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Class: AWS.EntityResolution

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API Version:
Defined in:


Constructs a service interface object. Each API operation is exposed as a function on service.

Service Description

Welcome to the Entity Resolution API Reference.

Entity Resolution is an Amazon Web Services service that provides pre-configured entity resolution capabilities that enable developers and analysts at advertising and marketing companies to build an accurate and complete view of their consumers.

With Entity Resolution, you can match source records containing consumer identifiers, such as name, email address, and phone number. This is true even when these records have incomplete or conflicting identifiers. For example, Entity Resolution can effectively match a source record from a customer relationship management (CRM) system with a source record from a marketing system containing campaign information.

To learn more about Entity Resolution concepts, procedures, and best practices, see the Entity Resolution User Guide.

Sending a Request Using EntityResolution

var entityresolution = new AWS.EntityResolution();
entityresolution.addPolicyStatement(params, function (err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response

Locking the API Version

In order to ensure that the EntityResolution object uses this specific API, you can construct the object by passing the apiVersion option to the constructor:

var entityresolution = new AWS.EntityResolution({apiVersion: '2018-05-10'});

You can also set the API version globally in AWS.config.apiVersions using the entityresolution service identifier:

AWS.config.apiVersions = {
  entityresolution: '2018-05-10',
  // other service API versions

var entityresolution = new AWS.EntityResolution();


  • 2018-05-10

Constructor Summary collapse

Property Summary collapse

Properties inherited from AWS.Service


Method Summary collapse

Methods inherited from AWS.Service

makeRequest, makeUnauthenticatedRequest, waitFor, setupRequestListeners, defineService

Constructor Details

new AWS.EntityResolution(options = {}) ⇒ Object

Constructs a service object. This object has one method for each API operation.


Constructing a EntityResolution object

var entityresolution = new AWS.EntityResolution({apiVersion: '2018-05-10'});

Options Hash (options):

  • params (map)

    An optional map of parameters to bind to every request sent by this service object. For more information on bound parameters, see "Working with Services" in the Getting Started Guide.

  • endpoint (String|AWS.Endpoint)

    The endpoint URI to send requests to. The default endpoint is built from the configured region. The endpoint should be a string like 'https://{service}.{region}.amazonaws.com' or an Endpoint object.

  • accessKeyId (String)

    your AWS access key ID.

  • secretAccessKey (String)

    your AWS secret access key.

  • sessionToken (AWS.Credentials)

    the optional AWS session token to sign requests with.

  • credentials (AWS.Credentials)

    the AWS credentials to sign requests with. You can either specify this object, or specify the accessKeyId and secretAccessKey options directly.

  • credentialProvider (AWS.CredentialProviderChain)

    the provider chain used to resolve credentials if no static credentials property is set.

  • region (String)

    the region to send service requests to. See AWS.EntityResolution.region for more information.

  • maxRetries (Integer)

    the maximum amount of retries to attempt with a request. See AWS.EntityResolution.maxRetries for more information.

  • maxRedirects (Integer)

    the maximum amount of redirects to follow with a request. See AWS.EntityResolution.maxRedirects for more information.

  • sslEnabled (Boolean)

    whether to enable SSL for requests.

  • paramValidation (Boolean|map)

    whether input parameters should be validated against the operation description before sending the request. Defaults to true. Pass a map to enable any of the following specific validation features:

    • min [Boolean] — Validates that a value meets the min constraint. This is enabled by default when paramValidation is set to true.
    • max [Boolean] — Validates that a value meets the max constraint.
    • pattern [Boolean] — Validates that a string value matches a regular expression.
    • enum [Boolean] — Validates that a string value matches one of the allowable enum values.
  • computeChecksums (Boolean)

    whether to compute checksums for payload bodies when the service accepts it (currently supported in S3 only)

  • convertResponseTypes (Boolean)

    whether types are converted when parsing response data. Currently only supported for JSON based services. Turning this off may improve performance on large response payloads. Defaults to true.

  • correctClockSkew (Boolean)

    whether to apply a clock skew correction and retry requests that fail because of an skewed client clock. Defaults to false.

  • s3ForcePathStyle (Boolean)

    whether to force path style URLs for S3 objects.

  • s3BucketEndpoint (Boolean)

    whether the provided endpoint addresses an individual bucket (false if it addresses the root API endpoint). Note that setting this configuration option requires an endpoint to be provided explicitly to the service constructor.

  • s3DisableBodySigning (Boolean)

    whether S3 body signing should be disabled when using signature version v4. Body signing can only be disabled when using https. Defaults to true.

  • s3UsEast1RegionalEndpoint ('legacy'|'regional')

    when region is set to 'us-east-1', whether to send s3 request to global endpoints or 'us-east-1' regional endpoints. This config is only applicable to S3 client. Defaults to legacy

  • s3UseArnRegion (Boolean)

    whether to override the request region with the region inferred from requested resource's ARN. Only available for S3 buckets Defaults to true

  • retryDelayOptions (map)

    A set of options to configure the retry delay on retryable errors. Currently supported options are:

    • base [Integer] — The base number of milliseconds to use in the exponential backoff for operation retries. Defaults to 100 ms for all services except DynamoDB, where it defaults to 50ms.
    • customBackoff [function] — A custom function that accepts a retry count and error and returns the amount of time to delay in milliseconds. If the result is a non-zero negative value, no further retry attempts will be made. The base option will be ignored if this option is supplied. The function is only called for retryable errors.
  • httpOptions (map)

    A set of options to pass to the low-level HTTP request. Currently supported options are:

    • proxy [String] — the URL to proxy requests through
    • agent [http.Agent, https.Agent] — the Agent object to perform HTTP requests with. Used for connection pooling. Defaults to the global agent (http.globalAgent) for non-SSL connections. Note that for SSL connections, a special Agent object is used in order to enable peer certificate verification. This feature is only available in the Node.js environment.
    • connectTimeout [Integer] — Sets the socket to timeout after failing to establish a connection with the server after connectTimeout milliseconds. This timeout has no effect once a socket connection has been established.
    • timeout [Integer] — Sets the socket to timeout after timeout milliseconds of inactivity on the socket. Defaults to two minutes (120000).
    • xhrAsync [Boolean] — Whether the SDK will send asynchronous HTTP requests. Used in the browser environment only. Set to false to send requests synchronously. Defaults to true (async on).
    • xhrWithCredentials [Boolean] — Sets the "withCredentials" property of an XMLHttpRequest object. Used in the browser environment only. Defaults to false.
  • apiVersion (String, Date)

    a String in YYYY-MM-DD format (or a date) that represents the latest possible API version that can be used in all services (unless overridden by apiVersions). Specify 'latest' to use the latest possible version.

  • apiVersions (map<String, String|Date>)

    a map of service identifiers (the lowercase service class name) with the API version to use when instantiating a service. Specify 'latest' for each individual that can use the latest available version.

  • logger (#write, #log)

    an object that responds to .write() (like a stream) or .log() (like the console object) in order to log information about requests

  • systemClockOffset (Number)

    an offset value in milliseconds to apply to all signing times. Use this to compensate for clock skew when your system may be out of sync with the service time. Note that this configuration option can only be applied to the global AWS.config object and cannot be overridden in service-specific configuration. Defaults to 0 milliseconds.

  • signatureVersion (String)

    the signature version to sign requests with (overriding the API configuration). Possible values are: 'v2', 'v3', 'v4'.

  • signatureCache (Boolean)

    whether the signature to sign requests with (overriding the API configuration) is cached. Only applies to the signature version 'v4'. Defaults to true.

