Set the time for your Amazon EC2 instance - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud

Set the time for your Amazon EC2 instance

A consistent and accurate time reference on your Amazon EC2 instance is crucial for many server tasks and processes. Time stamps in system logs play an essential role in identifying when issues occurred and the chronological order of events. When you use the AWS CLI or an AWS SDK to make requests from your instance, these tools sign requests on your behalf. If your instance's date and time settings are inaccurate, it can result in a discrepancy between the date in the signature and the date of the request, leading to AWS rejecting your requests.

To address this important aspect, Amazon offers the Amazon Time Sync Service, which is accessible from all EC2 instances and used by various AWS services. The service uses a fleet of satellite-connected and atomic reference clocks in each AWS Region to deliver accurate and current time readings of the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) global standard.

The Amazon Time Sync Service either uses the Network Time Protocol (NTP), or provides a local Precision Time Protocol (PTP) hardware clock on supported instances. The PTP hardware clock supports either NTP or a direct PTP connection. The NTP and direct PTP connections use the same highly accurate time source, but the direct PTP connection is more accurate than the NTP connection. The NTP connection to the Amazon Time Sync Service supports leap smearing while the PTP connection to the PTP hardware clock does not smear time. For more information, see Leap seconds.

For the best performance, we recommend using the local Amazon Time Sync Service on your EC2 instances. For a backup to the local Amazon Time Sync Service on your instances, and to connect resources outside of Amazon EC2 to the Amazon Time Sync Service, you can use the public Amazon Time Sync Service located at The public Amazon Time Sync Service, like the local Amazon Time Sync Service, automatically smears any leap seconds that are added to UTC. The public Amazon Time Sync Service is supported globally by our fleet of satellite-connected and atomic reference clocks in each AWS Region.

Set your instance to use the local Amazon Time Sync Service

Your instances can access the local Amazon Time Sync Service as follows:

  • Through NTP at the following IP address endpoints:

  • (Linux only) Through a direct PTP connection to connect to a local PTP hardware clock:

    • PHC0

Amazon Linux AMIs, Windows AMIs, and most partner AMIs configure your instance to use the NTP IPv4 endpoint by default. This is the recommended setting for most customer workloads. No further configuration is required for instances launched from these AMIs unless you want to use the IPv6 endpoint or connect directly to the PTP hardware clock.

NTP and PTP connections do not require any VPC configuration changes, and your instance does not require access to the internet.


Only Linux instances can use a direct PTP connection to connect to the local PTP hardware clock. Windows instances use NTP to connect to the local PTP hardware clock.

Connect to the IPv4 endpoint of the Amazon Time Sync Service

This section describes how to configure your instance to use the local Amazon Time Sync Service through the IPv4 endpoint.

Use the instructions for your instance's operating system.

AL2023 and the latest versions of Amazon Linux 2 and Amazon Linux AMIs are configured to use the Amazon Time Sync Service IPv4 endpoint by default. No further configuration is required for instances launched from these AMIs and you can skip the following procedure.

If you're using an AMI that doesn't have the Amazon Time Sync Service configured by default, use one of the following procedures to configure the Amazon Time Sync Service on your instance using the chrony client. It requires adding a server entry for the Amazon Time Sync Service to the chrony configuration file.

Use the instructions for your instance's operating system.

Amazon Linux
To connect to the IPv4 endpoint of the Amazon Time Sync Service on Amazon Linux using chrony
  1. Connect to your instance and uninstall the NTP service.

    [ec2-user ~]$ sudo yum erase 'ntp*'
  2. Install the chrony package.

    [ec2-user ~]$ sudo yum install chrony
  3. Open the /etc/chrony.conf file using a text editor (such as vim or nano). Verify that the file includes the following line:

    server prefer iburst minpoll 4 maxpoll 4

    If the line is present, then the Amazon Time Sync Service is already configured to use the IPv4 endpoint of the Amazon Time Sync Service and you can go to the next step. If not, add the line after any other server or pool statements that are already present in the file, and save your changes.

  4. Restart the chrony daemon (chronyd).

    [ec2-user ~]$ sudo service chronyd restart
    Starting chronyd: [ OK ]

    On RHEL and CentOS (up to version 6), the service name is chrony instead of chronyd.

  5. To configure chronyd to start at each system boot, use the chkconfig command.

    [ec2-user ~]$ sudo chkconfig chronyd on
  6. Verify that chrony is using the IPv4 endpoint to synchronize the time.

