Amazon S3 template snippets - AWS CloudFormation

Amazon S3 template snippets

Use these Amazon S3 sample templates to help describe your Amazon S3 buckets with AWS CloudFormation. For more examples, see the Examples section in the AWS::S3::Bucket resource.

Creating an Amazon S3 bucket with defaults

This example uses a AWS::S3::Bucket to create a bucket with default settings.


"myS3Bucket" : { "Type" : "AWS::S3::Bucket" }


MyS3Bucket: Type: AWS::S3::Bucket

Creating an Amazon S3 bucket for website hosting and with a DeletionPolicy

This example creates a bucket as a website and disables Block Public Access (public read permissions are required for buckets set up for website hosting). A public bucket policy is then added to the bucket. Because this bucket resource has a DeletionPolicy attribute set to Retain, AWS CloudFormation will not delete this bucket when it deletes the stack. The Output section uses Fn::GetAtt to retrieve the WebsiteURL attribute and DomainName attribute of the S3Bucket resource.


The following examples assume the BlockPublicPolicy and RestrictPublicBuckets Block Public Access settings have been disabled at the account level.


{ "AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09", "Resources": { "S3Bucket": { "Type": "AWS::S3::Bucket", "Properties": { "PublicAccessBlockConfiguration": { "BlockPublicAcls": false, "BlockPublicPolicy": false, "IgnorePublicAcls": false, "RestrictPublicBuckets": false }, "WebsiteConfiguration": { "IndexDocument": "index.html", "ErrorDocument": "error.html" } }, "DeletionPolicy": "Retain", "UpdateReplacePolicy": "Retain" }, "BucketPolicy": { "Type": "AWS::S3::BucketPolicy", "Properties": { "PolicyDocument": { "Id": "MyPolicy", "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "PublicReadForGetBucketObjects", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": "*", "Action": "s3:GetObject", "Resource": { "Fn::Join": [ "", [ "arn:aws:s3:::", { "Ref": "S3Bucket" }, "/*" ] ] } } ] }, "Bucket": { "Ref": "S3Bucket" } } } }, "Outputs": { "WebsiteURL": { "Value": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "S3Bucket", "WebsiteURL" ] }, "Description": "URL for website hosted on S3" }, "S3BucketSecureURL": { "Value": { "Fn::Join": [ "", [ "https://", { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "S3Bucket", "DomainName" ] } ] ] }, "Description": "Name of S3 bucket to hold website content" } } }


AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09 Resources: S3Bucket: Type: 'AWS::S3::Bucket' Properties: PublicAccessBlockConfiguration: BlockPublicAcls: false BlockPublicPolicy: false IgnorePublicAcls: false RestrictPublicBuckets: false WebsiteConfiguration: IndexDocument: index.html ErrorDocument: error.html DeletionPolicy: Retain UpdateReplacePolicy: Retain BucketPolicy: Type: 'AWS::S3::BucketPolicy' Properties: PolicyDocument: Id: MyPolicy Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Sid: PublicReadForGetBucketObjects Effect: Allow Principal: '*' Action: 's3:GetObject' Resource: !Join - '' - - 'arn:aws:s3:::' - !Ref S3Bucket - /* Bucket: !Ref S3Bucket Outputs: WebsiteURL: Value: !GetAtt - S3Bucket - WebsiteURL Description: URL for website hosted on S3 S3BucketSecureURL: Value: !Join - '' - - 'https://' - !GetAtt - S3Bucket - DomainName Description: Name of S3 bucket to hold website content

Creating a static website using a custom domain

You can use Route 53 with a registered domain. The following sample assumes that you have already created a hosted zone in Route 53 for your domain. The example creates two buckets for website hosting. The root bucket hosts the content, and the other bucket redirects requests to the root bucket. The record sets map your domain name to Amazon S3 endpoints.

You will also need to add a bucket policy, as shown in the examples above.

For more information about using a custom domain, see Tutorial: Configuring a static website using a custom domain registered with Route 53 in the Amazon Simple Storage Service User Guide.


The following examples assume the BlockPublicPolicy and RestrictPublicBuckets Block Public Access settings have been disabled at the account level.


