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We recommend that you migrate to AWS SDK for JavaScript v3. For dates, additional details, and information on how to migrate, please refer to the linked announcement.

Class: AWS.CodePipeline

AWS.Service show all
API Version:
Defined in:


Constructs a service interface object. Each API operation is exposed as a function on service.

Service Description


This is the CodePipeline API Reference. This guide provides descriptions of the actions and data types for CodePipeline. Some functionality for your pipeline can only be configured through the API. For more information, see the CodePipeline User Guide.

You can use the CodePipeline API to work with pipelines, stages, actions, and transitions.

Pipelines are models of automated release processes. Each pipeline is uniquely named, and consists of stages, actions, and transitions.

You can work with pipelines by calling:

  • CreatePipeline, which creates a uniquely named pipeline.

  • DeletePipeline, which deletes the specified pipeline.

  • GetPipeline, which returns information about the pipeline structure and pipeline metadata, including the pipeline Amazon Resource Name (ARN).

  • GetPipelineExecution, which returns information about a specific execution of a pipeline.

  • GetPipelineState, which returns information about the current state of the stages and actions of a pipeline.

  • ListActionExecutions, which returns action-level details for past executions. The details include full stage and action-level details, including individual action duration, status, any errors that occurred during the execution, and input and output artifact location details.

  • ListPipelines, which gets a summary of all of the pipelines associated with your account.

  • ListPipelineExecutions, which gets a summary of the most recent executions for a pipeline.

  • StartPipelineExecution, which runs the most recent revision of an artifact through the pipeline.

  • StopPipelineExecution, which stops the specified pipeline execution from continuing through the pipeline.

  • UpdatePipeline, which updates a pipeline with edits or changes to the structure of the pipeline.

Pipelines include stages. Each stage contains one or more actions that must complete before the next stage begins. A stage results in success or failure. If a stage fails, the pipeline stops at that stage and remains stopped until either a new version of an artifact appears in the source location, or a user takes action to rerun the most recent artifact through the pipeline. You can call GetPipelineState, which displays the status of a pipeline, including the status of stages in the pipeline, or GetPipeline, which returns the entire structure of the pipeline, including the stages of that pipeline. For more information about the structure of stages and actions, see CodePipeline Pipeline Structure Reference.

Pipeline stages include actions that are categorized into categories such as source or build actions performed in a stage of a pipeline. For example, you can use a source action to import artifacts into a pipeline from a source such as Amazon S3. Like stages, you do not work with actions directly in most cases, but you do define and interact with actions when working with pipeline operations such as CreatePipeline and GetPipelineState. Valid action categories are:

  • Source

  • Build

  • Test

  • Deploy

  • Approval

  • Invoke

Pipelines also include transitions, which allow the transition of artifacts from one stage to the next in a pipeline after the actions in one stage complete.

You can work with transitions by calling:

Using the API to integrate with CodePipeline

For third-party integrators or developers who want to create their own integrations with CodePipeline, the expected sequence varies from the standard API user. To integrate with CodePipeline, developers need to work with the following items:

Jobs, which are instances of an action. For example, a job for a source action might import a revision of an artifact from a source.

You can work with jobs by calling:

Third party jobs, which are instances of an action created by a partner action and integrated into CodePipeline. Partner actions are created by members of the Amazon Web Services Partner Network.

You can work with third party jobs by calling:

Sending a Request Using CodePipeline

var codepipeline = new AWS.CodePipeline();
codepipeline.acknowledgeJob(params, function (err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response

Locking the API Version

In order to ensure that the CodePipeline object uses this specific API, you can construct the object by passing the apiVersion option to the constructor:

var codepipeline = new AWS.CodePipeline({apiVersion: '2015-07-09'});

You can also set the API version globally in AWS.config.apiVersions using the codepipeline service identifier:

AWS.config.apiVersions = {
  codepipeline: '2015-07-09',
  // other service API versions

var codepipeline = new AWS.CodePipeline();


  • 2015-07-09

Constructor Summary collapse

Property Summary collapse

Properties inherited from AWS.Service


Method Summary collapse

Methods inherited from AWS.Service

makeRequest, makeUnauthenticatedRequest, waitFor, setupRequestListeners, defineService

Constructor Details

new AWS.CodePipeline(options = {}) ⇒ Object

Constructs a service object. This object has one method for each API operation.


Constructing a CodePipeline object

var codepipeline = new AWS.CodePipeline({apiVersion: '2015-07-09'});

Options Hash (options):

  • params (map)

    An optional map of parameters to bind to every request sent by this service object. For more information on bound parameters, see "Working with Services" in the Getting Started Guide.

  • endpoint (String|AWS.Endpoint)

    The endpoint URI to send requests to. The default endpoint is built from the configured region. The endpoint should be a string like 'https://{service}.{region}.amazonaws.com' or an Endpoint object.

  • accessKeyId (String)

    your AWS access key ID.

  • secretAccessKey (String)

    your AWS secret access key.

  • sessionToken (AWS.Credentials)

    the optional AWS session token to sign requests with.

  • credentials (AWS.Credentials)

    the AWS credentials to sign requests with. You can either specify this object, or specify the accessKeyId and secretAccessKey options directly.

  • credentialProvider (AWS.CredentialProviderChain)

    the provider chain used to resolve credentials if no static credentials property is set.

  • region (String)

    the region to send service requests to. See AWS.CodePipeline.region for more information.

  • maxRetries (Integer)

    the maximum amount of retries to attempt with a request. See AWS.CodePipeline.maxRetries for more information.

  • maxRedirects (Integer)

    the maximum amount of redirects to follow with a request. See AWS.CodePipeline.maxRedirects for more information.

  • sslEnabled (Boolean)

    whether to enable SSL for requests.

  • paramValidation (Boolean|map)

    whether input parameters should be validated against the operation description before sending the request. Defaults to true. Pass a map to enable any of the following specific validation features:

    • min [Boolean] — Validates that a value meets the min constraint. This is enabled by default when paramValidation is set to true.
    • max [Boolean] — Validates that a value meets the max constraint.
    • pattern [Boolean] — Validates that a string value matches a regular expression.
    • enum [Boolean] — Validates that a string value matches one of the allowable enum values.
  • computeChecksums (Boolean)

    whether to compute checksums for payload bodies when the service accepts it (currently supported in S3 only)

  • convertResponseTypes (Boolean)

    whether types are converted when parsing response data. Currently only supported for JSON based services. Turning this off may improve performance on large response payloads. Defaults to true.

  • correctClockSkew (Boolean)

    whether to apply a clock skew correction and retry requests that fail because of an skewed client clock. Defaults to false.

  • s3ForcePathStyle (Boolean)

    whether to force path style URLs for S3 objects.

  • s3BucketEndpoint (Boolean)

    whether the provided endpoint addresses an individual bucket (false if it addresses the root API endpoint). Note that setting this configuration option requires an endpoint to be provided explicitly to the service constructor.

  • s3DisableBodySigning (Boolean)

    whether S3 body signing should be disabled when using signature version v4. Body signing can only be disabled when using https. Defaults to true.

  • s3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint ('legacy'|'regional')

    when region is set to 'us-east-1', whether to send s3 request to global endpoints or 'us-east-1' regional endpoints. This config is only applicable to S3 client. Defaults to legacy

  • s3UseArnRegion (Boolean)

    whether to override the request region with the region inferred from requested resource's ARN. Only available for S3 buckets Defaults to true

  • retryDelayOptions (map)

    A set of options to configure the retry delay on retryable errors. Currently supported options are:

    • base [Integer] — The base number of milliseconds to use in the exponential backoff for operation retries. Defaults to 100 ms for all services except DynamoDB, where it defaults to 50ms.
    • customBackoff [function] — A custom function that accepts a retry count and error and returns the amount of time to delay in milliseconds. If the result is a non-zero negative value, no further retry attempts will be made. The base option will be ignored if this option is supplied. The function is only called for retryable errors.
  • httpOptions (map)

    A set of options to pass to the low-level HTTP request. Currently supported options are:

    • proxy [String] — the URL to proxy requests through
    • agent [http.Agent, https.Agent] — the Agent object to perform HTTP requests with. Used for connection pooling. Defaults to the global agent (http.globalAgent) for non-SSL connections. Note that for SSL connections, a special Agent object is used in order to enable peer certificate verification. This feature is only available in the Node.js environment.
    • connectTimeout [Integer] — Sets the socket to timeout after failing to establish a connection with the server after connectTimeout milliseconds. This timeout has no effect once a socket connection has been established.
    • timeout [Integer] — Sets the socket to timeout after timeout milliseconds of inactivity on the socket. Defaults to two minutes (120000).
    • xhrAsync [Boolean] — Whether the SDK will send asynchronous HTTP requests. Used in the browser environment only. Set to false to send requests synchronously. Defaults to true (async on).
    • xhrWithCredentials [Boolean] — Sets the "withCredentials" property of an XMLHttpRequest object. Used in the browser environment only. Defaults to false.
  • apiVersion (String, Date)

    a String in YYYY-MM-DD format (or a date) that represents the latest possible API version that can be used in all services (unless overridden by apiVersions). Specify 'latest' to use the latest possible version.

  • apiVersions (map<String, String|Date>)

    a map of service identifiers (the lowercase service class name) with the API version to use when instantiating a service. Specify 'latest' for each individual that can use the latest available version.

  • logger (#write, #log)

    an object that responds to .write() (like a stream) or .log() (like the console object) in order to log information about requests

  • systemClockOffset (Number)

    an offset value in milliseconds to apply to all signing times. Use this to compensate for clock skew when your system may be out of sync with the service time. Note that this configuration option can only be applied to the global AWS.config object and cannot be overridden in service-specific configuration. Defaults to 0 milliseconds.

  • signatureVersion (String)

    the signature version to sign requests with (overriding the API configuration). Possible values are: 'v2', 'v3', 'v4'.

  • signatureCache (Boolean)

    whether the signature to sign requests with (overriding the API configuration) is cached. Only applies to the signature version 'v4'. Defaults to true.

  • dynamoDbCrc32 (Boolean)

    whether to validate the CRC32 checksum of HTTP response bodies returned by DynamoDB. Default: true.

  • useAccelerateEndpoint (Boolean)

    Whether to use the S3 Transfer Acceleration endpoint with the S3 service. Default: false.

  • clientSideMonitoring (Boolean)

    whether to collect and publish this client's performance metrics of all its API requests.

  • endpointDiscoveryEnabled (Boolean|undefined)

    whether to call operations with endpoints given by service dynamically. Setting this

  • endpointCacheSize (Number)

    the size of the global cache storing endpoints from endpoint discovery operations. Once endpoint cache is created, updating this setting cannot change existing cache size. Defaults to 1000

  • hostPrefixEnabled (Boolean)

    whether to marshal request parameters to the prefix of hostname. Defaults to true.

  • stsRegionalEndpoints ('legacy'|'regional')

    whether to send sts request to global endpoints or regional endpoints. Defaults to 'legacy'.

  • useFipsEndpoint (Boolean)

    Enables FIPS compatible endpoints. Defaults to false.

  • useDualstackEndpoint (Boolean)

    Enables IPv6 dualstack endpoint. Defaults to false.

Property Details

endpointAWS.Endpoint (readwrite)

Returns an Endpoint object representing the endpoint URL for service requests.


  • (AWS.Endpoint)

    an Endpoint object representing the endpoint URL for service requests.

Method Details

acknowledgeJob(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Returns information about a specified job and whether that job has been received by the job worker. Used for custom actions only.

Service Reference:


Calling the acknowledgeJob operation

var params = {
  jobId: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  nonce: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
codepipeline.acknowledgeJob(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • jobId — (String)

      The unique system-generated ID of the job for which you want to confirm receipt.

    • nonce — (String)

      A system-generated random number that CodePipeline uses to ensure that the job is being worked on by only one job worker. Get this number from the response of the PollForJobs request that returned this job.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • status — (String)

        Whether the job worker has received the specified job.

        Possible values include:
        • "Created"
        • "Queued"
        • "Dispatched"
        • "InProgress"
        • "TimedOut"
        • "Succeeded"
        • "Failed"


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

acknowledgeThirdPartyJob(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Confirms a job worker has received the specified job. Used for partner actions only.

Service Reference:


Calling the acknowledgeThirdPartyJob operation

var params = {
  clientToken: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  jobId: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  nonce: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
codepipeline.acknowledgeThirdPartyJob(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • jobId — (String)

      The unique system-generated ID of the job.

    • nonce — (String)

      A system-generated random number that CodePipeline uses to ensure that the job is being worked on by only one job worker. Get this number from the response to a GetThirdPartyJobDetails request.

    • clientToken — (String)

      The clientToken portion of the clientId and clientToken pair used to verify that the calling entity is allowed access to the job and its details.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • status — (String)

        The status information for the third party job, if any.

        Possible values include:
        • "Created"
        • "Queued"
        • "Dispatched"
        • "InProgress"
        • "TimedOut"
        • "Succeeded"
        • "Failed"


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

createCustomActionType(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Creates a new custom action that can be used in all pipelines associated with the Amazon Web Services account. Only used for custom actions.

Service Reference:


Calling the createCustomActionType operation

var params = {
  category: Source | Build | Deploy | Test | Invoke | Approval, /* required */
  inputArtifactDetails: { /* required */
    maximumCount: 'NUMBER_VALUE', /* required */
    minimumCount: 'NUMBER_VALUE' /* required */
  outputArtifactDetails: { /* required */
    maximumCount: 'NUMBER_VALUE', /* required */
    minimumCount: 'NUMBER_VALUE' /* required */
  provider: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  version: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  configurationProperties: [
      key: true || false, /* required */
      name: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
      required: true || false, /* required */
      secret: true || false, /* required */
      description: 'STRING_VALUE',
      queryable: true || false,
      type: String | Number | Boolean
    /* more items */
  settings: {
    entityUrlTemplate: 'STRING_VALUE',
    executionUrlTemplate: 'STRING_VALUE',
    revisionUrlTemplate: 'STRING_VALUE',
    thirdPartyConfigurationUrl: 'STRING_VALUE'
  tags: [
      key: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
      value: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
    /* more items */
codepipeline.createCustomActionType(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • category — (String)

      The category of the custom action, such as a build action or a test action.

      Possible values include:
      • "Source"
      • "Build"
      • "Deploy"
      • "Test"
      • "Invoke"
      • "Approval"
    • provider — (String)

      The provider of the service used in the custom action, such as CodeDeploy.

    • version — (String)

      The version identifier of the custom action.

    • settings — (map)

      URLs that provide users information about this custom action.

      • thirdPartyConfigurationUrl — (String)

        The URL of a sign-up page where users can sign up for an external service and perform initial configuration of the action provided by that service.

      • entityUrlTemplate — (String)

        The URL returned to the CodePipeline console that provides a deep link to the resources of the external system, such as the configuration page for a CodeDeploy deployment group. This link is provided as part of the action display in the pipeline.

      • executionUrlTemplate — (String)

        The URL returned to the CodePipeline console that contains a link to the top-level landing page for the external system, such as the console page for CodeDeploy. This link is shown on the pipeline view page in the CodePipeline console and provides a link to the execution entity of the external action.

      • revisionUrlTemplate — (String)

        The URL returned to the CodePipeline console that contains a link to the page where customers can update or change the configuration of the external action.

    • configurationProperties — (Array<map>)

      The configuration properties for the custom action.

      Note: You can refer to a name in the configuration properties of the custom action within the URL templates by following the format of {Config:name}, as long as the configuration property is both required and not secret. For more information, see Create a Custom Action for a Pipeline.
      • namerequired — (String)

        The name of the action configuration property.

      • requiredrequired — (Boolean)

        Whether the configuration property is a required value.

      • keyrequired — (Boolean)

        Whether the configuration property is a key.

      • secretrequired — (Boolean)

        Whether the configuration property is secret. Secrets are hidden from all calls except for GetJobDetails, GetThirdPartyJobDetails, PollForJobs, and PollForThirdPartyJobs.

        When updating a pipeline, passing * * * * * without changing any other values of the action preserves the previous value of the secret.

      • queryable — (Boolean)

        Indicates that the property is used with PollForJobs. When creating a custom action, an action can have up to one queryable property. If it has one, that property must be both required and not secret.

        If you create a pipeline with a custom action type, and that custom action contains a queryable property, the value for that configuration property is subject to other restrictions. The value must be less than or equal to twenty (20) characters. The value can contain only alphanumeric characters, underscores, and hyphens.

      • description — (String)

        The description of the action configuration property that is displayed to users.

      • type — (String)

        The type of the configuration property.

        Possible values include:
        • "String"
        • "Number"
        • "Boolean"
    • inputArtifactDetails — (map)

      The details of the input artifact for the action, such as its commit ID.

      • minimumCountrequired — (Integer)

        The minimum number of artifacts allowed for the action type.

      • maximumCountrequired — (Integer)

        The maximum number of artifacts allowed for the action type.

    • outputArtifactDetails — (map)

      The details of the output artifact of the action, such as its commit ID.

      • minimumCountrequired — (Integer)

        The minimum number of artifacts allowed for the action type.

      • maximumCountrequired — (Integer)

        The maximum number of artifacts allowed for the action type.

    • tags — (Array<map>)

      The tags for the custom action.

      • keyrequired — (String)

        The tag's key.

      • valuerequired — (String)

        The tag's value.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • actionType — (map)

        Returns information about the details of an action type.

        • idrequired — (map)

          Represents information about an action type.

          • categoryrequired — (String)

            A category defines what kind of action can be taken in the stage, and constrains the provider type for the action. Valid categories are limited to one of the following values.

            • Source

            • Build

            • Test

            • Deploy

            • Invoke

            • Approval

            Possible values include:
            • "Source"
            • "Build"
            • "Deploy"
            • "Test"
            • "Invoke"
            • "Approval"
          • ownerrequired — (String)

            The creator of the action being called. There are three valid values for the Owner field in the action category section within your pipeline structure: AWS, ThirdParty, and Custom. For more information, see Valid Action Types and Providers in CodePipeline.

            Possible values include:
            • "AWS"
            • "ThirdParty"
            • "Custom"
          • providerrequired — (String)

            The provider of the service being called by the action. Valid providers are determined by the action category. For example, an action in the Deploy category type might have a provider of CodeDeploy, which would be specified as CodeDeploy. For more information, see Valid Action Types and Providers in CodePipeline.

          • versionrequired — (String)

            A string that describes the action version.

        • settings — (map)

          The settings for the action type.

          • thirdPartyConfigurationUrl — (String)

            The URL of a sign-up page where users can sign up for an external service and perform initial configuration of the action provided by that service.

          • entityUrlTemplate — (String)

            The URL returned to the CodePipeline console that provides a deep link to the resources of the external system, such as the configuration page for a CodeDeploy deployment group. This link is provided as part of the action display in the pipeline.

          • executionUrlTemplate — (String)

            The URL returned to the CodePipeline console that contains a link to the top-level landing page for the external system, such as the console page for CodeDeploy. This link is shown on the pipeline view page in the CodePipeline console and provides a link to the execution entity of the external action.

          • revisionUrlTemplate — (String)

            The URL returned to the CodePipeline console that contains a link to the page where customers can update or change the configuration of the external action.

        • actionConfigurationProperties — (Array<map>)

          The configuration properties for the action type.

          • namerequired — (String)

            The name of the action configuration property.

          • requiredrequired — (Boolean)

            Whether the configuration property is a required value.

          • keyrequired — (Boolean)

            Whether the configuration property is a key.

          • secretrequired — (Boolean)

            Whether the configuration property is secret. Secrets are hidden from all calls except for GetJobDetails, GetThirdPartyJobDetails, PollForJobs, and PollForThirdPartyJobs.

            When updating a pipeline, passing * * * * * without changing any other values of the action preserves the previous value of the secret.

          • queryable — (Boolean)

            Indicates that the property is used with PollForJobs. When creating a custom action, an action can have up to one queryable property. If it has one, that property must be both required and not secret.

            If you create a pipeline with a custom action type, and that custom action contains a queryable property, the value for that configuration property is subject to other restrictions. The value must be less than or equal to twenty (20) characters. The value can contain only alphanumeric characters, underscores, and hyphens.

          • description — (String)

            The description of the action configuration property that is displayed to users.

          • type — (String)

            The type of the configuration property.

            Possible values include:
            • "String"
            • "Number"
            • "Boolean"
        • inputArtifactDetailsrequired — (map)

          The details of the input artifact for the action, such as its commit ID.

          • minimumCountrequired — (Integer)

            The minimum number of artifacts allowed for the action type.

          • maximumCountrequired — (Integer)

            The maximum number of artifacts allowed for the action type.

        • outputArtifactDetailsrequired — (map)

          The details of the output artifact of the action, such as its commit ID.

          • minimumCountrequired — (Integer)

            The minimum number of artifacts allowed for the action type.

          • maximumCountrequired — (Integer)

            The maximum number of artifacts allowed for the action type.

      • tags — (Array<map>)

        Specifies the tags applied to the custom action.

        • keyrequired — (String)

          The tag's key.

        • valuerequired — (String)

          The tag's value.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

createPipeline(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Creates a pipeline.

Note: In the pipeline structure, you must include either artifactStore or artifactStores in your pipeline, but you cannot use both. If you create a cross-region action in your pipeline, you must use artifactStores.

Service Reference:


Calling the createPipeline operation

var params = {
  pipeline: { /* required */
    name: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
    roleArn: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
    stages: [ /* required */
        actions: [ /* required */
            actionTypeId: { /* required */
              category: Source | Build | Deploy | Test | Invoke | Approval, /* required */
              owner: AWS | ThirdParty | Custom, /* required */
              provider: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
              version: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
            name: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
            configuration: {
              '<ActionConfigurationKey>': 'STRING_VALUE',
              /* '<ActionConfigurationKey>': ... */
            inputArtifacts: [
                name: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
              /* more items */
            namespace: 'STRING_VALUE',
            outputArtifacts: [
                name: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
              /* more items */
            region: 'STRING_VALUE',
            roleArn: 'STRING_VALUE',
            runOrder: 'NUMBER_VALUE',
            timeoutInMinutes: 'NUMBER_VALUE'
          /* more items */
        name: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
        beforeEntry: {
          conditions: [ /* required */
              result: ROLLBACK | FAIL,
              rules: [
                  name: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
                  ruleTypeId: { /* required */
                    category: Rule, /* required */
                    provider: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
                    owner: AWS,
                    version: 'STRING_VALUE'
                  configuration: {
                    '<RuleConfigurationKey>': 'STRING_VALUE',
                    /* '<RuleConfigurationKey>': ... */
                  inputArtifacts: [
                      name: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
                    /* more items */
                  region: 'STRING_VALUE',
                  roleArn: 'STRING_VALUE',
                  timeoutInMinutes: 'NUMBER_VALUE'
                /* more items */
            /* more items */
        blockers: [
            name: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
            type: Schedule /* required */
          /* more items */
        onFailure: {
          conditions: [
              result: ROLLBACK | FAIL,
              rules: [
                  name: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
                  ruleTypeId: { /* required */
                    category: Rule, /* required */
                    provider: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
                    owner: AWS,
                    version: 'STRING_VALUE'
                  configuration: {
                    '<RuleConfigurationKey>': 'STRING_VALUE',
                    /* '<RuleConfigurationKey>': ... */
                  inputArtifacts: [
                      name: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
                    /* more items */
                  region: 'STRING_VALUE',
                  roleArn: 'STRING_VALUE',
                  timeoutInMinutes: 'NUMBER_VALUE'
                /* more items */
            /* more items */
          result: ROLLBACK | FAIL
        onSuccess: {
          conditions: [ /* required */
              result: ROLLBACK | FAIL,
              rules: [
                  name: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
                  ruleTypeId: { /* required */
                    category: Rule, /* required */
                    provider: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
                    owner: AWS,
                    version: 'STRING_VALUE'
                  configuration: {
                    '<RuleConfigurationKey>': 'STRING_VALUE',
                    /* '<RuleConfigurationKey>': ... */
                  inputArtifacts: [
                      name: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
                    /* more items */
                  region: 'STRING_VALUE',
                  roleArn: 'STRING_VALUE',
                  timeoutInMinutes: 'NUMBER_VALUE'
                /* more items */
            /* more items */
      /* more items */
    artifactStore: {
      location: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
      type: S3, /* required */
      encryptionKey: {
        id: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
        type: KMS /* required */
    artifactStores: {
      '<AWSRegionName>': {
        location: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
        type: S3, /* required */
        encryptionKey: {
          id: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
          type: KMS /* required */
      /* '<AWSRegionName>': ... */
    executionMode: QUEUED | SUPERSEDED | PARALLEL,
    pipelineType: V1 | V2,
    triggers: [
        gitConfiguration: { /* required */
          sourceActionName: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
          pullRequest: [
              branches: {
                excludes: [
                  /* more items */
                includes: [
                  /* more items */
              events: [
                OPEN | UPDATED | CLOSED,
                /* more items */
              filePaths: {
                excludes: [
                  /* more items */
                includes: [
                  /* more items */
            /* more items */
          push: [
              branches: {
                excludes: [
                  /* more items */
                includes: [
                  /* more items */
              filePaths: {
                excludes: [
                  /* more items */
                includes: [
                  /* more items */
              tags: {
                excludes: [
                  /* more items */
                includes: [
                  /* more items */
            /* more items */
        providerType: CodeStarSourceConnection /* required */
      /* more items */
    variables: [
        name: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
        defaultValue: 'STRING_VALUE',
        description: 'STRING_VALUE'
      /* more items */
    version: 'NUMBER_VALUE'
  tags: [
      key: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
      value: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
    /* more items */
codepipeline.createPipeline(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • pipeline — (map)

      Represents the structure of actions and stages to be performed in the pipeline.

      • namerequired — (String)

        The name of the pipeline.

      • roleArnrequired — (String)

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for CodePipeline to use to either perform actions with no actionRoleArn, or to use to assume roles for actions with an actionRoleArn.

      • artifactStore — (map)

        Represents information about the S3 bucket where artifacts are stored for the pipeline.

        Note: You must include either artifactStore or artifactStores in your pipeline, but you cannot use both. If you create a cross-region action in your pipeline, you must use artifactStores.
        • typerequired — (String)

          The type of the artifact store, such as S3.

          Possible values include:
          • "S3"
        • locationrequired — (String)

          The S3 bucket used for storing the artifacts for a pipeline. You can specify the name of an S3 bucket but not a folder in the bucket. A folder to contain the pipeline artifacts is created for you based on the name of the pipeline. You can use any S3 bucket in the same Amazon Web Services Region as the pipeline to store your pipeline artifacts.

        • encryptionKey — (map)

          The encryption key used to encrypt the data in the artifact store, such as an Amazon Web Services Key Management Service key. If this is undefined, the default key for Amazon S3 is used.

          • idrequired — (String)

            The ID used to identify the key. For an Amazon Web Services KMS key, you can use the key ID, the key ARN, or the alias ARN.

            Note: Aliases are recognized only in the account that created the KMS key. For cross-account actions, you can only use the key ID or key ARN to identify the key. Cross-account actions involve using the role from the other account (AccountB), so specifying the key ID will use the key from the other account (AccountB).
          • typerequired — (String)

            The type of encryption key, such as an Amazon Web Services KMS key. When creating or updating a pipeline, the value must be set to 'KMS'.

            Possible values include:
            • "KMS"
      • artifactStores — (map<map>)

        A mapping of artifactStore objects and their corresponding Amazon Web Services Regions. There must be an artifact store for the pipeline Region and for each cross-region action in the pipeline.

        Note: You must include either artifactStore or artifactStores in your pipeline, but you cannot use both. If you create a cross-region action in your pipeline, you must use artifactStores.
        • typerequired — (String)

          The type of the artifact store, such as S3.

          Possible values include:
          • "S3"
        • locationrequired — (String)

          The S3 bucket used for storing the artifacts for a pipeline. You can specify the name of an S3 bucket but not a folder in the bucket. A folder to contain the pipeline artifacts is created for you based on the name of the pipeline. You can use any S3 bucket in the same Amazon Web Services Region as the pipeline to store your pipeline artifacts.

        • encryptionKey — (map)

          The encryption key used to encrypt the data in the artifact store, such as an Amazon Web Services Key Management Service key. If this is undefined, the default key for Amazon S3 is used.

          • idrequired — (String)

            The ID used to identify the key. For an Amazon Web Services KMS key, you can use the key ID, the key ARN, or the alias ARN.