    [ec2-user ~]$ chronyc sources -v
    210 Number of sources = 7 .-- Source mode '^' = server, '=' = peer, '#' = local clock. / .- Source state '*' = current synced, '+' = combined , '-' = not combined, | / '?' = unreachable, 'x' = time may be in error, '~' = time too variable. || .- xxxx [ yyyy ] +/- zzzz || Reachability register (octal) -. | xxxx = adjusted offset, || Log2(Polling interval) --. | | yyyy = measured offset, || \ | | zzzz = estimated error. || | | \ MS Name/IP address Stratum Poll Reach LastRx Last sample =============================================================================== ^* 3 6 17 43 -30us[ -226us] +/- 287us ^-> 2 6 17 43 -388us[ -388us] +/- 11ms ^- 1 6 17 44 +178us[ +25us] +/- 1959us ^? 0 6 0 - +0ns[ +0ns] +/- 0ns ^? 0 6 0 - +0ns[ +0ns] +/- 0ns ^? 2a05:d018:c43:e312:ce77:> 0 6 0 - +0ns[ +0ns] +/- 0ns ^? 2a05:d018:dab:2701:b70:b> 0 6 0 - +0ns[ +0ns] +/- 0ns

    In the output that's returned, ^* indicates the preferred time source.

  7. Verify the time synchronization metrics that are reported by chrony.

    [ec2-user ~]$ chronyc tracking
    Reference ID : A9FEA97B ( Stratum : 4 Ref time (UTC) : Wed Nov 22 13:18:34 2017 System time : 0.000000626 seconds slow of NTP time Last offset : +0.002852759 seconds RMS offset : 0.002852759 seconds Frequency : 1.187 ppm fast Residual freq : +0.020 ppm Skew : 24.388 ppm Root delay : 0.000504752 seconds Root dispersion : 0.001112565 seconds Update interval : 64.4 seconds Leap status : Normal
To connect to the IPv4 endpoint of the Amazon Time Sync Service on Ubuntu using chrony
  1. Connect to your instance and use apt to install the chrony package.

    ubuntu:~$ sudo apt install chrony

    If necessary, update your instance first by running sudo apt update.

  2. Open the /etc/chrony/chrony.conf file using a text editor (such as vim or nano). Add the following line before any other server or pool statements that are already present in the file, and save your changes:

    server prefer iburst minpoll 4 maxpoll 4
  3. Restart the chrony service.

    ubuntu:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/chrony restart
    Restarting chrony (via systemctl): chrony.service.
  4. Verify that chrony is using the IPv4 endpoint to synchronize the time.

    ubuntu:~$ chronyc sources -v
    210 Number of sources = 7 .-- Source mode '^' = server, '=' = peer, '#' = local clock. / .- Source state '*' = current synced, '+' = combined , '-' = not combined, | / '?' = unreachable, 'x' = time may be in error, '~' = time too variable. || .- xxxx [ yyyy ] +/- zzzz || Reachability register (octal) -. | xxxx = adjusted offset, || Log2(Polling interval) --. | | yyyy = measured offset, || \ | | zzzz = estimated error. || | | \ MS Name/IP address Stratum Poll Reach LastRx Last sample =============================================================================== ^* 3 6 17 12 +15us[ +57us] +/- 320us ^- 1 6 17 13 -3488us[-3446us] +/- 1779us ^- 2 6 17 13 +893us[ +935us] +/- 7710us ^? 2a05:d018:c43:e312:ce77:6 0 6 0 10y +0ns[ +0ns] +/- 0ns ^? 2a05:d018:d34:9000:d8c6:5 0 6 0 10y +0ns[ +0ns] +/- 0ns ^? 0 6 0 10y +0ns[ +0ns] +/- 0ns ^? 0 6 0 10y +0ns[ +0ns] +/- 0ns

    In the output that's returned, on the line starting with ^* indicates the preferred time source.

  5. Verify the time synchronization metrics that are reported by chrony.

    ubuntu:~$ chronyc tracking
    Reference ID : ( Stratum : 4 Ref time (UTC) : Wed Nov 29 07:41:57 2017 System time : 0.000000011 seconds slow of NTP time Last offset : +0.000041659 seconds RMS offset : 0.000041659 seconds Frequency : 10.141 ppm slow Residual freq : +7.557 ppm Skew : 2.329 ppm Root delay : 0.000544 seconds Root dispersion : 0.000631 seconds Update interval : 2.0 seconds Leap status : Normal
SUSE Linux

Starting with SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15, chrony is the default implementation of NTP.

