Add a Capacity Reservation to a group
If you add a Capacity Reservation that is shared with you to a group, and that Capacity Reservation is unshared, it is automatically removed from the group.
To add a Capacity Reservation to a group
Use the group-resourcesgroup
, specify the
name of the group to which to add the Capacity Reservations, and for resources
specify ARNs of the Capacity Reservations to add. To add multiple Capacity Reservations, separate the ARNs with
a space. To get the ARNs of the Capacity Reservations to add, use the describe-capacity-reservations
For example, the following command adds two Capacity Reservations to a group named
aws resource-groups group-resources \ --group
\ --resource-arnsarn:aws:ec2:sa-east-1:123456789012:capacity-reservation/cr-1234567890abcdef1
The following shows example output.
"Failed": [],
"Succeeded": [