  • dynamoDbCrc32 (Boolean)

    whether to validate the CRC32 checksum of HTTP response bodies returned by DynamoDB. Default: true.

  • useAccelerateEndpoint (Boolean)

    Whether to use the S3 Transfer Acceleration endpoint with the S3 service. Default: false.

  • clientSideMonitoring (Boolean)

    whether to collect and publish this client's performance metrics of all its API requests.

  • endpointDiscoveryEnabled (Boolean|undefined)

    whether to call operations with endpoints given by service dynamically. Setting this

  • endpointCacheSize (Number)

    the size of the global cache storing endpoints from endpoint discovery operations. Once endpoint cache is created, updating this setting cannot change existing cache size. Defaults to 1000

  • hostPrefixEnabled (Boolean)

    whether to marshal request parameters to the prefix of hostname. Defaults to true.

  • stsRegionalEndpoints ('legacy'|'regional')

    whether to send sts request to global endpoints or regional endpoints. Defaults to 'legacy'.

  • useFipsEndpoint (Boolean)

    Enables FIPS compatible endpoints. Defaults to false.

  • useDualstackEndpoint (Boolean)

    Enables IPv6 dualstack endpoint. Defaults to false.

Property Details

endpointAWS.Endpoint (readwrite)

Returns an Endpoint object representing the endpoint URL for service requests.


  • (AWS.Endpoint)

    an Endpoint object representing the endpoint URL for service requests.

Method Details

addPolicyStatement(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Adds a policy statement object. To retrieve a list of existing policy statements, use the GetPolicy API.

Service Reference:


Calling the addPolicyStatement operation

var params = {
  action: [ /* required */
    /* more items */
  arn: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  effect: Allow | Deny, /* required */
  principal: [ /* required */
    /* more items */
  statementId: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  condition: 'STRING_VALUE'
entityresolution.addPolicyStatement(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • action — (Array<String>)

      The action that the principal can use on the resource.

      For example, entityresolution:GetIdMappingJob, entityresolution:GetMatchingJob.

    • arn — (String)

      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource that will be accessed by the principal.

    • condition — (String)

      A set of condition keys that you can use in key policies.

    • effect — (String)

      Determines whether the permissions specified in the policy are to be allowed (Allow) or denied (Deny).

      If you set the value of the effect parameter to Deny for the AddPolicyStatement operation, you must also set the value of the effect parameter in the policy to Deny for the PutPolicy operation.

      Possible values include:
      • "Allow"
      • "Deny"
    • principal — (Array<String>)

      The Amazon Web Services service or Amazon Web Services account that can access the resource defined as ARN.

    • statementId — (String)

      A statement identifier that differentiates the statement from others in the same policy.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • arn — (String)

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource that will be accessed by the principal.

      • policy — (String)

        The resource-based policy.

      • token — (String)

        A unique identifier for the current revision of the policy.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

batchDeleteUniqueId(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Deletes multiple unique IDs in a matching workflow.

Service Reference:


Calling the batchDeleteUniqueId operation

var params = {
  uniqueIds: [ /* required */
    /* more items */
  workflowName: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  inputSource: 'STRING_VALUE'
entityresolution.batchDeleteUniqueId(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • inputSource — (String)

      The input source for the batch delete unique ID operation.

    • uniqueIds — (Array<String>)

      The unique IDs to delete.

    • workflowName — (String)

      The name of the workflow.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • deleted — (Array<map>)

        The unique IDs that were deleted.

        • uniqueIdrequired — (String)

          The unique ID of the deleted item.

      • disconnectedUniqueIds — (Array<String>)

        The unique IDs that were disconnected.

      • errors — (Array<map>)

        The errors from deleting multiple unique IDs.

        • errorTyperequired — (String)

          The error type for the batch delete unique ID operation.

          Possible values include:
          • "SERVICE_ERROR"
          • "VALIDATION_ERROR"
        • uniqueIdrequired — (String)

          The unique ID that could not be deleted.

      • status — (String)

        The status of the batch delete unique ID operation.

        Possible values include:
        • "COMPLETED"
        • "ACCEPTED"


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

createIdMappingWorkflow(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Creates an IdMappingWorkflow object which stores the configuration of the data processing job to be run. Each IdMappingWorkflow must have a unique workflow name. To modify an existing workflow, use the UpdateIdMappingWorkflow API.

Service Reference:


Calling the createIdMappingWorkflow operation

var params = {
  idMappingTechniques: { /* required */
    idMappingType: PROVIDER | RULE_BASED, /* required */
    providerProperties: {
      providerServiceArn: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
      intermediateSourceConfiguration: {
        intermediateS3Path: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
      providerConfiguration: {
    ruleBasedProperties: {
      attributeMatchingModel: ONE_TO_ONE | MANY_TO_MANY, /* required */
      recordMatchingModel: ONE_SOURCE_TO_ONE_TARGET | MANY_SOURCE_TO_ONE_TARGET, /* required */
      ruleDefinitionType: SOURCE | TARGET, /* required */
      rules: [
          matchingKeys: [ /* required */
            /* more items */
          ruleName: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
        /* more items */
  inputSourceConfig: [ /* required */
      inputSourceARN: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
      schemaName: 'STRING_VALUE',
      type: SOURCE | TARGET
    /* more items */
  workflowName: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  description: 'STRING_VALUE',
  outputSourceConfig: [
      outputS3Path: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
    /* more items */
  roleArn: 'STRING_VALUE',
  tags: {
    '<TagKey>': 'STRING_VALUE',
    /* '<TagKey>': ... */
entityresolution.createIdMappingWorkflow(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • description — (String)

      A description of the workflow.

    • idMappingTechniques — (map)

      An object which defines the ID mapping technique and any additional configurations.

      • idMappingTyperequired — (String)

        The type of ID mapping.

        Possible values include:
        • "PROVIDER"
        • "RULE_BASED"
      • providerProperties — (map)

        An object which defines any additional configurations required by the provider service.

        • intermediateSourceConfiguration — (map)

          The Amazon S3 location that temporarily stores your data while it processes. Your information won't be saved permanently.

          • intermediateS3Pathrequired — (String)

            The Amazon S3 location (bucket and prefix). For example: s3://provider_bucket/DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET

        • providerConfiguration — (map)

          The required configuration fields to use with the provider service.

        • providerServiceArnrequired — (String)

          The ARN of the provider service.

      • ruleBasedProperties — (map)

        An object which defines any additional configurations required by rule-based matching.

        • attributeMatchingModelrequired — (String)

          The comparison type. You can either choose ONE_TO_ONE or MANY_TO_MANY as the attributeMatchingModel.

          If you choose MANY_TO_MANY, the system can match attributes across the sub-types of an attribute type. For example, if the value of the Email field of Profile A matches the value of the BusinessEmail field of Profile B, the two profiles are matched on the Email attribute type.

          If you choose ONE_TO_ONE, the system can only match attributes if the sub-types are an exact match. For example, for the Email attribute type, the system will only consider it a match if the value of the Email field of Profile A matches the value of the Email field of Profile B.

          Possible values include:
          • "ONE_TO_ONE"
          • "MANY_TO_MANY"
        • recordMatchingModelrequired — (String)

          The type of matching record that is allowed to be used in an ID mapping workflow.

          If the value is set to ONE_SOURCE_TO_ONE_TARGET, only one record in the source can be matched to the same record in the target.

          If the value is set to MANY_SOURCE_TO_ONE_TARGET, multiple records in the source can be matched to one record in the target.

          Possible values include:
        • ruleDefinitionTyperequired — (String)

          The set of rules you can use in an ID mapping workflow. The limitations specified for the source or target to define the match rules must be compatible.