To connect to IPv4 endpoint of the Amazon Time Sync Service on SUSE Linux using chrony
  1. Open the /etc/chrony.conf file using a text editor (such as vim or nano).

  2. Verify that the file contains the following line:

    server prefer iburst minpoll 4 maxpoll 4

    If this line is not present, add it.

  3. Comment out any other server or pool lines.

  4. Open yaST and enable the chrony service.

Starting with the August 2018 release, Windows AMIs use the Amazon Time Sync Service by default. No further configuration is required for instances launched from these AMIs and you can skip the following procedures.

If you're using an AMI that doesn't have the Amazon Time Sync Service configured by default, first verify your current NTP configuration. If your instance is already using the IPv4 endpoint of the Amazon Time Sync Service, no further configuration is required. If your instance is not using the Amazon Time Sync Service, then complete the procedure to change the NTP server to use the Amazon Time Sync Service.

To verify the NTP configuration
  1. From your instance, open a Command Prompt window.

  2. Get the current NTP configuration by typing the following command:

    w32tm /query /configuration

    This command returns the current configuration settings for the Windows instance and will show if you're connected to the Amazon Time Sync Service.

  3. (Optional) Get the status of the current configuration by typing the following command:

    w32tm /query /status

    This command returns information such as the last time the instance synced with the NTP server and the poll interval.

To change the NTP server to use the Amazon Time Sync Service
  1. From the Command Prompt window, run the following command:

    w32tm /config /manualpeerlist: /syncfromflags:manual /update
  2. Verify your new settings by using the following command:

    w32tm /query /configuration

    In the output that's returned, verify that NtpServer displays the IPv4 endpoint.

Default network time protocol (NTP) settings for Amazon Windows AMIs

Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) generally adhere to the out-of-the-box defaults except in cases where changes are required to function on EC2 infrastructure. The following settings have been determined to work well in a virtual environment, as well as to keep any clock drift to within one second of accuracy:

  • Update Interval – Governs how frequently the time service will adjust system time towards accuracy. AWS configures the update interval to occur once every two minutes.

  • NTP Server – Starting with the August 2018 release, AMIs use the Amazon Time Sync Service by default. This time service is accessible from any AWS Region at the IPv4 endpoint. Additionally, the 0x9 flag indicates that the time service is acting as a client, and to use SpecialPollInterval to determine how frequently to check in with the configured time server.

  • Type – "NTP" means that the service acts as a standalone NTP client instead of acting as part of a domain.

  • Enabled and InputProvider – The time service is enabled and provides time to the operating system.

  • Special Poll Interval – Checks against the configured NTP Server every 900 seconds (15 minutes).

Registry path Key name Data


















Connect to the IPv6 endpoint of the Amazon Time Sync Service

This section explains how the steps described in Connect to the IPv4 endpoint of the Amazon Time Sync Service differ if you are configuring your instance to use the local Amazon Time Sync Service through the IPv6 endpoint. It doesn't explain the entire Amazon Time Sync Service configuration process.

The IPv6 endpoint is only accessible on instances built on the AWS Nitro System.


We don't recommend using both the IPv4 and IPv6 endpoint entries together. The IPv4 and IPv6 NTP packets come from the same local server for your instance. Configuring both IPv4 and IPv6 endpoints is unnecessary and will not improve the accuracy of the time on your instance.

Use the instructions for your instance's operating system.

Depending on the Linux distribution you're using, when you reach the step to edit the chrony.conf file, you'll be using the IPv6 endpoint of the Amazon Time Sync Service (fd00:ec2::123) rather than the IPv4 endpoint (

server fd00:ec2::123 prefer iburst minpoll 4 maxpoll 4

Save the file and verify that chrony is using the fd00:ec2::123 IPv6 endpoint to synchronize time:

[ec2-user ~]$ chronyc sources -v

In the output, if you see the fd00:ec2::123 IPv6 endpoint, the configuration is complete.

When you reach the step to change the NTP server to use the Amazon Time Sync Service, you'll be using the IPv6 endpoint of the Amazon Time Sync Service (fd00:ec2::123) rather than the IPv4 endpoint (

w32tm /config /manualpeerlist:fd00:ec2::123 /syncfromflags:manual /update

Verify that your new settings are using the fd00:ec2::123 IPv6 endpoint to synchronize time:

w32tm /query /configuration

In the output, verify that NtpServer displays the fd00:ec2::123 IPv6 endpoint.