            Note: Aliases are recognized only in the account that created the KMS key. For cross-account actions, you can only use the key ID or key ARN to identify the key. Cross-account actions involve using the role from the other account (AccountB), so specifying the key ID will use the key from the other account (AccountB).
          • typerequired — (String)

            The type of encryption key, such as an Amazon Web Services KMS key. When creating or updating a pipeline, the value must be set to 'KMS'.

            Possible values include:
            • "KMS"
      • stagesrequired — (Array<map>)

        The stage in which to perform the action.

        • namerequired — (String)

          The name of the stage.

        • blockers — (Array<map>)

          Reserved for future use.

          • namerequired — (String)

            Reserved for future use.

          • typerequired — (String)

            Reserved for future use.

            Possible values include:
            • "Schedule"
        • actionsrequired — (Array<map>)

          The actions included in a stage.

          • namerequired — (String)

            The action declaration's name.

          • actionTypeIdrequired — (map)

            Specifies the action type and the provider of the action.

            • categoryrequired — (String)

              A category defines what kind of action can be taken in the stage, and constrains the provider type for the action. Valid categories are limited to one of the following values.

              • Source

              • Build

              • Test

              • Deploy

              • Invoke

              • Approval

              Possible values include:
              • "Source"
              • "Build"
              • "Deploy"
              • "Test"
              • "Invoke"
              • "Approval"
            • ownerrequired — (String)

              The creator of the action being called. There are three valid values for the Owner field in the action category section within your pipeline structure: AWS, ThirdParty, and Custom. For more information, see Valid Action Types and Providers in CodePipeline.

              Possible values include:
              • "AWS"
              • "ThirdParty"
              • "Custom"
            • providerrequired — (String)

              The provider of the service being called by the action. Valid providers are determined by the action category. For example, an action in the Deploy category type might have a provider of CodeDeploy, which would be specified as CodeDeploy. For more information, see Valid Action Types and Providers in CodePipeline.

            • versionrequired — (String)

              A string that describes the action version.

          • runOrder — (Integer)

            The order in which actions are run.

          • configuration — (map<String>)

            The action's configuration. These are key-value pairs that specify input values for an action. For more information, see Action Structure Requirements in CodePipeline. For the list of configuration properties for the CloudFormation action type in CodePipeline, see Configuration Properties Reference in the CloudFormation User Guide. For template snippets with examples, see Using Parameter Override Functions with CodePipeline Pipelines in the CloudFormation User Guide.

            The values can be represented in either JSON or YAML format. For example, the JSON configuration item format is as follows:


            "Configuration" : { Key : Value },

          • outputArtifacts — (Array<map>)

            The name or ID of the result of the action declaration, such as a test or build artifact.

            • namerequired — (String)

              The name of the output of an artifact, such as "My App".

              The input artifact of an action must exactly match the output artifact declared in a preceding action, but the input artifact does not have to be the next action in strict sequence from the action that provided the output artifact. Actions in parallel can declare different output artifacts, which are in turn consumed by different following actions.

              Output artifact names must be unique within a pipeline.

          • inputArtifacts — (Array<map>)

            The name or ID of the artifact consumed by the action, such as a test or build artifact.

            • namerequired — (String)

              The name of the artifact to be worked on (for example, "My App").

              Artifacts are the files that are worked on by actions in the pipeline. See the action configuration for each action for details about artifact parameters. For example, the S3 source action input artifact is a file name (or file path), and the files are generally provided as a ZIP file. Example artifact name: SampleApp_Windows.zip

              The input artifact of an action must exactly match the output artifact declared in a preceding action, but the input artifact does not have to be the next action in strict sequence from the action that provided the output artifact. Actions in parallel can declare different output artifacts, which are in turn consumed by different following actions.

          • roleArn — (String)

            The ARN of the IAM service role that performs the declared action. This is assumed through the roleArn for the pipeline.

          • region — (String)

            The action declaration's Amazon Web Services Region, such as us-east-1.

          • namespace — (String)

            The variable namespace associated with the action. All variables produced as output by this action fall under this namespace.

          • timeoutInMinutes — (Integer)

            A timeout duration in minutes that can be applied against the ActionType’s default timeout value specified in Quotas for CodePipeline . This attribute is available only to the manual approval ActionType.

        • onFailure — (map)

          The method to use when a stage has not completed successfully. For example, configuring this field for rollback will roll back a failed stage automatically to the last successful pipeline execution in the stage.

          • result — (String)

            The specified result for when the failure conditions are met, such as rolling back the stage.

            Possible values include:
            • "ROLLBACK"
            • "FAIL"
          • conditions — (Array<map>)

            The conditions that are configured as failure conditions.

            • result — (String)

              The action to be done when the condition is met. For example, rolling back an execution for a failure condition.

              Possible values include:
              • "ROLLBACK"
              • "FAIL"
            • rules — (Array<map>)

              The rules that make up the condition.

              • namerequired — (String)

                The name of the rule that is created for the condition, such as CheckAllResults.

              • ruleTypeIdrequired — (map)

                The ID for the rule type, which is made up of the combined values for category, owner, provider, and version.

                • categoryrequired — (String)

                  A category defines what kind of rule can be run in the stage, and constrains the provider type for the rule. The valid category is Rule.

                  Possible values include:
                  • "Rule"
                • owner — (String)

                  The creator of the rule being called. The valid value for the Owner field in the rule category is AWS.

                  Possible values include:
                  • "AWS"
                • providerrequired — (String)

                  The rule provider, such as the DeploymentWindow rule.

                • version — (String)

                  A string that describes the rule version.

              • configuration — (map<String>)

                The action configuration fields for the rule.

              • inputArtifacts — (Array<map>)

                The input artifacts fields for the rule, such as specifying an input file for the rule.

                • namerequired — (String)

                  The name of the artifact to be worked on (for example, "My App").

                  Artifacts are the files that are worked on by actions in the pipeline. See the action configuration for each action for details about artifact parameters. For example, the S3 source action input artifact is a file name (or file path), and the files are generally provided as a ZIP file. Example artifact name: SampleApp_Windows.zip

                  The input artifact of an action must exactly match the output artifact declared in a preceding action, but the input artifact does not have to be the next action in strict sequence from the action that provided the output artifact. Actions in parallel can declare different output artifacts, which are in turn consumed by different following actions.

              • roleArn — (String)

                The pipeline role ARN associated with the rule.

              • region — (String)

                The Region for the condition associated with the rule.

              • timeoutInMinutes — (Integer)

                The action timeout for the rule.

        • onSuccess — (map)

          The method to use when a stage has succeeded. For example, configuring this field for conditions will allow the stage to succeed when the conditions are met.

          • conditionsrequired — (Array<map>)

            The conditions that are success conditions.

            • result — (String)

              The action to be done when the condition is met. For example, rolling back an execution for a failure condition.

              Possible values include:
              • "ROLLBACK"
              • "FAIL"
            • rules — (Array<map>)

              The rules that make up the condition.

              • namerequired — (String)

                The name of the rule that is created for the condition, such as CheckAllResults.

              • ruleTypeIdrequired — (map)

                The ID for the rule type, which is made up of the combined values for category, owner, provider, and version.

                • categoryrequired — (String)

                  A category defines what kind of rule can be run in the stage, and constrains the provider type for the rule. The valid category is Rule.

                  Possible values include:
                  • "Rule"
                • owner — (String)

                  The creator of the rule being called. The valid value for the Owner field in the rule category is AWS.

                  Possible values include:
                  • "AWS"
                • providerrequired — (String)

                  The rule provider, such as the DeploymentWindow rule.

                • version — (String)

                  A string that describes the rule version.

              • configuration — (map<String>)

                The action configuration fields for the rule.

              • inputArtifacts — (Array<map>)

                The input artifacts fields for the rule, such as specifying an input file for the rule.

                • namerequired — (String)

                  The name of the artifact to be worked on (for example, "My App").

                  Artifacts are the files that are worked on by actions in the pipeline. See the action configuration for each action for details about artifact parameters. For example, the S3 source action input artifact is a file name (or file path), and the files are generally provided as a ZIP file. Example artifact name: SampleApp_Windows.zip

                  The input artifact of an action must exactly match the output artifact declared in a preceding action, but the input artifact does not have to be the next action in strict sequence from the action that provided the output artifact. Actions in parallel can declare different output artifacts, which are in turn consumed by different following actions.

              • roleArn — (String)

                The pipeline role ARN associated with the rule.

              • region — (String)

                The Region for the condition associated with the rule.

              • timeoutInMinutes — (Integer)

                The action timeout for the rule.

        • beforeEntry — (map)

          The method to use when a stage allows entry. For example, configuring this field for conditions will allow entry to the stage when the conditions are met.

          • conditionsrequired — (Array<map>)

            The conditions that are configured as entry conditions.

            • result — (String)

              The action to be done when the condition is met. For example, rolling back an execution for a failure condition.

              Possible values include:
              • "ROLLBACK"
              • "FAIL"
            • rules — (Array<map>)

              The rules that make up the condition.

              • namerequired — (String)

                The name of the rule that is created for the condition, such as CheckAllResults.

              • ruleTypeIdrequired — (map)

                The ID for the rule type, which is made up of the combined values for category, owner, provider, and version.

                • categoryrequired — (String)

                  A category defines what kind of rule can be run in the stage, and constrains the provider type for the rule. The valid category is Rule.

                  Possible values include:
                  • "Rule"
                • owner — (String)

                  The creator of the rule being called. The valid value for the Owner field in the rule category is AWS.

                  Possible values include:
                  • "AWS"
                • providerrequired — (String)

                  The rule provider, such as the DeploymentWindow rule.

                • version — (String)

                  A string that describes the rule version.

              • configuration — (map<String>)

                The action configuration fields for the rule.

              • inputArtifacts — (Array<map>)

                The input artifacts fields for the rule, such as specifying an input file for the rule.

                • namerequired — (String)

                  The name of the artifact to be worked on (for example, "My App").

                  Artifacts are the files that are worked on by actions in the pipeline. See the action configuration for each action for details about artifact parameters. For example, the S3 source action input artifact is a file name (or file path), and the files are generally provided as a ZIP file. Example artifact name: SampleApp_Windows.zip

                  The input artifact of an action must exactly match the output artifact declared in a preceding action, but the input artifact does not have to be the next action in strict sequence from the action that provided the output artifact. Actions in parallel can declare different output artifacts, which are in turn consumed by different following actions.

              • roleArn — (String)

                The pipeline role ARN associated with the rule.

              • region — (String)

                The Region for the condition associated with the rule.

              • timeoutInMinutes — (Integer)

                The action timeout for the rule.

      • version — (Integer)

        The version number of the pipeline. A new pipeline always has a version number of 1. This number is incremented when a pipeline is updated.

      • executionMode — (String)

        The method that the pipeline will use to handle multiple executions. The default mode is SUPERSEDED.

        Possible values include:
        • "QUEUED"
        • "SUPERSEDED"
        • "PARALLEL"
      • pipelineType — (String)

        CodePipeline provides the following pipeline types, which differ in characteristics and price, so that you can tailor your pipeline features and cost to the needs of your applications.

        • V1 type pipelines have a JSON structure that contains standard pipeline, stage, and action-level parameters.

        • V2 type pipelines have the same structure as a V1 type, along with additional parameters for release safety and trigger configuration.

        Including V2 parameters, such as triggers on Git tags, in the pipeline JSON when creating or updating a pipeline will result in the pipeline having the V2 type of pipeline and the associated costs.

        For information about pricing for CodePipeline, see Pricing.

        For information about which type of pipeline to choose, see What type of pipeline is right for me?.

        Possible values include:
        • "V1"
        • "V2"
      • variables — (Array<map>)

        A list that defines the pipeline variables for a pipeline resource. Variable names can have alphanumeric and underscore characters, and the values must match [A-Za-z0-9@-_]+.

        • namerequired — (String)

          The name of a pipeline-level variable.

        • defaultValue — (String)

          The value of a pipeline-level variable.

        • description — (String)

          The description of a pipeline-level variable. It's used to add additional context about the variable, and not being used at time when pipeline executes.

      • triggers — (Array<map>)

        The trigger configuration specifying a type of event, such as Git tags, that starts the pipeline.

        Note: When a trigger configuration is specified, default change detection for repository and branch commits is disabled.
        • providerTyperequired — (String)

          The source provider for the event, such as connections configured for a repository with Git tags, for the specified trigger configuration.

          Possible values include:
          • "CodeStarSourceConnection"
        • gitConfigurationrequired — (map)

          Provides the filter criteria and the source stage for the repository event that starts the pipeline, such as Git tags.

          • sourceActionNamerequired — (String)

            The name of the pipeline source action where the trigger configuration, such as Git tags, is specified. The trigger configuration will start the pipeline upon the specified change only.

            Note: You can only specify one trigger configuration per source action.
          • push — (Array<map>)

            The field where the repository event that will start the pipeline, such as pushing Git tags, is specified with details.

            • tags — (map)

              The field that contains the details for the Git tags trigger configuration.

              • includes — (Array<String>)

                The list of patterns of Git tags that, when pushed, are to be included as criteria that starts the pipeline.

              • excludes — (Array<String>)

                The list of patterns of Git tags that, when pushed, are to be excluded from starting the pipeline.

            • branches — (map)

              The field that specifies to filter on branches for the push trigger configuration.

              • includes — (Array<String>)

                The list of patterns of Git branches that, when a commit is pushed, are to be included as criteria that starts the pipeline.

              • excludes — (Array<String>)

                The list of patterns of Git branches that, when a commit is pushed, are to be excluded from starting the pipeline.

            • filePaths — (map)

              The field that specifies to filter on file paths for the push trigger configuration.

              • includes — (Array<String>)

                The list of patterns of Git repository file paths that, when a commit is pushed, are to be included as criteria that starts the pipeline.

              • excludes — (Array<String>)

                The list of patterns of Git repository file paths that, when a commit is pushed, are to be excluded from starting the pipeline.

          • pullRequest — (Array<map>)

            The field where the repository event that will start the pipeline is specified as pull requests.

            • events — (Array<String>)

              The field that specifies which pull request events to filter on (opened, updated, closed) for the trigger configuration.

            • branches — (map)

              The field that specifies to filter on branches for the pull request trigger configuration.

              • includes — (Array<String>)

                The list of patterns of Git branches that, when a commit is pushed, are to be included as criteria that starts the pipeline.

              • excludes — (Array<String>)

                The list of patterns of Git branches that, when a commit is pushed, are to be excluded from starting the pipeline.

            • filePaths — (map)

              The field that specifies to filter on file paths for the pull request trigger configuration.

              • includes — (Array<String>)

                The list of patterns of Git repository file paths that, when a commit is pushed, are to be included as criteria that starts the pipeline.

              • excludes — (Array<String>)

                The list of patterns of Git repository file paths that, when a commit is pushed, are to be excluded from starting the pipeline.

    • tags — (Array<map>)

      The tags for the pipeline.

      • keyrequired — (String)

        The tag's key.

      • valuerequired — (String)

        The tag's value.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • pipeline — (map)

        Represents the structure of actions and stages to be performed in the pipeline.

        • namerequired — (String)

          The name of the pipeline.

        • roleArnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for CodePipeline to use to either perform actions with no actionRoleArn, or to use to assume roles for actions with an actionRoleArn.

        • artifactStore — (map)

          Represents information about the S3 bucket where artifacts are stored for the pipeline.

          Note: You must include either artifactStore or artifactStores in your pipeline, but you cannot use both. If you create a cross-region action in your pipeline, you must use artifactStores.
          • typerequired — (String)

            The type of the artifact store, such as S3.

            Possible values include:
            • "S3"
          • locationrequired — (String)

            The S3 bucket used for storing the artifacts for a pipeline. You can specify the name of an S3 bucket but not a folder in the bucket. A folder to contain the pipeline artifacts is created for you based on the name of the pipeline. You can use any S3 bucket in the same Amazon Web Services Region as the pipeline to store your pipeline artifacts.

          • encryptionKey — (map)

            The encryption key used to encrypt the data in the artifact store, such as an Amazon Web Services Key Management Service key. If this is undefined, the default key for Amazon S3 is used.

            • idrequired — (String)

              The ID used to identify the key. For an Amazon Web Services KMS key, you can use the key ID, the key ARN, or the alias ARN.

              Note: Aliases are recognized only in the account that created the KMS key. For cross-account actions, you can only use the key ID or key ARN to identify the key. Cross-account actions involve using the role from the other account (AccountB), so specifying the key ID will use the key from the other account (AccountB).
            • typerequired — (String)

              The type of encryption key, such as an Amazon Web Services KMS key. When creating or updating a pipeline, the value must be set to 'KMS'.

              Possible values include:
              • "KMS"
        • artifactStores — (map<map>)

          A mapping of artifactStore objects and their corresponding Amazon Web Services Regions. There must be an artifact store for the pipeline Region and for each cross-region action in the pipeline.

          Note: You must include either artifactStore or artifactStores in your pipeline, but you cannot use both. If you create a cross-region action in your pipeline, you must use artifactStores.
          • typerequired — (String)

            The type of the artifact store, such as S3.

            Possible values include:
            • "S3"
          • locationrequired — (String)

            The S3 bucket used for storing the artifacts for a pipeline. You can specify the name of an S3 bucket but not a folder in the bucket. A folder to contain the pipeline artifacts is created for you based on the name of the pipeline. You can use any S3 bucket in the same Amazon Web Services Region as the pipeline to store your pipeline artifacts.

          • encryptionKey — (map)

            The encryption key used to encrypt the data in the artifact store, such as an Amazon Web Services Key Management Service key. If this is undefined, the default key for Amazon S3 is used.

            • idrequired — (String)

              The ID used to identify the key. For an Amazon Web Services KMS key, you can use the key ID, the key ARN, or the alias ARN.

              Note: Aliases are recognized only in the account that created the KMS key. For cross-account actions, you can only use the key ID or key ARN to identify the key. Cross-account actions involve using the role from the other account (AccountB), so specifying the key ID will use the key from the other account (AccountB).
            • typerequired — (String)

              The type of encryption key, such as an Amazon Web Services KMS key. When creating or updating a pipeline, the value must be set to 'KMS'.

              Possible values include:
              • "KMS"
        • stagesrequired — (Array<map>)

          The stage in which to perform the action.

          • namerequired — (String)

            The name of the stage.

          • blockers — (Array<map>)

            Reserved for future use.

            • namerequired — (String)

              Reserved for future use.

            • typerequired — (String)

              Reserved for future use.

              Possible values include:
              • "Schedule"
          • actionsrequired — (Array<map>)

            The actions included in a stage.

            • namerequired — (String)

              The action declaration's name.

            • actionTypeIdrequired — (map)

              Specifies the action type and the provider of the action.

              • categoryrequired — (String)

                A category defines what kind of action can be taken in the stage, and constrains the provider type for the action. Valid categories are limited to one of the following values.

                • Source

                • Build

                • Test

                • Deploy

                • Invoke

                • Approval

                Possible values include:
                • "Source"
                • "Build"
                • "Deploy"
                • "Test"
                • "Invoke"
                • "Approval"
              • ownerrequired — (String)

                The creator of the action being called. There are three valid values for the Owner field in the action category section within your pipeline structure: AWS, ThirdParty, and Custom. For more information, see Valid Action Types and Providers in CodePipeline.

                Possible values include:
                • "AWS"
                • "ThirdParty"
                • "Custom"
              • providerrequired — (String)

                The provider of the service being called by the action. Valid providers are determined by the action category. For example, an action in the Deploy category type might have a provider of CodeDeploy, which would be specified as CodeDeploy. For more information, see Valid Action Types and Providers in CodePipeline.

              • versionrequired — (String)

                A string that describes the action version.

            • runOrder — (Integer)

              The order in which actions are run.

            • configuration — (map<String>)

              The action's configuration. These are key-value pairs that specify input values for an action. For more information, see Action Structure Requirements in CodePipeline. For the list of configuration properties for the CloudFormation action type in CodePipeline, see Configuration Properties Reference in the CloudFormation User Guide. For template snippets with examples, see Using Parameter Override Functions with CodePipeline Pipelines in the CloudFormation User Guide.

              The values can be represented in either JSON or YAML format. For example, the JSON configuration item format is as follows:


              "Configuration" : { Key : Value },

            • outputArtifacts — (Array<map>)

              The name or ID of the result of the action declaration, such as a test or build artifact.

              • namerequired — (String)

                The name of the output of an artifact, such as "My App".

                The input artifact of an action must exactly match the output artifact declared in a preceding action, but the input artifact does not have to be the next action in strict sequence from the action that provided the output artifact. Actions in parallel can declare different output artifacts, which are in turn consumed by different following actions.

                Output artifact names must be unique within a pipeline.

            • inputArtifacts — (Array<map>)

              The name or ID of the artifact consumed by the action, such as a test or build artifact.

              • namerequired — (String)

                The name of the artifact to be worked on (for example, "My App").

                Artifacts are the files that are worked on by actions in the pipeline. See the action configuration for each action for details about artifact parameters. For example, the S3 source action input artifact is a file name (or file path), and the files are generally provided as a ZIP file. Example artifact name: SampleApp_Windows.zip

                The input artifact of an action must exactly match the output artifact declared in a preceding action, but the input artifact does not have to be the next action in strict sequence from the action that provided the output artifact. Actions in parallel can declare different output artifacts, which are in turn consumed by different following actions.

            • roleArn — (String)

              The ARN of the IAM service role that performs the declared action. This is assumed through the roleArn for the pipeline.

            • region — (String)

              The action declaration's Amazon Web Services Region, such as us-east-1.

            • namespace — (String)

              The variable namespace associated with the action. All variables produced as output by this action fall under this namespace.

            • timeoutInMinutes — (Integer)

              A timeout duration in minutes that can be applied against the ActionType’s default timeout value specified in Quotas for CodePipeline . This attribute is available only to the manual approval ActionType.

          • onFailure — (map)

            The method to use when a stage has not completed successfully. For example, configuring this field for rollback will roll back a failed stage automatically to the last successful pipeline execution in the stage.

            • result — (String)

              The specified result for when the failure conditions are met, such as rolling back the stage.

              Possible values include:
              • "ROLLBACK"
              • "FAIL"
            • conditions — (Array<map>)

              The conditions that are configured as failure conditions.

              • result — (String)

                The action to be done when the condition is met. For example, rolling back an execution for a failure condition.

                Possible values include:
                • "ROLLBACK"
                • "FAIL"
              • rules — (Array<map>)

                The rules that make up the condition.

                • namerequired — (String)

                  The name of the rule that is created for the condition, such as CheckAllResults.

                • ruleTypeIdrequired — (map)

                  The ID for the rule type, which is made up of the combined values for category, owner, provider, and version.

                  • categoryrequired — (String)

                    A category defines what kind of rule can be run in the stage, and constrains the provider type for the rule. The valid category is Rule.

                    Possible values include:
                    • "Rule"
                  • owner — (String)

                    The creator of the rule being called. The valid value for the Owner field in the rule category is AWS.

                    Possible values include:
                    • "AWS"
                  • providerrequired — (String)

                    The rule provider, such as the DeploymentWindow rule.

                  • version — (String)

                    A string that describes the rule version.

                • configuration — (map<String>)

                  The action configuration fields for the rule.

                • inputArtifacts — (Array<map>)

                  The input artifacts fields for the rule, such as specifying an input file for the rule.

                  • namerequired — (String)

                    The name of the artifact to be worked on (for example, "My App").

                    Artifacts are the files that are worked on by actions in the pipeline. See the action configuration for each action for details about artifact parameters. For example, the S3 source action input artifact is a file name (or file path), and the files are generally provided as a ZIP file. Example artifact name: SampleApp_Windows.zip

                    The input artifact of an action must exactly match the output artifact declared in a preceding action, but the input artifact does not have to be the next action in strict sequence from the action that provided the output artifact. Actions in parallel can declare different output artifacts, which are in turn consumed by different following actions.

                • roleArn — (String)

                  The pipeline role ARN associated with the rule.

                • region — (String)

                  The Region for the condition associated with the rule.

                • timeoutInMinutes — (Integer)

                  The action timeout for the rule.

          • onSuccess — (map)

            The method to use when a stage has succeeded. For example, configuring this field for conditions will allow the stage to succeed when the conditions are met.

            • conditionsrequired — (Array<map>)

              The conditions that are success conditions.

              • result — (String)

                The action to be done when the condition is met. For example, rolling back an execution for a failure condition.

                Possible values include:
                • "ROLLBACK"
                • "FAIL"
              • rules — (Array<map>)

                The rules that make up the condition.

                • namerequired — (String)

                  The name of the rule that is created for the condition, such as CheckAllResults.

                • ruleTypeIdrequired — (map)

                  The ID for the rule type, which is made up of the combined values for category, owner, provider, and version.

                  • categoryrequired — (String)

                    A category defines what kind of rule can be run in the stage, and constrains the provider type for the rule. The valid category is Rule.

                    Possible values include:
                    • "Rule"
                  • owner — (String)

                    The creator of the rule being called. The valid value for the Owner field in the rule category is AWS.

                    Possible values include:
                    • "AWS"
                  • providerrequired — (String)

                    The rule provider, such as the DeploymentWindow rule.

                  • version — (String)

                    A string that describes the rule version.

                • configuration — (map<String>)

                  The action configuration fields for the rule.

                • inputArtifacts — (Array<map>)

                  The input artifacts fields for the rule, such as specifying an input file for the rule.

                  • namerequired — (String)

                    The name of the artifact to be worked on (for example, "My App").

                    Artifacts are the files that are worked on by actions in the pipeline. See the action configuration for each action for details about artifact parameters. For example, the S3 source action input artifact is a file name (or file path), and the files are generally provided as a ZIP file. Example artifact name: SampleApp_Windows.zip

                    The input artifact of an action must exactly match the output artifact declared in a preceding action, but the input artifact does not have to be the next action in strict sequence from the action that provided the output artifact. Actions in parallel can declare different output artifacts, which are in turn consumed by different following actions.

                • roleArn — (String)

                  The pipeline role ARN associated with the rule.

                • region — (String)

                  The Region for the condition associated with the rule.

                • timeoutInMinutes — (Integer)

                  The action timeout for the rule.

          • beforeEntry — (map)

            The method to use when a stage allows entry. For example, configuring this field for conditions will allow entry to the stage when the conditions are met.

            • conditionsrequired — (Array<map>)

              The conditions that are configured as entry conditions.

              • result — (String)

                The action to be done when the condition is met. For example, rolling back an execution for a failure condition.

                Possible values include:
                • "ROLLBACK"
                • "FAIL"
              • rules — (Array<map>)

                The rules that make up the condition.

                • namerequired — (String)

                  The name of the rule that is created for the condition, such as CheckAllResults.

                • ruleTypeIdrequired — (map)

                  The ID for the rule type, which is made up of the combined values for category, owner, provider, and version.

                  • categoryrequired — (String)

                    A category defines what kind of rule can be run in the stage, and constrains the provider type for the rule. The valid category is Rule.

                    Possible values include:
                    • "Rule"
                  • owner — (String)

                    The creator of the rule being called. The valid value for the Owner field in the rule category is AWS.

                    Possible values include:
                    • "AWS"
                  • providerrequired — (String)

                    The rule provider, such as the DeploymentWindow rule.

                  • version — (String)

                    A string that describes the rule version.

                • configuration — (map<String>)

                  The action configuration fields for the rule.

                • inputArtifacts — (Array<map>)

                  The input artifacts fields for the rule, such as specifying an input file for the rule.

                  • namerequired — (String)

                    The name of the artifact to be worked on (for example, "My App").

                    Artifacts are the files that are worked on by actions in the pipeline. See the action configuration for each action for details about artifact parameters. For example, the S3 source action input artifact is a file name (or file path), and the files are generally provided as a ZIP file. Example artifact name: SampleApp_Windows.zip

                    The input artifact of an action must exactly match the output artifact declared in a preceding action, but the input artifact does not have to be the next action in strict sequence from the action that provided the output artifact. Actions in parallel can declare different output artifacts, which are in turn consumed by different following actions.

                • roleArn — (String)

                  The pipeline role ARN associated with the rule.

                • region — (String)

                  The Region for the condition associated with the rule.

                • timeoutInMinutes — (Integer)

                  The action timeout for the rule.

        • version — (Integer)

          The version number of the pipeline. A new pipeline always has a version number of 1. This number is incremented when a pipeline is updated.

        • executionMode — (String)

          The method that the pipeline will use to handle multiple executions. The default mode is SUPERSEDED.