          Possible values include:
          • "SOURCE"
          • "TARGET"
        • rules — (Array<map>)

          The rules that can be used for ID mapping.

          • matchingKeysrequired — (Array<String>)

            A list of MatchingKeys. The MatchingKeys must have been defined in the SchemaMapping. Two records are considered to match according to this rule if all of the MatchingKeys match.

          • ruleNamerequired — (String)

            A name for the matching rule.

    • inputSourceConfig — (Array<map>)

      A list of InputSource objects, which have the fields InputSourceARN and SchemaName.

      • inputSourceARNrequired — (String)

        An Glue table Amazon Resource Name (ARN) or a matching workflow ARN for the input source table.

      • schemaName — (String)

        The name of the schema to be retrieved.

      • type — (String)

        The type of ID namespace. There are two types: SOURCE and TARGET.

        The SOURCE contains configurations for sourceId data that will be processed in an ID mapping workflow.

        The TARGET contains a configuration of targetId which all sourceIds will resolve to.

        Possible values include:
        • "SOURCE"
        • "TARGET"
    • outputSourceConfig — (Array<map>)

      A list of IdMappingWorkflowOutputSource objects, each of which contains fields OutputS3Path and Output.

      • KMSArn — (String)

        Customer KMS ARN for encryption at rest. If not provided, system will use an Entity Resolution managed KMS key.

      • outputS3Pathrequired — (String)

        The S3 path to which Entity Resolution will write the output table.

    • roleArn — (String)

      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role. Entity Resolution assumes this role to create resources on your behalf as part of workflow execution.

    • tags — (map<String>)

      The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource.

    • workflowName — (String)

      The name of the workflow. There can't be multiple IdMappingWorkflows with the same name.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • description — (String)

        A description of the workflow.

      • idMappingTechniques — (map)

        An object which defines the ID mapping technique and any additional configurations.

        • idMappingTyperequired — (String)

          The type of ID mapping.

          Possible values include:
          • "PROVIDER"
          • "RULE_BASED"
        • providerProperties — (map)

          An object which defines any additional configurations required by the provider service.

          • intermediateSourceConfiguration — (map)

            The Amazon S3 location that temporarily stores your data while it processes. Your information won't be saved permanently.

            • intermediateS3Pathrequired — (String)

              The Amazon S3 location (bucket and prefix). For example: s3://provider_bucket/DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET

          • providerConfiguration — (map)

            The required configuration fields to use with the provider service.

          • providerServiceArnrequired — (String)

            The ARN of the provider service.

        • ruleBasedProperties — (map)

          An object which defines any additional configurations required by rule-based matching.

          • attributeMatchingModelrequired — (String)

            The comparison type. You can either choose ONE_TO_ONE or MANY_TO_MANY as the attributeMatchingModel.

            If you choose MANY_TO_MANY, the system can match attributes across the sub-types of an attribute type. For example, if the value of the Email field of Profile A matches the value of the BusinessEmail field of Profile B, the two profiles are matched on the Email attribute type.

            If you choose ONE_TO_ONE, the system can only match attributes if the sub-types are an exact match. For example, for the Email attribute type, the system will only consider it a match if the value of the Email field of Profile A matches the value of the Email field of Profile B.

            Possible values include:
            • "ONE_TO_ONE"
            • "MANY_TO_MANY"
          • recordMatchingModelrequired — (String)

            The type of matching record that is allowed to be used in an ID mapping workflow.

            If the value is set to ONE_SOURCE_TO_ONE_TARGET, only one record in the source can be matched to the same record in the target.

            If the value is set to MANY_SOURCE_TO_ONE_TARGET, multiple records in the source can be matched to one record in the target.

            Possible values include:
            • "ONE_SOURCE_TO_ONE_TARGET"
          • ruleDefinitionTyperequired — (String)

            The set of rules you can use in an ID mapping workflow. The limitations specified for the source or target to define the match rules must be compatible.

            Possible values include:
            • "SOURCE"
            • "TARGET"
          • rules — (Array<map>)

            The rules that can be used for ID mapping.

            • matchingKeysrequired — (Array<String>)

              A list of MatchingKeys. The MatchingKeys must have been defined in the SchemaMapping. Two records are considered to match according to this rule if all of the MatchingKeys match.

            • ruleNamerequired — (String)

              A name for the matching rule.

      • inputSourceConfig — (Array<map>)

        A list of InputSource objects, which have the fields InputSourceARN and SchemaName.

        • inputSourceARNrequired — (String)

          An Glue table Amazon Resource Name (ARN) or a matching workflow ARN for the input source table.

        • schemaName — (String)

          The name of the schema to be retrieved.

        • type — (String)

          The type of ID namespace. There are two types: SOURCE and TARGET.

          The SOURCE contains configurations for sourceId data that will be processed in an ID mapping workflow.

          The TARGET contains a configuration of targetId which all sourceIds will resolve to.

          Possible values include:
          • "SOURCE"
          • "TARGET"
      • outputSourceConfig — (Array<map>)

        A list of IdMappingWorkflowOutputSource objects, each of which contains fields OutputS3Path and Output.

        • KMSArn — (String)

          Customer KMS ARN for encryption at rest. If not provided, system will use an Entity Resolution managed KMS key.

        • outputS3Pathrequired — (String)

          The S3 path to which Entity Resolution will write the output table.

      • roleArn — (String)

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role. Entity Resolution assumes this role to create resources on your behalf as part of workflow execution.

      • workflowArn — (String)

        The ARN (Amazon Resource Name) that Entity Resolution generated for the IDMappingWorkflow.

      • workflowName — (String)

        The name of the workflow.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

createIdNamespace(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Creates an ID namespace object which will help customers provide metadata explaining their dataset and how to use it. Each ID namespace must have a unique name. To modify an existing ID namespace, use the UpdateIdNamespace API.

Service Reference:


Calling the createIdNamespace operation

var params = {
  idNamespaceName: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  type: SOURCE | TARGET, /* required */
  description: 'STRING_VALUE',
  idMappingWorkflowProperties: [
      idMappingType: PROVIDER | RULE_BASED, /* required */
      providerProperties: {
        providerServiceArn: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
        providerConfiguration: {
      ruleBasedProperties: {
        attributeMatchingModel: ONE_TO_ONE | MANY_TO_MANY,
        recordMatchingModels: [
          /* more items */
        ruleDefinitionTypes: [
          SOURCE | TARGET,
          /* more items */
        rules: [
            matchingKeys: [ /* required */
              /* more items */
            ruleName: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
          /* more items */
    /* more items */
  inputSourceConfig: [
      inputSourceARN: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
      schemaName: 'STRING_VALUE'
    /* more items */
  roleArn: 'STRING_VALUE',
  tags: {
    '<TagKey>': 'STRING_VALUE',
    /* '<TagKey>': ... */
entityresolution.createIdNamespace(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • description — (String)

      The description of the ID namespace.

    • idMappingWorkflowProperties — (Array<map>)

      Determines the properties of IdMappingWorflow where this IdNamespace can be used as a Source or a Target.

      • idMappingTyperequired — (String)

        The type of ID mapping.

        Possible values include:
        • "PROVIDER"
        • "RULE_BASED"
      • providerProperties — (map)

        An object which defines any additional configurations required by the provider service.

        • providerConfiguration — (map)

          An object which defines any additional configurations required by the provider service.

        • providerServiceArnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the provider service.

      • ruleBasedProperties — (map)

        An object which defines any additional configurations required by rule-based matching.

        • attributeMatchingModel — (String)

          The comparison type. You can either choose ONE_TO_ONE or MANY_TO_MANY as the attributeMatchingModel.

