Service-linked role for Spot Instance requests - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud

Service-linked role for Spot Instance requests

Amazon EC2 uses service-linked roles for the permissions that it requires to call other AWS services on your behalf. A service-linked role is a unique type of IAM role that is linked directly to an AWS service. Service-linked roles provide a secure way to delegate permissions to AWS services because only the linked service can assume a service-linked role. For more information, see Service-linked roles in the IAM User Guide.

Amazon EC2 uses the service-linked role named AWSServiceRoleForEC2Spot to launch and manage Spot Instances on your behalf.

Permissions granted by AWSServiceRoleForEC2Spot

Amazon EC2 uses AWSServiceRoleForEC2Spot to complete the following actions:

  • ec2:DescribeInstances – Describe Spot Instances

  • ec2:StopInstances – Stop Spot Instances

  • ec2:StartInstances – Start Spot Instances

Create the service-linked role

Under most circumstances, you don't need to manually create a service-linked role. Amazon EC2 creates the AWSServiceRoleForEC2Spot service-linked role the first time you request a Spot Instance using the console.

If you had an active Spot Instance request before October 2017, when Amazon EC2 began supporting this service-linked role, Amazon EC2 created the AWSServiceRoleForEC2Spot role in your AWS account. For more information, see A New Role Appeared in My Account in the IAM User Guide.

If you use the AWS CLI or an API to request a Spot Instance, you must first ensure that this role exists.

To create AWSServiceRoleForEC2Spot using the console
  1. Open the IAM console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Roles.

  3. Choose Create role.

  4. On the Select type of trusted entity page, choose EC2, EC2 - Spot Instances, Next: Permissions.

  5. On the next page, choose Next:Review.

  6. On the Review page, choose Create role.

To create AWSServiceRoleForEC2Spot using the AWS CLI

Use the create-service-linked-role command as follows.

aws iam create-service-linked-role --aws-service-name

If you no longer need to use Spot Instances, we recommend that you delete the AWSServiceRoleForEC2Spot role. After this role is deleted from your account, Amazon EC2 will create the role again if you request Spot Instances.

Grant access to customer managed keys for use with encrypted AMIs and EBS snapshots

If you specify an encrypted AMI or an encrypted Amazon EBS snapshot for your Spot Instances and you use a customer managed key for encryption, you must grant the AWSServiceRoleForEC2Spot role permission to use the customer managed key so that Amazon EC2 can launch Spot Instances on your behalf. To do this, you must add a grant to the customer managed key, as shown in the following procedure.

When providing permissions, grants are an alternative to key policies. For more information, see Using Grants and Using Key Policies in AWS KMS in the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide.

To grant the AWSServiceRoleForEC2Spot role permissions to use the customer managed key
  • Use the create-grant command to add a grant to the customer managed key and to specify the principal (the AWSServiceRoleForEC2Spot service-linked role) that is given permission to perform the operations that the grant permits. The customer managed key is specified by the key-id parameter and the ARN of the customer managed key. The principal is specified by the grantee-principal parameter and the ARN of the AWSServiceRoleForEC2Spot service-linked role.

    aws kms create-grant \ --region us-east-1 \ --key-id arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:444455556666:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab \ --grantee-principal arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/aws-service-role/ \ --operations "Decrypt" "Encrypt" "GenerateDataKey" "GenerateDataKeyWithoutPlaintext" "CreateGrant" "DescribeKey" "ReEncryptFrom" "ReEncryptTo"