          Possible values include:
          • "QUEUED"
          • "SUPERSEDED"
          • "PARALLEL"
        • pipelineType — (String)

          CodePipeline provides the following pipeline types, which differ in characteristics and price, so that you can tailor your pipeline features and cost to the needs of your applications.

          • V1 type pipelines have a JSON structure that contains standard pipeline, stage, and action-level parameters.

          • V2 type pipelines have the same structure as a V1 type, along with additional parameters for release safety and trigger configuration.

          Including V2 parameters, such as triggers on Git tags, in the pipeline JSON when creating or updating a pipeline will result in the pipeline having the V2 type of pipeline and the associated costs.

          For information about pricing for CodePipeline, see Pricing.

          For information about which type of pipeline to choose, see What type of pipeline is right for me?.

          Possible values include:
          • "V1"
          • "V2"
        • variables — (Array<map>)

          A list that defines the pipeline variables for a pipeline resource. Variable names can have alphanumeric and underscore characters, and the values must match [A-Za-z0-9@-_]+.

          • namerequired — (String)

            The name of a pipeline-level variable.

          • defaultValue — (String)

            The value of a pipeline-level variable.

          • description — (String)

            The description of a pipeline-level variable. It's used to add additional context about the variable, and not being used at time when pipeline executes.

        • triggers — (Array<map>)

          The trigger configuration specifying a type of event, such as Git tags, that starts the pipeline.

          Note: When a trigger configuration is specified, default change detection for repository and branch commits is disabled.
          • providerTyperequired — (String)

            The source provider for the event, such as connections configured for a repository with Git tags, for the specified trigger configuration.

            Possible values include:
            • "CodeStarSourceConnection"
          • gitConfigurationrequired — (map)

            Provides the filter criteria and the source stage for the repository event that starts the pipeline, such as Git tags.

            • sourceActionNamerequired — (String)

              The name of the pipeline source action where the trigger configuration, such as Git tags, is specified. The trigger configuration will start the pipeline upon the specified change only.

              Note: You can only specify one trigger configuration per source action.
            • push — (Array<map>)

              The field where the repository event that will start the pipeline, such as pushing Git tags, is specified with details.

              • tags — (map)

                The field that contains the details for the Git tags trigger configuration.

                • includes — (Array<String>)

                  The list of patterns of Git tags that, when pushed, are to be included as criteria that starts the pipeline.

                • excludes — (Array<String>)

                  The list of patterns of Git tags that, when pushed, are to be excluded from starting the pipeline.

              • branches — (map)

                The field that specifies to filter on branches for the push trigger configuration.

                • includes — (Array<String>)

                  The list of patterns of Git branches that, when a commit is pushed, are to be included as criteria that starts the pipeline.

                • excludes — (Array<String>)

                  The list of patterns of Git branches that, when a commit is pushed, are to be excluded from starting the pipeline.

              • filePaths — (map)

                The field that specifies to filter on file paths for the push trigger configuration.

                • includes — (Array<String>)

                  The list of patterns of Git repository file paths that, when a commit is pushed, are to be included as criteria that starts the pipeline.

                • excludes — (Array<String>)

                  The list of patterns of Git repository file paths that, when a commit is pushed, are to be excluded from starting the pipeline.

            • pullRequest — (Array<map>)

              The field where the repository event that will start the pipeline is specified as pull requests.

              • events — (Array<String>)

                The field that specifies which pull request events to filter on (opened, updated, closed) for the trigger configuration.

              • branches — (map)

                The field that specifies to filter on branches for the pull request trigger configuration.

                • includes — (Array<String>)

                  The list of patterns of Git branches that, when a commit is pushed, are to be included as criteria that starts the pipeline.

                • excludes — (Array<String>)

                  The list of patterns of Git branches that, when a commit is pushed, are to be excluded from starting the pipeline.

              • filePaths — (map)

                The field that specifies to filter on file paths for the pull request trigger configuration.

                • includes — (Array<String>)

                  The list of patterns of Git repository file paths that, when a commit is pushed, are to be included as criteria that starts the pipeline.

                • excludes — (Array<String>)

                  The list of patterns of Git repository file paths that, when a commit is pushed, are to be excluded from starting the pipeline.

      • tags — (Array<map>)

        Specifies the tags applied to the pipeline.

        • keyrequired — (String)

          The tag's key.

        • valuerequired — (String)

          The tag's value.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

deleteCustomActionType(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Marks a custom action as deleted. PollForJobs for the custom action fails after the action is marked for deletion. Used for custom actions only.

To re-create a custom action after it has been deleted you must use a string in the version field that has never been used before. This string can be an incremented version number, for example. To restore a deleted custom action, use a JSON file that is identical to the deleted action, including the original string in the version field.

Service Reference:


Calling the deleteCustomActionType operation

var params = {
  category: Source | Build | Deploy | Test | Invoke | Approval, /* required */
  provider: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  version: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
codepipeline.deleteCustomActionType(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • category — (String)

      The category of the custom action that you want to delete, such as source or deploy.

      Possible values include:
      • "Source"
      • "Build"
      • "Deploy"
      • "Test"
      • "Invoke"
      • "Approval"
    • provider — (String)

      The provider of the service used in the custom action, such as CodeDeploy.

    • version — (String)

      The version of the custom action to delete.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

deletePipeline(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Deletes the specified pipeline.

Service Reference:


Calling the deletePipeline operation

var params = {
  name: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
codepipeline.deletePipeline(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • name — (String)

      The name of the pipeline to be deleted.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

deleteWebhook(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Deletes a previously created webhook by name. Deleting the webhook stops CodePipeline from starting a pipeline every time an external event occurs. The API returns successfully when trying to delete a webhook that is already deleted. If a deleted webhook is re-created by calling PutWebhook with the same name, it will have a different URL.

Service Reference:


Calling the deleteWebhook operation

var params = {
  name: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
codepipeline.deleteWebhook(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • name — (String)

      The name of the webhook you want to delete.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

deregisterWebhookWithThirdParty(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Removes the connection between the webhook that was created by CodePipeline and the external tool with events to be detected. Currently supported only for webhooks that target an action type of GitHub.

Service Reference:


Calling the deregisterWebhookWithThirdParty operation

var params = {
  webhookName: 'STRING_VALUE'
codepipeline.deregisterWebhookWithThirdParty(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • webhookName — (String)

      The name of the webhook you want to deregister.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

disableStageTransition(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Prevents artifacts in a pipeline from transitioning to the next stage in the pipeline.

Service Reference:


Calling the disableStageTransition operation

var params = {
  pipelineName: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  reason: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  stageName: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  transitionType: Inbound | Outbound /* required */
codepipeline.disableStageTransition(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • pipelineName — (String)

      The name of the pipeline in which you want to disable the flow of artifacts from one stage to another.

    • stageName — (String)

      The name of the stage where you want to disable the inbound or outbound transition of artifacts.

    • transitionType — (String)

      Specifies whether artifacts are prevented from transitioning into the stage and being processed by the actions in that stage (inbound), or prevented from transitioning from the stage after they have been processed by the actions in that stage (outbound).

      Possible values include:
      • "Inbound"
      • "Outbound"
    • reason — (String)

      The reason given to the user that a stage is disabled, such as waiting for manual approval or manual tests. This message is displayed in the pipeline console UI.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

enableStageTransition(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Enables artifacts in a pipeline to transition to a stage in a pipeline.

Service Reference:


Calling the enableStageTransition operation

var params = {
  pipelineName: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  stageName: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  transitionType: Inbound | Outbound /* required */
codepipeline.enableStageTransition(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • pipelineName — (String)

      The name of the pipeline in which you want to enable the flow of artifacts from one stage to another.

    • stageName — (String)

      The name of the stage where you want to enable the transition of artifacts, either into the stage (inbound) or from that stage to the next stage (outbound).

    • transitionType — (String)

      Specifies whether artifacts are allowed to enter the stage and be processed by the actions in that stage (inbound) or whether already processed artifacts are allowed to transition to the next stage (outbound).

      Possible values include:
      • "Inbound"
      • "Outbound"

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

getActionType(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Returns information about an action type created for an external provider, where the action is to be used by customers of the external provider. The action can be created with any supported integration model.

Service Reference:


Calling the getActionType operation

var params = {
  category: Source | Build | Deploy | Test | Invoke | Approval, /* required */
  owner: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  provider: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  version: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
codepipeline.getActionType(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • category — (String)

      Defines what kind of action can be taken in the stage. The following are the valid values:

      • Source

      • Build

      • Test

      • Deploy

      • Approval

      • Invoke

      Possible values include:
      • "Source"
      • "Build"
      • "Deploy"
      • "Test"
      • "Invoke"
      • "Approval"
    • owner — (String)

      The creator of an action type that was created with any supported integration model. There are two valid values: AWS and ThirdParty.

    • provider — (String)

      The provider of the action type being called. The provider name is specified when the action type is created.

    • version — (String)

      A string that describes the action type version.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • actionType — (map)

        The action type information for the requested action type, such as the action type ID.

        • description — (String)

          The description for the action type to be updated.

        • executorrequired — (map)

          Information about the executor for an action type that was created with any supported integration model.

          • configurationrequired — (map)

            The action configuration properties for the action type. These properties are specified in the action definition when the action type is created.

            • lambdaExecutorConfiguration — (map)

              Details about the Lambda executor of the action type.

              • lambdaFunctionArnrequired — (String)

                The ARN of the Lambda function used by the action engine.

            • jobWorkerExecutorConfiguration — (map)

              Details about the JobWorker executor of the action type.

              • pollingAccounts — (Array<String>)

                The accounts in which the job worker is configured and might poll for jobs as part of the action execution.

              • pollingServicePrincipals — (Array<String>)

                The service Principals in which the job worker is configured and might poll for jobs as part of the action execution.

          • typerequired — (String)

            The integration model used to create and update the action type, Lambda or JobWorker.

            Possible values include:
            • "JobWorker"
            • "Lambda"
          • policyStatementsTemplate — (String)

            The policy statement that specifies the permissions in the CodePipeline customer account that are needed to successfully run an action.

            To grant permission to another account, specify the account ID as the Principal, a domain-style identifier defined by the service, for example codepipeline.amazonaws.com.

            Note: The size of the passed JSON policy document cannot exceed 2048 characters.
          • jobTimeout — (Integer)

            The timeout in seconds for the job. An action execution can have multiple jobs. This is the timeout for a single job, not the entire action execution.

        • idrequired — (map)

          The action category, owner, provider, and version of the action type to be updated.

          • categoryrequired — (String)

            Defines what kind of action can be taken in the stage, one of the following:

            • Source

            • Build

            • Test

            • Deploy

            • Approval

            • Invoke

            Possible values include:
            • "Source"
            • "Build"
            • "Deploy"
            • "Test"
            • "Invoke"
            • "Approval"
          • ownerrequired — (String)

            The creator of the action type being called: AWS or ThirdParty.

          • providerrequired — (String)

            The provider of the action type being called. The provider name is supplied when the action type is created.

          • versionrequired — (String)

            A string that describes the action type version.

        • inputArtifactDetailsrequired — (map)

          Details for the artifacts, such as application files, to be worked on by the action. For example, the minimum and maximum number of input artifacts allowed.

          • minimumCountrequired — (Integer)

            The minimum number of artifacts that can be used with the action type. For example, you should specify a minimum and maximum of zero input artifacts for an action type with a category of source.

          • maximumCountrequired — (Integer)

            The maximum number of artifacts that can be used with the actiontype. For example, you should specify a minimum and maximum of zero input artifacts for an action type with a category of source.

        • outputArtifactDetailsrequired — (map)

          Details for the output artifacts, such as a built application, that are the result of the action. For example, the minimum and maximum number of output artifacts allowed.

          • minimumCountrequired — (Integer)

            The minimum number of artifacts that can be used with the action type. For example, you should specify a minimum and maximum of zero input artifacts for an action type with a category of source.

          • maximumCountrequired — (Integer)

            The maximum number of artifacts that can be used with the actiontype. For example, you should specify a minimum and maximum of zero input artifacts for an action type with a category of source.

        • permissions — (map)

          Details identifying the accounts with permissions to use the action type.

          • allowedAccountsrequired — (Array<String>)

            A list of Amazon Web Services account IDs with access to use the action type in their pipelines.

        • properties — (Array<map>)

          The properties of the action type to be updated.

          • namerequired — (String)

            The property name that is displayed to users.

          • optionalrequired — (Boolean)

            Whether the configuration property is an optional value.

          • keyrequired — (Boolean)

            Whether the configuration property is a key.

          • noEchorequired — (Boolean)

            Whether to omit the field value entered by the customer in the log. If true, the value is not saved in CloudTrail logs for the action execution.

          • queryable — (Boolean)

            Indicates that the property is used with polling. An action type can have up to one queryable property. If it has one, that property must be both required and not secret.

          • description — (String)

            The description of the property that is displayed to users.

        • urls — (map)

          The links associated with the action type to be updated.

          • configurationUrl — (String)

            The URL returned to the CodePipeline console that contains a link to the page where customers can configure the external action.

          • entityUrlTemplate — (String)

            The URL returned to the CodePipeline console that provides a deep link to the resources of the external system, such as a status page. This link is provided as part of the action display in the pipeline.

          • executionUrlTemplate — (String)

            The link to an execution page for the action type in progress. For example, for a CodeDeploy action, this link is shown on the pipeline view page in the CodePipeline console, and it links to a CodeDeploy status page.

          • revisionUrlTemplate — (String)

            The URL returned to the CodePipeline console that contains a link to the page where customers can update or change the configuration of the external action.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

getJobDetails(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Returns information about a job. Used for custom actions only.

When this API is called, CodePipeline returns temporary credentials for the S3 bucket used to store artifacts for the pipeline, if the action requires access to that S3 bucket for input or output artifacts. This API also returns any secret values defined for the action.

Service Reference:


Calling the getJobDetails operation

var params = {
  jobId: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
codepipeline.getJobDetails(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • jobId — (String)

      The unique system-generated ID for the job.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • jobDetails — (map)

        The details of the job.

        Note: If AWSSessionCredentials is used, a long-running job can call GetJobDetails again to obtain new credentials.
        • id — (String)

          The unique system-generated ID of the job.

        • data — (map)

          Represents other information about a job required for a job worker to complete the job.

          • actionTypeId — (map)

            Represents information about an action type.

            • categoryrequired — (String)

              A category defines what kind of action can be taken in the stage, and constrains the provider type for the action. Valid categories are limited to one of the following values.

              • Source

              • Build

              • Test

              • Deploy

              • Invoke

              • Approval

              Possible values include:
              • "Source"
              • "Build"
              • "Deploy"
              • "Test"
              • "Invoke"
              • "Approval"
            • ownerrequired — (String)

              The creator of the action being called. There are three valid values for the Owner field in the action category section within your pipeline structure: AWS, ThirdParty, and Custom. For more information, see Valid Action Types and Providers in CodePipeline.

              Possible values include:
              • "AWS"
              • "ThirdParty"
              • "Custom"
            • providerrequired — (String)

              The provider of the service being called by the action. Valid providers are determined by the action category. For example, an action in the Deploy category type might have a provider of CodeDeploy, which would be specified as CodeDeploy. For more information, see Valid Action Types and Providers in CodePipeline.

            • versionrequired — (String)

              A string that describes the action version.

          • actionConfiguration — (map)

            Represents information about an action configuration.

            • configuration — (map<String>)

              The configuration data for the action.

          • pipelineContext — (map)

            Represents information about a pipeline to a job worker.

            Note: Includes pipelineArn and pipelineExecutionId for custom jobs.
            • pipelineName — (String)

              The name of the pipeline. This is a user-specified value. Pipeline names must be unique across all pipeline names under an Amazon Web Services account.

            • stage — (map)

              The stage of the pipeline.

              • name — (String)

                The name of the stage.

            • action — (map)

              The context of an action to a job worker in the stage of a pipeline.

              • name — (String)

                The name of the action in the context of a job.

              • actionExecutionId — (String)

                The system-generated unique ID that corresponds to an action's execution.

            • pipelineArn — (String)

              The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the pipeline.

            • pipelineExecutionId — (String)

              The execution ID of the pipeline.

          • inputArtifacts — (Array<map>)

            The artifact supplied to the job.

            • name — (String)

              The artifact's name.

            • revision — (String)

              The artifact's revision ID. Depending on the type of object, this could be a commit ID (GitHub) or a revision ID (Amazon S3).

            • location — (map)

              The location of an artifact.

              • type — (String)

                The type of artifact in the location.

                Possible values include:
                • "S3"
              • s3Location — (map)

                The S3 bucket that contains the artifact.

                • bucketNamerequired — (String)

                  The name of the S3 bucket.

                • objectKeyrequired — (String)

                  The key of the object in the S3 bucket, which uniquely identifies the object in the bucket.

          • outputArtifacts — (Array<map>)

            The output of the job.

            • name — (String)

              The artifact's name.

            • revision — (String)

              The artifact's revision ID. Depending on the type of object, this could be a commit ID (GitHub) or a revision ID (Amazon S3).

            • location — (map)

              The location of an artifact.

              • type — (String)

                The type of artifact in the location.

                Possible values include:
                • "S3"
              • s3Location — (map)

                The S3 bucket that contains the artifact.

                • bucketNamerequired — (String)

                  The name of the S3 bucket.

                • objectKeyrequired — (String)

                  The key of the object in the S3 bucket, which uniquely identifies the object in the bucket.

          • artifactCredentials — (map)

            Represents an Amazon Web Services session credentials object. These credentials are temporary credentials that are issued by Amazon Web Services Secure Token Service (STS). They can be used to access input and output artifacts in the S3 bucket used to store artifacts for the pipeline in CodePipeline.

            • accessKeyIdrequired — (String)

              The access key for the session.

            • secretAccessKeyrequired — (String)

              The secret access key for the session.

            • sessionTokenrequired — (String)

              The token for the session.

          • continuationToken — (String)

            A system-generated token, such as a deployment ID, required by a job to continue the job asynchronously.

          • encryptionKey — (map)

            Represents information about the key used to encrypt data in the artifact store, such as an KMS key.

            • idrequired — (String)

              The ID used to identify the key. For an Amazon Web Services KMS key, you can use the key ID, the key ARN, or the alias ARN.

              Note: Aliases are recognized only in the account that created the KMS key. For cross-account actions, you can only use the key ID or key ARN to identify the key. Cross-account actions involve using the role from the other account (AccountB), so specifying the key ID will use the key from the other account (AccountB).
            • typerequired — (String)

              The type of encryption key, such as an Amazon Web Services KMS key. When creating or updating a pipeline, the value must be set to 'KMS'.

              Possible values include:
              • "KMS"
        • accountId — (String)

          The Amazon Web Services account ID associated with the job.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

getPipeline(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Returns the metadata, structure, stages, and actions of a pipeline. Can be used to return the entire structure of a pipeline in JSON format, which can then be modified and used to update the pipeline structure with UpdatePipeline.

Service Reference:


Calling the getPipeline operation

var params = {
  name: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  version: 'NUMBER_VALUE'
codepipeline.getPipeline(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • name — (String)

      The name of the pipeline for which you want to get information. Pipeline names must be unique in an Amazon Web Services account.

    • version — (Integer)

      The version number of the pipeline. If you do not specify a version, defaults to the current version.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • pipeline — (map)

        Represents the structure of actions and stages to be performed in the pipeline.

        • namerequired — (String)

          The name of the pipeline.

        • roleArnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for CodePipeline to use to either perform actions with no actionRoleArn, or to use to assume roles for actions with an actionRoleArn.

        • artifactStore — (map)

          Represents information about the S3 bucket where artifacts are stored for the pipeline.

          Note: You must include either artifactStore or artifactStores in your pipeline, but you cannot use both. If you create a cross-region action in your pipeline, you must use artifactStores.
          • typerequired — (String)

            The type of the artifact store, such as S3.

            Possible values include:
            • "S3"
          • locationrequired — (String)

            The S3 bucket used for storing the artifacts for a pipeline. You can specify the name of an S3 bucket but not a folder in the bucket. A folder to contain the pipeline artifacts is created for you based on the name of the pipeline. You can use any S3 bucket in the same Amazon Web Services Region as the pipeline to store your pipeline artifacts.

          • encryptionKey — (map)

            The encryption key used to encrypt the data in the artifact store, such as an Amazon Web Services Key Management Service key. If this is undefined, the default key for Amazon S3 is used.

            • idrequired — (String)

              The ID used to identify the key. For an Amazon Web Services KMS key, you can use the key ID, the key ARN, or the alias ARN.

              Note: Aliases are recognized only in the account that created the KMS key. For cross-account actions, you can only use the key ID or key ARN to identify the key. Cross-account actions involve using the role from the other account (AccountB), so specifying the key ID will use the key from the other account (AccountB).
            • typerequired — (String)

              The type of encryption key, such as an Amazon Web Services KMS key. When creating or updating a pipeline, the value must be set to 'KMS'.

              Possible values include:
              • "KMS"
        • artifactStores — (map<map>)

          A mapping of artifactStore objects and their corresponding Amazon Web Services Regions. There must be an artifact store for the pipeline Region and for each cross-region action in the pipeline.

          Note: You must include either artifactStore or artifactStores in your pipeline, but you cannot use both. If you create a cross-region action in your pipeline, you must use artifactStores.
          • typerequired — (String)

            The type of the artifact store, such as S3.

            Possible values include:
            • "S3"
          • locationrequired — (String)

            The S3 bucket used for storing the artifacts for a pipeline. You can specify the name of an S3 bucket but not a folder in the bucket. A folder to contain the pipeline artifacts is created for you based on the name of the pipeline. You can use any S3 bucket in the same Amazon Web Services Region as the pipeline to store your pipeline artifacts.

          • encryptionKey — (map)

            The encryption key used to encrypt the data in the artifact store, such as an Amazon Web Services Key Management Service key. If this is undefined, the default key for Amazon S3 is used.

            • idrequired — (String)

              The ID used to identify the key. For an Amazon Web Services KMS key, you can use the key ID, the key ARN, or the alias ARN.

              Note: Aliases are recognized only in the account that created the KMS key. For cross-account actions, you can only use the key ID or key ARN to identify the key. Cross-account actions involve using the role from the other account (AccountB), so specifying the key ID will use the key from the other account (AccountB).
            • typerequired — (String)

              The type of encryption key, such as an Amazon Web Services KMS key. When creating or updating a pipeline, the value must be set to 'KMS'.

              Possible values include:
              • "KMS"
        • stagesrequired — (Array<map>)

          The stage in which to perform the action.

          • namerequired — (String)

            The name of the stage.

          • blockers — (Array<map>)

            Reserved for future use.

            • namerequired — (String)

              Reserved for future use.

            • typerequired — (String)

              Reserved for future use.

              Possible values include:
              • "Schedule"
          • actionsrequired — (Array<map>)

            The actions included in a stage.

            • namerequired — (String)

              The action declaration's name.

            • actionTypeIdrequired — (map)

              Specifies the action type and the provider of the action.

              • categoryrequired — (String)

                A category defines what kind of action can be taken in the stage, and constrains the provider type for the action. Valid categories are limited to one of the following values.

                • Source

                • Build

                • Test

                • Deploy

                • Invoke

                • Approval

                Possible values include:
                • "Source"
                • "Build"
                • "Deploy"
                • "Test"
                • "Invoke"
                • "Approval"
              • ownerrequired — (String)

                The creator of the action being called. There are three valid values for the Owner field in the action category section within your pipeline structure: AWS, ThirdParty, and Custom. For more information, see Valid Action Types and Providers in CodePipeline.

                Possible values include:
                • "AWS"
                • "ThirdParty"
                • "Custom"
              • providerrequired — (String)

                The provider of the service being called by the action. Valid providers are determined by the action category. For example, an action in the Deploy category type might have a provider of CodeDeploy, which would be specified as CodeDeploy. For more information, see Valid Action Types and Providers in CodePipeline.

              • versionrequired — (String)

                A string that describes the action version.

            • runOrder — (Integer)

              The order in which actions are run.

            • configuration — (map<String>)

              The action's configuration. These are key-value pairs that specify input values for an action. For more information, see Action Structure Requirements in CodePipeline. For the list of configuration properties for the CloudFormation action type in CodePipeline, see Configuration Properties Reference in the CloudFormation User Guide. For template snippets with examples, see Using Parameter Override Functions with CodePipeline Pipelines in the CloudFormation User Guide.

              The values can be represented in either JSON or YAML format. For example, the JSON configuration item format is as follows:


              "Configuration" : { Key : Value },

            • outputArtifacts — (Array<map>)

              The name or ID of the result of the action declaration, such as a test or build artifact.

              • namerequired — (String)

                The name of the output of an artifact, such as "My App".

                The input artifact of an action must exactly match the output artifact declared in a preceding action, but the input artifact does not have to be the next action in strict sequence from the action that provided the output artifact. Actions in parallel can declare different output artifacts, which are in turn consumed by different following actions.

                Output artifact names must be unique within a pipeline.

            • inputArtifacts — (Array<map>)

              The name or ID of the artifact consumed by the action, such as a test or build artifact.

              • namerequired — (String)

                The name of the artifact to be worked on (for example, "My App").

                Artifacts are the files that are worked on by actions in the pipeline. See the action configuration for each action for details about artifact parameters. For example, the S3 source action input artifact is a file name (or file path), and the files are generally provided as a ZIP file. Example artifact name: SampleApp_Windows.zip

                The input artifact of an action must exactly match the output artifact declared in a preceding action, but the input artifact does not have to be the next action in strict sequence from the action that provided the output artifact. Actions in parallel can declare different output artifacts, which are in turn consumed by different following actions.

            • roleArn — (String)

              The ARN of the IAM service role that performs the declared action. This is assumed through the roleArn for the pipeline.

            • region — (String)

              The action declaration's Amazon Web Services Region, such as us-east-1.

            • namespace — (String)

              The variable namespace associated with the action. All variables produced as output by this action fall under this namespace.

            • timeoutInMinutes — (Integer)

              A timeout duration in minutes that can be applied against the ActionType’s default timeout value specified in Quotas for CodePipeline . This attribute is available only to the manual approval ActionType.

          • onFailure — (map)

            The method to use when a stage has not completed successfully. For example, configuring this field for rollback will roll back a failed stage automatically to the last successful pipeline execution in the stage.

            • result — (String)

              The specified result for when the failure conditions are met, such as rolling back the stage.

              Possible values include:
              • "ROLLBACK"
              • "FAIL"
            • conditions — (Array<map>)

              The conditions that are configured as failure conditions.

              • result — (String)

                The action to be done when the condition is met. For example, rolling back an execution for a failure condition.

                Possible values include:
                • "ROLLBACK"
                • "FAIL"
              • rules — (Array<map>)

                The rules that make up the condition.

                • namerequired — (String)

                  The name of the rule that is created for the condition, such as CheckAllResults.

                • ruleTypeIdrequired — (map)

                  The ID for the rule type, which is made up of the combined values for category, owner, provider, and version.

                  • categoryrequired — (String)

                    A category defines what kind of rule can be run in the stage, and constrains the provider type for the rule. The valid category is Rule.

                    Possible values include:
                    • "Rule"
                  • owner — (String)

                    The creator of the rule being called. The valid value for the Owner field in the rule category is AWS.

                    Possible values include:
                    • "AWS"
                  • providerrequired — (String)

                    The rule provider, such as the DeploymentWindow rule.

                  • version — (String)

                    A string that describes the rule version.

                • configuration — (map<String>)

                  The action configuration fields for the rule.

                • inputArtifacts — (Array<map>)

                  The input artifacts fields for the rule, such as specifying an input file for the rule.

                  • namerequired — (String)

                    The name of the artifact to be worked on (for example, "My App").

                    Artifacts are the files that are worked on by actions in the pipeline. See the action configuration for each action for details about artifact parameters. For example, the S3 source action input artifact is a file name (or file path), and the files are generally provided as a ZIP file. Example artifact name: SampleApp_Windows.zip

                    The input artifact of an action must exactly match the output artifact declared in a preceding action, but the input artifact does not have to be the next action in strict sequence from the action that provided the output artifact. Actions in parallel can declare different output artifacts, which are in turn consumed by different following actions.

                • roleArn — (String)

                  The pipeline role ARN associated with the rule.

                • region — (String)

                  The Region for the condition associated with the rule.

                • timeoutInMinutes — (Integer)

                  The action timeout for the rule.

          • onSuccess — (map)

            The method to use when a stage has succeeded. For example, configuring this field for conditions will allow the stage to succeed when the conditions are met.