Connect to the PTP hardware clock

The PTP hardware clock is part of the AWS Nitro System, so it is directly accessible on supported bare metal and virtualized EC2 instances without using any customer resources.

The NTP endpoints for the PTP hardware clock are the same as those for the regular Amazon Time Sync Service. If your instance has a PTP hardware clock and you configured the NTP connection (to either the IPv4 or IPv6 endpoint), your instance time is automatically sourced from the PTP hardware clock over NTP.

For Linux instances, you can configure a direct PTP connection, which will give you more accurate time than the NTP connection. Windows instances only support an NTP connection to the PTP hardware clock.


The PTP hardware clock is available on an instance when the following requirements are met:

  • Supported AWS Regions: US East (N. Virginia) and Asia Pacific (Tokyo)

  • Supported instance families:

    • General purpose: M7a, M7g, M7gd, M7i

    • Compute optimized: C7a, C7gd, C7i

    • Memory optimized: R7a, R7g, R7gd, R7i

  • (Linux only) ENA driver version 2.10.0 or later installed on a supported operating system. For more information about supported operating systems, see the driver prerequisites on GitHub.

This section describes how to configure your Linux instance to use the local Amazon Time Sync Service through the PTP hardware clock using a direct PTP connection. It requires adding a server entry for the PTP hardware clock in the chrony configuration file.

To configure a direct PTP connection to the PTP hardware clock (Linux instances only)
  1. Connect to your Linux instance and do the following:

    1. Install the Linux kernel driver for Elastic Network Adapter (ENA) version 2.10.0 or later.

    2. Enable the PTP hardware clock.

    For the installation instructions, see Linux kernel driver for Elastic Network Adapter (ENA) family on GitHub.

  2. Verify that the /dev/ptp0 device shows up on your instance.

    [ec2-user ~]$ ls /dev/ptp0

    The following is the expected output. If /dev/ptp0 is not in the output, the ENA driver was not correctly installed. Review step 1 in this procedure for installing the driver.

  3. Edit /etc/chrony.conf using a text editor and add the following line anywhere in the file.

    refclock PHC /dev/ptp0 poll 0 delay 0.000010 prefer
  4. Restart chrony.

    [ec2-user ~]$ sudo systemctl restart chronyd
  5. Verify that chrony is using the PTP hardware clock to synchronize the time on this instance.

    [ec2-user ~]$ chronyc sources

    Expected output

    MS Name/IP address Stratum Poll Reach LastRx Last sample =============================================================================== #* PHC0 0 0 377 1 +2ns[ +1ns] +/- 5031ns

    In the output that's returned, * indicates the preferred time source. PHC0 corresponds to the PTP hardware clock. You might need to wait a few seconds after restarting chrony for the asterisk to appear.

Set your instance or any internet-connected device to use the public Amazon Time Sync Service

You can set your instance, or any internet-connected device such as your local computer or an on-prem server, to use the public Amazon Time Sync Service, which is accessible over the internet at You can use the public Amazon Time Sync Service as a backup for the local Amazon Time Sync Service and to connect resources outside of AWS to the Amazon Time Sync Service.


For the best performance, we recommend using the local Amazon Time Sync Service on your instances, and only using the public Amazon Time Sync Service as a backup.

Use the instructions for the operating system of your instance or device.

To set your Linux instance or device to use the public Amazon Time Sync Service using chrony or ntpd
  1. Edit /etc/chrony.conf (if you use chrony) or /etc/ntp.conf (if you use ntpd) using a text editor as follows:

    1. To prevent your instance or device from trying to mix smeared and non-smeared servers, remove or comment out lines starting with server except any existing connection to the local Amazon Time Sync Service.


      If you're setting your EC2 instance to connect to the public Amazon Time Sync Service, do not remove the following line which sets your instance to connect to the local Amazon Time Sync Service. The local Amazon Time Sync Service is a more direct connection and will provide better clock accuracy. The public Amazon Time Sync Service should only be used as a backup.

      server prefer iburst minpoll 4 maxpoll 4
    2. Add the following line to connect to the public Amazon Time Sync Service.

      pool iburst
  2. Restart the daemon using one of the following commands.

    • chrony

      sudo service chronyd force-reload
    • ntpd

      sudo service ntp reload
To set your macOS instance or device to use the public Amazon Time Sync Service
  1. Open System Preferences.

  2. Choose Date & Time, and then choose the Date & Time tab.

  3. To make changes, choose the lock icon, and enter your password when prompted.

  4. For Set date and time automatically, enter

To set your Windows instance or device to use the public Amazon Time Sync Service
  1. Open the Control Panel.