          If you choose MANY_TO_MANY, the system can match attributes across the sub-types of an attribute type. For example, if the value of the Email field of Profile A matches the value of BusinessEmail field of Profile B, the two profiles are matched on the Email attribute type.

          If you choose ONE_TO_ONE, the system can only match attributes if the sub-types are an exact match. For example, for the Email attribute type, the system will only consider it a match if the value of the Email field of Profile A matches the value of the Email field of Profile B.

          Possible values include:
          • "ONE_TO_ONE"
          • "MANY_TO_MANY"
        • recordMatchingModels — (Array<String>)

          The type of matching record that is allowed to be used in an ID mapping workflow.

          If the value is set to ONE_SOURCE_TO_ONE_TARGET, only one record in the source is matched to one record in the target.

          If the value is set to MANY_SOURCE_TO_ONE_TARGET, all matching records in the source are matched to one record in the target.

        • ruleDefinitionTypes — (Array<String>)

          The sets of rules you can use in an ID mapping workflow. The limitations specified for the source and target must be compatible.

        • rules — (Array<map>)

          The rules for the ID namespace.

          • matchingKeysrequired — (Array<String>)

            A list of MatchingKeys. The MatchingKeys must have been defined in the SchemaMapping. Two records are considered to match according to this rule if all of the MatchingKeys match.

          • ruleNamerequired — (String)

            A name for the matching rule.

    • idNamespaceName — (String)

      The name of the ID namespace.

    • inputSourceConfig — (Array<map>)

      A list of InputSource objects, which have the fields InputSourceARN and SchemaName.

      • inputSourceARNrequired — (String)

        An Glue table Amazon Resource Name (ARN) or a matching workflow ARN for the input source table.

      • schemaName — (String)

        The name of the schema.

    • roleArn — (String)

      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role. Entity Resolution assumes this role to access the resources defined in this IdNamespace on your behalf as part of the workflow run.

    • tags — (map<String>)

      The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource.

    • type — (String)

      The type of ID namespace. There are two types: SOURCE and TARGET.

      The SOURCE contains configurations for sourceId data that will be processed in an ID mapping workflow.

      The TARGET contains a configuration of targetId to which all sourceIds will resolve to.

      Possible values include:
      • "SOURCE"
      • "TARGET"

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • createdAt — (Date)

        The timestamp of when the ID namespace was created.

      • description — (String)

        The description of the ID namespace.

      • idMappingWorkflowProperties — (Array<map>)

        Determines the properties of IdMappingWorkflow where this IdNamespace can be used as a Source or a Target.

        • idMappingTyperequired — (String)

          The type of ID mapping.

          Possible values include:
          • "PROVIDER"
          • "RULE_BASED"
        • providerProperties — (map)

          An object which defines any additional configurations required by the provider service.

          • providerConfiguration — (map)

            An object which defines any additional configurations required by the provider service.

          • providerServiceArnrequired — (String)

            The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the provider service.

        • ruleBasedProperties — (map)

          An object which defines any additional configurations required by rule-based matching.

          • attributeMatchingModel — (String)

            The comparison type. You can either choose ONE_TO_ONE or MANY_TO_MANY as the attributeMatchingModel.

            If you choose MANY_TO_MANY, the system can match attributes across the sub-types of an attribute type. For example, if the value of the Email field of Profile A matches the value of BusinessEmail field of Profile B, the two profiles are matched on the Email attribute type.

            If you choose ONE_TO_ONE, the system can only match attributes if the sub-types are an exact match. For example, for the Email attribute type, the system will only consider it a match if the value of the Email field of Profile A matches the value of the Email field of Profile B.

            Possible values include:
            • "ONE_TO_ONE"
            • "MANY_TO_MANY"
          • recordMatchingModels — (Array<String>)

            The type of matching record that is allowed to be used in an ID mapping workflow.

            If the value is set to ONE_SOURCE_TO_ONE_TARGET, only one record in the source is matched to one record in the target.

            If the value is set to MANY_SOURCE_TO_ONE_TARGET, all matching records in the source are matched to one record in the target.

          • ruleDefinitionTypes — (Array<String>)

            The sets of rules you can use in an ID mapping workflow. The limitations specified for the source and target must be compatible.

          • rules — (Array<map>)

            The rules for the ID namespace.

            • matchingKeysrequired — (Array<String>)

              A list of MatchingKeys. The MatchingKeys must have been defined in the SchemaMapping. Two records are considered to match according to this rule if all of the MatchingKeys match.

            • ruleNamerequired — (String)

              A name for the matching rule.

      • idNamespaceArn — (String)

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the ID namespace.

      • idNamespaceName — (String)

        The name of the ID namespace.

      • inputSourceConfig — (Array<map>)

        A list of InputSource objects, which have the fields InputSourceARN and SchemaName.

        • inputSourceARNrequired — (String)

          An Glue table Amazon Resource Name (ARN) or a matching workflow ARN for the input source table.

        • schemaName — (String)

          The name of the schema.

      • roleArn — (String)

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role. Entity Resolution assumes this role to access the resources defined in inputSourceConfig on your behalf as part of the workflow run.

      • tags — (map<String>)

        The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource.

      • type — (String)

        The type of ID namespace. There are two types: SOURCE and TARGET.

        The SOURCE contains configurations for sourceId data that will be processed in an ID mapping workflow.

        The TARGET contains a configuration of targetId to which all sourceIds will resolve to.

        Possible values include:
        • "SOURCE"
        • "TARGET"
      • updatedAt — (Date)

        The timestamp of when the ID namespace was last updated.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

createMatchingWorkflow(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Creates a MatchingWorkflow object which stores the configuration of the data processing job to be run. It is important to note that there should not be a pre-existing MatchingWorkflow with the same name. To modify an existing workflow, utilize the UpdateMatchingWorkflow API.

Service Reference:


Calling the createMatchingWorkflow operation

var params = {
  inputSourceConfig: [ /* required */
      inputSourceARN: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
      schemaName: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
      applyNormalization: true || false
    /* more items */
  outputSourceConfig: [ /* required */
      output: [ /* required */
          name: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
          hashed: true || false
        /* more items */
      outputS3Path: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
      applyNormalization: true || false
    /* more items */
  resolutionTechniques: { /* required */
    resolutionType: RULE_MATCHING | ML_MATCHING | PROVIDER, /* required */
    providerProperties: {
      providerServiceArn: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
      intermediateSourceConfiguration: {
        intermediateS3Path: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
      providerConfiguration: {
    ruleBasedProperties: {
      attributeMatchingModel: ONE_TO_ONE | MANY_TO_MANY, /* required */
      rules: [ /* required */
          matchingKeys: [ /* required */
            /* more items */
          ruleName: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
        /* more items */
  roleArn: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  workflowName: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  description: 'STRING_VALUE',
  incrementalRunConfig: {
    incrementalRunType: IMMEDIATE
  tags: {
    '<TagKey>': 'STRING_VALUE',
    /* '<TagKey>': ... */
entityresolution.createMatchingWorkflow(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • description — (String)

      A description of the workflow.

    • incrementalRunConfig — (map)

      An object which defines an incremental run type and has only incrementalRunType as a field.

      • incrementalRunType — (String)

        The type of incremental run. It takes only one value: IMMEDIATE.

        Possible values include:
        • "IMMEDIATE"
    • inputSourceConfig — (Array<map>)

      A list of InputSource objects, which have the fields InputSourceARN and SchemaName.