            • conditionsrequired — (Array<map>)

              The conditions that are success conditions.

              • result — (String)

                The action to be done when the condition is met. For example, rolling back an execution for a failure condition.

                Possible values include:
                • "ROLLBACK"
                • "FAIL"
              • rules — (Array<map>)

                The rules that make up the condition.

                • namerequired — (String)

                  The name of the rule that is created for the condition, such as CheckAllResults.

                • ruleTypeIdrequired — (map)

                  The ID for the rule type, which is made up of the combined values for category, owner, provider, and version.

                  • categoryrequired — (String)

                    A category defines what kind of rule can be run in the stage, and constrains the provider type for the rule. The valid category is Rule.

                    Possible values include:
                    • "Rule"
                  • owner — (String)

                    The creator of the rule being called. The valid value for the Owner field in the rule category is AWS.

                    Possible values include:
                    • "AWS"
                  • providerrequired — (String)

                    The rule provider, such as the DeploymentWindow rule.

                  • version — (String)

                    A string that describes the rule version.

                • configuration — (map<String>)

                  The action configuration fields for the rule.

                • inputArtifacts — (Array<map>)

                  The input artifacts fields for the rule, such as specifying an input file for the rule.

                  • namerequired — (String)

                    The name of the artifact to be worked on (for example, "My App").

                    Artifacts are the files that are worked on by actions in the pipeline. See the action configuration for each action for details about artifact parameters. For example, the S3 source action input artifact is a file name (or file path), and the files are generally provided as a ZIP file. Example artifact name: SampleApp_Windows.zip

                    The input artifact of an action must exactly match the output artifact declared in a preceding action, but the input artifact does not have to be the next action in strict sequence from the action that provided the output artifact. Actions in parallel can declare different output artifacts, which are in turn consumed by different following actions.

                • roleArn — (String)

                  The pipeline role ARN associated with the rule.

                • region — (String)

                  The Region for the condition associated with the rule.

                • timeoutInMinutes — (Integer)

                  The action timeout for the rule.

          • beforeEntry — (map)

            The method to use when a stage allows entry. For example, configuring this field for conditions will allow entry to the stage when the conditions are met.

            • conditionsrequired — (Array<map>)

              The conditions that are configured as entry conditions.

              • result — (String)

                The action to be done when the condition is met. For example, rolling back an execution for a failure condition.

                Possible values include:
                • "ROLLBACK"
                • "FAIL"
              • rules — (Array<map>)

                The rules that make up the condition.

                • namerequired — (String)

                  The name of the rule that is created for the condition, such as CheckAllResults.

                • ruleTypeIdrequired — (map)

                  The ID for the rule type, which is made up of the combined values for category, owner, provider, and version.

                  • categoryrequired — (String)

                    A category defines what kind of rule can be run in the stage, and constrains the provider type for the rule. The valid category is Rule.

                    Possible values include:
                    • "Rule"
                  • owner — (String)

                    The creator of the rule being called. The valid value for the Owner field in the rule category is AWS.

                    Possible values include:
                    • "AWS"
                  • providerrequired — (String)

                    The rule provider, such as the DeploymentWindow rule.

                  • version — (String)

                    A string that describes the rule version.

                • configuration — (map<String>)

                  The action configuration fields for the rule.

                • inputArtifacts — (Array<map>)

                  The input artifacts fields for the rule, such as specifying an input file for the rule.

                  • namerequired — (String)

                    The name of the artifact to be worked on (for example, "My App").

                    Artifacts are the files that are worked on by actions in the pipeline. See the action configuration for each action for details about artifact parameters. For example, the S3 source action input artifact is a file name (or file path), and the files are generally provided as a ZIP file. Example artifact name: SampleApp_Windows.zip

                    The input artifact of an action must exactly match the output artifact declared in a preceding action, but the input artifact does not have to be the next action in strict sequence from the action that provided the output artifact. Actions in parallel can declare different output artifacts, which are in turn consumed by different following actions.

                • roleArn — (String)

                  The pipeline role ARN associated with the rule.

                • region — (String)

                  The Region for the condition associated with the rule.

                • timeoutInMinutes — (Integer)

                  The action timeout for the rule.

        • version — (Integer)

          The version number of the pipeline. A new pipeline always has a version number of 1. This number is incremented when a pipeline is updated.

        • executionMode — (String)

          The method that the pipeline will use to handle multiple executions. The default mode is SUPERSEDED.

          Possible values include:
          • "QUEUED"
          • "SUPERSEDED"
          • "PARALLEL"
        • pipelineType — (String)

          CodePipeline provides the following pipeline types, which differ in characteristics and price, so that you can tailor your pipeline features and cost to the needs of your applications.

          • V1 type pipelines have a JSON structure that contains standard pipeline, stage, and action-level parameters.

          • V2 type pipelines have the same structure as a V1 type, along with additional parameters for release safety and trigger configuration.

          Including V2 parameters, such as triggers on Git tags, in the pipeline JSON when creating or updating a pipeline will result in the pipeline having the V2 type of pipeline and the associated costs.

          For information about pricing for CodePipeline, see Pricing.

          For information about which type of pipeline to choose, see What type of pipeline is right for me?.

          Possible values include:
          • "V1"
          • "V2"
        • variables — (Array<map>)

          A list that defines the pipeline variables for a pipeline resource. Variable names can have alphanumeric and underscore characters, and the values must match [A-Za-z0-9@-_]+.

          • namerequired — (String)

            The name of a pipeline-level variable.

          • defaultValue — (String)

            The value of a pipeline-level variable.

          • description — (String)

            The description of a pipeline-level variable. It's used to add additional context about the variable, and not being used at time when pipeline executes.

        • triggers — (Array<map>)

          The trigger configuration specifying a type of event, such as Git tags, that starts the pipeline.

          Note: When a trigger configuration is specified, default change detection for repository and branch commits is disabled.
          • providerTyperequired — (String)

            The source provider for the event, such as connections configured for a repository with Git tags, for the specified trigger configuration.

            Possible values include:
            • "CodeStarSourceConnection"
          • gitConfigurationrequired — (map)

            Provides the filter criteria and the source stage for the repository event that starts the pipeline, such as Git tags.

            • sourceActionNamerequired — (String)

              The name of the pipeline source action where the trigger configuration, such as Git tags, is specified. The trigger configuration will start the pipeline upon the specified change only.

              Note: You can only specify one trigger configuration per source action.
            • push — (Array<map>)

              The field where the repository event that will start the pipeline, such as pushing Git tags, is specified with details.

              • tags — (map)

                The field that contains the details for the Git tags trigger configuration.

                • includes — (Array<String>)

                  The list of patterns of Git tags that, when pushed, are to be included as criteria that starts the pipeline.

                • excludes — (Array<String>)

                  The list of patterns of Git tags that, when pushed, are to be excluded from starting the pipeline.

              • branches — (map)

                The field that specifies to filter on branches for the push trigger configuration.

                • includes — (Array<String>)

                  The list of patterns of Git branches that, when a commit is pushed, are to be included as criteria that starts the pipeline.

                • excludes — (Array<String>)

                  The list of patterns of Git branches that, when a commit is pushed, are to be excluded from starting the pipeline.

              • filePaths — (map)

                The field that specifies to filter on file paths for the push trigger configuration.

                • includes — (Array<String>)

                  The list of patterns of Git repository file paths that, when a commit is pushed, are to be included as criteria that starts the pipeline.

                • excludes — (Array<String>)

                  The list of patterns of Git repository file paths that, when a commit is pushed, are to be excluded from starting the pipeline.

            • pullRequest — (Array<map>)

              The field where the repository event that will start the pipeline is specified as pull requests.

              • events — (Array<String>)

                The field that specifies which pull request events to filter on (opened, updated, closed) for the trigger configuration.

              • branches — (map)

                The field that specifies to filter on branches for the pull request trigger configuration.

                • includes — (Array<String>)

                  The list of patterns of Git branches that, when a commit is pushed, are to be included as criteria that starts the pipeline.

                • excludes — (Array<String>)

                  The list of patterns of Git branches that, when a commit is pushed, are to be excluded from starting the pipeline.

              • filePaths — (map)

                The field that specifies to filter on file paths for the pull request trigger configuration.

                • includes — (Array<String>)

                  The list of patterns of Git repository file paths that, when a commit is pushed, are to be included as criteria that starts the pipeline.

                • excludes — (Array<String>)

                  The list of patterns of Git repository file paths that, when a commit is pushed, are to be excluded from starting the pipeline.

      • metadata — (map)

        Represents the pipeline metadata information returned as part of the output of a GetPipeline action.

        • pipelineArn — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the pipeline.

        • created — (Date)

          The date and time the pipeline was created, in timestamp format.

        • updated — (Date)

          The date and time the pipeline was last updated, in timestamp format.

        • pollingDisabledAt — (Date)

          The date and time that polling for source changes (periodic checks) was stopped for the pipeline, in timestamp format. You can migrate (update) a polling pipeline to use event-based change detection. For example, for a pipeline with a CodeCommit source, we recommend you migrate (update) your pipeline to use CloudWatch Events. To learn more, see Migrate polling pipelines to use event-based change detection in the CodePipeline User Guide.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

getPipelineExecution(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Returns information about an execution of a pipeline, including details about artifacts, the pipeline execution ID, and the name, version, and status of the pipeline.

Service Reference:


Calling the getPipelineExecution operation

var params = {
  pipelineExecutionId: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  pipelineName: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
codepipeline.getPipelineExecution(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • pipelineName — (String)

      The name of the pipeline about which you want to get execution details.

    • pipelineExecutionId — (String)

      The ID of the pipeline execution about which you want to get execution details.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • pipelineExecution — (map)

        Represents information about the execution of a pipeline.

        • pipelineName — (String)

          The name of the pipeline with the specified pipeline execution.

        • pipelineVersion — (Integer)

          The version number of the pipeline with the specified pipeline execution.

        • pipelineExecutionId — (String)

          The ID of the pipeline execution.

        • status — (String)

          The status of the pipeline execution.

          • Cancelled: The pipeline’s definition was updated before the pipeline execution could be completed.

          • InProgress: The pipeline execution is currently running.

          • Stopped: The pipeline execution was manually stopped. For more information, see Stopped Executions.

          • Stopping: The pipeline execution received a request to be manually stopped. Depending on the selected stop mode, the execution is either completing or abandoning in-progress actions. For more information, see Stopped Executions.

          • Succeeded: The pipeline execution was completed successfully.

          • Superseded: While this pipeline execution was waiting for the next stage to be completed, a newer pipeline execution advanced and continued through the pipeline instead. For more information, see Superseded Executions.

          • Failed: The pipeline execution was not completed successfully.

          Possible values include:
          • "Cancelled"
          • "InProgress"
          • "Stopped"
          • "Stopping"
          • "Succeeded"
          • "Superseded"
          • "Failed"
        • statusSummary — (String)

          A summary that contains a description of the pipeline execution status.

        • artifactRevisions — (Array<map>)

          A list of ArtifactRevision objects included in a pipeline execution.

          • name — (String)

            The name of an artifact. This name might be system-generated, such as "MyApp", or defined by the user when an action is created.

          • revisionId — (String)

            The revision ID of the artifact.

          • revisionChangeIdentifier — (String)

            An additional identifier for a revision, such as a commit date or, for artifacts stored in Amazon S3 buckets, the ETag value.

          • revisionSummary — (String)

            Summary information about the most recent revision of the artifact. For GitHub and CodeCommit repositories, the commit message. For Amazon S3 buckets or actions, the user-provided content of a codepipeline-artifact-revision-summary key specified in the object metadata.

          • created — (Date)

            The date and time when the most recent revision of the artifact was created, in timestamp format.

          • revisionUrl — (String)

            The commit ID for the artifact revision. For artifacts stored in GitHub or CodeCommit repositories, the commit ID is linked to a commit details page.

        • variables — (Array<map>)

          A list of pipeline variables used for the pipeline execution.

          • name — (String)

            The name of a pipeline-level variable.

          • resolvedValue — (String)

            The resolved value of a pipeline-level variable.

        • trigger — (map)

          The interaction or event that started a pipeline execution.

          • triggerType — (String)

            The type of change-detection method, command, or user interaction that started a pipeline execution.

            Possible values include:
            • "CreatePipeline"
            • "StartPipelineExecution"
            • "PollForSourceChanges"
            • "Webhook"
            • "CloudWatchEvent"
            • "PutActionRevision"
            • "WebhookV2"
            • "ManualRollback"
            • "AutomatedRollback"
          • triggerDetail — (String)

            Detail related to the event that started a pipeline execution, such as the webhook ARN of the webhook that triggered the pipeline execution or the user ARN for a user-initiated start-pipeline-execution CLI command.

        • executionMode — (String)

          The method that the pipeline will use to handle multiple executions. The default mode is SUPERSEDED.

          Possible values include:
          • "QUEUED"
          • "SUPERSEDED"
          • "PARALLEL"
        • executionType — (String)

          The type of the pipeline execution.

          Possible values include:
          • "STANDARD"
          • "ROLLBACK"
        • rollbackMetadata — (map)

          The metadata about the execution pertaining to stage rollback.

          • rollbackTargetPipelineExecutionId — (String)

            The pipeline execution ID to which the stage will be rolled back.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

getPipelineState(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Returns information about the state of a pipeline, including the stages and actions.

Note: Values returned in the revisionId and revisionUrl fields indicate the source revision information, such as the commit ID, for the current state.

Service Reference:


Calling the getPipelineState operation

var params = {
  name: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
codepipeline.getPipelineState(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • name — (String)

      The name of the pipeline about which you want to get information.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • pipelineName — (String)

        The name of the pipeline for which you want to get the state.

      • pipelineVersion — (Integer)

        The version number of the pipeline.

        Note: A newly created pipeline is always assigned a version number of 1.
      • stageStates — (Array<map>)

        A list of the pipeline stage output information, including stage name, state, most recent run details, whether the stage is disabled, and other data.

        • stageName — (String)

          The name of the stage.

        • inboundExecution — (map)

          Represents information about the run of a stage.

          • pipelineExecutionIdrequired — (String)

            The ID of the pipeline execution associated with the stage.

          • statusrequired — (String)

            The status of the stage, or for a completed stage, the last status of the stage.

            Note: A status of cancelled means that the pipeline’s definition was updated before the stage execution could be completed.
            Possible values include:
            • "Cancelled"
            • "InProgress"
            • "Failed"
            • "Stopped"
            • "Stopping"
            • "Succeeded"
          • type — (String)

            The type of pipeline execution for the stage, such as a rollback pipeline execution.

            Possible values include:
            • "STANDARD"
            • "ROLLBACK"
        • inboundExecutions — (Array<map>)

          The inbound executions for a stage.

          • pipelineExecutionIdrequired — (String)

            The ID of the pipeline execution associated with the stage.

          • statusrequired — (String)

            The status of the stage, or for a completed stage, the last status of the stage.

            Note: A status of cancelled means that the pipeline’s definition was updated before the stage execution could be completed.
            Possible values include:
            • "Cancelled"
            • "InProgress"
            • "Failed"
            • "Stopped"
            • "Stopping"
            • "Succeeded"
          • type — (String)

            The type of pipeline execution for the stage, such as a rollback pipeline execution.

            Possible values include:
            • "STANDARD"
            • "ROLLBACK"
        • inboundTransitionState — (map)

          The state of the inbound transition, which is either enabled or disabled.

          • enabled — (Boolean)

            Whether the transition between stages is enabled (true) or disabled (false).

          • lastChangedBy — (String)

            The ID of the user who last changed the transition state.

          • lastChangedAt — (Date)

            The timestamp when the transition state was last changed.

          • disabledReason — (String)

            The user-specified reason why the transition between two stages of a pipeline was disabled.

        • actionStates — (Array<map>)

          The state of the stage.

          • actionName — (String)

            The name of the action.

          • currentRevision — (map)

            Represents information about the version (or revision) of an action.

            • revisionIdrequired — (String)

              The system-generated unique ID that identifies the revision number of the action.

            • revisionChangeIdrequired — (String)

              The unique identifier of the change that set the state to this revision (for example, a deployment ID or timestamp).

            • createdrequired — (Date)

              The date and time when the most recent version of the action was created, in timestamp format.

          • latestExecution — (map)

            Represents information about the run of an action.

            • actionExecutionId — (String)

              ID of the workflow action execution in the current stage. Use the GetPipelineState action to retrieve the current action execution details of the current stage.

              Note: For older executions, this field might be empty. The action execution ID is available for executions run on or after March 2020.
            • status — (String)

              The status of the action, or for a completed action, the last status of the action.

              Possible values include:
              • "InProgress"
              • "Abandoned"
              • "Succeeded"
              • "Failed"
            • summary — (String)

              A summary of the run of the action.

            • lastStatusChange — (Date)

              The last status change of the action.

            • token — (String)

              The system-generated token used to identify a unique approval request. The token for each open approval request can be obtained using the GetPipelineState command. It is used to validate that the approval request corresponding to this token is still valid.

            • lastUpdatedBy — (String)

              The ARN of the user who last changed the pipeline.

            • externalExecutionId — (String)

              The external ID of the run of the action.

            • externalExecutionUrl — (String)

              The URL of a resource external to Amazon Web Services that is used when running the action (for example, an external repository URL).

            • percentComplete — (Integer)

              A percentage of completeness of the action as it runs.

            • errorDetails — (map)

              The details of an error returned by a URL external to Amazon Web Services.

              • code — (String)

                The system ID or number code of the error.

              • message — (String)

                The text of the error message.

          • entityUrl — (String)

            A URL link for more information about the state of the action, such as a deployment group details page.

          • revisionUrl — (String)

            A URL link for more information about the revision, such as a commit details page.

        • latestExecution — (map)

          Information about the latest execution in the stage, including its ID and status.

          • pipelineExecutionIdrequired — (String)

            The ID of the pipeline execution associated with the stage.

          • statusrequired — (String)

            The status of the stage, or for a completed stage, the last status of the stage.

            Note: A status of cancelled means that the pipeline’s definition was updated before the stage execution could be completed.
            Possible values include:
            • "Cancelled"
            • "InProgress"
            • "Failed"
            • "Stopped"
            • "Stopping"
            • "Succeeded"
          • type — (String)

            The type of pipeline execution for the stage, such as a rollback pipeline execution.

            Possible values include:
            • "STANDARD"
            • "ROLLBACK"
        • beforeEntryConditionState — (map)

          The state of the entry conditions for a stage.

          • latestExecution — (map)

            Represents information about the latest run of a condition for a stage.

            • status — (String)

              The status of a run of a condition for a stage.

              Possible values include:
              • "InProgress"
              • "Failed"
              • "Errored"
              • "Succeeded"
              • "Cancelled"
              • "Abandoned"
              • "Overridden"
            • summary — (String)

              A summary of the run of the condition for a stage.

          • conditionStates — (Array<map>)

            The states of the conditions for a run of a condition for a stage.

            • latestExecution — (map)

              The state of the latest run of the rule.

              • status — (String)

                The status of the run for a condition.

                Possible values include:
                • "InProgress"
                • "Failed"
                • "Errored"
                • "Succeeded"
                • "Cancelled"
                • "Abandoned"
                • "Overridden"
              • summary — (String)

                The summary of information about a run for a condition.

              • lastStatusChange — (Date)

                The last status change of the condition.

            • ruleStates — (Array<map>)

              The state of the rules for the condition.

              • ruleName — (String)

                The name of the rule.

              • currentRevision — (map)

                The ID of the current revision of the artifact successfully worked on by the job.

                • revisionIdrequired — (String)

                  The system-generated unique ID that identifies the revision number of the rule.

                • revisionChangeIdrequired — (String)

                  The unique identifier of the change that set the state to this revision (for example, a deployment ID or timestamp).

                • createdrequired — (Date)

                  The date and time when the most recent version of the rule was created, in timestamp format.

              • latestExecution — (map)

                Represents information about the latest run of an rule.

                • ruleExecutionId — (String)

                  The execution ID for the run of the rule.

                • status — (String)

                  The status of the run of the rule, such as FAILED.

                  Possible values include:
                  • "InProgress"
                  • "Abandoned"
                  • "Succeeded"
                  • "Failed"
                • summary — (String)

                  A summary of the run of the rule.

                • lastStatusChange — (Date)

                  The last status change of the rule.

                • token — (String)

                  The system-generated token used to identify a unique request.

                • lastUpdatedBy — (String)

                  The ARN of the user who last changed the rule.

                • externalExecutionId — (String)

                  The external ID of the run of the rule.

                • externalExecutionUrl — (String)

                  The URL of a resource external to Amazon Web Services that is used when running the rule (for example, an external repository URL).

                • errorDetails — (map)

                  Represents information about an error in CodePipeline.

                  • code — (String)

                    The system ID or number code of the error.

                  • message — (String)

                    The text of the error message.

              • entityUrl — (String)

                A URL link for more information about the state of the action, such as a details page.

              • revisionUrl — (String)

                A URL link for more information about the revision, such as a commit details page.

        • onSuccessConditionState — (map)

          The state of the success conditions for a stage.

          • latestExecution — (map)

            Represents information about the latest run of a condition for a stage.

            • status — (String)

              The status of a run of a condition for a stage.

              Possible values include:
              • "InProgress"
              • "Failed"
              • "Errored"
              • "Succeeded"
              • "Cancelled"
              • "Abandoned"
              • "Overridden"
            • summary — (String)

              A summary of the run of the condition for a stage.

          • conditionStates — (Array<map>)

            The states of the conditions for a run of a condition for a stage.

            • latestExecution — (map)

              The state of the latest run of the rule.

              • status — (String)

                The status of the run for a condition.

                Possible values include:
                • "InProgress"
                • "Failed"
                • "Errored"
                • "Succeeded"
                • "Cancelled"
                • "Abandoned"
                • "Overridden"
              • summary — (String)

                The summary of information about a run for a condition.

              • lastStatusChange — (Date)

                The last status change of the condition.

            • ruleStates — (Array<map>)

              The state of the rules for the condition.

              • ruleName — (String)

                The name of the rule.

              • currentRevision — (map)

                The ID of the current revision of the artifact successfully worked on by the job.

                • revisionIdrequired — (String)

                  The system-generated unique ID that identifies the revision number of the rule.

                • revisionChangeIdrequired — (String)

                  The unique identifier of the change that set the state to this revision (for example, a deployment ID or timestamp).

                • createdrequired — (Date)

                  The date and time when the most recent version of the rule was created, in timestamp format.

              • latestExecution — (map)

                Represents information about the latest run of an rule.

                • ruleExecutionId — (String)

                  The execution ID for the run of the rule.

                • status — (String)

                  The status of the run of the rule, such as FAILED.

                  Possible values include:
                  • "InProgress"
                  • "Abandoned"
                  • "Succeeded"
                  • "Failed"
                • summary — (String)

                  A summary of the run of the rule.

                • lastStatusChange — (Date)

                  The last status change of the rule.

                • token — (String)

                  The system-generated token used to identify a unique request.

                • lastUpdatedBy — (String)

                  The ARN of the user who last changed the rule.

                • externalExecutionId — (String)

                  The external ID of the run of the rule.

                • externalExecutionUrl — (String)

                  The URL of a resource external to Amazon Web Services that is used when running the rule (for example, an external repository URL).

                • errorDetails — (map)

                  Represents information about an error in CodePipeline.

                  • code — (String)

                    The system ID or number code of the error.

                  • message — (String)

                    The text of the error message.

              • entityUrl — (String)

                A URL link for more information about the state of the action, such as a details page.

              • revisionUrl — (String)

                A URL link for more information about the revision, such as a commit details page.

        • onFailureConditionState — (map)

          The state of the failure conditions for a stage.

          • latestExecution — (map)

            Represents information about the latest run of a condition for a stage.

            • status — (String)

              The status of a run of a condition for a stage.

              Possible values include:
              • "InProgress"
              • "Failed"
              • "Errored"
              • "Succeeded"
              • "Cancelled"
              • "Abandoned"
              • "Overridden"
            • summary — (String)

              A summary of the run of the condition for a stage.

          • conditionStates — (Array<map>)

            The states of the conditions for a run of a condition for a stage.

            • latestExecution — (map)

              The state of the latest run of the rule.

              • status — (String)

                The status of the run for a condition.

                Possible values include:
                • "InProgress"
                • "Failed"
                • "Errored"
                • "Succeeded"
                • "Cancelled"
                • "Abandoned"
                • "Overridden"
              • summary — (String)

                The summary of information about a run for a condition.

              • lastStatusChange — (Date)

                The last status change of the condition.

            • ruleStates — (Array<map>)

              The state of the rules for the condition.

              • ruleName — (String)

                The name of the rule.

              • currentRevision — (map)

                The ID of the current revision of the artifact successfully worked on by the job.

                • revisionIdrequired — (String)

                  The system-generated unique ID that identifies the revision number of the rule.

                • revisionChangeIdrequired — (String)

                  The unique identifier of the change that set the state to this revision (for example, a deployment ID or timestamp).

                • createdrequired — (Date)

                  The date and time when the most recent version of the rule was created, in timestamp format.

              • latestExecution — (map)

                Represents information about the latest run of an rule.

                • ruleExecutionId — (String)

                  The execution ID for the run of the rule.

                • status — (String)

                  The status of the run of the rule, such as FAILED.

                  Possible values include:
                  • "InProgress"
                  • "Abandoned"
                  • "Succeeded"
                  • "Failed"
                • summary — (String)

                  A summary of the run of the rule.

                • lastStatusChange — (Date)

                  The last status change of the rule.

                • token — (String)

                  The system-generated token used to identify a unique request.

                • lastUpdatedBy — (String)

                  The ARN of the user who last changed the rule.

                • externalExecutionId — (String)

                  The external ID of the run of the rule.

                • externalExecutionUrl — (String)

                  The URL of a resource external to Amazon Web Services that is used when running the rule (for example, an external repository URL).

                • errorDetails — (map)

                  Represents information about an error in CodePipeline.

                  • code — (String)

                    The system ID or number code of the error.

                  • message — (String)

                    The text of the error message.

              • entityUrl — (String)

                A URL link for more information about the state of the action, such as a details page.

              • revisionUrl — (String)

                A URL link for more information about the revision, such as a commit details page.

      • created — (Date)

        The date and time the pipeline was created, in timestamp format.

      • updated — (Date)

        The date and time the pipeline was last updated, in timestamp format.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

getThirdPartyJobDetails(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Requests the details of a job for a third party action. Used for partner actions only.

When this API is called, CodePipeline returns temporary credentials for the S3 bucket used to store artifacts for the pipeline, if the action requires access to that S3 bucket for input or output artifacts. This API also returns any secret values defined for the action.

Service Reference:


Calling the getThirdPartyJobDetails operation

var params = {
  clientToken: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  jobId: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
codepipeline.getThirdPartyJobDetails(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • jobId — (String)

      The unique system-generated ID used for identifying the job.

    • clientToken — (String)

      The clientToken portion of the clientId and clientToken pair used to verify that the calling entity is allowed access to the job and its details.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • jobDetails — (map)

        The details of the job, including any protected values defined for the job.

        • id — (String)

          The identifier used to identify the job details in CodePipeline.

        • data — (map)

          The data to be returned by the third party job worker.

          • actionTypeId — (map)

            Represents information about an action type.

            • categoryrequired — (String)

              A category defines what kind of action can be taken in the stage, and constrains the provider type for the action. Valid categories are limited to one of the following values.

              • Source

              • Build

              • Test

              • Deploy

              • Invoke

              • Approval

              Possible values include:
              • "Source"
              • "Build"
              • "Deploy"
              • "Test"
              • "Invoke"
              • "Approval"
            • ownerrequired — (String)

              The creator of the action being called. There are three valid values for the Owner field in the action category section within your pipeline structure: AWS, ThirdParty, and Custom. For more information, see Valid Action Types and Providers in CodePipeline.

              Possible values include:
              • "AWS"
              • "ThirdParty"
              • "Custom"
            • providerrequired — (String)

              The provider of the service being called by the action. Valid providers are determined by the action category. For example, an action in the Deploy category type might have a provider of CodeDeploy, which would be specified as CodeDeploy. For more information, see Valid Action Types and Providers in CodePipeline.

            • versionrequired — (String)

              A string that describes the action version.

          • actionConfiguration — (map)

            Represents information about an action configuration.

            • configuration — (map<String>)

              The configuration data for the action.

          • pipelineContext — (map)

            Represents information about a pipeline to a job worker.

