Connect to the EC2 Serial Console
You can connect to the serial console of your EC2 instance by using the Amazon EC2 console or via SSH. After connecting to the serial console, you can use it for troubleshooting boot, network configuration, and other issues. For more information about troubleshooting, see Troubleshoot your Amazon EC2 instance using the EC2 Serial Console.
Only 1 active serial console connection is supported per instance.
The serial console connection typically lasts for 1 hour unless you disconnect from it. However, during system maintenance, Amazon EC2 will disconnect the serial console session.
It takes 30 seconds to tear down a session after you've disconnected from the serial console in order to allow a new session.
Supported serial console ports:
(Linux instances) andCOM1
(Windows instances) -
When you connect to the serial console, you might observe a slight drop in your instance’s throughput.
Connect using the browser-based client
You can connect to your EC2 instance's serial console by using the browser-based client. You do this by selecting the instance in the Amazon EC2 console and choosing to connect to the serial console. The browser-based client handles the permissions and provides a successful connection.
EC2 serial console works from most browsers, and supports keyboard and mouse input.
Before connecting, make sure you have completed the prerequisites.
To connect to your instance's serial port using the browser-based client (Amazon EC2 console)
Open the Amazon EC2 console at
. -
In the navigation pane, choose Instances.
Select the instance and choose Actions, Monitor and troubleshoot, EC2 Serial Console, Connect.
Alternatively, select the instance and choose Connect, EC2 Serial Console, Connect.
An in-browser terminal window opens.
Press Enter. If a login prompt returns, you are connected to the serial console.
If the screen remains black, you can use the following information to help resolve issues with connecting to the serial console:
Check that you have configured access to the serial console. For more information, see Configure access to the EC2 Serial Console.
(Linux instances only) Use SysRq to connect to the serial console. SysRq does not require that you connect via the browser-based client. For more information, see (Linux instances) Use SysRq to troubleshoot your instance.
(Linux instances only) Restart getty. If you have SSH access to your instance, then connect to your instance using SSH, and restart getty using the following command.
[ec2-user ~]$
sudo systemctl restart serial-getty@ttyS0 -
Reboot your instance. You can reboot your instance by using SysRq (Linux instances), the EC2 console, or the AWS CLI. For more information, see (Linux instances) Use SysRq to troubleshoot your instance (Linux instances) or Reboot your Amazon EC2 instance.
(Linux instances only) At the
prompt, enter the username of the password-based user that you set up previously, and then press Enter. -
(Linux instances only) At the
prompt, enter the password, and then press Enter.
You are now logged onto the instance and can use the serial console for troubleshooting.
Connect using your own key and SSH client
You can use your own SSH key and connect to your instance from the SSH client of your choice while using the serial console API. This enables you to benefit from the serial console capability to push a public key to the instance.
Before connecting, make sure you have completed the prerequisites.
To connect to an instance's serial console using SSH
Push your SSH public key to the instance to start a serial console session
Use the send-serial-console-ssh-public-key
command to push your SSH public key to the instance. This starts a serial console session. If a serial console session has already been started for this instance, the command fails because you can only have one session open at a time. It takes 30 seconds to tear down a session after you've disconnected from the serial console in order to allow a new session.
aws ec2-instance-connect send-serial-console-ssh-public-key \ --instance-id
\ --serial-port 0 \ --ssh-public-key file://
\ --regionus-east-1
Connect to the serial console using your private key
Use the ssh command to connect to the serial console before the public key is removed from the serial console service. You have 60 seconds before it is removed.
Use the private key that corresponds to the public key.
The username format is
, which comprises the instance ID and port 0. In the following example, the username isi-001234a4bf70dec41EXAMPLE.port0
.The endpoint of the serial console service is different for each Region. See the EC2 Serial Console endpoints and fingerprints table for each Region's endpoint. In the following example, the serial console service is in the us-east-1 Region.
ssh -i
(Optional) Verify the fingerprint
When you connect for the first time to the serial console, you are prompted to verify the fingerprint. You can compare the serial console fingerprint with the fingerprint that's displayed for verification. If these fingerprints don't match, someone might be attempting a "man-in-the-middle" attack. If they match, you can confidently connect to the serial console.
The following fingerprint is for the serial console service in the us-east-1 Region. For the fingerprints for each Region, see EC2 Serial Console endpoints and fingerprints.
The fingerprint only appears the first time you connect to the serial console.
Press Enter. If a prompt returns, you are connected to the serial console.
If the screen remains black, you can use the following information to help resolve issues with connecting to the serial console:
Check that you have configured access to the serial console. For more information, see Configure access to the EC2 Serial Console.
(Linux instances only) Use SysRq to connect to the serial console. SysRq does not require that you connect via SSH. For more information, see (Linux instances) Use SysRq to troubleshoot your instance.
(Linux instances only) Restart getty. If you have SSH access to your instance, then connect to your instance using SSH, and restart getty using the following command.
[ec2-user ~]$
sudo systemctl restart serial-getty@ttyS0 -
Reboot your instance. You can reboot your instance by using SysRq (Linux instances only), the EC2 console, or the AWS CLI. For more information, see (Linux instances) Use SysRq to troubleshoot your instance (Linux instances only) or Reboot your Amazon EC2 instance.
(Linux instances only) At the
prompt, enter the username of the password-based user that you set up previously, and then press Enter. -
(Linux instances only) At the
prompt, enter the password, and then press Enter.
You are now logged onto the instance and can use the serial console for troubleshooting.
EC2 Serial Console endpoints and fingerprints
The following are the service endpoints and fingerprints for EC2 Serial Console. To connect programmatically to an instance's serial console, you use an EC2 Serial Console endpoint. The EC2 Serial Console endpoints and fingerprints are unique for each AWS Region.