      • applyNormalization — (Boolean)

        Normalizes the attributes defined in the schema in the input data. For example, if an attribute has an AttributeType of PHONE_NUMBER, and the data in the input table is in a format of 1234567890, Entity Resolution will normalize this field in the output to (123)-456-7890.

      • inputSourceARNrequired — (String)

        An Glue table Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the input source table.

      • schemaNamerequired — (String)

        The name of the schema to be retrieved.

    • outputSourceConfig — (Array<map>)

      A list of OutputSource objects, each of which contains fields OutputS3Path, ApplyNormalization, and Output.

      • KMSArn — (String)

        Customer KMS ARN for encryption at rest. If not provided, system will use an Entity Resolution managed KMS key.

      • applyNormalization — (Boolean)

        Normalizes the attributes defined in the schema in the input data. For example, if an attribute has an AttributeType of PHONE_NUMBER, and the data in the input table is in a format of 1234567890, Entity Resolution will normalize this field in the output to (123)-456-7890.

      • outputrequired — (Array<map>)

        A list of OutputAttribute objects, each of which have the fields Name and Hashed. Each of these objects selects a column to be included in the output table, and whether the values of the column should be hashed.

        • hashed — (Boolean)

          Enables the ability to hash the column values in the output.

        • namerequired — (String)

          A name of a column to be written to the output. This must be an InputField name in the schema mapping.

      • outputS3Pathrequired — (String)

        The S3 path to which Entity Resolution will write the output table.

    • resolutionTechniques — (map)

      An object which defines the resolutionType and the ruleBasedProperties.

      • providerProperties — (map)

        The properties of the provider service.

        • intermediateSourceConfiguration — (map)

          The Amazon S3 location that temporarily stores your data while it processes. Your information won't be saved permanently.

          • intermediateS3Pathrequired — (String)

            The Amazon S3 location (bucket and prefix). For example: s3://provider_bucket/DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET

        • providerConfiguration — (map)

          The required configuration fields to use with the provider service.

        • providerServiceArnrequired — (String)

          The ARN of the provider service.

      • resolutionTyperequired — (String)

        The type of matching. There are three types of matching: RULE_MATCHING, ML_MATCHING, and PROVIDER.

        Possible values include:
        • "RULE_MATCHING"
        • "ML_MATCHING"
        • "PROVIDER"
      • ruleBasedProperties — (map)

        An object which defines the list of matching rules to run and has a field Rules, which is a list of rule objects.

        • attributeMatchingModelrequired — (String)

          The comparison type. You can either choose ONE_TO_ONE or MANY_TO_MANY as the attributeMatchingModel.

          If you choose MANY_TO_MANY, the system can match attributes across the sub-types of an attribute type. For example, if the value of the Email field of Profile A and the value of BusinessEmail field of Profile B matches, the two profiles are matched on the Email attribute type.

          If you choose ONE_TO_ONE, the system can only match attributes if the sub-types are an exact match. For example, for the Email attribute type, the system will only consider it a match if the value of the Email field of Profile A matches the value of the Email field of Profile B.

          Possible values include:
          • "ONE_TO_ONE"
          • "MANY_TO_MANY"
        • matchPurpose — (String)

          An indicator of whether to generate IDs and index the data or not.

          If you choose IDENTIFIER_GENERATION, the process generates IDs and indexes the data.

          If you choose INDEXING, the process indexes the data without generating IDs.

          Possible values include:
          • "INDEXING"
        • rulesrequired — (Array<map>)

          A list of Rule objects, each of which have fields RuleName and MatchingKeys.

          • matchingKeysrequired — (Array<String>)

            A list of MatchingKeys. The MatchingKeys must have been defined in the SchemaMapping. Two records are considered to match according to this rule if all of the MatchingKeys match.

          • ruleNamerequired — (String)

            A name for the matching rule.

    • roleArn — (String)

      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role. Entity Resolution assumes this role to create resources on your behalf as part of workflow execution.

    • tags — (map<String>)

      The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource.

    • workflowName — (String)

      The name of the workflow. There can't be multiple MatchingWorkflows with the same name.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • description — (String)

        A description of the workflow.

      • incrementalRunConfig — (map)

        An object which defines an incremental run type and has only incrementalRunType as a field.

        • incrementalRunType — (String)

          The type of incremental run. It takes only one value: IMMEDIATE.

          Possible values include:
          • "IMMEDIATE"
      • inputSourceConfig — (Array<map>)

        A list of InputSource objects, which have the fields InputSourceARN and SchemaName.

        • applyNormalization — (Boolean)

          Normalizes the attributes defined in the schema in the input data. For example, if an attribute has an AttributeType of PHONE_NUMBER, and the data in the input table is in a format of 1234567890, Entity Resolution will normalize this field in the output to (123)-456-7890.

        • inputSourceARNrequired — (String)

          An Glue table Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the input source table.

        • schemaNamerequired — (String)

          The name of the schema to be retrieved.

      • outputSourceConfig — (Array<map>)

        A list of OutputSource objects, each of which contains fields OutputS3Path, ApplyNormalization, and Output.

        • KMSArn — (String)

          Customer KMS ARN for encryption at rest. If not provided, system will use an Entity Resolution managed KMS key.

        • applyNormalization — (Boolean)

          Normalizes the attributes defined in the schema in the input data. For example, if an attribute has an AttributeType of PHONE_NUMBER, and the data in the input table is in a format of 1234567890, Entity Resolution will normalize this field in the output to (123)-456-7890.

        • outputrequired — (Array<map>)

          A list of OutputAttribute objects, each of which have the fields Name and Hashed. Each of these objects selects a column to be included in the output table, and whether the values of the column should be hashed.

          • hashed — (Boolean)

            Enables the ability to hash the column values in the output.

          • namerequired — (String)

            A name of a column to be written to the output. This must be an InputField name in the schema mapping.

        • outputS3Pathrequired — (String)

          The S3 path to which Entity Resolution will write the output table.

      • resolutionTechniques — (map)

        An object which defines the resolutionType and the ruleBasedProperties.

        • providerProperties — (map)

          The properties of the provider service.

          • intermediateSourceConfiguration — (map)

            The Amazon S3 location that temporarily stores your data while it processes. Your information won't be saved permanently.

            • intermediateS3Pathrequired — (String)

              The Amazon S3 location (bucket and prefix). For example: s3://provider_bucket/DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET

          • providerConfiguration — (map)

            The required configuration fields to use with the provider service.

          • providerServiceArnrequired — (String)

            The ARN of the provider service.

        • resolutionTyperequired — (String)

          The type of matching. There are three types of matching: RULE_MATCHING, ML_MATCHING, and PROVIDER.

          Possible values include:
          • "RULE_MATCHING"
          • "ML_MATCHING"
          • "PROVIDER"
        • ruleBasedProperties — (map)

          An object which defines the list of matching rules to run and has a field Rules, which is a list of rule objects.

          • attributeMatchingModelrequired — (String)

            The comparison type. You can either choose ONE_TO_ONE or MANY_TO_MANY as the attributeMatchingModel.

            If you choose MANY_TO_MANY, the system can match attributes across the sub-types of an attribute type. For example, if the value of the Email field of Profile A and the value of BusinessEmail field of Profile B matches, the two profiles are matched on the Email attribute type.

            If you choose ONE_TO_ONE, the system can only match attributes if the sub-types are an exact match. For example, for the Email attribute type, the system will only consider it a match if the value of the Email field of Profile A matches the value of the Email field of Profile B.

            Possible values include:
            • "ONE_TO_ONE"
            • "MANY_TO_MANY"
          • matchPurpose — (String)

            An indicator of whether to generate IDs and index the data or not.

            If you choose IDENTIFIER_GENERATION, the process generates IDs and indexes the data.