{ "AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09", "Mappings" : { "RegionMap" : { "us-east-1" : { "S3hostedzoneID" : "Z3AQBSTGFYJSTF", "websiteendpoint" : "" }, "us-west-1" : { "S3hostedzoneID" : "Z2F56UZL2M1ACD", "websiteendpoint" : "" }, "us-west-2" : { "S3hostedzoneID" : "Z3BJ6K6RIION7M", "websiteendpoint" : "" }, "eu-west-1" : { "S3hostedzoneID" : "Z1BKCTXD74EZPE", "websiteendpoint" : "" }, "ap-southeast-1" : { "S3hostedzoneID" : "Z3O0J2DXBE1FTB", "websiteendpoint" : "" }, "ap-southeast-2" : { "S3hostedzoneID" : "Z1WCIGYICN2BYD", "websiteendpoint" : "" }, "ap-northeast-1" : { "S3hostedzoneID" : "Z2M4EHUR26P7ZW", "websiteendpoint" : "" }, "sa-east-1" : { "S3hostedzoneID" : "Z31GFT0UA1I2HV", "websiteendpoint" : "" } } }, "Parameters": { "RootDomainName": { "Description": "Domain name for your website (", "Type": "String" } }, "Resources": { "RootBucket": { "Type": "AWS::S3::Bucket", "Properties": { "BucketName" : {"Ref":"RootDomainName"}, "PublicAccessBlockConfiguration": { "BlockPublicAcls": false, "BlockPublicPolicy": false, "IgnorePublicAcls": false, "RestrictPublicBuckets": false }, "WebsiteConfiguration": { "IndexDocument":"index.html", "ErrorDocument":"404.html" } } }, "WWWBucket": { "Type": "AWS::S3::Bucket", "Properties": { "BucketName": { "Fn::Join": ["", ["www.", {"Ref":"RootDomainName"}]] }, "AccessControl": "BucketOwnerFullControl", "WebsiteConfiguration": { "RedirectAllRequestsTo": { "HostName": {"Ref": "RootBucket"} } } } }, "myDNS": { "Type": "AWS::Route53::RecordSetGroup", "Properties": { "HostedZoneName": { "Fn::Join": ["", [{"Ref": "RootDomainName"}, "."]] }, "Comment": "Zone apex alias.", "RecordSets": [ { "Name": {"Ref": "RootDomainName"}, "Type": "A", "AliasTarget": { "HostedZoneId": {"Fn::FindInMap" : [ "RegionMap", { "Ref" : "AWS::Region" }, "S3hostedzoneID"]}, "DNSName": {"Fn::FindInMap" : [ "RegionMap", { "Ref" : "AWS::Region" }, "websiteendpoint"]} } }, { "Name": { "Fn::Join": ["", ["www.", {"Ref":"RootDomainName"}]] }, "Type": "CNAME", "TTL" : "900", "ResourceRecords" : [ {"Fn::GetAtt":["WWWBucket", "DomainName"]} ] } ] } } }, "Outputs": { "WebsiteURL": { "Value": {"Fn::GetAtt": ["RootBucket", "WebsiteURL"]}, "Description": "URL for website hosted on S3" } } }


Parameters: RootDomainName: Description: Domain name for your website ( Type: String Mappings: RegionMap: us-east-1: S3hostedzoneID: Z3AQBSTGFYJSTF websiteendpoint: us-west-1: S3hostedzoneID: Z2F56UZL2M1ACD websiteendpoint: us-west-2: S3hostedzoneID: Z3BJ6K6RIION7M websiteendpoint: eu-west-1: S3hostedzoneID: Z1BKCTXD74EZPE websiteendpoint: ap-southeast-1: S3hostedzoneID: Z3O0J2DXBE1FTB websiteendpoint: ap-southeast-2: S3hostedzoneID: Z1WCIGYICN2BYD websiteendpoint: ap-northeast-1: S3hostedzoneID: Z2M4EHUR26P7ZW websiteendpoint: sa-east-1: S3hostedzoneID: Z31GFT0UA1I2HV websiteendpoint: Resources: RootBucket: Type: AWS::S3::Bucket Properties: BucketName: !Ref RootDomainName PublicAccessBlockConfiguration: BlockPublicAcls: false BlockPublicPolicy: false IgnorePublicAcls: false RestrictPublicBuckets: false WebsiteConfiguration: IndexDocument: index.html ErrorDocument: 404.html WWWBucket: Type: AWS::S3::Bucket Properties: BucketName: !Sub - www.${Domain} - Domain: !Ref RootDomainName AccessControl: BucketOwnerFullControl WebsiteConfiguration: RedirectAllRequestsTo: HostName: !Ref RootBucket myDNS: Type: AWS::Route53::RecordSetGroup Properties: HostedZoneName: !Sub - ${Domain}. - Domain: !Ref RootDomainName Comment: Zone apex alias. RecordSets: - Name: !Ref RootDomainName Type: A AliasTarget: HostedZoneId: !FindInMap [ RegionMap, !Ref 'AWS::Region', S3hostedzoneID] DNSName: !FindInMap [ RegionMap, !Ref 'AWS::Region', websiteendpoint] - Name: !Sub - www.${Domain} - Domain: !Ref RootDomainName Type: CNAME TTL: 900 ResourceRecords: - !GetAtt WWWBucket.DomainName Outputs: WebsiteURL: Value: !GetAtt RootBucket.WebsiteURL Description: URL for website hosted on S3