Use paid support for supported AWS Marketplace offerings - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud

Use paid support for supported AWS Marketplace offerings

Amazon EC2 also enables developers to offer support for software (or derived AMIs). Developers can create support products that you can sign up to use. During sign-up for the support product, the developer gives you a product code, which you must then associate with your own AMI. This enables the developer to confirm that your instance is eligible for support. It also ensures that when you run instances of the product, you are charged according to the terms for the product specified by the developer.


You can't use a support product with Reserved Instances. You always pay the price that's specified by the seller of the support product.

To associate a product code with your AMI, use one of the following commands, where ami_id is the ID of the AMI and product_code is the product code:

  • modify-image-attribute (AWS CLI)

    aws ec2 modify-image-attribute --image-id ami_id --product-codes "product_code"
  • Edit-EC2ImageAttribute (AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell)

    PS C:\> Edit-EC2ImageAttribute -ImageId ami_id -ProductCode product_code

After you set the product code attribute, it cannot be changed or removed.