            If you choose INDEXING, the process indexes the data without generating IDs.

            Possible values include:
            • "INDEXING"
          • rulesrequired — (Array<map>)

            A list of Rule objects, each of which have fields RuleName and MatchingKeys.

            • matchingKeysrequired — (Array<String>)

              A list of MatchingKeys. The MatchingKeys must have been defined in the SchemaMapping. Two records are considered to match according to this rule if all of the MatchingKeys match.

            • ruleNamerequired — (String)

              A name for the matching rule.

      • roleArn — (String)

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role. Entity Resolution assumes this role to create resources on your behalf as part of workflow execution.

      • workflowArn — (String)

        The ARN (Amazon Resource Name) that Entity Resolution generated for the MatchingWorkflow.

      • workflowName — (String)

        The name of the workflow.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

createSchemaMapping(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Creates a schema mapping, which defines the schema of the input customer records table. The SchemaMapping also provides Entity Resolution with some metadata about the table, such as the attribute types of the columns and which columns to match on.

Service Reference:


Calling the createSchemaMapping operation

var params = {
  mappedInputFields: [ /* required */
      fieldName: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
      groupName: 'STRING_VALUE',
      hashed: true || false,
      matchKey: 'STRING_VALUE',
      subType: 'STRING_VALUE'
    /* more items */
  schemaName: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  description: 'STRING_VALUE',
  tags: {
    '<TagKey>': 'STRING_VALUE',
    /* '<TagKey>': ... */
entityresolution.createSchemaMapping(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • description — (String)

      A description of the schema.

    • mappedInputFields — (Array<map>)

      A list of MappedInputFields. Each MappedInputField corresponds to a column the source data table, and contains column name plus additional information that Entity Resolution uses for matching.

      • fieldNamerequired — (String)

        A string containing the field name.

      • groupName — (String)

        A string that instructs Entity Resolution to combine several columns into a unified column with the identical attribute type.

        For example, when working with columns such as first_name, middle_name, and last_name, assigning them a common groupName will prompt Entity Resolution to concatenate them into a single value.

      • hashed — (Boolean)

        Indicates if the column values are hashed in the schema input. If the value is set to TRUE, the column values are hashed. If the value is set to FALSE, the column values are cleartext.

      • matchKey — (String)

        A key that allows grouping of multiple input attributes into a unified matching group.

        For example, consider a scenario where the source table contains various addresses, such as business_address and shipping_address. By assigning a matchKey called address to both attributes, Entity Resolution will match records across these fields to create a consolidated matching group.

        If no matchKey is specified for a column, it won't be utilized for matching purposes but will still be included in the output table.

      • subType — (String)

        The subtype of the attribute, selected from a list of values.

      • typerequired — (String)

        The type of the attribute, selected from a list of values.

        Possible values include:
        • "NAME"
        • "NAME_FIRST"
        • "NAME_MIDDLE"
        • "NAME_LAST"
        • "ADDRESS"
        • "ADDRESS_STREET1"
        • "ADDRESS_STREET2"
        • "ADDRESS_STREET3"
        • "ADDRESS_CITY"
        • "ADDRESS_STATE"
        • "PHONE"
        • "PHONE_NUMBER"
        • "EMAIL_ADDRESS"
        • "UNIQUE_ID"
        • "DATE"
        • "STRING"
        • "PROVIDER_ID"
    • schemaName — (String)

      The name of the schema. There can't be multiple SchemaMappings with the same name.

    • tags — (map<String>)

      The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • description — (String)

        A description of the schema.

      • mappedInputFields — (Array<map>)

        A list of MappedInputFields. Each MappedInputField corresponds to a column the source data table, and contains column name plus additional information that Entity Resolution uses for matching.

        • fieldNamerequired — (String)

          A string containing the field name.

        • groupName — (String)

          A string that instructs Entity Resolution to combine several columns into a unified column with the identical attribute type.

          For example, when working with columns such as first_name, middle_name, and last_name, assigning them a common groupName will prompt Entity Resolution to concatenate them into a single value.

        • hashed — (Boolean)

          Indicates if the column values are hashed in the schema input. If the value is set to TRUE, the column values are hashed. If the value is set to FALSE, the column values are cleartext.

        • matchKey — (String)

          A key that allows grouping of multiple input attributes into a unified matching group.

          For example, consider a scenario where the source table contains various addresses, such as business_address and shipping_address. By assigning a matchKey called address to both attributes, Entity Resolution will match records across these fields to create a consolidated matching group.

          If no matchKey is specified for a column, it won't be utilized for matching purposes but will still be included in the output table.

        • subType — (String)

          The subtype of the attribute, selected from a list of values.

        • typerequired — (String)

          The type of the attribute, selected from a list of values.

          Possible values include:
          • "NAME"
          • "NAME_FIRST"
          • "NAME_MIDDLE"
          • "NAME_LAST"
          • "ADDRESS"
          • "ADDRESS_STREET1"
          • "ADDRESS_STREET2"
          • "ADDRESS_STREET3"
          • "ADDRESS_CITY"
          • "ADDRESS_STATE"
          • "ADDRESS_COUNTRY"
          • "PHONE"
          • "PHONE_NUMBER"
          • "EMAIL_ADDRESS"
          • "UNIQUE_ID"
          • "DATE"
          • "STRING"
          • "PROVIDER_ID"
      • schemaArn — (String)

        The ARN (Amazon Resource Name) that Entity Resolution generated for the SchemaMapping.

      • schemaName — (String)

        The name of the schema.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

deleteIdMappingWorkflow(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Deletes the IdMappingWorkflow with a given name. This operation will succeed even if a workflow with the given name does not exist.

Service Reference:


Calling the deleteIdMappingWorkflow operation

var params = {
  workflowName: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
entityresolution.deleteIdMappingWorkflow(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • workflowName — (String)

      The name of the workflow to be deleted.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • message — (String)

        A successful operation message.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

deleteIdNamespace(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Deletes the IdNamespace with a given name.

Service Reference:


Calling the deleteIdNamespace operation

var params = {
  idNamespaceName: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
entityresolution.deleteIdNamespace(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • idNamespaceName — (String)

      The name of the ID namespace.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • message — (String)

        A successful operation message.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

deleteMatchingWorkflow(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Deletes the MatchingWorkflow with a given name. This operation will succeed even if a workflow with the given name does not exist.

Service Reference:


Calling the deleteMatchingWorkflow operation

var params = {
  workflowName: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
entityresolution.deleteMatchingWorkflow(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • workflowName — (String)

      The name of the workflow to be retrieved.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • message — (String)

        A successful operation message.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

deletePolicyStatement(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Deletes the policy statement.

Service Reference:


Calling the deletePolicyStatement operation

var params = {
  arn: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  statementId: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
entityresolution.deletePolicyStatement(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • arn — (String)

      The ARN of the resource for which the policy need to be deleted.

    • statementId — (String)

      A statement identifier that differentiates the statement from others in the same policy.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • arn — (String)

        The ARN of the resource for which the policy need to be deleted.

      • policy — (String)

        The resource-based policy.

      • token — (String)

        A unique identifier for the deleted policy.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

deleteSchemaMapping(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Deletes the SchemaMapping with a given name. This operation will succeed even if a schema with the given name does not exist. This operation will fail if there is a MatchingWorkflow object that references the SchemaMapping in the workflow's InputSourceConfig.

Service Reference:


Calling the deleteSchemaMapping operation

var params = {
  schemaName: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
entityresolution.deleteSchemaMapping(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • schemaName — (String)

      The name of the schema to delete.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • message — (String)

        A successful operation message.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

getIdMappingJob(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Gets the status, metrics, and errors (if there are any) that are associated with a job.