            Note: Does not include pipelineArn and pipelineExecutionId for ThirdParty jobs.
            • pipelineName — (String)

              The name of the pipeline. This is a user-specified value. Pipeline names must be unique across all pipeline names under an Amazon Web Services account.

            • stage — (map)

              The stage of the pipeline.

              • name — (String)

                The name of the stage.

            • action — (map)

              The context of an action to a job worker in the stage of a pipeline.

              • name — (String)

                The name of the action in the context of a job.

              • actionExecutionId — (String)

                The system-generated unique ID that corresponds to an action's execution.

            • pipelineArn — (String)

              The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the pipeline.

            • pipelineExecutionId — (String)

              The execution ID of the pipeline.

          • inputArtifacts — (Array<map>)

            The name of the artifact that is worked on by the action, if any. This name might be system-generated, such as "MyApp", or it might be defined by the user when the action is created. The input artifact name must match the name of an output artifact generated by an action in an earlier action or stage of the pipeline.

            • name — (String)

              The artifact's name.

            • revision — (String)

              The artifact's revision ID. Depending on the type of object, this could be a commit ID (GitHub) or a revision ID (Amazon S3).

            • location — (map)

              The location of an artifact.

              • type — (String)

                The type of artifact in the location.

                Possible values include:
                • "S3"
              • s3Location — (map)

                The S3 bucket that contains the artifact.

                • bucketNamerequired — (String)

                  The name of the S3 bucket.

                • objectKeyrequired — (String)

                  The key of the object in the S3 bucket, which uniquely identifies the object in the bucket.

          • outputArtifacts — (Array<map>)

            The name of the artifact that is the result of the action, if any. This name might be system-generated, such as "MyBuiltApp", or it might be defined by the user when the action is created.

            • name — (String)

              The artifact's name.

            • revision — (String)

              The artifact's revision ID. Depending on the type of object, this could be a commit ID (GitHub) or a revision ID (Amazon S3).

            • location — (map)

              The location of an artifact.

              • type — (String)

                The type of artifact in the location.

                Possible values include:
                • "S3"
              • s3Location — (map)

                The S3 bucket that contains the artifact.

                • bucketNamerequired — (String)

                  The name of the S3 bucket.

                • objectKeyrequired — (String)

                  The key of the object in the S3 bucket, which uniquely identifies the object in the bucket.

          • artifactCredentials — (map)

            Represents an Amazon Web Services session credentials object. These credentials are temporary credentials that are issued by Amazon Web Services Secure Token Service (STS). They can be used to access input and output artifacts in the S3 bucket used to store artifact for the pipeline in CodePipeline.

            • accessKeyIdrequired — (String)

              The access key for the session.

            • secretAccessKeyrequired — (String)

              The secret access key for the session.

            • sessionTokenrequired — (String)

              The token for the session.

          • continuationToken — (String)

            A system-generated token, such as a CodeDeploy deployment ID, that a job requires to continue the job asynchronously.

          • encryptionKey — (map)

            The encryption key used to encrypt and decrypt data in the artifact store for the pipeline, such as an Amazon Web Services Key Management Service (Amazon Web Services KMS) key. This is optional and might not be present.

            • idrequired — (String)

              The ID used to identify the key. For an Amazon Web Services KMS key, you can use the key ID, the key ARN, or the alias ARN.

              Note: Aliases are recognized only in the account that created the KMS key. For cross-account actions, you can only use the key ID or key ARN to identify the key. Cross-account actions involve using the role from the other account (AccountB), so specifying the key ID will use the key from the other account (AccountB).
            • typerequired — (String)

              The type of encryption key, such as an Amazon Web Services KMS key. When creating or updating a pipeline, the value must be set to 'KMS'.

              Possible values include:
              • "KMS"
        • nonce — (String)

          A system-generated random number that CodePipeline uses to ensure that the job is being worked on by only one job worker. Use this number in an AcknowledgeThirdPartyJob request.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

listActionExecutions(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Lists the action executions that have occurred in a pipeline.

Service Reference:


Calling the listActionExecutions operation

var params = {
  pipelineName: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  filter: {
    latestInPipelineExecution: {
      pipelineExecutionId: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
      startTimeRange: Latest | All /* required */
    pipelineExecutionId: 'STRING_VALUE'
  maxResults: 'NUMBER_VALUE',
  nextToken: 'STRING_VALUE'
codepipeline.listActionExecutions(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • pipelineName — (String)

      The name of the pipeline for which you want to list action execution history.

    • filter — (map)

      Input information used to filter action execution history.

      • pipelineExecutionId — (String)

        The pipeline execution ID used to filter action execution history.

      • latestInPipelineExecution — (map)

        The latest execution in the pipeline.

        Note: Filtering on the latest execution is available for executions run on or after February 08, 2024.
        • pipelineExecutionIdrequired — (String)

          The execution ID for the latest execution in the pipeline.

        • startTimeRangerequired — (String)

          The start time to filter on for the latest execution in the pipeline. Valid options:

          • All

          • Latest

          Possible values include:
          • "Latest"
          • "All"
    • maxResults — (Integer)

      The maximum number of results to return in a single call. To retrieve the remaining results, make another call with the returned nextToken value. Action execution history is retained for up to 12 months, based on action execution start times. Default value is 100.

    • nextToken — (String)

      The token that was returned from the previous ListActionExecutions call, which can be used to return the next set of action executions in the list.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • actionExecutionDetails — (Array<map>)

        The details for a list of recent executions, such as action execution ID.

        • pipelineExecutionId — (String)

          The pipeline execution ID for the action execution.

        • actionExecutionId — (String)

          The action execution ID.

        • pipelineVersion — (Integer)

          The version of the pipeline where the action was run.

        • stageName — (String)

          The name of the stage that contains the action.

        • actionName — (String)

          The name of the action.

        • startTime — (Date)

          The start time of the action execution.

        • lastUpdateTime — (Date)

          The last update time of the action execution.

        • updatedBy — (String)

          The ARN of the user who changed the pipeline execution details.

        • status — (String)

          The status of the action execution. Status categories are InProgress, Succeeded, and Failed.

          Possible values include:
          • "InProgress"
          • "Abandoned"
          • "Succeeded"
          • "Failed"
        • input — (map)

          Input details for the action execution, such as role ARN, Region, and input artifacts.

          • actionTypeId — (map)

            Represents information about an action type.

            • categoryrequired — (String)

              A category defines what kind of action can be taken in the stage, and constrains the provider type for the action. Valid categories are limited to one of the following values.

              • Source

              • Build

              • Test

              • Deploy

              • Invoke

              • Approval

              Possible values include:
              • "Source"
              • "Build"
              • "Deploy"
              • "Test"
              • "Invoke"
              • "Approval"
            • ownerrequired — (String)

              The creator of the action being called. There are three valid values for the Owner field in the action category section within your pipeline structure: AWS, ThirdParty, and Custom. For more information, see Valid Action Types and Providers in CodePipeline.

              Possible values include:
              • "AWS"
              • "ThirdParty"
              • "Custom"
            • providerrequired — (String)

              The provider of the service being called by the action. Valid providers are determined by the action category. For example, an action in the Deploy category type might have a provider of CodeDeploy, which would be specified as CodeDeploy. For more information, see Valid Action Types and Providers in CodePipeline.

            • versionrequired — (String)

              A string that describes the action version.

          • configuration — (map<String>)

            Configuration data for an action execution.

          • resolvedConfiguration — (map<String>)

            Configuration data for an action execution with all variable references replaced with their real values for the execution.

          • roleArn — (String)

            The ARN of the IAM service role that performs the declared action. This is assumed through the roleArn for the pipeline.

          • region — (String)

            The Amazon Web Services Region for the action, such as us-east-1.

          • inputArtifacts — (Array<map>)

            Details of input artifacts of the action that correspond to the action execution.

            • name — (String)

              The artifact object name for the action execution.

            • s3location — (map)

              The Amazon S3 artifact location for the action execution.

              • bucket — (String)

                The Amazon S3 artifact bucket for an action's artifacts.

              • key — (String)

                The artifact name.

          • namespace — (String)

            The variable namespace associated with the action. All variables produced as output by this action fall under this namespace.

        • output — (map)

          Output details for the action execution, such as the action execution result.

          • outputArtifacts — (Array<map>)

            Details of output artifacts of the action that correspond to the action execution.

            • name — (String)

              The artifact object name for the action execution.

            • s3location — (map)

              The Amazon S3 artifact location for the action execution.

              • bucket — (String)

                The Amazon S3 artifact bucket for an action's artifacts.

              • key — (String)

                The artifact name.

          • executionResult — (map)

            Execution result information listed in the output details for an action execution.

            • externalExecutionId — (String)

              The action provider's external ID for the action execution.

            • externalExecutionSummary — (String)

              The action provider's summary for the action execution.

            • externalExecutionUrl — (String)

              The deepest external link to the external resource (for example, a repository URL or deployment endpoint) that is used when running the action.

            • errorDetails — (map)

              Represents information about an error in CodePipeline.

              • code — (String)

                The system ID or number code of the error.

              • message — (String)

                The text of the error message.

          • outputVariables — (map<String>)

            The outputVariables field shows the key-value pairs that were output as part of that execution.

      • nextToken — (String)

        If the amount of returned information is significantly large, an identifier is also returned and can be used in a subsequent ListActionExecutions call to return the next set of action executions in the list.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

listActionTypes(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Gets a summary of all CodePipeline action types associated with your account.

Service Reference:


Calling the listActionTypes operation

var params = {
  actionOwnerFilter: AWS | ThirdParty | Custom,
  nextToken: 'STRING_VALUE',
  regionFilter: 'STRING_VALUE'
codepipeline.listActionTypes(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • actionOwnerFilter — (String)

      Filters the list of action types to those created by a specified entity.

      Possible values include:
      • "AWS"
      • "ThirdParty"
      • "Custom"
    • nextToken — (String)

      An identifier that was returned from the previous list action types call, which can be used to return the next set of action types in the list.

    • regionFilter — (String)

      The Region to filter on for the list of action types.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • actionTypes — (Array<map>)

        Provides details of the action types.

        • idrequired — (map)

          Represents information about an action type.

          • categoryrequired — (String)

            A category defines what kind of action can be taken in the stage, and constrains the provider type for the action. Valid categories are limited to one of the following values.

            • Source

            • Build

            • Test

            • Deploy

            • Invoke

            • Approval

            Possible values include:
            • "Source"
            • "Build"
            • "Deploy"
            • "Test"
            • "Invoke"
            • "Approval"
          • ownerrequired — (String)

            The creator of the action being called. There are three valid values for the Owner field in the action category section within your pipeline structure: AWS, ThirdParty, and Custom. For more information, see Valid Action Types and Providers in CodePipeline.

            Possible values include:
            • "AWS"
            • "ThirdParty"
            • "Custom"
          • providerrequired — (String)

            The provider of the service being called by the action. Valid providers are determined by the action category. For example, an action in the Deploy category type might have a provider of CodeDeploy, which would be specified as CodeDeploy. For more information, see Valid Action Types and Providers in CodePipeline.

          • versionrequired — (String)

            A string that describes the action version.

        • settings — (map)

          The settings for the action type.

          • thirdPartyConfigurationUrl — (String)

            The URL of a sign-up page where users can sign up for an external service and perform initial configuration of the action provided by that service.

          • entityUrlTemplate — (String)

            The URL returned to the CodePipeline console that provides a deep link to the resources of the external system, such as the configuration page for a CodeDeploy deployment group. This link is provided as part of the action display in the pipeline.

          • executionUrlTemplate — (String)

            The URL returned to the CodePipeline console that contains a link to the top-level landing page for the external system, such as the console page for CodeDeploy. This link is shown on the pipeline view page in the CodePipeline console and provides a link to the execution entity of the external action.

          • revisionUrlTemplate — (String)

            The URL returned to the CodePipeline console that contains a link to the page where customers can update or change the configuration of the external action.

        • actionConfigurationProperties — (Array<map>)

          The configuration properties for the action type.

          • namerequired — (String)

            The name of the action configuration property.

          • requiredrequired — (Boolean)

            Whether the configuration property is a required value.

          • keyrequired — (Boolean)

            Whether the configuration property is a key.

          • secretrequired — (Boolean)

            Whether the configuration property is secret. Secrets are hidden from all calls except for GetJobDetails, GetThirdPartyJobDetails, PollForJobs, and PollForThirdPartyJobs.

            When updating a pipeline, passing * * * * * without changing any other values of the action preserves the previous value of the secret.

          • queryable — (Boolean)

            Indicates that the property is used with PollForJobs. When creating a custom action, an action can have up to one queryable property. If it has one, that property must be both required and not secret.

            If you create a pipeline with a custom action type, and that custom action contains a queryable property, the value for that configuration property is subject to other restrictions. The value must be less than or equal to twenty (20) characters. The value can contain only alphanumeric characters, underscores, and hyphens.

          • description — (String)

            The description of the action configuration property that is displayed to users.

          • type — (String)

            The type of the configuration property.

            Possible values include:
            • "String"
            • "Number"
            • "Boolean"
        • inputArtifactDetailsrequired — (map)

          The details of the input artifact for the action, such as its commit ID.

          • minimumCountrequired — (Integer)

            The minimum number of artifacts allowed for the action type.

          • maximumCountrequired — (Integer)

            The maximum number of artifacts allowed for the action type.

        • outputArtifactDetailsrequired — (map)

          The details of the output artifact of the action, such as its commit ID.

          • minimumCountrequired — (Integer)

            The minimum number of artifacts allowed for the action type.

          • maximumCountrequired — (Integer)

            The maximum number of artifacts allowed for the action type.

      • nextToken — (String)

        If the amount of returned information is significantly large, an identifier is also returned. It can be used in a subsequent list action types call to return the next set of action types in the list.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

listPipelineExecutions(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Gets a summary of the most recent executions for a pipeline.

Note: When applying the filter for pipeline executions that have succeeded in the stage, the operation returns all executions in the current pipeline version beginning on February 1, 2024.

Service Reference:


Calling the listPipelineExecutions operation

var params = {
  pipelineName: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  filter: {
    succeededInStage: {
      stageName: 'STRING_VALUE'
  maxResults: 'NUMBER_VALUE',
  nextToken: 'STRING_VALUE'
codepipeline.listPipelineExecutions(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • pipelineName — (String)

      The name of the pipeline for which you want to get execution summary information.

    • maxResults — (Integer)

      The maximum number of results to return in a single call. To retrieve the remaining results, make another call with the returned nextToken value. Pipeline history is limited to the most recent 12 months, based on pipeline execution start times. Default value is 100.

    • filter — (map)

      The pipeline execution to filter on.

      • succeededInStage — (map)

        Filter for pipeline executions where the stage was successful in the current pipeline version.

        • stageName — (String)

          The name of the stage for filtering for pipeline executions where the stage was successful in the current pipeline version.

    • nextToken — (String)

      The token that was returned from the previous ListPipelineExecutions call, which can be used to return the next set of pipeline executions in the list.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • pipelineExecutionSummaries — (Array<map>)

        A list of executions in the history of a pipeline.

        • pipelineExecutionId — (String)

          The ID of the pipeline execution.

        • status — (String)

          The status of the pipeline execution.

          • InProgress: The pipeline execution is currently running.

          • Stopped: The pipeline execution was manually stopped. For more information, see Stopped Executions.

          • Stopping: The pipeline execution received a request to be manually stopped. Depending on the selected stop mode, the execution is either completing or abandoning in-progress actions. For more information, see Stopped Executions.

          • Succeeded: The pipeline execution was completed successfully.

          • Superseded: While this pipeline execution was waiting for the next stage to be completed, a newer pipeline execution advanced and continued through the pipeline instead. For more information, see Superseded Executions.

          • Failed: The pipeline execution was not completed successfully.

          Possible values include:
          • "Cancelled"
          • "InProgress"
          • "Stopped"
          • "Stopping"
          • "Succeeded"
          • "Superseded"
          • "Failed"
        • statusSummary — (String)

          Status summary for the pipeline.

        • startTime — (Date)

          The date and time when the pipeline execution began, in timestamp format.

        • lastUpdateTime — (Date)

          The date and time of the last change to the pipeline execution, in timestamp format.

        • sourceRevisions — (Array<map>)

          A list of the source artifact revisions that initiated a pipeline execution.

          • actionNamerequired — (String)

            The name of the action that processed the revision to the source artifact.

          • revisionId — (String)

            The system-generated unique ID that identifies the revision number of the artifact.

          • revisionSummary — (String)

            Summary information about the most recent revision of the artifact. For GitHub and CodeCommit repositories, the commit message. For Amazon S3 buckets or actions, the user-provided content of a codepipeline-artifact-revision-summary key specified in the object metadata.

          • revisionUrl — (String)

            The commit ID for the artifact revision. For artifacts stored in GitHub or CodeCommit repositories, the commit ID is linked to a commit details page.

        • trigger — (map)

          The interaction or event that started a pipeline execution, such as automated change detection or a StartPipelineExecution API call.

          • triggerType — (String)

            The type of change-detection method, command, or user interaction that started a pipeline execution.

            Possible values include:
            • "CreatePipeline"
            • "StartPipelineExecution"
            • "PollForSourceChanges"
            • "Webhook"
            • "CloudWatchEvent"
            • "PutActionRevision"
            • "WebhookV2"
            • "ManualRollback"
            • "AutomatedRollback"
          • triggerDetail — (String)

            Detail related to the event that started a pipeline execution, such as the webhook ARN of the webhook that triggered the pipeline execution or the user ARN for a user-initiated start-pipeline-execution CLI command.

        • stopTrigger — (map)

          The interaction that stopped a pipeline execution.

          • reason — (String)

            The user-specified reason the pipeline was stopped.

        • executionMode — (String)

          The method that the pipeline will use to handle multiple executions. The default mode is SUPERSEDED.

          Possible values include:
          • "QUEUED"
          • "SUPERSEDED"
          • "PARALLEL"
        • executionType — (String)

          Type of the pipeline execution.

          Possible values include:
          • "STANDARD"
          • "ROLLBACK"
        • rollbackMetadata — (map)

          The metadata for the stage execution to be rolled back.

          • rollbackTargetPipelineExecutionId — (String)

            The pipeline execution ID to which the stage will be rolled back.

      • nextToken — (String)

        A token that can be used in the next ListPipelineExecutions call. To view all items in the list, continue to call this operation with each subsequent token until no more nextToken values are returned.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

listPipelines(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Gets a summary of all of the pipelines associated with your account.

Service Reference:


Calling the listPipelines operation

var params = {
  maxResults: 'NUMBER_VALUE',
  nextToken: 'STRING_VALUE'
codepipeline.listPipelines(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • nextToken — (String)

      An identifier that was returned from the previous list pipelines call. It can be used to return the next set of pipelines in the list.

    • maxResults — (Integer)

      The maximum number of pipelines to return in a single call. To retrieve the remaining pipelines, make another call with the returned nextToken value. The minimum value you can specify is 1. The maximum accepted value is 1000.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • pipelines — (Array<map>)

        The list of pipelines.

        • name — (String)

          The name of the pipeline.

        • version — (Integer)

          The version number of the pipeline.

        • pipelineType — (String)

          CodePipeline provides the following pipeline types, which differ in characteristics and price, so that you can tailor your pipeline features and cost to the needs of your applications.

          • V1 type pipelines have a JSON structure that contains standard pipeline, stage, and action-level parameters.

          • V2 type pipelines have the same structure as a V1 type, along with additional parameters for release safety and trigger configuration.

          Including V2 parameters, such as triggers on Git tags, in the pipeline JSON when creating or updating a pipeline will result in the pipeline having the V2 type of pipeline and the associated costs.

          For information about pricing for CodePipeline, see Pricing.

          For information about which type of pipeline to choose, see What type of pipeline is right for me?.

          Possible values include:
          • "V1"
          • "V2"
        • executionMode — (String)

          The method that the pipeline will use to handle multiple executions. The default mode is SUPERSEDED.

          Possible values include:
          • "QUEUED"
          • "SUPERSEDED"
          • "PARALLEL"
        • created — (Date)

          The date and time the pipeline was created, in timestamp format.

        • updated — (Date)

          The date and time of the last update to the pipeline, in timestamp format.

      • nextToken — (String)

        If the amount of returned information is significantly large, an identifier is also returned. It can be used in a subsequent list pipelines call to return the next set of pipelines in the list.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

listRuleExecutions(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Lists the rule executions that have occurred in a pipeline configured for conditions with rules.

Service Reference:


Calling the listRuleExecutions operation

var params = {
  pipelineName: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  filter: {
    latestInPipelineExecution: {
      pipelineExecutionId: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
      startTimeRange: Latest | All /* required */
    pipelineExecutionId: 'STRING_VALUE'
  maxResults: 'NUMBER_VALUE',
  nextToken: 'STRING_VALUE'
codepipeline.listRuleExecutions(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • pipelineName — (String)

      The name of the pipeline for which you want to get execution summary information.

    • filter — (map)

      Input information used to filter rule execution history.

      • pipelineExecutionId — (String)

        The pipeline execution ID used to filter rule execution history.

      • latestInPipelineExecution — (map)

        The field that specifies to filter on the latest execution in the pipeline.

        Note: Filtering on the latest execution is available for executions run on or after February 08, 2024.
        • pipelineExecutionIdrequired — (String)

          The execution ID for the latest execution in the pipeline.

        • startTimeRangerequired — (String)

          The start time to filter on for the latest execution in the pipeline. Valid options:

          • All

          • Latest

          Possible values include:
          • "Latest"
          • "All"
    • maxResults — (Integer)

      The maximum number of results to return in a single call. To retrieve the remaining results, make another call with the returned nextToken value. Pipeline history is limited to the most recent 12 months, based on pipeline execution start times. Default value is 100.

    • nextToken — (String)

      The token that was returned from the previous ListRuleExecutions call, which can be used to return the next set of rule executions in the list.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • ruleExecutionDetails — (Array<map>)

        Details about the output for listing rule executions.

        • pipelineExecutionId — (String)

          The ID of the pipeline execution in the stage where the rule was run. Use the GetPipelineState action to retrieve the current pipelineExecutionId of the stage.

        • ruleExecutionId — (String)

          The ID of the run for the rule.

        • pipelineVersion — (Integer)

          The version number of the pipeline with the stage where the rule was run.

        • stageName — (String)

          The name of the stage where the rule was run.

        • ruleName — (String)

          The name of the rule that was run in the stage.

        • startTime — (Date)

          The start time of the rule execution.

        • lastUpdateTime — (Date)

          The date and time of the last change to the rule execution, in timestamp format.

        • updatedBy — (String)

          The ARN of the user who changed the rule execution details.

        • status — (String)

          The status of the rule execution. Status categories are InProgress, Succeeded, and Failed.

          Possible values include:
          • "InProgress"
          • "Abandoned"
          • "Succeeded"
          • "Failed"
        • input — (map)

          Input details for the rule execution, such as role ARN, Region, and input artifacts.

          • ruleTypeId — (map)

            The ID for the rule type, which is made up of the combined values for category, owner, provider, and version.

            • categoryrequired — (String)

              A category defines what kind of rule can be run in the stage, and constrains the provider type for the rule. The valid category is Rule.

              Possible values include:
              • "Rule"
            • owner — (String)

              The creator of the rule being called. The valid value for the Owner field in the rule category is AWS.

              Possible values include:
              • "AWS"
            • providerrequired — (String)

              The rule provider, such as the DeploymentWindow rule.

            • version — (String)

              A string that describes the rule version.

          • configuration — (map<String>)

            Configuration data for a rule execution, such as the resolved values for that run.

          • resolvedConfiguration — (map<String>)

            Configuration data for a rule execution with all variable references replaced with their real values for the execution.

          • roleArn — (String)

            The ARN of the IAM service role that performs the declared rule. This is assumed through the roleArn for the pipeline.

          • region — (String)

            The Amazon Web Services Region for the rule, such as us-east-1.

          • inputArtifacts — (Array<map>)

            Details of input artifacts of the rule that correspond to the rule execution.

            • name — (String)

              The artifact object name for the action execution.

            • s3location — (map)

              The Amazon S3 artifact location for the action execution.

              • bucket — (String)

                The Amazon S3 artifact bucket for an action's artifacts.

              • key — (String)

                The artifact name.

        • output — (map)

          Output details for the rule execution, such as the rule execution result.

          • executionResult — (map)

            Execution result information listed in the output details for a rule execution.

            • externalExecutionId — (String)

              The external ID for the rule execution.

            • externalExecutionSummary — (String)

              The external provider summary for the rule execution.

            • externalExecutionUrl — (String)

              The deepest external link to the external resource (for example, a repository URL or deployment endpoint) that is used when running the rule.

            • errorDetails — (map)

              Represents information about an error in CodePipeline.

              • code — (String)

                The system ID or number code of the error.

              • message — (String)

                The text of the error message.

      • nextToken — (String)

        A token that can be used in the next ListRuleExecutions call. To view all items in the list, continue to call this operation with each subsequent token until no more nextToken values are returned.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

listRuleTypes(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Lists the rules for the condition.

Service Reference:


Calling the listRuleTypes operation

var params = {
  regionFilter: 'STRING_VALUE',
  ruleOwnerFilter: AWS
codepipeline.listRuleTypes(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • ruleOwnerFilter — (String)

      The rule owner to filter on.

      Possible values include:
      • "AWS"
    • regionFilter — (String)

      The rule Region to filter on.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • ruleTypes — (Array<map>)

        Lists the rules that are configured for the condition.

        • idrequired — (map)

          Represents information about a rule type.

          • categoryrequired — (String)

            A category defines what kind of rule can be run in the stage, and constrains the provider type for the rule. The valid category is Rule.

            Possible values include:
            • "Rule"
          • owner — (String)

            The creator of the rule being called. The valid value for the Owner field in the rule category is AWS.

            Possible values include:
            • "AWS"
          • providerrequired — (String)

            The rule provider, such as the DeploymentWindow rule.

          • version — (String)

            A string that describes the rule version.

        • settings — (map)

          Returns information about the settings for a rule type.

          • thirdPartyConfigurationUrl — (String)

            The URL of a sign-up page where users can sign up for an external service and perform initial configuration of the action provided by that service.

          • entityUrlTemplate — (String)

            The URL returned to the CodePipeline console that provides a deep link to the resources of the external system, such as the configuration page for a CodeDeploy deployment group. This link is provided as part of the action display in the pipeline.

          • executionUrlTemplate — (String)

            The URL returned to the CodePipeline console that contains a link to the top-level landing page for the external system, such as the console page for CodeDeploy. This link is shown on the pipeline view page in the CodePipeline console and provides a link to the execution entity of the external action.

          • revisionUrlTemplate — (String)

            The URL returned to the CodePipeline console that contains a link to the page where customers can update or change the configuration of the external action.

        • ruleConfigurationProperties — (Array<map>)

          The configuration properties for the rule type.

          • namerequired — (String)

            The name of the rule configuration property.

          • requiredrequired — (Boolean)

            Whether the configuration property is a required value.

          • keyrequired — (Boolean)

            Whether the configuration property is a key.

          • secretrequired — (Boolean)

            Whether the configuration property is secret.

            When updating a pipeline, passing * * * * * without changing any other values of the action preserves the previous value of the secret.

          • queryable — (Boolean)

            Indicates whether the property can be queried.

            If you create a pipeline with a condition and rule, and that rule contains a queryable property, the value for that configuration property is subject to other restrictions. The value must be less than or equal to twenty (20) characters. The value can contain only alphanumeric characters, underscores, and hyphens.

          • description — (String)

            The description of the action configuration property that is displayed to users.

          • type — (String)

            The type of the configuration property.

            Possible values include:
            • "String"
            • "Number"
            • "Boolean"
        • inputArtifactDetailsrequired — (map)

          Returns information about the details of an artifact.

          • minimumCountrequired — (Integer)

            The minimum number of artifacts allowed for the action type.

          • maximumCountrequired — (Integer)

            The maximum number of artifacts allowed for the action type.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

listTagsForResource(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Gets the set of key-value pairs (metadata) that are used to manage the resource.

Service Reference:


Calling the listTagsForResource operation

var params = {
  resourceArn: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  maxResults: 'NUMBER_VALUE',
  nextToken: 'STRING_VALUE'
codepipeline.listTagsForResource(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • resourceArn — (String)

      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource to get tags for.

    • nextToken — (String)

      The token that was returned from the previous API call, which would be used to return the next page of the list. The ListTagsforResource call lists all available tags in one call and does not use pagination.

