AWS::SecretsManager transform - AWS CloudFormation

AWS::SecretsManager transform

This topic describes how to use the AWS::SecretsManager transform and the AWS::SecretsManager::RotationSchedule resource type to specify a Lambda function to perform secrets rotation.

The AWS::SecretsManager transform is a CloudFormation macro that, when referenced in your stack template, automatically generates a Lambda function for secrets rotation when you create or update a stack using a change set. The Lambda function is placed in a nested stack in the processed template. It uses a function template from the AWS Secrets Manager Rotation Lambda Functions repository, based on the value of the RotationType property of the AWS::SecretsManager::RotationSchedule resource.


To use the AWS::SecretsManager transform, you must declare it at the top level of your CloudFormation template. You can't use AWS::SecretsManager as a transform embedded in any other template section.

The declaration must use the literal string AWS::SecretsManager-2020-07-23 or AWS::SecretsManager-2024-09-16 as its value. You can't use a parameter or function to specify a transform value.


To declare this transform in your CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:


{ "Transform":"AWS::SecretsManager-2020-07-23", "Resources":{ ... } }


Transform: AWS::SecretsManager-2020-07-23 Resources: ...

The AWS::SecretsManager transform is a standalone declaration with no additional parameters. Instead, you configure the HostedRotationLambda property of the AWS::SecretsManager::RotationSchedule resource in your stack template. The HostedRotationLambda property specifies the Lambda function to perform secrets rotation.

New features in AWS::SecretsManager-2024-09-16

The latest version of the AWS::SecretsManager transform (AWS::SecretsManager-2024-09-16) introduces the following enhancements:

  • Automatic Lambda upgrades – When you update your CloudFormation stacks, your Lambda functions now automatically update their runtime configuration and internal dependencies. This ensures you're using the most secure and reliable versions of the code that manages secret rotation in Secrets Manager.

  • Support for additional attributes – The new transform supports additional resource attributes for the AWS::SecretsManager::RotationSchedule resource type when used with the HostedRotationLambda property, including the DependsOn attribute.


    Both versions support the DeletionPolicy and UpdateReplacePolicy attributes.

To learn more about this new version of the AWS::SecretsManager transform, see Introducing an enhanced version of the AWS Secrets Manager transform: AWS::SecretsManager-2024-09-16 on the AWS Security Blog.


The following partial template example shows how to use the AWS::SecretsManager transform (AWS::SecretsManager-2024-09-16) and the AWS::SecretsManager::RotationSchedule resource in your template. In this example, CloudFormation will automatically generate a Lambda function for MySQL single user secret rotation.

The secret is set to rotate automatically every day at midnight (UTC). The rotation process may take up to 2 hours to complete. Updating the rotation schedule won't start an immediate rotation.


{ "AWSTemplateFormatVersion":"2010-09-09", "Transform":"AWS::SecretsManager-2024-09-16", "Resources":{ ... "MySecretRotationSchedule":{ "Type":"AWS::SecretsManager::RotationSchedule", "DependsOn":"logical name of AWS::SecretsManager::SecretTargetAttachment resource", "Properties":{ "SecretId":{ "Ref":"logical name of AWS::SecretsManager::Secret resource" }, "HostedRotationLambda":{ "RotationType":"MySQLSingleUser", "RotationLambdaName":"name of Lambda function to be created", "VpcSecurityGroupIds":{ "Fn::GetAtt":[ "logical name of AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup resource", "GroupId" ] }, "VpcSubnetIds":{ "Fn::Join":[ ",", [ { "Ref":"logical name of primary subnet" }, { "Ref":"logical name of secondary subnet" } ] ] } }, "RotationRules":{ "ScheduleExpression":"cron(0 0 * * ? *)", "Duration":"2h" }, "RotateImmediatelyOnUpdate":false } } } }


AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09 Transform: AWS::SecretsManager-2024-09-16 Resources: ... MySecretRotationSchedule: Type: AWS::SecretsManager::RotationSchedule DependsOn: logical name of AWS::SecretsManager::SecretTargetAttachment resource Properties: SecretId: !Ref logical name of AWS::SecretsManager::Secret resource HostedRotationLambda: RotationType: MySQLSingleUser RotationLambdaName: name of Lambda function to be created VpcSecurityGroupIds: !GetAtt logical name of AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup resource.GroupId VpcSubnetIds: Fn::Join: - "," - - Ref: logical name of primary subnet - Ref: logical name of secondary subnet RotationRules: ScheduleExpression: cron(0 0 * * ? *) Duration: 2h RotateImmediatelyOnUpdate: false

For complete CloudFormation template examples that you can use to set up secret rotations, see the Examples section of AWS::SecretsManager::RotationSchedule resource.

For general considerations about using macros, see Considerations.