Service Reference:


Calling the getIdMappingJob operation

var params = {
  jobId: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  workflowName: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
entityresolution.getIdMappingJob(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • jobId — (String)

      The ID of the job.

    • workflowName — (String)

      The name of the workflow.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • endTime — (Date)

        The time at which the job has finished.

      • errorDetails — (map)

        An object containing an error message, if there was an error.

        • errorMessage — (String)

          The error message from the job, if there is one.

      • jobId — (String)

        The ID of the job.

      • metrics — (map)

        Metrics associated with the execution, specifically total records processed, unique IDs generated, and records the execution skipped.

        • inputRecords — (Integer)

          The total number of records that were input for processing.

        • recordsNotProcessed — (Integer)

          The total number of records that did not get processed.

        • totalMappedRecords — (Integer)

          The total number of records that were mapped.

        • totalMappedSourceRecords — (Integer)

          The total number of mapped source records.

        • totalMappedTargetRecords — (Integer)

          The total number of distinct mapped target records.

        • totalRecordsProcessed — (Integer)

          The total number of records that were processed.

      • outputSourceConfig — (Array<map>)

        A list of OutputSource objects.

        • KMSArn — (String)

          Customer KMS ARN for encryption at rest. If not provided, system will use an Entity Resolution managed KMS key.

        • outputS3Pathrequired — (String)

          The S3 path to which Entity Resolution will write the output table.

        • roleArnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role. Entity Resolution assumes this role to access Amazon Web Services resources on your behalf as part of workflow execution.

      • startTime — (Date)

        The time at which the job was started.

      • status — (String)

        The current status of the job.

        Possible values include:
        • "RUNNING"
        • "SUCCEEDED"
        • "FAILED"
        • "QUEUED"


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

getIdMappingWorkflow(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Returns the IdMappingWorkflow with a given name, if it exists.

Service Reference:


Calling the getIdMappingWorkflow operation

var params = {
  workflowName: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
entityresolution.getIdMappingWorkflow(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • workflowName — (String)

      The name of the workflow.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • createdAt — (Date)

        The timestamp of when the workflow was created.

      • description — (String)

        A description of the workflow.

      • idMappingTechniques — (map)

        An object which defines the ID mapping technique and any additional configurations.

        • idMappingTyperequired — (String)

          The type of ID mapping.

          Possible values include:
          • "PROVIDER"
          • "RULE_BASED"
        • providerProperties — (map)

          An object which defines any additional configurations required by the provider service.

          • intermediateSourceConfiguration — (map)

            The Amazon S3 location that temporarily stores your data while it processes. Your information won't be saved permanently.

            • intermediateS3Pathrequired — (String)

              The Amazon S3 location (bucket and prefix). For example: s3://provider_bucket/DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET

          • providerConfiguration — (map)

            The required configuration fields to use with the provider service.

          • providerServiceArnrequired — (String)

            The ARN of the provider service.

        • ruleBasedProperties — (map)

          An object which defines any additional configurations required by rule-based matching.

          • attributeMatchingModelrequired — (String)

            The comparison type. You can either choose ONE_TO_ONE or MANY_TO_MANY as the attributeMatchingModel.

            If you choose MANY_TO_MANY, the system can match attributes across the sub-types of an attribute type. For example, if the value of the Email field of Profile A matches the value of the BusinessEmail field of Profile B, the two profiles are matched on the Email attribute type.

            If you choose ONE_TO_ONE, the system can only match attributes if the sub-types are an exact match. For example, for the Email attribute type, the system will only consider it a match if the value of the Email field of Profile A matches the value of the Email field of Profile B.

            Possible values include:
            • "ONE_TO_ONE"
            • "MANY_TO_MANY"
          • recordMatchingModelrequired — (String)

            The type of matching record that is allowed to be used in an ID mapping workflow.

            If the value is set to ONE_SOURCE_TO_ONE_TARGET, only one record in the source can be matched to the same record in the target.

            If the value is set to MANY_SOURCE_TO_ONE_TARGET, multiple records in the source can be matched to one record in the target.

            Possible values include:
            • "ONE_SOURCE_TO_ONE_TARGET"
          • ruleDefinitionTyperequired — (String)

            The set of rules you can use in an ID mapping workflow. The limitations specified for the source or target to define the match rules must be compatible.

            Possible values include:
            • "SOURCE"
            • "TARGET"
          • rules — (Array<map>)

            The rules that can be used for ID mapping.

            • matchingKeysrequired — (Array<String>)

              A list of MatchingKeys. The MatchingKeys must have been defined in the SchemaMapping. Two records are considered to match according to this rule if all of the MatchingKeys match.

            • ruleNamerequired — (String)

              A name for the matching rule.

      • inputSourceConfig — (Array<map>)

        A list of InputSource objects, which have the fields InputSourceARN and SchemaName.

        • inputSourceARNrequired — (String)

          An Glue table Amazon Resource Name (ARN) or a matching workflow ARN for the input source table.

        • schemaName — (String)

          The name of the schema to be retrieved.

        • type — (String)

          The type of ID namespace. There are two types: SOURCE and TARGET.

          The SOURCE contains configurations for sourceId data that will be processed in an ID mapping workflow.

          The TARGET contains a configuration of targetId which all sourceIds will resolve to.

          Possible values include:
          • "SOURCE"
          • "TARGET"
      • outputSourceConfig — (Array<map>)

        A list of OutputSource objects, each of which contains fields OutputS3Path and KMSArn.

        • KMSArn — (String)

          Customer KMS ARN for encryption at rest. If not provided, system will use an Entity Resolution managed KMS key.

        • outputS3Pathrequired — (String)

          The S3 path to which Entity Resolution will write the output table.

      • roleArn — (String)

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role. Entity Resolution assumes this role to access Amazon Web Services resources on your behalf.

      • tags — (map<String>)

        The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource.

      • updatedAt — (Date)

        The timestamp of when the workflow was last updated.

      • workflowArn — (String)

        The ARN (Amazon Resource Name) that Entity Resolution generated for the IdMappingWorkflow .

      • workflowName — (String)

        The name of the workflow.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

getIdNamespace(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Returns the IdNamespace with a given name, if it exists.

Service Reference:


Calling the getIdNamespace operation

var params = {
  idNamespaceName: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
entityresolution.getIdNamespace(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • idNamespaceName — (String)

      The name of the ID namespace.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • createdAt — (Date)

        The timestamp of when the ID namespace was created.

      • description — (String)

        The description of the ID namespace.

      • idMappingWorkflowProperties — (Array<map>)

        Determines the properties of IdMappingWorkflow where this IdNamespace can be used as a Source or a Target.

        • idMappingTyperequired — (String)

          The type of ID mapping.

          Possible values include:
          • "PROVIDER"
          • "RULE_BASED"
        • providerProperties — (map)

          An object which defines any additional configurations required by the provider service.

          • providerConfiguration — (map)

            An object which defines any additional configurations required by the provider service.

          • providerServiceArnrequired — (String)

            The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the provider service.

        • ruleBasedProperties — (map)

          An object which defines any additional configurations required by rule-based matching.

          • attributeMatchingModel — (String)

            The comparison type. You can either choose ONE_TO_ONE or MANY_TO_MANY as the attributeMatchingModel.

            If you choose MANY_TO_MANY, the system can match attributes across the sub-types of an attribute type. For example, if the value of the Email field of Profile A matches the value of BusinessEmail field of Profile B, the two profiles are matched on the Email attribute type.