    • maxResults — (Integer)

      The maximum number of results to return in a single call.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • tags — (Array<map>)

        The tags for the resource.

        • keyrequired — (String)

          The tag's key.

        • valuerequired — (String)

          The tag's value.

      • nextToken — (String)

        If the amount of returned information is significantly large, an identifier is also returned and can be used in a subsequent API call to return the next page of the list. The ListTagsforResource call lists all available tags in one call and does not use pagination.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

listWebhooks(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Gets a listing of all the webhooks in this Amazon Web Services Region for this account. The output lists all webhooks and includes the webhook URL and ARN and the configuration for each webhook.

Note: If a secret token was provided, it will be redacted in the response.

Service Reference:


Calling the listWebhooks operation

var params = {
  MaxResults: 'NUMBER_VALUE',
  NextToken: 'STRING_VALUE'
codepipeline.listWebhooks(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • NextToken — (String)

      The token that was returned from the previous ListWebhooks call, which can be used to return the next set of webhooks in the list.

    • MaxResults — (Integer)

      The maximum number of results to return in a single call. To retrieve the remaining results, make another call with the returned nextToken value.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • webhooks — (Array<map>)

        The JSON detail returned for each webhook in the list output for the ListWebhooks call.

        • definitionrequired — (map)

          The detail returned for each webhook, such as the webhook authentication type and filter rules.

          • namerequired — (String)

            The name of the webhook.

          • targetPipelinerequired — (String)

            The name of the pipeline you want to connect to the webhook.

          • targetActionrequired — (String)

            The name of the action in a pipeline you want to connect to the webhook. The action must be from the source (first) stage of the pipeline.

          • filtersrequired — (Array<map>)

            A list of rules applied to the body/payload sent in the POST request to a webhook URL. All defined rules must pass for the request to be accepted and the pipeline started.

            • jsonPathrequired — (String)

              A JsonPath expression that is applied to the body/payload of the webhook. The value selected by the JsonPath expression must match the value specified in the MatchEquals field. Otherwise, the request is ignored. For more information, see Java JsonPath implementation in GitHub.

            • matchEquals — (String)

              The value selected by the JsonPath expression must match what is supplied in the MatchEquals field. Otherwise, the request is ignored. Properties from the target action configuration can be included as placeholders in this value by surrounding the action configuration key with curly brackets. For example, if the value supplied here is "refs/heads/{Branch}" and the target action has an action configuration property called "Branch" with a value of "main", the MatchEquals value is evaluated as "refs/heads/main". For a list of action configuration properties for built-in action types, see Pipeline Structure Reference Action Requirements.

          • authenticationrequired — (String)

            Supported options are GITHUB_HMAC, IP, and UNAUTHENTICATED.

            When creating CodePipeline webhooks, do not use your own credentials or reuse the same secret token across multiple webhooks. For optimal security, generate a unique secret token for each webhook you create. The secret token is an arbitrary string that you provide, which GitHub uses to compute and sign the webhook payloads sent to CodePipeline, for protecting the integrity and authenticity of the webhook payloads. Using your own credentials or reusing the same token across multiple webhooks can lead to security vulnerabilities.

            Note: If a secret token was provided, it will be redacted in the response.
            • For information about the authentication scheme implemented by GITHUB_HMAC, see Securing your webhooks on the GitHub Developer website.

            • IP rejects webhooks trigger requests unless they originate from an IP address in the IP range whitelisted in the authentication configuration.

            • UNAUTHENTICATED accepts all webhook trigger requests regardless of origin.

            Possible values include:
            • "GITHUB_HMAC"
            • "IP"
            • "UNAUTHENTICATED"
          • authenticationConfigurationrequired — (map)

            Properties that configure the authentication applied to incoming webhook trigger requests. The required properties depend on the authentication type. For GITHUB_HMAC, only the SecretToken property must be set. For IP, only the AllowedIPRange property must be set to a valid CIDR range. For UNAUTHENTICATED, no properties can be set.

            • AllowedIPRange — (String)

              The property used to configure acceptance of webhooks in an IP address range. For IP, only the AllowedIPRange property must be set. This property must be set to a valid CIDR range.

            • SecretToken — (String)

              The property used to configure GitHub authentication. For GITHUB_HMAC, only the SecretToken property must be set.

              When creating CodePipeline webhooks, do not use your own credentials or reuse the same secret token across multiple webhooks. For optimal security, generate a unique secret token for each webhook you create. The secret token is an arbitrary string that you provide, which GitHub uses to compute and sign the webhook payloads sent to CodePipeline, for protecting the integrity and authenticity of the webhook payloads. Using your own credentials or reusing the same token across multiple webhooks can lead to security vulnerabilities.

              Note: If a secret token was provided, it will be redacted in the response.
        • urlrequired — (String)

          A unique URL generated by CodePipeline. When a POST request is made to this URL, the defined pipeline is started as long as the body of the post request satisfies the defined authentication and filtering conditions. Deleting and re-creating a webhook makes the old URL invalid and generates a new one.

        • errorMessage — (String)

          The text of the error message about the webhook.

        • errorCode — (String)

          The number code of the error.

        • lastTriggered — (Date)

          The date and time a webhook was last successfully triggered, in timestamp format.

        • arn — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the webhook.

        • tags — (Array<map>)

          Specifies the tags applied to the webhook.

          • keyrequired — (String)

            The tag's key.

          • valuerequired — (String)

            The tag's value.

      • NextToken — (String)

        If the amount of returned information is significantly large, an identifier is also returned and can be used in a subsequent ListWebhooks call to return the next set of webhooks in the list.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

overrideStageCondition(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Used to override a stage condition.

Service Reference:


Calling the overrideStageCondition operation

var params = {
  conditionType: BEFORE_ENTRY | ON_SUCCESS, /* required */
  pipelineExecutionId: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  pipelineName: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  stageName: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
codepipeline.overrideStageCondition(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • pipelineName — (String)

      The name of the pipeline with the stage that will override the condition.

    • stageName — (String)

      The name of the stage for the override.

    • pipelineExecutionId — (String)

      The ID of the pipeline execution for the override.

    • conditionType — (String)

      The type of condition to override for the stage, such as entry conditions, failure conditions, or success conditions.

      Possible values include:
      • "BEFORE_ENTRY"
      • "ON_SUCCESS"

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

pollForJobs(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Returns information about any jobs for CodePipeline to act on. PollForJobs is valid only for action types with "Custom" in the owner field. If the action type contains AWS or ThirdParty in the owner field, the PollForJobs action returns an error.

When this API is called, CodePipeline returns temporary credentials for the S3 bucket used to store artifacts for the pipeline, if the action requires access to that S3 bucket for input or output artifacts. This API also returns any secret values defined for the action.

Service Reference:


Calling the pollForJobs operation

var params = {
  actionTypeId: { /* required */
    category: Source | Build | Deploy | Test | Invoke | Approval, /* required */
    owner: AWS | ThirdParty | Custom, /* required */
    provider: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
    version: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
  maxBatchSize: 'NUMBER_VALUE',
  queryParam: {
    '<ActionConfigurationKey>': 'STRING_VALUE',
    /* '<ActionConfigurationKey>': ... */
codepipeline.pollForJobs(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • actionTypeId — (map)

      Represents information about an action type.

      • categoryrequired — (String)

        A category defines what kind of action can be taken in the stage, and constrains the provider type for the action. Valid categories are limited to one of the following values.

        • Source

        • Build

        • Test

        • Deploy

        • Invoke

        • Approval

        Possible values include:
        • "Source"
        • "Build"
        • "Deploy"
        • "Test"
        • "Invoke"
        • "Approval"
      • ownerrequired — (String)

        The creator of the action being called. There are three valid values for the Owner field in the action category section within your pipeline structure: AWS, ThirdParty, and Custom. For more information, see Valid Action Types and Providers in CodePipeline.

        Possible values include:
        • "AWS"
        • "ThirdParty"
        • "Custom"
      • providerrequired — (String)

        The provider of the service being called by the action. Valid providers are determined by the action category. For example, an action in the Deploy category type might have a provider of CodeDeploy, which would be specified as CodeDeploy. For more information, see Valid Action Types and Providers in CodePipeline.

      • versionrequired — (String)

        A string that describes the action version.

    • maxBatchSize — (Integer)

      The maximum number of jobs to return in a poll for jobs call.

    • queryParam — (map<String>)

      A map of property names and values. For an action type with no queryable properties, this value must be null or an empty map. For an action type with a queryable property, you must supply that property as a key in the map. Only jobs whose action configuration matches the mapped value are returned.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • jobs — (Array<map>)

        Information about the jobs to take action on.

        • id — (String)

          The unique system-generated ID of the job.

        • data — (map)

          Other data about a job.

          • actionTypeId — (map)

            Represents information about an action type.

            • categoryrequired — (String)

              A category defines what kind of action can be taken in the stage, and constrains the provider type for the action. Valid categories are limited to one of the following values.

              • Source

              • Build

              • Test

              • Deploy

              • Invoke

              • Approval

              Possible values include:
              • "Source"
              • "Build"
              • "Deploy"
              • "Test"
              • "Invoke"
              • "Approval"
            • ownerrequired — (String)

              The creator of the action being called. There are three valid values for the Owner field in the action category section within your pipeline structure: AWS, ThirdParty, and Custom. For more information, see Valid Action Types and Providers in CodePipeline.

              Possible values include:
              • "AWS"
              • "ThirdParty"
              • "Custom"
            • providerrequired — (String)

              The provider of the service being called by the action. Valid providers are determined by the action category. For example, an action in the Deploy category type might have a provider of CodeDeploy, which would be specified as CodeDeploy. For more information, see Valid Action Types and Providers in CodePipeline.

            • versionrequired — (String)

              A string that describes the action version.

          • actionConfiguration — (map)

            Represents information about an action configuration.

            • configuration — (map<String>)

              The configuration data for the action.

          • pipelineContext — (map)

            Represents information about a pipeline to a job worker.

            Note: Includes pipelineArn and pipelineExecutionId for custom jobs.
            • pipelineName — (String)

              The name of the pipeline. This is a user-specified value. Pipeline names must be unique across all pipeline names under an Amazon Web Services account.

            • stage — (map)

              The stage of the pipeline.

              • name — (String)

                The name of the stage.

            • action — (map)

              The context of an action to a job worker in the stage of a pipeline.

              • name — (String)

                The name of the action in the context of a job.

              • actionExecutionId — (String)

                The system-generated unique ID that corresponds to an action's execution.

            • pipelineArn — (String)

              The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the pipeline.

            • pipelineExecutionId — (String)

              The execution ID of the pipeline.

          • inputArtifacts — (Array<map>)

            The artifact supplied to the job.

            • name — (String)

              The artifact's name.

            • revision — (String)

              The artifact's revision ID. Depending on the type of object, this could be a commit ID (GitHub) or a revision ID (Amazon S3).

            • location — (map)

              The location of an artifact.

              • type — (String)

                The type of artifact in the location.

                Possible values include:
                • "S3"
              • s3Location — (map)

                The S3 bucket that contains the artifact.

                • bucketNamerequired — (String)

                  The name of the S3 bucket.

                • objectKeyrequired — (String)

                  The key of the object in the S3 bucket, which uniquely identifies the object in the bucket.

          • outputArtifacts — (Array<map>)

            The output of the job.

            • name — (String)

              The artifact's name.

            • revision — (String)

              The artifact's revision ID. Depending on the type of object, this could be a commit ID (GitHub) or a revision ID (Amazon S3).

            • location — (map)

              The location of an artifact.

              • type — (String)

                The type of artifact in the location.

                Possible values include:
                • "S3"
              • s3Location — (map)

                The S3 bucket that contains the artifact.

                • bucketNamerequired — (String)

                  The name of the S3 bucket.

                • objectKeyrequired — (String)

                  The key of the object in the S3 bucket, which uniquely identifies the object in the bucket.

          • artifactCredentials — (map)

            Represents an Amazon Web Services session credentials object. These credentials are temporary credentials that are issued by Amazon Web Services Secure Token Service (STS). They can be used to access input and output artifacts in the S3 bucket used to store artifacts for the pipeline in CodePipeline.

            • accessKeyIdrequired — (String)

              The access key for the session.

            • secretAccessKeyrequired — (String)

              The secret access key for the session.

            • sessionTokenrequired — (String)

              The token for the session.

          • continuationToken — (String)

            A system-generated token, such as a deployment ID, required by a job to continue the job asynchronously.

          • encryptionKey — (map)

            Represents information about the key used to encrypt data in the artifact store, such as an KMS key.

            • idrequired — (String)

              The ID used to identify the key. For an Amazon Web Services KMS key, you can use the key ID, the key ARN, or the alias ARN.

              Note: Aliases are recognized only in the account that created the KMS key. For cross-account actions, you can only use the key ID or key ARN to identify the key. Cross-account actions involve using the role from the other account (AccountB), so specifying the key ID will use the key from the other account (AccountB).
            • typerequired — (String)

              The type of encryption key, such as an Amazon Web Services KMS key. When creating or updating a pipeline, the value must be set to 'KMS'.

              Possible values include:
              • "KMS"
        • nonce — (String)

          A system-generated random number that CodePipeline uses to ensure that the job is being worked on by only one job worker. Use this number in an AcknowledgeJob request.

        • accountId — (String)

          The ID of the Amazon Web Services account to use when performing the job.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

pollForThirdPartyJobs(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Determines whether there are any third party jobs for a job worker to act on. Used for partner actions only.

When this API is called, CodePipeline returns temporary credentials for the S3 bucket used to store artifacts for the pipeline, if the action requires access to that S3 bucket for input or output artifacts.

Service Reference:


Calling the pollForThirdPartyJobs operation

var params = {
  actionTypeId: { /* required */
    category: Source | Build | Deploy | Test | Invoke | Approval, /* required */
    owner: AWS | ThirdParty | Custom, /* required */
    provider: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
    version: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
  maxBatchSize: 'NUMBER_VALUE'
codepipeline.pollForThirdPartyJobs(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • actionTypeId — (map)

      Represents information about an action type.

      • categoryrequired — (String)

        A category defines what kind of action can be taken in the stage, and constrains the provider type for the action. Valid categories are limited to one of the following values.

        • Source

        • Build

        • Test

        • Deploy

        • Invoke

        • Approval

        Possible values include:
        • "Source"
        • "Build"
        • "Deploy"
        • "Test"
        • "Invoke"
        • "Approval"
      • ownerrequired — (String)

        The creator of the action being called. There are three valid values for the Owner field in the action category section within your pipeline structure: AWS, ThirdParty, and Custom. For more information, see Valid Action Types and Providers in CodePipeline.

        Possible values include:
        • "AWS"
        • "ThirdParty"
        • "Custom"
      • providerrequired — (String)

        The provider of the service being called by the action. Valid providers are determined by the action category. For example, an action in the Deploy category type might have a provider of CodeDeploy, which would be specified as CodeDeploy. For more information, see Valid Action Types and Providers in CodePipeline.

      • versionrequired — (String)

        A string that describes the action version.

    • maxBatchSize — (Integer)

      The maximum number of jobs to return in a poll for jobs call.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • jobs — (Array<map>)

        Information about the jobs to take action on.

        • clientId — (String)

          The clientToken portion of the clientId and clientToken pair used to verify that the calling entity is allowed access to the job and its details.

        • jobId — (String)

          The identifier used to identify the job in CodePipeline.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

putActionRevision(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Provides information to CodePipeline about new revisions to a source.

Service Reference:


Calling the putActionRevision operation

var params = {
  actionName: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  actionRevision: { /* required */
    created: new Date || 'Wed Dec 31 1969 16:00:00 GMT-0800 (PST)' || 123456789, /* required */
    revisionChangeId: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
    revisionId: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
  pipelineName: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  stageName: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
codepipeline.putActionRevision(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • pipelineName — (String)

      The name of the pipeline that starts processing the revision to the source.

    • stageName — (String)

      The name of the stage that contains the action that acts on the revision.

    • actionName — (String)

      The name of the action that processes the revision.

    • actionRevision — (map)

      Represents information about the version (or revision) of an action.

      • revisionIdrequired — (String)

        The system-generated unique ID that identifies the revision number of the action.

      • revisionChangeIdrequired — (String)

        The unique identifier of the change that set the state to this revision (for example, a deployment ID or timestamp).

      • createdrequired — (Date)

        The date and time when the most recent version of the action was created, in timestamp format.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • newRevision — (Boolean)

        Indicates whether the artifact revision was previously used in an execution of the specified pipeline.

      • pipelineExecutionId — (String)

        The ID of the current workflow state of the pipeline.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

putApprovalResult(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Provides the response to a manual approval request to CodePipeline. Valid responses include Approved and Rejected.

Service Reference:


Calling the putApprovalResult operation

var params = {
  actionName: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  pipelineName: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  result: { /* required */
    status: Approved | Rejected, /* required */
    summary: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
  stageName: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  token: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
codepipeline.putApprovalResult(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • pipelineName — (String)

      The name of the pipeline that contains the action.

    • stageName — (String)

      The name of the stage that contains the action.

    • actionName — (String)

      The name of the action for which approval is requested.

    • result — (map)

      Represents information about the result of the approval request.

      • summaryrequired — (String)

        The summary of the current status of the approval request.

      • statusrequired — (String)

        The response submitted by a reviewer assigned to an approval action request.

        Possible values include:
        • "Approved"
        • "Rejected"
    • token — (String)

      The system-generated token used to identify a unique approval request. The token for each open approval request can be obtained using the GetPipelineState action. It is used to validate that the approval request corresponding to this token is still valid.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • approvedAt — (Date)

        The timestamp showing when the approval or rejection was submitted.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

putJobFailureResult(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Represents the failure of a job as returned to the pipeline by a job worker. Used for custom actions only.

Service Reference:


Calling the putJobFailureResult operation

var params = {
  failureDetails: { /* required */
    message: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
    type: JobFailed | ConfigurationError | PermissionError | RevisionOutOfSync | RevisionUnavailable | SystemUnavailable, /* required */
    externalExecutionId: 'STRING_VALUE'
  jobId: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
codepipeline.putJobFailureResult(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • jobId — (String)

      The unique system-generated ID of the job that failed. This is the same ID returned from PollForJobs.

    • failureDetails — (map)

      The details about the failure of a job.

      • typerequired — (String)

        The type of the failure.

        Possible values include:
        • "JobFailed"
        • "ConfigurationError"
        • "PermissionError"
        • "RevisionOutOfSync"
        • "RevisionUnavailable"
        • "SystemUnavailable"
      • messagerequired — (String)

        The message about the failure.

      • externalExecutionId — (String)

        The external ID of the run of the action that failed.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

putJobSuccessResult(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Represents the success of a job as returned to the pipeline by a job worker. Used for custom actions only.

Service Reference:


Calling the putJobSuccessResult operation

var params = {
  jobId: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  continuationToken: 'STRING_VALUE',
  currentRevision: {
    changeIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
    revision: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
    created: new Date || 'Wed Dec 31 1969 16:00:00 GMT-0800 (PST)' || 123456789,
    revisionSummary: 'STRING_VALUE'
  executionDetails: {
    externalExecutionId: 'STRING_VALUE',
    percentComplete: 'NUMBER_VALUE',
    summary: 'STRING_VALUE'
  outputVariables: {
    '<OutputVariablesKey>': 'STRING_VALUE',
    /* '<OutputVariablesKey>': ... */
codepipeline.putJobSuccessResult(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • jobId — (String)

      The unique system-generated ID of the job that succeeded. This is the same ID returned from PollForJobs.

    • currentRevision — (map)

      The ID of the current revision of the artifact successfully worked on by the job.

      • revisionrequired — (String)

        The revision ID of the current version of an artifact.

      • changeIdentifierrequired — (String)

        The change identifier for the current revision.

      • created — (Date)

        The date and time when the most recent revision of the artifact was created, in timestamp format.

      • revisionSummary — (String)

        The summary of the most recent revision of the artifact.

    • continuationToken — (String)

      A token generated by a job worker, such as a CodeDeploy deployment ID, that a successful job provides to identify a custom action in progress. Future jobs use this token to identify the running instance of the action. It can be reused to return more information about the progress of the custom action. When the action is complete, no continuation token should be supplied.

    • executionDetails — (map)

      The execution details of the successful job, such as the actions taken by the job worker.

      • summary — (String)

        The summary of the current status of the actions.

      • externalExecutionId — (String)

        The system-generated unique ID of this action used to identify this job worker in any external systems, such as CodeDeploy.

      • percentComplete — (Integer)

        The percentage of work completed on the action, represented on a scale of 0 to 100 percent.

    • outputVariables — (map<String>)

      Key-value pairs produced as output by a job worker that can be made available to a downstream action configuration. outputVariables can be included only when there is no continuation token on the request.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

putThirdPartyJobFailureResult(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Represents the failure of a third party job as returned to the pipeline by a job worker. Used for partner actions only.

Service Reference:


Calling the putThirdPartyJobFailureResult operation

var params = {
  clientToken: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  failureDetails: { /* required */
    message: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
    type: JobFailed | ConfigurationError | PermissionError | RevisionOutOfSync | RevisionUnavailable | SystemUnavailable, /* required */
    externalExecutionId: 'STRING_VALUE'
  jobId: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
codepipeline.putThirdPartyJobFailureResult(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • jobId — (String)

      The ID of the job that failed. This is the same ID returned from PollForThirdPartyJobs.

    • clientToken — (String)

      The clientToken portion of the clientId and clientToken pair used to verify that the calling entity is allowed access to the job and its details.

    • failureDetails — (map)

      Represents information about failure details.

      • typerequired — (String)

        The type of the failure.

        Possible values include:
        • "JobFailed"
        • "ConfigurationError"
        • "PermissionError"
        • "RevisionOutOfSync"
        • "RevisionUnavailable"
        • "SystemUnavailable"
      • messagerequired — (String)

        The message about the failure.

      • externalExecutionId — (String)

        The external ID of the run of the action that failed.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

putThirdPartyJobSuccessResult(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Represents the success of a third party job as returned to the pipeline by a job worker. Used for partner actions only.

Service Reference:


Calling the putThirdPartyJobSuccessResult operation

var params = {
  clientToken: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  jobId: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  continuationToken: 'STRING_VALUE',
  currentRevision: {
    changeIdentifier: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
    revision: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
    created: new Date || 'Wed Dec 31 1969 16:00:00 GMT-0800 (PST)' || 123456789,
    revisionSummary: 'STRING_VALUE'
  executionDetails: {
    externalExecutionId: 'STRING_VALUE',
    percentComplete: 'NUMBER_VALUE',
    summary: 'STRING_VALUE'
codepipeline.putThirdPartyJobSuccessResult(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • jobId — (String)

      The ID of the job that successfully completed. This is the same ID returned from PollForThirdPartyJobs.

    • clientToken — (String)

      The clientToken portion of the clientId and clientToken pair used to verify that the calling entity is allowed access to the job and its details.

    • currentRevision — (map)

      Represents information about a current revision.

      • revisionrequired — (String)

        The revision ID of the current version of an artifact.

      • changeIdentifierrequired — (String)

        The change identifier for the current revision.

      • created — (Date)

        The date and time when the most recent revision of the artifact was created, in timestamp format.

      • revisionSummary — (String)

        The summary of the most recent revision of the artifact.

    • continuationToken — (String)

      A token generated by a job worker, such as a CodeDeploy deployment ID, that a successful job provides to identify a partner action in progress. Future jobs use this token to identify the running instance of the action. It can be reused to return more information about the progress of the partner action. When the action is complete, no continuation token should be supplied.

    • executionDetails — (map)

      The details of the actions taken and results produced on an artifact as it passes through stages in the pipeline.

      • summary — (String)

        The summary of the current status of the actions.

      • externalExecutionId — (String)

        The system-generated unique ID of this action used to identify this job worker in any external systems, such as CodeDeploy.

      • percentComplete — (Integer)

        The percentage of work completed on the action, represented on a scale of 0 to 100 percent.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

putWebhook(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Defines a webhook and returns a unique webhook URL generated by CodePipeline. This URL can be supplied to third party source hosting providers to call every time there's a code change. When CodePipeline receives a POST request on this URL, the pipeline defined in the webhook is started as long as the POST request satisfied the authentication and filtering requirements supplied when defining the webhook. RegisterWebhookWithThirdParty and DeregisterWebhookWithThirdParty APIs can be used to automatically configure supported third parties to call the generated webhook URL.

When creating CodePipeline webhooks, do not use your own credentials or reuse the same secret token across multiple webhooks. For optimal security, generate a unique secret token for each webhook you create. The secret token is an arbitrary string that you provide, which GitHub uses to compute and sign the webhook payloads sent to CodePipeline, for protecting the integrity and authenticity of the webhook payloads. Using your own credentials or reusing the same token across multiple webhooks can lead to security vulnerabilities.

Note: If a secret token was provided, it will be redacted in the response.

Service Reference:


Calling the putWebhook operation

var params = {
  webhook: { /* required */
    authentication: GITHUB_HMAC | IP | UNAUTHENTICATED, /* required */
    authenticationConfiguration: { /* required */
      AllowedIPRange: 'STRING_VALUE',
      SecretToken: 'STRING_VALUE'
    filters: [ /* required */
        jsonPath: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
        matchEquals: 'STRING_VALUE'
      /* more items */
    name: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
    targetAction: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
    targetPipeline: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
  tags: [
      key: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
      value: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
    /* more items */
codepipeline.putWebhook(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • webhook — (map)

      The detail provided in an input file to create the webhook, such as the webhook name, the pipeline name, and the action name. Give the webhook a unique name that helps you identify it. You might name the webhook after the pipeline and action it targets so that you can easily recognize what it's used for later.

      • namerequired — (String)

        The name of the webhook.

      • targetPipelinerequired — (String)

        The name of the pipeline you want to connect to the webhook.

      • targetActionrequired — (String)

        The name of the action in a pipeline you want to connect to the webhook. The action must be from the source (first) stage of the pipeline.

      • filtersrequired — (Array<map>)

        A list of rules applied to the body/payload sent in the POST request to a webhook URL. All defined rules must pass for the request to be accepted and the pipeline started.

        • jsonPathrequired — (String)

          A JsonPath expression that is applied to the body/payload of the webhook. The value selected by the JsonPath expression must match the value specified in the MatchEquals field. Otherwise, the request is ignored. For more information, see Java JsonPath implementation in GitHub.

        • matchEquals — (String)

          The value selected by the JsonPath expression must match what is supplied in the MatchEquals field. Otherwise, the request is ignored. Properties from the target action configuration can be included as placeholders in this value by surrounding the action configuration key with curly brackets. For example, if the value supplied here is "refs/heads/{Branch}" and the target action has an action configuration property called "Branch" with a value of "main", the MatchEquals value is evaluated as "refs/heads/main". For a list of action configuration properties for built-in action types, see Pipeline Structure Reference Action Requirements.

      • authenticationrequired — (String)

        Supported options are GITHUB_HMAC, IP, and UNAUTHENTICATED.

        When creating CodePipeline webhooks, do not use your own credentials or reuse the same secret token across multiple webhooks. For optimal security, generate a unique secret token for each webhook you create. The secret token is an arbitrary string that you provide, which GitHub uses to compute and sign the webhook payloads sent to CodePipeline, for protecting the integrity and authenticity of the webhook payloads. Using your own credentials or reusing the same token across multiple webhooks can lead to security vulnerabilities.

        Note: If a secret token was provided, it will be redacted in the response.
        • For information about the authentication scheme implemented by GITHUB_HMAC, see Securing your webhooks on the GitHub Developer website.

        • IP rejects webhooks trigger requests unless they originate from an IP address in the IP range whitelisted in the authentication configuration.

        • UNAUTHENTICATED accepts all webhook trigger requests regardless of origin.

        Possible values include:
        • "GITHUB_HMAC"
        • "IP"
      • authenticationConfigurationrequired — (map)

        Properties that configure the authentication applied to incoming webhook trigger requests. The required properties depend on the authentication type. For GITHUB_HMAC, only the SecretToken property must be set. For IP, only the AllowedIPRange property must be set to a valid CIDR range. For UNAUTHENTICATED, no properties can be set.

        • AllowedIPRange — (String)

          The property used to configure acceptance of webhooks in an IP address range. For IP, only the AllowedIPRange property must be set. This property must be set to a valid CIDR range.

        • SecretToken — (String)

          The property used to configure GitHub authentication. For GITHUB_HMAC, only the SecretToken property must be set.

