Get a plaintext value from Systems Manager Parameter Store - AWS CloudFormation

Get a plaintext value from Systems Manager Parameter Store

When you're creating a CloudFormation template, you might want to use plaintext values stored in Parameter Store. Parameter Store is a capability of AWS Systems Manager. For an introduction to Parameter Store, see AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store in the AWS Systems Manager User Guide.

To use a plaintext value from Parameter Store within your template, you use a ssm dynamic reference. This reference allows you to access values from parameters of type String or StringList in Parameter Store.

To verify which version of an ssm dynamic reference will be used in a stack operation, create a change set for the stack operation. Then, review the processed template on the Template tab. For more information, see Create a change set for a CloudFormation stack and View a change set for a CloudFormation stack.

When using ssm dynamic references, there are a few important things to keep in mind:

  • CloudFormation doesn't support drift detection on dynamic references. For ssm dynamic references where you haven't specified the parameter version, we recommend that, if you update the parameter version in Systems Manager, you also perform a stack update operation on any stacks that include the ssm dynamic reference, in order to fetch the latest parameter version.

  • To use a ssm dynamic reference in the Parameters section of your CloudFormation template, you must include a version number. CloudFormation doesn't allow you to reference a Parameter Store value without a version number in this section. Alternatively, you can define your parameter as a Systems Manager parameter type in your template. When you do this, you can specify a Systems Manager parameter key as the default value for your parameter. CloudFormation will then retrieve the latest version of the parameter value from Parameter Store, without you having to specify a version number. This can make your templates simpler and easier to maintain. For more information, see Specify existing resources at runtime with CloudFormation-supplied parameter types.

  • For custom resources, CloudFormation resolves the ssm dynamic references before sending the request to the custom resource.

  • CloudFormation doesn't support using dynamic references to reference a parameter shared from another AWS account.

  • CloudFormation doesn't support using Systems Manager parameter labels in dynamic references.


To specify a parameter stored in the Systems Manager Parameter Store, you must have permission to call GetParameters for the specified parameter. To learn how to create IAM policies that provide access to specific Systems Manager parameters, see Restricting access to Systems Manager parameters using IAM policies in the AWS Systems Manager User Guide.

Reference pattern

To reference a plaintext value stored in Systems Manager Parameter Store in your CloudFormation template, use the following ssm reference pattern.


Your reference must adhere to the following regular expression pattern for parameter-name and version:


The name of the parameter in the Parameter Store. The parameter name is case-sensitive.



An integer that specifies the version of the parameter to use. If you don't specify the exact version, CloudFormation uses the latest version of the parameter whenever you create or update the stack. For more information, see Working with parameter versions in the AWS Systems Manager User Guide.



The following example creates an EC2 launch template that references a custom AMI ID stored in the Parameter Store. The dynamic reference retrieves the AMI ID from version 2 of the golden-ami parameter any time an instance is launched from the launch template.


{ "Resources": { "MyLaunchTemplate": { "Type": "AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate", "Properties": { "LaunchTemplateName": { "Fn::Sub": "${AWS::StackName}-launch-template" }, "LaunchTemplateData": { "ImageId": "{{resolve:ssm:golden-ami:2}}", "InstanceType": "t2.micro" } } } } }


Resources: MyLaunchTemplate: Type: AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate Properties: LaunchTemplateName: !Sub ${AWS::StackName}-launch-template LaunchTemplateData: ImageId: '{{resolve:ssm:golden-ami:2}}' InstanceType: t2.micro