  2. Choose the Date and Time icon.

  3. Choose the Internet Time tab. This tab is not be available if your PC is part of a domain. In this case, it will synchronize time with the domain controller. You can configure the controller to use the public Amazon Time Sync Service.

  4. Choose Change settings.

  5. Select the check box for Synchronize with an Internet time server.

  6. Next to Server, enter

To set your Windows Server instance or device to use the public Amazon Time Sync Service

Compare timestamps for your Linux instances

If you're using the Amazon Time Sync Service, you can compare the timestamps on your Amazon EC2 Linux instances with ClockBound to determine the true time of an event. ClockBound measures the clock accuracy of your EC2 instance, and allows you to check if a given timestamp is in the past or future with respect to your instance's current clock. This information is valuable for determining the order and consistency of events and transactions across EC2 instances, independent of each instance's geographic location.

ClockBound is an open source daemon and library. To learn more about ClockBound, including installation instructions, see ClockBound on GitHub.

ClockBound is only supported for Linux instances.

If you're using the direct PTP connection to the PTP hardware clock, your time daemon, such as chrony, will underestimate the clock error bound. This is because a PTP hardware clock does not pass the correct error bound information to chrony, the way that NTP does. As a result, your clock synchronization daemon assumes the clock is accurate to UTC and thus has an error bound of 0. To measure the full error bound, the Nitro System calculates the error bound of the PTP hardware clock, and makes it available to your EC2 instance over the ENA driver sysfs filesystem. You can read this directly as a value, in nanoseconds.

To retrieve the PTP hardware clock error bound
  1. First get the correct location of the PTP hardware clock device by using one of the following commands. The path in the command is different depending on the AMI used to launch the instance.

    • For Amazon Linux 2:

      cat /sys/class/net/eth0/device/uevent | grep PCI_SLOT_NAME
    • For Amazon Linux 2023:

      cat /sys/class/net/ens5/device/uevent | grep PCI_SLOT_NAME

    The output is the PCI slot name, which is the location of the PTP hardware clock device. In this example, the location is 0000:00:03.0.

  2. To retrieve the PTP hardware clock error bound, run the following command. Include the PCI slot name from the previous step.

    cat /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:00:03.0/phc_error_bound

    The output is the clock error bound of the PTP hardware clock, in nanoseconds.

To calculate the correct clock error bound at a specific point in time when using the direct PTP connection to the PTP hardware clock, you must add the clock error bound from chrony or ClockBound at the time that chrony polls the PTP hardware clock. For more information about measuring and monitoring clock accuracy, see Manage Amazon EC2 instance clock accuracy using Amazon Time Sync Service and Amazon CloudWatch – Part 1.

Change the time zone of your instance

Amazon EC2 instances are set to the UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) time zone by default. You can change the time on an instance to the local time zone or to another time zone in your network.

Use the instructions for your instance's operating system.


This information applies to Amazon Linux. For information about other distributions, see their specific documentation.

To change the time zone on an AL2023 or Amazon Linux 2 instance
  1. View the system's current time zone setting.

    [ec2-user ~]$ timedatectl
  2. List the available time zones.

    [ec2-user ~]$ timedatectl list-timezones
  3. Set the chosen time zone.

    [ec2-user ~]$ sudo timedatectl set-timezone America/Vancouver
  4. (Optional) Confirm that the current time zone is updated to the new time zone by running the timedatectl command again.

    [ec2-user ~]$ timedatectl
To change the time zone on an Amazon Linux instance
  1. Identify the time zone to use on the instance. The /usr/share/zoneinfo directory contains a hierarchy of time zone data files. Browse the directory structure at that location to find a file for your time zone.

    [ec2-user ~]$ ls /usr/share/zoneinfo Africa Chile GB Indian Mideast posixrules US America CST6CDT GB-Eire Iran MST PRC UTC Antarctica Cuba GMT MST7MDT PST8PDT WET Arctic EET GMT0 Israel Navajo right W-SU ...

    Some of the entries at this location are directories (such as America), and these directories contain time zone files for specific cities. Find your city (or a city in your time zone) to use for the instance.

  2. Update the /etc/sysconfig/clock file with the new time zone. In this example, we use the time zone data file for Los Angeles, /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Los_Angeles.

    1. Open the /etc/sysconfig/clock file with a text editor (such as vim or nano). You need to use sudo with your editor command because /etc/sysconfig/clock is owned by root.