          When creating CodePipeline webhooks, do not use your own credentials or reuse the same secret token across multiple webhooks. For optimal security, generate a unique secret token for each webhook you create. The secret token is an arbitrary string that you provide, which GitHub uses to compute and sign the webhook payloads sent to CodePipeline, for protecting the integrity and authenticity of the webhook payloads. Using your own credentials or reusing the same token across multiple webhooks can lead to security vulnerabilities.

          Note: If a secret token was provided, it will be redacted in the response.
    • tags — (Array<map>)

      The tags for the webhook.

      • keyrequired — (String)

        The tag's key.

      • valuerequired — (String)

        The tag's value.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • webhook — (map)

        The detail returned from creating the webhook, such as the webhook name, webhook URL, and webhook ARN.

        • definitionrequired — (map)

          The detail returned for each webhook, such as the webhook authentication type and filter rules.

          • namerequired — (String)

            The name of the webhook.

          • targetPipelinerequired — (String)

            The name of the pipeline you want to connect to the webhook.

          • targetActionrequired — (String)

            The name of the action in a pipeline you want to connect to the webhook. The action must be from the source (first) stage of the pipeline.

          • filtersrequired — (Array<map>)

            A list of rules applied to the body/payload sent in the POST request to a webhook URL. All defined rules must pass for the request to be accepted and the pipeline started.

            • jsonPathrequired — (String)

              A JsonPath expression that is applied to the body/payload of the webhook. The value selected by the JsonPath expression must match the value specified in the MatchEquals field. Otherwise, the request is ignored. For more information, see Java JsonPath implementation in GitHub.

            • matchEquals — (String)

              The value selected by the JsonPath expression must match what is supplied in the MatchEquals field. Otherwise, the request is ignored. Properties from the target action configuration can be included as placeholders in this value by surrounding the action configuration key with curly brackets. For example, if the value supplied here is "refs/heads/{Branch}" and the target action has an action configuration property called "Branch" with a value of "main", the MatchEquals value is evaluated as "refs/heads/main". For a list of action configuration properties for built-in action types, see Pipeline Structure Reference Action Requirements.

          • authenticationrequired — (String)

            Supported options are GITHUB_HMAC, IP, and UNAUTHENTICATED.

            When creating CodePipeline webhooks, do not use your own credentials or reuse the same secret token across multiple webhooks. For optimal security, generate a unique secret token for each webhook you create. The secret token is an arbitrary string that you provide, which GitHub uses to compute and sign the webhook payloads sent to CodePipeline, for protecting the integrity and authenticity of the webhook payloads. Using your own credentials or reusing the same token across multiple webhooks can lead to security vulnerabilities.

            Note: If a secret token was provided, it will be redacted in the response.
            • For information about the authentication scheme implemented by GITHUB_HMAC, see Securing your webhooks on the GitHub Developer website.

            • IP rejects webhooks trigger requests unless they originate from an IP address in the IP range whitelisted in the authentication configuration.

            • UNAUTHENTICATED accepts all webhook trigger requests regardless of origin.

            Possible values include:
            • "GITHUB_HMAC"
            • "IP"
            • "UNAUTHENTICATED"
          • authenticationConfigurationrequired — (map)

            Properties that configure the authentication applied to incoming webhook trigger requests. The required properties depend on the authentication type. For GITHUB_HMAC, only the SecretToken property must be set. For IP, only the AllowedIPRange property must be set to a valid CIDR range. For UNAUTHENTICATED, no properties can be set.

            • AllowedIPRange — (String)

              The property used to configure acceptance of webhooks in an IP address range. For IP, only the AllowedIPRange property must be set. This property must be set to a valid CIDR range.

            • SecretToken — (String)

              The property used to configure GitHub authentication. For GITHUB_HMAC, only the SecretToken property must be set.

              When creating CodePipeline webhooks, do not use your own credentials or reuse the same secret token across multiple webhooks. For optimal security, generate a unique secret token for each webhook you create. The secret token is an arbitrary string that you provide, which GitHub uses to compute and sign the webhook payloads sent to CodePipeline, for protecting the integrity and authenticity of the webhook payloads. Using your own credentials or reusing the same token across multiple webhooks can lead to security vulnerabilities.

              Note: If a secret token was provided, it will be redacted in the response.
        • urlrequired — (String)

          A unique URL generated by CodePipeline. When a POST request is made to this URL, the defined pipeline is started as long as the body of the post request satisfies the defined authentication and filtering conditions. Deleting and re-creating a webhook makes the old URL invalid and generates a new one.

        • errorMessage — (String)

          The text of the error message about the webhook.

        • errorCode — (String)

          The number code of the error.

        • lastTriggered — (Date)

          The date and time a webhook was last successfully triggered, in timestamp format.

        • arn — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the webhook.

        • tags — (Array<map>)

          Specifies the tags applied to the webhook.

          • keyrequired — (String)

            The tag's key.

          • valuerequired — (String)

            The tag's value.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

registerWebhookWithThirdParty(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Configures a connection between the webhook that was created and the external tool with events to be detected.

Service Reference:


Calling the registerWebhookWithThirdParty operation

var params = {
  webhookName: 'STRING_VALUE'
codepipeline.registerWebhookWithThirdParty(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • webhookName — (String)

      The name of an existing webhook created with PutWebhook to register with a supported third party.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

retryStageExecution(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

You can retry a stage that has failed without having to run a pipeline again from the beginning. You do this by either retrying the failed actions in a stage or by retrying all actions in the stage starting from the first action in the stage. When you retry the failed actions in a stage, all actions that are still in progress continue working, and failed actions are triggered again. When you retry a failed stage from the first action in the stage, the stage cannot have any actions in progress. Before a stage can be retried, it must either have all actions failed or some actions failed and some succeeded.

Service Reference:


Calling the retryStageExecution operation

var params = {
  pipelineExecutionId: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  pipelineName: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  retryMode: FAILED_ACTIONS | ALL_ACTIONS, /* required */
  stageName: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
codepipeline.retryStageExecution(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • pipelineName — (String)

      The name of the pipeline that contains the failed stage.

    • stageName — (String)

      The name of the failed stage to be retried.

    • pipelineExecutionId — (String)

      The ID of the pipeline execution in the failed stage to be retried. Use the GetPipelineState action to retrieve the current pipelineExecutionId of the failed stage

    • retryMode — (String)

      The scope of the retry attempt.

      Possible values include:
      • "ALL_ACTIONS"

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • pipelineExecutionId — (String)

        The ID of the current workflow execution in the failed stage.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

rollbackStage(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Rolls back a stage execution.

Service Reference:


Calling the rollbackStage operation

var params = {
  pipelineName: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  stageName: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  targetPipelineExecutionId: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
codepipeline.rollbackStage(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • pipelineName — (String)

      The name of the pipeline for which the stage will be rolled back.

    • stageName — (String)

      The name of the stage in the pipeline to be rolled back.

    • targetPipelineExecutionId — (String)

      The pipeline execution ID for the stage to be rolled back to.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • pipelineExecutionId — (String)

        The execution ID of the pipeline execution for the stage that has been rolled back.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

startPipelineExecution(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Starts the specified pipeline. Specifically, it begins processing the latest commit to the source location specified as part of the pipeline.

Service Reference:


Calling the startPipelineExecution operation

var params = {
  name: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  clientRequestToken: 'STRING_VALUE',
  sourceRevisions: [
      actionName: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
      revisionType: COMMIT_ID | IMAGE_DIGEST | S3_OBJECT_VERSION_ID | S3_OBJECT_KEY, /* required */
      revisionValue: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
    /* more items */
  variables: [
      name: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
      value: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
    /* more items */
codepipeline.startPipelineExecution(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • name — (String)

      The name of the pipeline to start.

    • variables — (Array<map>)

      A list that overrides pipeline variables for a pipeline execution that's being started. Variable names must match [A-Za-z0-9@-_]+, and the values can be anything except an empty string.

      • namerequired — (String)

        The name of a pipeline-level variable.

      • valuerequired — (String)

        The value of a pipeline-level variable.

    • clientRequestToken — (String)

      The system-generated unique ID used to identify a unique execution request.

      If a token is not provided, the SDK will use a version 4 UUID.
    • sourceRevisions — (Array<map>)

      A list that allows you to specify, or override, the source revision for a pipeline execution that's being started. A source revision is the version with all the changes to your application code, or source artifact, for the pipeline execution.

      • actionNamerequired — (String)

        The name of the action where the override will be applied.

      • revisionTyperequired — (String)

        The type of source revision, based on the source provider. For example, the revision type for the CodeCommit action provider is the commit ID.

        Possible values include:
        • "COMMIT_ID"
        • "IMAGE_DIGEST"
        • "S3_OBJECT_VERSION_ID"
        • "S3_OBJECT_KEY"
      • revisionValuerequired — (String)

        The source revision, or version of your source artifact, with the changes that you want to run in the pipeline execution.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • pipelineExecutionId — (String)

        The unique system-generated ID of the pipeline execution that was started.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

stopPipelineExecution(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Stops the specified pipeline execution. You choose to either stop the pipeline execution by completing in-progress actions without starting subsequent actions, or by abandoning in-progress actions. While completing or abandoning in-progress actions, the pipeline execution is in a Stopping state. After all in-progress actions are completed or abandoned, the pipeline execution is in a Stopped state.

Service Reference:


Calling the stopPipelineExecution operation

var params = {
  pipelineExecutionId: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  pipelineName: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  abandon: true || false,
  reason: 'STRING_VALUE'
codepipeline.stopPipelineExecution(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • pipelineName — (String)

      The name of the pipeline to stop.

    • pipelineExecutionId — (String)

      The ID of the pipeline execution to be stopped in the current stage. Use the GetPipelineState action to retrieve the current pipelineExecutionId.

    • abandon — (Boolean)

      Use this option to stop the pipeline execution by abandoning, rather than finishing, in-progress actions.

      Note: This option can lead to failed or out-of-sequence tasks.
    • reason — (String)

      Use this option to enter comments, such as the reason the pipeline was stopped.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • pipelineExecutionId — (String)

        The unique system-generated ID of the pipeline execution that was stopped.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

tagResource(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Adds to or modifies the tags of the given resource. Tags are metadata that can be used to manage a resource.

Service Reference:


Calling the tagResource operation

var params = {
  resourceArn: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  tags: [ /* required */
      key: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
      value: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
    /* more items */
codepipeline.tagResource(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • resourceArn — (String)

      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource you want to add tags to.

    • tags — (Array<map>)

      The tags you want to modify or add to the resource.

      • keyrequired — (String)

        The tag's key.

      • valuerequired — (String)

        The tag's value.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

untagResource(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Removes tags from an Amazon Web Services resource.

Service Reference:


Calling the untagResource operation

var params = {
  resourceArn: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  tagKeys: [ /* required */
    /* more items */
codepipeline.untagResource(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • resourceArn — (String)

      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource to remove tags from.

    • tagKeys — (Array<String>)

      The list of keys for the tags to be removed from the resource.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

updateActionType(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Updates an action type that was created with any supported integration model, where the action type is to be used by customers of the action type provider. Use a JSON file with the action definition and UpdateActionType to provide the full structure.

Service Reference:


Calling the updateActionType operation

var params = {
  actionType: { /* required */
    executor: { /* required */
      configuration: { /* required */
        jobWorkerExecutorConfiguration: {
          pollingAccounts: [
            /* more items */
          pollingServicePrincipals: [
            /* more items */
        lambdaExecutorConfiguration: {
          lambdaFunctionArn: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
      type: JobWorker | Lambda, /* required */
      jobTimeout: 'NUMBER_VALUE',
      policyStatementsTemplate: 'STRING_VALUE'
    id: { /* required */
      category: Source | Build | Deploy | Test | Invoke | Approval, /* required */
      owner: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
      provider: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
      version: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
    inputArtifactDetails: { /* required */
      maximumCount: 'NUMBER_VALUE', /* required */
      minimumCount: 'NUMBER_VALUE' /* required */
    outputArtifactDetails: { /* required */
      maximumCount: 'NUMBER_VALUE', /* required */
      minimumCount: 'NUMBER_VALUE' /* required */
    description: 'STRING_VALUE',
    permissions: {
      allowedAccounts: [ /* required */
        /* more items */
    properties: [
        key: true || false, /* required */
        name: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
        noEcho: true || false, /* required */
        optional: true || false, /* required */
        description: 'STRING_VALUE',
        queryable: true || false
      /* more items */
    urls: {
      configurationUrl: 'STRING_VALUE',
      entityUrlTemplate: 'STRING_VALUE',
      executionUrlTemplate: 'STRING_VALUE',
      revisionUrlTemplate: 'STRING_VALUE'
codepipeline.updateActionType(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • actionType — (map)

      The action type definition for the action type to be updated.

      • description — (String)

        The description for the action type to be updated.

      • executorrequired — (map)

        Information about the executor for an action type that was created with any supported integration model.

        • configurationrequired — (map)

          The action configuration properties for the action type. These properties are specified in the action definition when the action type is created.

          • lambdaExecutorConfiguration — (map)

            Details about the Lambda executor of the action type.

            • lambdaFunctionArnrequired — (String)

              The ARN of the Lambda function used by the action engine.

          • jobWorkerExecutorConfiguration — (map)

            Details about the JobWorker executor of the action type.

            • pollingAccounts — (Array<String>)

              The accounts in which the job worker is configured and might poll for jobs as part of the action execution.

            • pollingServicePrincipals — (Array<String>)

              The service Principals in which the job worker is configured and might poll for jobs as part of the action execution.

        • typerequired — (String)

          The integration model used to create and update the action type, Lambda or JobWorker.

          Possible values include:
          • "JobWorker"
          • "Lambda"
        • policyStatementsTemplate — (String)

          The policy statement that specifies the permissions in the CodePipeline customer account that are needed to successfully run an action.

          To grant permission to another account, specify the account ID as the Principal, a domain-style identifier defined by the service, for example codepipeline.amazonaws.com.

          Note: The size of the passed JSON policy document cannot exceed 2048 characters.
        • jobTimeout — (Integer)

          The timeout in seconds for the job. An action execution can have multiple jobs. This is the timeout for a single job, not the entire action execution.

      • idrequired — (map)

        The action category, owner, provider, and version of the action type to be updated.

        • categoryrequired — (String)

          Defines what kind of action can be taken in the stage, one of the following:

          • Source

          • Build

          • Test

          • Deploy

          • Approval

          • Invoke

          Possible values include:
          • "Source"
          • "Build"
          • "Deploy"
          • "Test"
          • "Invoke"
          • "Approval"
        • ownerrequired — (String)

          The creator of the action type being called: AWS or ThirdParty.

        • providerrequired — (String)

          The provider of the action type being called. The provider name is supplied when the action type is created.

        • versionrequired — (String)

          A string that describes the action type version.

      • inputArtifactDetailsrequired — (map)

        Details for the artifacts, such as application files, to be worked on by the action. For example, the minimum and maximum number of input artifacts allowed.

        • minimumCountrequired — (Integer)

          The minimum number of artifacts that can be used with the action type. For example, you should specify a minimum and maximum of zero input artifacts for an action type with a category of source.

        • maximumCountrequired — (Integer)

          The maximum number of artifacts that can be used with the actiontype. For example, you should specify a minimum and maximum of zero input artifacts for an action type with a category of source.

      • outputArtifactDetailsrequired — (map)

        Details for the output artifacts, such as a built application, that are the result of the action. For example, the minimum and maximum number of output artifacts allowed.

        • minimumCountrequired — (Integer)

          The minimum number of artifacts that can be used with the action type. For example, you should specify a minimum and maximum of zero input artifacts for an action type with a category of source.

        • maximumCountrequired — (Integer)

          The maximum number of artifacts that can be used with the actiontype. For example, you should specify a minimum and maximum of zero input artifacts for an action type with a category of source.

      • permissions — (map)

        Details identifying the accounts with permissions to use the action type.

        • allowedAccountsrequired — (Array<String>)

          A list of Amazon Web Services account IDs with access to use the action type in their pipelines.

      • properties — (Array<map>)

        The properties of the action type to be updated.

        • namerequired — (String)

          The property name that is displayed to users.

        • optionalrequired — (Boolean)

          Whether the configuration property is an optional value.

        • keyrequired — (Boolean)

          Whether the configuration property is a key.

        • noEchorequired — (Boolean)

          Whether to omit the field value entered by the customer in the log. If true, the value is not saved in CloudTrail logs for the action execution.

        • queryable — (Boolean)

          Indicates that the property is used with polling. An action type can have up to one queryable property. If it has one, that property must be both required and not secret.

        • description — (String)

          The description of the property that is displayed to users.

      • urls — (map)

        The links associated with the action type to be updated.

        • configurationUrl — (String)

          The URL returned to the CodePipeline console that contains a link to the page where customers can configure the external action.

        • entityUrlTemplate — (String)

          The URL returned to the CodePipeline console that provides a deep link to the resources of the external system, such as a status page. This link is provided as part of the action display in the pipeline.

        • executionUrlTemplate — (String)

          The link to an execution page for the action type in progress. For example, for a CodeDeploy action, this link is shown on the pipeline view page in the CodePipeline console, and it links to a CodeDeploy status page.

        • revisionUrlTemplate — (String)

          The URL returned to the CodePipeline console that contains a link to the page where customers can update or change the configuration of the external action.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

updatePipeline(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Updates a specified pipeline with edits or changes to its structure. Use a JSON file with the pipeline structure and UpdatePipeline to provide the full structure of the pipeline. Updating the pipeline increases the version number of the pipeline by 1.

Service Reference:


Calling the updatePipeline operation

var params = {
  pipeline: { /* required */
    name: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
    roleArn: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
    stages: [ /* required */
        actions: [ /* required */
            actionTypeId: { /* required */
              category: Source | Build | Deploy | Test | Invoke | Approval, /* required */
              owner: AWS | ThirdParty | Custom, /* required */
              provider: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
              version: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
            name: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
            configuration: {
              '<ActionConfigurationKey>': 'STRING_VALUE',
              /* '<ActionConfigurationKey>': ... */
            inputArtifacts: [
                name: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
              /* more items */
            namespace: 'STRING_VALUE',
            outputArtifacts: [
                name: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
              /* more items */
            region: 'STRING_VALUE',
            roleArn: 'STRING_VALUE',
            runOrder: 'NUMBER_VALUE',
            timeoutInMinutes: 'NUMBER_VALUE'
          /* more items */
        name: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
        beforeEntry: {
          conditions: [ /* required */
              result: ROLLBACK | FAIL,
              rules: [
                  name: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
                  ruleTypeId: { /* required */
                    category: Rule, /* required */
                    provider: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
                    owner: AWS,
                    version: 'STRING_VALUE'
                  configuration: {
                    '<RuleConfigurationKey>': 'STRING_VALUE',
                    /* '<RuleConfigurationKey>': ... */
                  inputArtifacts: [
                      name: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
                    /* more items */
                  region: 'STRING_VALUE',
                  roleArn: 'STRING_VALUE',
                  timeoutInMinutes: 'NUMBER_VALUE'
                /* more items */
            /* more items */
        blockers: [
            name: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
            type: Schedule /* required */
          /* more items */
        onFailure: {
          conditions: [
              result: ROLLBACK | FAIL,
              rules: [
                  name: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
                  ruleTypeId: { /* required */
                    category: Rule, /* required */
                    provider: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
                    owner: AWS,
                    version: 'STRING_VALUE'
                  configuration: {
                    '<RuleConfigurationKey>': 'STRING_VALUE',
                    /* '<RuleConfigurationKey>': ... */
                  inputArtifacts: [
                      name: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
                    /* more items */
                  region: 'STRING_VALUE',
                  roleArn: 'STRING_VALUE',
                  timeoutInMinutes: 'NUMBER_VALUE'
                /* more items */
            /* more items */
          result: ROLLBACK | FAIL
        onSuccess: {
          conditions: [ /* required */
              result: ROLLBACK | FAIL,
              rules: [
                  name: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
                  ruleTypeId: { /* required */
                    category: Rule, /* required */
                    provider: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
                    owner: AWS,
                    version: 'STRING_VALUE'
                  configuration: {
                    '<RuleConfigurationKey>': 'STRING_VALUE',
                    /* '<RuleConfigurationKey>': ... */
                  inputArtifacts: [
                      name: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
                    /* more items */
                  region: 'STRING_VALUE',
                  roleArn: 'STRING_VALUE',
                  timeoutInMinutes: 'NUMBER_VALUE'
                /* more items */
            /* more items */
      /* more items */
    artifactStore: {
      location: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
      type: S3, /* required */
      encryptionKey: {
        id: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
        type: KMS /* required */
    artifactStores: {
      '<AWSRegionName>': {
        location: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
        type: S3, /* required */
        encryptionKey: {
          id: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
          type: KMS /* required */
      /* '<AWSRegionName>': ... */
    executionMode: QUEUED | SUPERSEDED | PARALLEL,
    pipelineType: V1 | V2,
    triggers: [
        gitConfiguration: { /* required */
          sourceActionName: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
          pullRequest: [
              branches: {
                excludes: [
                  /* more items */
                includes: [
                  /* more items */
              events: [
                OPEN | UPDATED | CLOSED,
                /* more items */
              filePaths: {
                excludes: [
                  /* more items */
                includes: [
                  /* more items */
            /* more items */
          push: [
              branches: {
                excludes: [
                  /* more items */
                includes: [
                  /* more items */
              filePaths: {
                excludes: [
                  /* more items */
                includes: [
                  /* more items */
              tags: {
                excludes: [
                  /* more items */
                includes: [
                  /* more items */
            /* more items */
        providerType: CodeStarSourceConnection /* required */
      /* more items */
    variables: [
        name: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
        defaultValue: 'STRING_VALUE',
        description: 'STRING_VALUE'
      /* more items */
    version: 'NUMBER_VALUE'
codepipeline.updatePipeline(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • pipeline — (map)

      The name of the pipeline to be updated.

      • namerequired — (String)

        The name of the pipeline.

      • roleArnrequired — (String)

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for CodePipeline to use to either perform actions with no actionRoleArn, or to use to assume roles for actions with an actionRoleArn.

      • artifactStore — (map)

        Represents information about the S3 bucket where artifacts are stored for the pipeline.

        Note: You must include either artifactStore or artifactStores in your pipeline, but you cannot use both. If you create a cross-region action in your pipeline, you must use artifactStores.
        • typerequired — (String)

          The type of the artifact store, such as S3.

          Possible values include:
          • "S3"
        • locationrequired — (String)

          The S3 bucket used for storing the artifacts for a pipeline. You can specify the name of an S3 bucket but not a folder in the bucket. A folder to contain the pipeline artifacts is created for you based on the name of the pipeline. You can use any S3 bucket in the same Amazon Web Services Region as the pipeline to store your pipeline artifacts.

        • encryptionKey — (map)

          The encryption key used to encrypt the data in the artifact store, such as an Amazon Web Services Key Management Service key. If this is undefined, the default key for Amazon S3 is used.

          • idrequired — (String)

            The ID used to identify the key. For an Amazon Web Services KMS key, you can use the key ID, the key ARN, or the alias ARN.

            Note: Aliases are recognized only in the account that created the KMS key. For cross-account actions, you can only use the key ID or key ARN to identify the key. Cross-account actions involve using the role from the other account (AccountB), so specifying the key ID will use the key from the other account (AccountB).
          • typerequired — (String)

            The type of encryption key, such as an Amazon Web Services KMS key. When creating or updating a pipeline, the value must be set to 'KMS'.

            Possible values include:
            • "KMS"
      • artifactStores — (map<map>)

        A mapping of artifactStore objects and their corresponding Amazon Web Services Regions. There must be an artifact store for the pipeline Region and for each cross-region action in the pipeline.

        Note: You must include either artifactStore or artifactStores in your pipeline, but you cannot use both. If you create a cross-region action in your pipeline, you must use artifactStores.
        • typerequired — (String)

          The type of the artifact store, such as S3.

          Possible values include:
          • "S3"
        • locationrequired — (String)

          The S3 bucket used for storing the artifacts for a pipeline. You can specify the name of an S3 bucket but not a folder in the bucket. A folder to contain the pipeline artifacts is created for you based on the name of the pipeline. You can use any S3 bucket in the same Amazon Web Services Region as the pipeline to store your pipeline artifacts.

        • encryptionKey — (map)

          The encryption key used to encrypt the data in the artifact store, such as an Amazon Web Services Key Management Service key. If this is undefined, the default key for Amazon S3 is used.

          • idrequired — (String)

            The ID used to identify the key. For an Amazon Web Services KMS key, you can use the key ID, the key ARN, or the alias ARN.

            Note: Aliases are recognized only in the account that created the KMS key. For cross-account actions, you can only use the key ID or key ARN to identify the key. Cross-account actions involve using the role from the other account (AccountB), so specifying the key ID will use the key from the other account (AccountB).
          • typerequired — (String)

            The type of encryption key, such as an Amazon Web Services KMS key. When creating or updating a pipeline, the value must be set to 'KMS'.

            Possible values include:
            • "KMS"
      • stagesrequired — (Array<map>)

        The stage in which to perform the action.

        • namerequired — (String)

          The name of the stage.

        • blockers — (Array<map>)

          Reserved for future use.

          • namerequired — (String)

            Reserved for future use.

          • typerequired — (String)

            Reserved for future use.

            Possible values include:
            • "Schedule"
        • actionsrequired — (Array<map>)

          The actions included in a stage.

          • namerequired — (String)

            The action declaration's name.

          • actionTypeIdrequired — (map)

            Specifies the action type and the provider of the action.

            • categoryrequired — (String)

              A category defines what kind of action can be taken in the stage, and constrains the provider type for the action. Valid categories are limited to one of the following values.

              • Source

              • Build

              • Test

              • Deploy

              • Invoke

              • Approval

              Possible values include:
              • "Source"
              • "Build"
              • "Deploy"
              • "Test"
              • "Invoke"
              • "Approval"
            • ownerrequired — (String)

              The creator of the action being called. There are three valid values for the Owner field in the action category section within your pipeline structure: AWS, ThirdParty, and Custom. For more information, see Valid Action Types and Providers in CodePipeline.

              Possible values include:
              • "AWS"
              • "ThirdParty"
              • "Custom"
            • providerrequired — (String)

              The provider of the service being called by the action. Valid providers are determined by the action category. For example, an action in the Deploy category type might have a provider of CodeDeploy, which would be specified as CodeDeploy. For more information, see Valid Action Types and Providers in CodePipeline.

            • versionrequired — (String)

              A string that describes the action version.

          • runOrder — (Integer)

            The order in which actions are run.

          • configuration — (map<String>)

            The action's configuration. These are key-value pairs that specify input values for an action. For more information, see Action Structure Requirements in CodePipeline. For the list of configuration properties for the CloudFormation action type in CodePipeline, see Configuration Properties Reference in the CloudFormation User Guide. For template snippets with examples, see Using Parameter Override Functions with CodePipeline Pipelines in the CloudFormation User Guide.

            The values can be represented in either JSON or YAML format. For example, the JSON configuration item format is as follows:


            "Configuration" : { Key : Value },

          • outputArtifacts — (Array<map>)

            The name or ID of the result of the action declaration, such as a test or build artifact.

            • namerequired — (String)

              The name of the output of an artifact, such as "My App".

              The input artifact of an action must exactly match the output artifact declared in a preceding action, but the input artifact does not have to be the next action in strict sequence from the action that provided the output artifact. Actions in parallel can declare different output artifacts, which are in turn consumed by different following actions.

              Output artifact names must be unique within a pipeline.

          • inputArtifacts — (Array<map>)

            The name or ID of the artifact consumed by the action, such as a test or build artifact.

            • namerequired — (String)

              The name of the artifact to be worked on (for example, "My App").

              Artifacts are the files that are worked on by actions in the pipeline. See the action configuration for each action for details about artifact parameters. For example, the S3 source action input artifact is a file name (or file path), and the files are generally provided as a ZIP file. Example artifact name: SampleApp_Windows.zip

              The input artifact of an action must exactly match the output artifact declared in a preceding action, but the input artifact does not have to be the next action in strict sequence from the action that provided the output artifact. Actions in parallel can declare different output artifacts, which are in turn consumed by different following actions.

          • roleArn — (String)

            The ARN of the IAM service role that performs the declared action. This is assumed through the roleArn for the pipeline.

          • region — (String)

            The action declaration's Amazon Web Services Region, such as us-east-1.

          • namespace — (String)

            The variable namespace associated with the action. All variables produced as output by this action fall under this namespace.

