Create a CloudFormation stack from scanned resources - AWS CloudFormation

Create a CloudFormation stack from scanned resources

After you create your template, you can preview the generated template with Application Composer before creating the stack and importing the scanned resources. This helps you visualize the full application architecture with the resources and their relationships. For more information about Application Composer, see Create templates visually with Application Composer.

To create the stack and import the scanned resources
  1. Open the IaC generator page of the CloudFormation console.

  2. On the navigation bar at the top of the screen, choose the AWS Region for your template.

  3. Choose the Templates tab, and then choose the name of your template to view more information.

  4. On the Template definition tab, at the top of the Template section, you can switch the template from YAML to JSON syntax based on your preference.

  5. Review the details of your template to make sure everything is set up correctly. To make it easier to review and understand the template, you can switch from the default code view to a graphical view of the infrastructure described in the template using Application Composer. To do so, under Template, choose Canvas instead of Template.

    Canvas actions

    • To focus on the details of a specific resource within your template, double-click a card to bring up the Resource properties panel.

    • To visually arrange and organize cards on the canvas, choose Arrange from the upper left of the canvas.

    • To zoom in and out of your canvas, use the zoom controls in the lower right of the canvas.

  6. To view a specific resource in the console, choose the Template resources tab and then choose the physical ID of the resource you want to look at. This takes you to the console for that specific resource. You can also add, remove, and resync resources in the template definition from the Template resources tab.

  7. On the Template definition tab, IaC generator might issue warnings about resources that contain write-only properties. After reviewing the warnings, you can download the generated template and make any necessary changes. For more information, see Resolve write-only properties.

  8. When you are satisfied with your template definition, on the Template definition tab, choose Import to stack and then choose Next.

  9. On the Specify stack panel of the Specify stack details page, enter the name of your stack, and then choose Next.

  10. Review and enter the parameters for the stack. Choose Next.

  11. Review your options on the Review changes page and choose Next.

  12. Review your details on the Review and import page and choose Import resources.