      [ec2-user ~]$ sudo nano /etc/sysconfig/clock
    2. Locate the ZONE entry, and change it to the time zone file (omitting the /usr/share/zoneinfo section of the path). For example, to change to the Los Angeles time zone, change the ZONE entry to the following:


      Do not change the UTC=true entry to another value. This entry is for the hardware clock, and does not need to be adjusted when you're setting a different time zone on your instance.

    3. Save the file and exit the text editor.

  3. Create a symbolic link between /etc/localtime and the time zone file so that the instance finds the time zone file when it references local time information.

    [ec2-user ~]$ sudo ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Los_Angeles /etc/localtime
  4. Reboot the system to pick up the new time zone information in all services and applications.

    [ec2-user ~]$ sudo reboot
  5. (Optional) Confirm that the current time zone is updated to the new time zone by using the date command. The current time zone appears in the output. In the following example, the current time zone is PDT, which refers to the Los Angeles time zone.

    [ec2-user ~]$ date Sun Aug 16 05:45:16 PDT 2020
To change the time zone on a Windows instance
  1. From your instance, open a Command Prompt window.

  2. Identify the time zone to use on the instance. To get a list of time zones, use the following command:

    tzutil /l

    This command returns a list of all available time zones in the following format:

    display name time zone ID
  3. Locate the time zone ID to assign to the instance.

  4. Assign to another time zone by using the following command:

    tzutil /s "Pacific Standard Time"

    The new time zone should take effect immediately.


You can assign the UTC time zone by using the following command:

tzutil /s "UTC"

To prevent your time zone from changing once you set it for Windows Server

When you change the time zone on a Windows instance, you must ensure that the time zone persists through system restarts. Otherwise, when the instance restarts, it reverts back to using UTC time. You can persist your time zone setting by adding a RealTimeIsUniversal registry key. This key is set by default on all current generation instances. To verify whether the RealTimeIsUniversal registry key is set, see step 4 in the following procedure. If the key is not set, follow these steps from the beginning.

To set the RealTimeIsUniversal registry key
  1. From the instance, open a Command Prompt window.

  2. Use the following command to add the registry key:

    reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation" /v RealTimeIsUniversal /d 1 /t REG_DWORD /f
  3. If you are using a Windows Server 2008 AMI (not Windows Server 2008 R2) that was created before February 22, 2013, we recommend updating to the latest AWS Windows AMI. If you are using an AMI running Windows Server 2008 R2 (not Windows Server 2008), you must verify that the Microsoft hotfix KB2922223 is installed. If this hotfix is not installed, we recommend updating to the latest AWS Windows AMI.

  4. (Optional) Verify that the instance saved the key successfully using the following command:

    reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation" /s

    This command returns the subkeys for the TimeZoneInformation registry key. You should see the RealTimeIsUniversal key at the bottom of the list, similar to the following:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation Bias REG_DWORD 0x1e0 DaylightBias REG_DWORD 0xffffffc4 DaylightName REG_SZ @tzres.dll,-211 DaylightStart REG_BINARY 00000300020002000000000000000000 StandardBias REG_DWORD 0x0 StandardName REG_SZ @tzres.dll,-212 StandardStart REG_BINARY 00000B00010002000000000000000000 TimeZoneKeyName REG_SZ Pacific Standard Time DynamicDaylightTimeDisabled REG_DWORD 0x0 ActiveTimeBias REG_DWORD 0x1a4 RealTimeIsUniversal REG_DWORD 0x1

Leap seconds

Leap seconds, introduced in 1972, are occasional one-second adjustments to UTC time to factor in irregularities in the earth’s rotation in order to accommodate differences between International Atomic Time (TAI) and solar time (Ut1). To manage leap seconds on behalf of customers, we designed leap second smearing within the Amazon Time Sync Service. For more information, see Look Before You Leap – The Coming Leap Second and AWS.

Leap seconds are going away, and we are in full support of the decision made at the 27th General Conference on Weights and Measures to abandon leap seconds by or before 2035.

To support this transition, we still plan on smearing time during a leap second event when accessing the Amazon Time Sync Service over the local NTP connection or our public NTP pools ( The PTP hardware clock, however, does not provide a smeared time option. In the event of a leap second, the PTP hardware clock will add the leap second following UTC standards. Leap-smeared and leap second time sources are the same in most cases. But because they differ during a leap second event, we do not recommend using both smeared and non-smeared time sources in your time client configuration during a leap second event.