          • timeoutInMinutes — (Integer)

            A timeout duration in minutes that can be applied against the ActionType’s default timeout value specified in Quotas for CodePipeline . This attribute is available only to the manual approval ActionType.

        • onFailure — (map)

          The method to use when a stage has not completed successfully. For example, configuring this field for rollback will roll back a failed stage automatically to the last successful pipeline execution in the stage.

          • result — (String)

            The specified result for when the failure conditions are met, such as rolling back the stage.

            Possible values include:
            • "ROLLBACK"
            • "FAIL"
          • conditions — (Array<map>)

            The conditions that are configured as failure conditions.

            • result — (String)

              The action to be done when the condition is met. For example, rolling back an execution for a failure condition.

              Possible values include:
              • "ROLLBACK"
              • "FAIL"
            • rules — (Array<map>)

              The rules that make up the condition.

              • namerequired — (String)

                The name of the rule that is created for the condition, such as CheckAllResults.

              • ruleTypeIdrequired — (map)

                The ID for the rule type, which is made up of the combined values for category, owner, provider, and version.

                • categoryrequired — (String)

                  A category defines what kind of rule can be run in the stage, and constrains the provider type for the rule. The valid category is Rule.

                  Possible values include:
                  • "Rule"
                • owner — (String)

                  The creator of the rule being called. The valid value for the Owner field in the rule category is AWS.

                  Possible values include:
                  • "AWS"
                • providerrequired — (String)

                  The rule provider, such as the DeploymentWindow rule.

                • version — (String)

                  A string that describes the rule version.

              • configuration — (map<String>)

                The action configuration fields for the rule.

              • inputArtifacts — (Array<map>)

                The input artifacts fields for the rule, such as specifying an input file for the rule.

                • namerequired — (String)

                  The name of the artifact to be worked on (for example, "My App").

                  Artifacts are the files that are worked on by actions in the pipeline. See the action configuration for each action for details about artifact parameters. For example, the S3 source action input artifact is a file name (or file path), and the files are generally provided as a ZIP file. Example artifact name: SampleApp_Windows.zip

                  The input artifact of an action must exactly match the output artifact declared in a preceding action, but the input artifact does not have to be the next action in strict sequence from the action that provided the output artifact. Actions in parallel can declare different output artifacts, which are in turn consumed by different following actions.

              • roleArn — (String)

                The pipeline role ARN associated with the rule.

              • region — (String)

                The Region for the condition associated with the rule.

              • timeoutInMinutes — (Integer)

                The action timeout for the rule.

        • onSuccess — (map)

          The method to use when a stage has succeeded. For example, configuring this field for conditions will allow the stage to succeed when the conditions are met.

          • conditionsrequired — (Array<map>)

            The conditions that are success conditions.

            • result — (String)

              The action to be done when the condition is met. For example, rolling back an execution for a failure condition.

              Possible values include:
              • "ROLLBACK"
              • "FAIL"
            • rules — (Array<map>)

              The rules that make up the condition.

              • namerequired — (String)

                The name of the rule that is created for the condition, such as CheckAllResults.

              • ruleTypeIdrequired — (map)

                The ID for the rule type, which is made up of the combined values for category, owner, provider, and version.

                • categoryrequired — (String)

                  A category defines what kind of rule can be run in the stage, and constrains the provider type for the rule. The valid category is Rule.

                  Possible values include:
                  • "Rule"
                • owner — (String)

                  The creator of the rule being called. The valid value for the Owner field in the rule category is AWS.

                  Possible values include:
                  • "AWS"
                • providerrequired — (String)

                  The rule provider, such as the DeploymentWindow rule.

                • version — (String)

                  A string that describes the rule version.

              • configuration — (map<String>)

                The action configuration fields for the rule.

              • inputArtifacts — (Array<map>)

                The input artifacts fields for the rule, such as specifying an input file for the rule.

                • namerequired — (String)

                  The name of the artifact to be worked on (for example, "My App").

                  Artifacts are the files that are worked on by actions in the pipeline. See the action configuration for each action for details about artifact parameters. For example, the S3 source action input artifact is a file name (or file path), and the files are generally provided as a ZIP file. Example artifact name: SampleApp_Windows.zip

                  The input artifact of an action must exactly match the output artifact declared in a preceding action, but the input artifact does not have to be the next action in strict sequence from the action that provided the output artifact. Actions in parallel can declare different output artifacts, which are in turn consumed by different following actions.

              • roleArn — (String)

                The pipeline role ARN associated with the rule.

              • region — (String)

                The Region for the condition associated with the rule.

              • timeoutInMinutes — (Integer)

                The action timeout for the rule.

        • beforeEntry — (map)

          The method to use when a stage allows entry. For example, configuring this field for conditions will allow entry to the stage when the conditions are met.

          • conditionsrequired — (Array<map>)

            The conditions that are configured as entry conditions.

            • result — (String)

              The action to be done when the condition is met. For example, rolling back an execution for a failure condition.

              Possible values include:
              • "ROLLBACK"
              • "FAIL"
            • rules — (Array<map>)

              The rules that make up the condition.

              • namerequired — (String)

                The name of the rule that is created for the condition, such as CheckAllResults.

              • ruleTypeIdrequired — (map)

                The ID for the rule type, which is made up of the combined values for category, owner, provider, and version.

                • categoryrequired — (String)

                  A category defines what kind of rule can be run in the stage, and constrains the provider type for the rule. The valid category is Rule.

                  Possible values include:
                  • "Rule"
                • owner — (String)

                  The creator of the rule being called. The valid value for the Owner field in the rule category is AWS.

                  Possible values include:
                  • "AWS"
                • providerrequired — (String)

                  The rule provider, such as the DeploymentWindow rule.

                • version — (String)

                  A string that describes the rule version.

              • configuration — (map<String>)

                The action configuration fields for the rule.

              • inputArtifacts — (Array<map>)

                The input artifacts fields for the rule, such as specifying an input file for the rule.

                • namerequired — (String)

                  The name of the artifact to be worked on (for example, "My App").

                  Artifacts are the files that are worked on by actions in the pipeline. See the action configuration for each action for details about artifact parameters. For example, the S3 source action input artifact is a file name (or file path), and the files are generally provided as a ZIP file. Example artifact name: SampleApp_Windows.zip

                  The input artifact of an action must exactly match the output artifact declared in a preceding action, but the input artifact does not have to be the next action in strict sequence from the action that provided the output artifact. Actions in parallel can declare different output artifacts, which are in turn consumed by different following actions.

              • roleArn — (String)

                The pipeline role ARN associated with the rule.

              • region — (String)

                The Region for the condition associated with the rule.

              • timeoutInMinutes — (Integer)

                The action timeout for the rule.

      • version — (Integer)

        The version number of the pipeline. A new pipeline always has a version number of 1. This number is incremented when a pipeline is updated.

      • executionMode — (String)

        The method that the pipeline will use to handle multiple executions. The default mode is SUPERSEDED.

        Possible values include:
        • "QUEUED"
        • "SUPERSEDED"
        • "PARALLEL"
      • pipelineType — (String)

        CodePipeline provides the following pipeline types, which differ in characteristics and price, so that you can tailor your pipeline features and cost to the needs of your applications.

        • V1 type pipelines have a JSON structure that contains standard pipeline, stage, and action-level parameters.

        • V2 type pipelines have the same structure as a V1 type, along with additional parameters for release safety and trigger configuration.

        Including V2 parameters, such as triggers on Git tags, in the pipeline JSON when creating or updating a pipeline will result in the pipeline having the V2 type of pipeline and the associated costs.

        For information about pricing for CodePipeline, see Pricing.

        For information about which type of pipeline to choose, see What type of pipeline is right for me?.

        Possible values include:
        • "V1"
        • "V2"
      • variables — (Array<map>)

        A list that defines the pipeline variables for a pipeline resource. Variable names can have alphanumeric and underscore characters, and the values must match [A-Za-z0-9@-_]+.

        • namerequired — (String)

          The name of a pipeline-level variable.

        • defaultValue — (String)

          The value of a pipeline-level variable.

        • description — (String)

          The description of a pipeline-level variable. It's used to add additional context about the variable, and not being used at time when pipeline executes.

      • triggers — (Array<map>)

        The trigger configuration specifying a type of event, such as Git tags, that starts the pipeline.

        Note: When a trigger configuration is specified, default change detection for repository and branch commits is disabled.
        • providerTyperequired — (String)

          The source provider for the event, such as connections configured for a repository with Git tags, for the specified trigger configuration.

          Possible values include:
          • "CodeStarSourceConnection"
        • gitConfigurationrequired — (map)

          Provides the filter criteria and the source stage for the repository event that starts the pipeline, such as Git tags.

          • sourceActionNamerequired — (String)

            The name of the pipeline source action where the trigger configuration, such as Git tags, is specified. The trigger configuration will start the pipeline upon the specified change only.

            Note: You can only specify one trigger configuration per source action.
          • push — (Array<map>)

            The field where the repository event that will start the pipeline, such as pushing Git tags, is specified with details.

            • tags — (map)

              The field that contains the details for the Git tags trigger configuration.

              • includes — (Array<String>)

                The list of patterns of Git tags that, when pushed, are to be included as criteria that starts the pipeline.

              • excludes — (Array<String>)

                The list of patterns of Git tags that, when pushed, are to be excluded from starting the pipeline.

            • branches — (map)

              The field that specifies to filter on branches for the push trigger configuration.

              • includes — (Array<String>)

                The list of patterns of Git branches that, when a commit is pushed, are to be included as criteria that starts the pipeline.

              • excludes — (Array<String>)

                The list of patterns of Git branches that, when a commit is pushed, are to be excluded from starting the pipeline.

            • filePaths — (map)

              The field that specifies to filter on file paths for the push trigger configuration.

              • includes — (Array<String>)

                The list of patterns of Git repository file paths that, when a commit is pushed, are to be included as criteria that starts the pipeline.

              • excludes — (Array<String>)

                The list of patterns of Git repository file paths that, when a commit is pushed, are to be excluded from starting the pipeline.

          • pullRequest — (Array<map>)

            The field where the repository event that will start the pipeline is specified as pull requests.

            • events — (Array<String>)

              The field that specifies which pull request events to filter on (opened, updated, closed) for the trigger configuration.

            • branches — (map)

              The field that specifies to filter on branches for the pull request trigger configuration.

              • includes — (Array<String>)

                The list of patterns of Git branches that, when a commit is pushed, are to be included as criteria that starts the pipeline.

              • excludes — (Array<String>)

                The list of patterns of Git branches that, when a commit is pushed, are to be excluded from starting the pipeline.

            • filePaths — (map)

              The field that specifies to filter on file paths for the pull request trigger configuration.

              • includes — (Array<String>)

                The list of patterns of Git repository file paths that, when a commit is pushed, are to be included as criteria that starts the pipeline.

              • excludes — (Array<String>)

                The list of patterns of Git repository file paths that, when a commit is pushed, are to be excluded from starting the pipeline.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • pipeline — (map)

        The structure of the updated pipeline.

        • namerequired — (String)

          The name of the pipeline.

        • roleArnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for CodePipeline to use to either perform actions with no actionRoleArn, or to use to assume roles for actions with an actionRoleArn.

        • artifactStore — (map)

          Represents information about the S3 bucket where artifacts are stored for the pipeline.

          Note: You must include either artifactStore or artifactStores in your pipeline, but you cannot use both. If you create a cross-region action in your pipeline, you must use artifactStores.
          • typerequired — (String)

            The type of the artifact store, such as S3.

            Possible values include:
            • "S3"
          • locationrequired — (String)

            The S3 bucket used for storing the artifacts for a pipeline. You can specify the name of an S3 bucket but not a folder in the bucket. A folder to contain the pipeline artifacts is created for you based on the name of the pipeline. You can use any S3 bucket in the same Amazon Web Services Region as the pipeline to store your pipeline artifacts.

          • encryptionKey — (map)

            The encryption key used to encrypt the data in the artifact store, such as an Amazon Web Services Key Management Service key. If this is undefined, the default key for Amazon S3 is used.

            • idrequired — (String)

              The ID used to identify the key. For an Amazon Web Services KMS key, you can use the key ID, the key ARN, or the alias ARN.

              Note: Aliases are recognized only in the account that created the KMS key. For cross-account actions, you can only use the key ID or key ARN to identify the key. Cross-account actions involve using the role from the other account (AccountB), so specifying the key ID will use the key from the other account (AccountB).
            • typerequired — (String)

              The type of encryption key, such as an Amazon Web Services KMS key. When creating or updating a pipeline, the value must be set to 'KMS'.

              Possible values include:
              • "KMS"
        • artifactStores — (map<map>)

          A mapping of artifactStore objects and their corresponding Amazon Web Services Regions. There must be an artifact store for the pipeline Region and for each cross-region action in the pipeline.

          Note: You must include either artifactStore or artifactStores in your pipeline, but you cannot use both. If you create a cross-region action in your pipeline, you must use artifactStores.
          • typerequired — (String)

            The type of the artifact store, such as S3.

            Possible values include:
            • "S3"
          • locationrequired — (String)

            The S3 bucket used for storing the artifacts for a pipeline. You can specify the name of an S3 bucket but not a folder in the bucket. A folder to contain the pipeline artifacts is created for you based on the name of the pipeline. You can use any S3 bucket in the same Amazon Web Services Region as the pipeline to store your pipeline artifacts.

          • encryptionKey — (map)

            The encryption key used to encrypt the data in the artifact store, such as an Amazon Web Services Key Management Service key. If this is undefined, the default key for Amazon S3 is used.

            • idrequired — (String)

              The ID used to identify the key. For an Amazon Web Services KMS key, you can use the key ID, the key ARN, or the alias ARN.

              Note: Aliases are recognized only in the account that created the KMS key. For cross-account actions, you can only use the key ID or key ARN to identify the key. Cross-account actions involve using the role from the other account (AccountB), so specifying the key ID will use the key from the other account (AccountB).
            • typerequired — (String)

              The type of encryption key, such as an Amazon Web Services KMS key. When creating or updating a pipeline, the value must be set to 'KMS'.

              Possible values include:
              • "KMS"
        • stagesrequired — (Array<map>)

          The stage in which to perform the action.

          • namerequired — (String)

            The name of the stage.

          • blockers — (Array<map>)

            Reserved for future use.

            • namerequired — (String)

              Reserved for future use.

            • typerequired — (String)

              Reserved for future use.

              Possible values include:
              • "Schedule"
          • actionsrequired — (Array<map>)

            The actions included in a stage.

            • namerequired — (String)

              The action declaration's name.

            • actionTypeIdrequired — (map)

              Specifies the action type and the provider of the action.

              • categoryrequired — (String)

                A category defines what kind of action can be taken in the stage, and constrains the provider type for the action. Valid categories are limited to one of the following values.

                • Source

                • Build

                • Test

                • Deploy

                • Invoke

                • Approval

                Possible values include:
                • "Source"
                • "Build"
                • "Deploy"
                • "Test"
                • "Invoke"
                • "Approval"
              • ownerrequired — (String)

                The creator of the action being called. There are three valid values for the Owner field in the action category section within your pipeline structure: AWS, ThirdParty, and Custom. For more information, see Valid Action Types and Providers in CodePipeline.

                Possible values include:
                • "AWS"
                • "ThirdParty"
                • "Custom"
              • providerrequired — (String)

                The provider of the service being called by the action. Valid providers are determined by the action category. For example, an action in the Deploy category type might have a provider of CodeDeploy, which would be specified as CodeDeploy. For more information, see Valid Action Types and Providers in CodePipeline.

              • versionrequired — (String)

                A string that describes the action version.

            • runOrder — (Integer)

              The order in which actions are run.

            • configuration — (map<String>)

              The action's configuration. These are key-value pairs that specify input values for an action. For more information, see Action Structure Requirements in CodePipeline. For the list of configuration properties for the CloudFormation action type in CodePipeline, see Configuration Properties Reference in the CloudFormation User Guide. For template snippets with examples, see Using Parameter Override Functions with CodePipeline Pipelines in the CloudFormation User Guide.

              The values can be represented in either JSON or YAML format. For example, the JSON configuration item format is as follows:


              "Configuration" : { Key : Value },

            • outputArtifacts — (Array<map>)

              The name or ID of the result of the action declaration, such as a test or build artifact.

              • namerequired — (String)

                The name of the output of an artifact, such as "My App".

                The input artifact of an action must exactly match the output artifact declared in a preceding action, but the input artifact does not have to be the next action in strict sequence from the action that provided the output artifact. Actions in parallel can declare different output artifacts, which are in turn consumed by different following actions.

                Output artifact names must be unique within a pipeline.

            • inputArtifacts — (Array<map>)

              The name or ID of the artifact consumed by the action, such as a test or build artifact.

              • namerequired — (String)

                The name of the artifact to be worked on (for example, "My App").

                Artifacts are the files that are worked on by actions in the pipeline. See the action configuration for each action for details about artifact parameters. For example, the S3 source action input artifact is a file name (or file path), and the files are generally provided as a ZIP file. Example artifact name: SampleApp_Windows.zip

                The input artifact of an action must exactly match the output artifact declared in a preceding action, but the input artifact does not have to be the next action in strict sequence from the action that provided the output artifact. Actions in parallel can declare different output artifacts, which are in turn consumed by different following actions.

            • roleArn — (String)

              The ARN of the IAM service role that performs the declared action. This is assumed through the roleArn for the pipeline.

            • region — (String)

              The action declaration's Amazon Web Services Region, such as us-east-1.

            • namespace — (String)

              The variable namespace associated with the action. All variables produced as output by this action fall under this namespace.

            • timeoutInMinutes — (Integer)

              A timeout duration in minutes that can be applied against the ActionType’s default timeout value specified in Quotas for CodePipeline . This attribute is available only to the manual approval ActionType.

          • onFailure — (map)

            The method to use when a stage has not completed successfully. For example, configuring this field for rollback will roll back a failed stage automatically to the last successful pipeline execution in the stage.

            • result — (String)

              The specified result for when the failure conditions are met, such as rolling back the stage.

              Possible values include:
              • "ROLLBACK"
              • "FAIL"
            • conditions — (Array<map>)

              The conditions that are configured as failure conditions.

              • result — (String)

                The action to be done when the condition is met. For example, rolling back an execution for a failure condition.

                Possible values include:
                • "ROLLBACK"
                • "FAIL"
              • rules — (Array<map>)

                The rules that make up the condition.

                • namerequired — (String)

                  The name of the rule that is created for the condition, such as CheckAllResults.

                • ruleTypeIdrequired — (map)

                  The ID for the rule type, which is made up of the combined values for category, owner, provider, and version.

                  • categoryrequired — (String)

                    A category defines what kind of rule can be run in the stage, and constrains the provider type for the rule. The valid category is Rule.

                    Possible values include:
                    • "Rule"
                  • owner — (String)

                    The creator of the rule being called. The valid value for the Owner field in the rule category is AWS.

                    Possible values include:
                    • "AWS"
                  • providerrequired — (String)

                    The rule provider, such as the DeploymentWindow rule.

                  • version — (String)

                    A string that describes the rule version.

                • configuration — (map<String>)

                  The action configuration fields for the rule.

                • inputArtifacts — (Array<map>)

                  The input artifacts fields for the rule, such as specifying an input file for the rule.

                  • namerequired — (String)

                    The name of the artifact to be worked on (for example, "My App").

                    Artifacts are the files that are worked on by actions in the pipeline. See the action configuration for each action for details about artifact parameters. For example, the S3 source action input artifact is a file name (or file path), and the files are generally provided as a ZIP file. Example artifact name: SampleApp_Windows.zip

                    The input artifact of an action must exactly match the output artifact declared in a preceding action, but the input artifact does not have to be the next action in strict sequence from the action that provided the output artifact. Actions in parallel can declare different output artifacts, which are in turn consumed by different following actions.

                • roleArn — (String)

                  The pipeline role ARN associated with the rule.

                • region — (String)

                  The Region for the condition associated with the rule.

                • timeoutInMinutes — (Integer)

                  The action timeout for the rule.

          • onSuccess — (map)

            The method to use when a stage has succeeded. For example, configuring this field for conditions will allow the stage to succeed when the conditions are met.

            • conditionsrequired — (Array<map>)

              The conditions that are success conditions.

              • result — (String)

                The action to be done when the condition is met. For example, rolling back an execution for a failure condition.

                Possible values include:
                • "ROLLBACK"
                • "FAIL"
              • rules — (Array<map>)

                The rules that make up the condition.

                • namerequired — (String)

                  The name of the rule that is created for the condition, such as CheckAllResults.

                • ruleTypeIdrequired — (map)

                  The ID for the rule type, which is made up of the combined values for category, owner, provider, and version.

                  • categoryrequired — (String)

                    A category defines what kind of rule can be run in the stage, and constrains the provider type for the rule. The valid category is Rule.

                    Possible values include:
                    • "Rule"
                  • owner — (String)

                    The creator of the rule being called. The valid value for the Owner field in the rule category is AWS.

                    Possible values include:
                    • "AWS"
                  • providerrequired — (String)

                    The rule provider, such as the DeploymentWindow rule.

                  • version — (String)

                    A string that describes the rule version.

                • configuration — (map<String>)

                  The action configuration fields for the rule.

                • inputArtifacts — (Array<map>)

                  The input artifacts fields for the rule, such as specifying an input file for the rule.

                  • namerequired — (String)

                    The name of the artifact to be worked on (for example, "My App").

                    Artifacts are the files that are worked on by actions in the pipeline. See the action configuration for each action for details about artifact parameters. For example, the S3 source action input artifact is a file name (or file path), and the files are generally provided as a ZIP file. Example artifact name: SampleApp_Windows.zip

                    The input artifact of an action must exactly match the output artifact declared in a preceding action, but the input artifact does not have to be the next action in strict sequence from the action that provided the output artifact. Actions in parallel can declare different output artifacts, which are in turn consumed by different following actions.

                • roleArn — (String)

                  The pipeline role ARN associated with the rule.

                • region — (String)

                  The Region for the condition associated with the rule.

                • timeoutInMinutes — (Integer)

                  The action timeout for the rule.

          • beforeEntry — (map)

            The method to use when a stage allows entry. For example, configuring this field for conditions will allow entry to the stage when the conditions are met.

            • conditionsrequired — (Array<map>)

              The conditions that are configured as entry conditions.

              • result — (String)

                The action to be done when the condition is met. For example, rolling back an execution for a failure condition.

                Possible values include:
                • "ROLLBACK"
                • "FAIL"
              • rules — (Array<map>)

                The rules that make up the condition.

                • namerequired — (String)

                  The name of the rule that is created for the condition, such as CheckAllResults.

                • ruleTypeIdrequired — (map)

                  The ID for the rule type, which is made up of the combined values for category, owner, provider, and version.

                  • categoryrequired — (String)

                    A category defines what kind of rule can be run in the stage, and constrains the provider type for the rule. The valid category is Rule.

                    Possible values include:
                    • "Rule"
                  • owner — (String)

                    The creator of the rule being called. The valid value for the Owner field in the rule category is AWS.

                    Possible values include:
                    • "AWS"
                  • providerrequired — (String)

                    The rule provider, such as the DeploymentWindow rule.

                  • version — (String)

                    A string that describes the rule version.

                • configuration — (map<String>)

                  The action configuration fields for the rule.

                • inputArtifacts — (Array<map>)

                  The input artifacts fields for the rule, such as specifying an input file for the rule.

                  • namerequired — (String)

                    The name of the artifact to be worked on (for example, "My App").

                    Artifacts are the files that are worked on by actions in the pipeline. See the action configuration for each action for details about artifact parameters. For example, the S3 source action input artifact is a file name (or file path), and the files are generally provided as a ZIP file. Example artifact name: SampleApp_Windows.zip

                    The input artifact of an action must exactly match the output artifact declared in a preceding action, but the input artifact does not have to be the next action in strict sequence from the action that provided the output artifact. Actions in parallel can declare different output artifacts, which are in turn consumed by different following actions.

                • roleArn — (String)

                  The pipeline role ARN associated with the rule.

                • region — (String)

                  The Region for the condition associated with the rule.

                • timeoutInMinutes — (Integer)

                  The action timeout for the rule.

        • version — (Integer)

          The version number of the pipeline. A new pipeline always has a version number of 1. This number is incremented when a pipeline is updated.

        • executionMode — (String)

          The method that the pipeline will use to handle multiple executions. The default mode is SUPERSEDED.

          Possible values include:
          • "QUEUED"
          • "SUPERSEDED"
          • "PARALLEL"
        • pipelineType — (String)

          CodePipeline provides the following pipeline types, which differ in characteristics and price, so that you can tailor your pipeline features and cost to the needs of your applications.

          • V1 type pipelines have a JSON structure that contains standard pipeline, stage, and action-level parameters.

          • V2 type pipelines have the same structure as a V1 type, along with additional parameters for release safety and trigger configuration.

          Including V2 parameters, such as triggers on Git tags, in the pipeline JSON when creating or updating a pipeline will result in the pipeline having the V2 type of pipeline and the associated costs.

          For information about pricing for CodePipeline, see Pricing.

          For information about which type of pipeline to choose, see What type of pipeline is right for me?.

          Possible values include:
          • "V1"
          • "V2"
        • variables — (Array<map>)

          A list that defines the pipeline variables for a pipeline resource. Variable names can have alphanumeric and underscore characters, and the values must match [A-Za-z0-9@-_]+.

          • namerequired — (String)

            The name of a pipeline-level variable.

          • defaultValue — (String)

            The value of a pipeline-level variable.

          • description — (String)

            The description of a pipeline-level variable. It's used to add additional context about the variable, and not being used at time when pipeline executes.

        • triggers — (Array<map>)

          The trigger configuration specifying a type of event, such as Git tags, that starts the pipeline.

          Note: When a trigger configuration is specified, default change detection for repository and branch commits is disabled.
          • providerTyperequired — (String)

            The source provider for the event, such as connections configured for a repository with Git tags, for the specified trigger configuration.

            Possible values include:
            • "CodeStarSourceConnection"
          • gitConfigurationrequired — (map)

            Provides the filter criteria and the source stage for the repository event that starts the pipeline, such as Git tags.

            • sourceActionNamerequired — (String)

              The name of the pipeline source action where the trigger configuration, such as Git tags, is specified. The trigger configuration will start the pipeline upon the specified change only.

              Note: You can only specify one trigger configuration per source action.
            • push — (Array<map>)

              The field where the repository event that will start the pipeline, such as pushing Git tags, is specified with details.

              • tags — (map)

                The field that contains the details for the Git tags trigger configuration.

                • includes — (Array<String>)

                  The list of patterns of Git tags that, when pushed, are to be included as criteria that starts the pipeline.

                • excludes — (Array<String>)

                  The list of patterns of Git tags that, when pushed, are to be excluded from starting the pipeline.

              • branches — (map)

                The field that specifies to filter on branches for the push trigger configuration.

                • includes — (Array<String>)

                  The list of patterns of Git branches that, when a commit is pushed, are to be included as criteria that starts the pipeline.

                • excludes — (Array<String>)

                  The list of patterns of Git branches that, when a commit is pushed, are to be excluded from starting the pipeline.

              • filePaths — (map)

                The field that specifies to filter on file paths for the push trigger configuration.

                • includes — (Array<String>)

                  The list of patterns of Git repository file paths that, when a commit is pushed, are to be included as criteria that starts the pipeline.

                • excludes — (Array<String>)

                  The list of patterns of Git repository file paths that, when a commit is pushed, are to be excluded from starting the pipeline.

            • pullRequest — (Array<map>)

              The field where the repository event that will start the pipeline is specified as pull requests.

              • events — (Array<String>)

                The field that specifies which pull request events to filter on (opened, updated, closed) for the trigger configuration.

              • branches — (map)

                The field that specifies to filter on branches for the pull request trigger configuration.

                • includes — (Array<String>)

                  The list of patterns of Git branches that, when a commit is pushed, are to be included as criteria that starts the pipeline.

                • excludes — (Array<String>)

                  The list of patterns of Git branches that, when a commit is pushed, are to be excluded from starting the pipeline.

              • filePaths — (map)

                The field that specifies to filter on file paths for the pull request trigger configuration.

                • includes — (Array<String>)

                  The list of patterns of Git repository file paths that, when a commit is pushed, are to be included as criteria that starts the pipeline.

                • excludes — (Array<String>)

                  The list of patterns of Git repository file paths that, when a commit is pushed, are to be excluded from starting the pipeline.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.