource in template", "StackId" : "arn:aws:cloudformation:us-west-2:123456789012:stack/mystack/5b918d10-cd98-11ea-90d5-0a9cd3354c10", "PhysicalResourceId" : "custom resource provider-defined physical id", "ResourceProperties" : { "key1" : "new-string", "key2" : [ "new-list" ], "key3" : { "key4" : "new-map" } }, "OldResourceProperties" : { "key1" : "string", "key2" : [ "list" ], "key3" : { "key4" : "map" } } }



If the custom resource provider is able to successfully update the resource, CloudFormation expects the status to be set to SUCCESS in the response.


Must be SUCCESS.


A unique ID for the request. This response value should be copied verbatim from the request.


The template developer-chosen name (logical ID) of the custom resource in the AWS CloudFormation template. This response value should be copied verbatim from the request.


The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that identifies the stack that contains the custom resource. This response value should be copied verbatim from the request.


This value should be an identifier unique to the custom resource vendor, and can be up to 1 KB in size. The value must be a non-empty string and must be identical for all responses for the same resource.

The value returned for a PhysicalResourceId can change custom resource update operations. If the value returned is the same, it is considered a normal update. If the value returned is different, AWS CloudFormation recognizes the update as a replacement and sends a delete request to the old resource. For more information, see AWS::CloudFormation::CustomResource.


Optional. Indicates whether to mask the output of the custom resource when retrieved by using the Fn::GetAtt function. If set to true, all returned values are masked with asterisks (*****), except for those stored in the Metadata section of the template. AWS CloudFormation does not transform, modify, or redact any information you include in the Metadata section. The default value is false.

For more information about using NoEcho to mask sensitive information, see the Do not embed credentials in your templates best practice.


Optional. The custom resource provider-defined name-value pairs to send with the response. You can access the values provided here by name in the template with Fn::GetAtt.


If the name-value pairs contain sensitive information, you should use the NoEcho field to mask the output of the custom resource. Otherwise, the values are visible through APIs that surface property values (such as DescribeStackEvents).


{ "Status" : "SUCCESS", "RequestId" : "unique id for this update request (copied from request)", "LogicalResourceId" : "name of resource in template (copied from request)", "StackId" : "arn:aws:cloudformation:us-west-2:123456789012:stack/mystack/5b918d10-cd98-11ea-90d5-0a9cd3354c10 (copied from request)", "PhysicalResourceId" : "custom resource provider-defined physical id", "Data" : { "keyThatCanBeUsedInGetAtt1" : "data for key 1", "keyThatCanBeUsedInGetAtt2" : "data for key 2" } }


If the resource can't be updated with a new set of properties, CloudFormation expects the status to be set to FAILED, along with a failure reason in the response.


Must be FAILED.


Describes the reason for a failure response.


A unique ID for the request. This response value should be copied verbatim from the request.


The template developer-chosen name (logical ID) of the custom resource in the AWS CloudFormation template. This response value should be copied verbatim from the request.


The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that identifies the stack that contains the custom resource. This response value should be copied verbatim from the request.


This value should be an identifier unique to the custom resource vendor, and can be up to 1 KB in size. The value must be a non-empty string and must be identical for all responses for the same resource.

The value returned for a PhysicalResourceId can change custom resource update operations. If the value returned is the same, it is considered a normal update. If the value returned is different, AWS CloudFormation recognizes the update as a replacement and sends a delete request to the old resource. For more information, see AWS::CloudFormation::CustomResource.


{ "Status" : "FAILED", "Reason" : "Required failure reason string", "RequestId" : "unique id for this update request (copied from request)", "LogicalResourceId" : "name of resource in template (copied from request)", "StackId" : "arn:aws:cloudformation:us-west-2:123456789012:stack/mystack/5b918d10-cd98-11ea-90d5-0a9cd3354c10 (copied from request)", "PhysicalResourceId" : "custom resource provider-defined physical id" }