Region Name | Region | Endpoint | Fingerprint |
US East (Ohio) |
us-east-2 | |
SHA256:EhwPkTzRtTY7TRSzz26XbB0/HvV9jRM7mCZN0xw/d/0 |
US East (N. Virginia) |
us-east-1 | |
SHA256:dXwn5ma/xadVMeBZGEru5l2gx+yI5LDiJaLUcz0FMmw |
US West (N. California) |
us-west-1 | |
US West (Oregon) |
us-west-2 | |
SHA256:EMCIe23TqKaBI6yGHainqZcMwqNkDhhAVHa1O2JxVUc |
Africa (Cape Town) |
af-south-1 | |
SHA256:RMWWZ2fVePeJUqzjO5jL2KIgXsczoHlz21Ed00biiWI |
Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) |
ap-east-1 | |
SHA256:T0Q1lpiXxChoZHplnAkjbP7tkm2xXViC9bJFsjYnifk |
Asia Pacific (Hyderabad) |
ap-south-2 | |
SHA256:WJgPBSwV4/shN+OPITValoewAuYj15DVW845JEhDKRs |
Asia Pacific (Jakarta) |
ap-southeast-3 | |
SHA256:5ZwgrCh+lfns32XITqL/4O0zIfbx4bZgsYFqy3o8mIk |
Asia Pacific (Melbourne) |
ap-southeast-4 | |
SHA256:Avaq27hFgLvjn5gTSShZ0oV7h90p0GG46wfOeT6ZJvM |
Asia Pacific (Mumbai) |
ap-south-1 | |
SHA256:oBLXcYmklqHHEbliARxEgH8IsO51rezTPiSM35BsU40 |
Asia Pacific (Osaka) |
ap-northeast-3 | |
SHA256:Am0/jiBKBnBuFnHr9aXsgEV3G8Tu/vVHFXE/3UcyjsQ |
Asia Pacific (Seoul) |
ap-northeast-2 | |
SHA256:FoqWXNX+DZ++GuNTztg9PK49WYMqBX+FrcZM2dSrqrI |
Asia Pacific (Singapore) |
ap-southeast-1 | |
SHA256:PLFNn7WnCQDHx3qmwLu1Gy/O8TUX7LQgZuaC6L45CoY |
Asia Pacific (Sydney) |
ap-southeast-2 | |
SHA256:yFvMwUK9lEUQjQTRoXXzuN+cW9/VSe9W984Cf5Tgzo4 |
Asia Pacific (Tokyo) |
ap-northeast-1 | |
SHA256:RQfsDCZTOfQawewTRDV1t9Em/HMrFQe+CRlIOT5um4k |
Canada (Central) |
ca-central-1 | |
SHA256:P2O2jOZwmpMwkpO6YW738FIOTHdUTyEv2gczYMMO7s4 |
Canada West (Calgary) |
ca-west-1 | |
SHA256:s3rc8lI2xhbhr3iedjJNxGAFLPGOLjx7IxxXrGckk6Q |
China (Beijing) |
cn-north-1 | |
SHA256:2gHVFy4H7uU3+WaFUxD28v/ggMeqjvSlgngpgLgGT+Y |
China (Ningxia) |
cn-northwest-1 | |
SHA256:TdgrNZkiQOdVfYEBUhO4SzUA09VWI5rYOZGTogpwmiM |
Europe (Frankfurt) |
eu-central-1 | |
SHA256:aCMFS/yIcOdOlkXvOl8AmZ1Toe+bBnrJJ3Fy0k0De2c |
Europe (Ireland) |
eu-west-1 | |
SHA256:h2AaGAWO4Hathhtm6ezs3Bj7udgUxi2qTrHjZAwCW6E |
Europe (London) |
eu-west-2 | |
SHA256:a69rd5CE/AEG4Amm53I6lkD1ZPvS/BCV3tTPW2RnJg8 |
Europe (Milan) |
eu-south-1 | |
SHA256:lC0kOVJnpgFyBVrxn0A7n99ecLbXSX95cuuS7X7QK30 |
Europe (Paris) |
eu-west-3 | |
SHA256:q8ldnAf9pymeNe8BnFVngY3RPAr/kxswJUzfrlxeEWs |
Europe (Spain) |
eu-south-2 | |
SHA256:GoCW2DFRlu669QNxqFxEcsR6fZUz/4F4n7T45ZcwoEc |
Europe (Stockholm) |
eu-north-1 | |
SHA256:tkGFFUVUDvocDiGSS3Cu8Gdl6w2uI32EPNpKFKLwX84 |
Europe (Zurich) |
eu-central-2 | |
SHA256:8Ppx2mBMf6WdCw0NUlzKfwM4/IfRz4OaXFutQXWp6mk |
Israel (Tel Aviv) |
il-central-1 | |
SHA256:JR6q8v6kNNPi8+QSFQ4dj5dimNmZPTgwgsM1SNvtYyU |
Middle East (Bahrain) |
me-south-1 | |
SHA256:nPjLLKHu2QnLdUq2kVArsoK5xvPJOMRJKCBzCDqC3k8 |
Middle East (UAE) |
me-central-1 | |
SHA256:zpb5duKiBZ+l0dFwPeyykB4MPBYhI/XzXNeFSDKBvLE |
South America (São Paulo) |
sa-east-1 | |
SHA256:rd2+/32Ognjew1yVIemENaQzC+Botbih62OqAPDq1dI |
AWS GovCloud (US-East) |
us-gov-east-1 | |
SHA256:tIwe19GWsoyLClrtvu38YEEh+DHIkqnDcZnmtebvF28 |
AWS GovCloud (US-West) |
us-gov-west-1 | |
SHA256:kfOFRWLaOZfB+utbd3bRf8OlPf8nGO2YZLqXZiIw5DQ |