            If you choose ONE_TO_ONE, the system can only match attributes if the sub-types are an exact match. For example, for the Email attribute type, the system will only consider it a match if the value of the Email field of Profile A matches the value of the Email field of Profile B.

            Possible values include:
            • "ONE_TO_ONE"
            • "MANY_TO_MANY"
          • recordMatchingModels — (Array<String>)

            The type of matching record that is allowed to be used in an ID mapping workflow.

            If the value is set to ONE_SOURCE_TO_ONE_TARGET, only one record in the source is matched to one record in the target.

            If the value is set to MANY_SOURCE_TO_ONE_TARGET, all matching records in the source are matched to one record in the target.

          • ruleDefinitionTypes — (Array<String>)

            The sets of rules you can use in an ID mapping workflow. The limitations specified for the source and target must be compatible.

          • rules — (Array<map>)

            The rules for the ID namespace.

            • matchingKeysrequired — (Array<String>)

              A list of MatchingKeys. The MatchingKeys must have been defined in the SchemaMapping. Two records are considered to match according to this rule if all of the MatchingKeys match.

            • ruleNamerequired — (String)

              A name for the matching rule.

      • idNamespaceArn — (String)

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the ID namespace.

      • idNamespaceName — (String)

        The name of the ID namespace.

      • inputSourceConfig — (Array<map>)

        A list of InputSource objects, which have the fields InputSourceARN and SchemaName.

        • inputSourceARNrequired — (String)

          An Glue table Amazon Resource Name (ARN) or a matching workflow ARN for the input source table.

        • schemaName — (String)

          The name of the schema.

      • roleArn — (String)

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role. Entity Resolution assumes this role to access the resources defined in this IdNamespace on your behalf as part of a workflow run.

      • tags — (map<String>)

        The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource.

      • type — (String)

        The type of ID namespace. There are two types: SOURCE and TARGET.

        The SOURCE contains configurations for sourceId data that will be processed in an ID mapping workflow.

        The TARGET contains a configuration of targetId to which all sourceIds will resolve to.

        Possible values include:
        • "SOURCE"
        • "TARGET"
      • updatedAt — (Date)

        The timestamp of when the ID namespace was last updated.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

getMatchId(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Returns the corresponding Match ID of a customer record if the record has been processed.

Service Reference:


Calling the getMatchId operation

var params = {
  record: { /* required */
    '<RecordAttributeMapKeyString>': 'STRING_VALUE',
    /* '<RecordAttributeMapKeyString>': ... */
  workflowName: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  applyNormalization: true || false
entityresolution.getMatchId(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • applyNormalization — (Boolean)

      Normalizes the attributes defined in the schema in the input data. For example, if an attribute has an AttributeType of PHONE_NUMBER, and the data in the input table is in a format of 1234567890, Entity Resolution will normalize this field in the output to (123)-456-7890.

    • record — (map<String>)

      The record to fetch the Match ID for.

    • workflowName — (String)

      The name of the workflow.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • matchId — (String)

        The unique identifiers for this group of match records.

      • matchRule — (String)

        The rule the record matched on.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

getMatchingJob(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Gets the status, metrics, and errors (if there are any) that are associated with a job.

Service Reference:


Calling the getMatchingJob operation

var params = {
  jobId: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  workflowName: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
entityresolution.getMatchingJob(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • jobId — (String)

      The ID of the job.

    • workflowName — (String)

      The name of the workflow.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • endTime — (Date)

        The time at which the job has finished.

      • errorDetails — (map)

        An object containing an error message, if there was an error.

        • errorMessage — (String)

          The error message from the job, if there is one.

      • jobId — (String)

        The ID of the job.

      • metrics — (map)

        Metrics associated with the execution, specifically total records processed, unique IDs generated, and records the execution skipped.

        • inputRecords — (Integer)

          The total number of input records.

        • matchIDs — (Integer)

          The total number of matchIDs generated.

        • recordsNotProcessed — (Integer)

          The total number of records that did not get processed.

        • totalRecordsProcessed — (Integer)

          The total number of records processed.

      • outputSourceConfig — (Array<map>)

        A list of OutputSource objects.

        • KMSArn — (String)

          Customer KMS ARN for encryption at rest. If not provided, system will use an Entity Resolution managed KMS key.

        • outputS3Pathrequired — (String)

          The S3 path to which Entity Resolution will write the output table.

        • roleArnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role. Entity Resolution assumes this role to access Amazon Web Services resources on your behalf as part of workflow execution.

      • startTime — (Date)

        The time at which the job was started.

      • status — (String)

        The current status of the job.

        Possible values include:
        • "RUNNING"
        • "SUCCEEDED"
        • "FAILED"
        • "QUEUED"


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

getMatchingWorkflow(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Returns the MatchingWorkflow with a given name, if it exists.

Service Reference:


Calling the getMatchingWorkflow operation

var params = {
  workflowName: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
entityresolution.getMatchingWorkflow(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • workflowName — (String)

      The name of the workflow.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • createdAt — (Date)

        The timestamp of when the workflow was created.

      • description — (String)

        A description of the workflow.

      • incrementalRunConfig — (map)

        An object which defines an incremental run type and has only incrementalRunType as a field.

        • incrementalRunType — (String)

          The type of incremental run. It takes only one value: IMMEDIATE.

          Possible values include:
          • "IMMEDIATE"
      • inputSourceConfig — (Array<map>)

        A list of InputSource objects, which have the fields InputSourceARN and SchemaName.

        • applyNormalization — (Boolean)

          Normalizes the attributes defined in the schema in the input data. For example, if an attribute has an AttributeType of PHONE_NUMBER, and the data in the input table is in a format of 1234567890, Entity Resolution will normalize this field in the output to (123)-456-7890.

        • inputSourceARNrequired — (String)

          An Glue table Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the input source table.

        • schemaNamerequired — (String)

          The name of the schema to be retrieved.

      • outputSourceConfig — (Array<map>)

        A list of OutputSource objects, each of which contains fields OutputS3Path, ApplyNormalization, and Output.

        • KMSArn — (String)

          Customer KMS ARN for encryption at rest. If not provided, system will use an Entity Resolution managed KMS key.

        • applyNormalization — (Boolean)

          Normalizes the attributes defined in the schema in the input data. For example, if an attribute has an AttributeType of PHONE_NUMBER, and the data in the input table is in a format of 1234567890, Entity Resolution will normalize this field in the output to (123)-456-7890.

        • outputrequired — (Array<map>)

          A list of OutputAttribute objects, each of which have the fields Name and Hashed. Each of these objects selects a column to be included in the output table, and whether the values of the column should be hashed.

          • hashed — (Boolean)

            Enables the ability to hash the column values in the output.

          • namerequired — (String)

            A name of a column to be written to the output. This must be an InputField name in the schema mapping.

        • outputS3Pathrequired — (String)

          The S3 path to which Entity Resolution will write the output table.

      • resolutionTechniques — (map)

        An object which defines the resolutionType and the ruleBasedProperties.

        • providerProperties — (map)

          The properties of the provider service.

          • intermediateSourceConfiguration — (map)

            The Amazon S3 location that temporarily stores your data while it processes. Your information won't be saved permanently.

            • intermediateS3Pathrequired — (String)

              The Amazon S3 location (bucket and prefix). For example: s3://provider_bucket/DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET

          • providerConfiguration — (map)

            The required configuration fields to use with the provider service.

          • providerServiceArnrequired — (String)

            The ARN of the provider service.

        • resolutionTyperequired — (String)

          The type of matching. There are three types of matching: RULE_MATCHING, ML_MATCHING, and PROVIDER.

          Possible values include:
          • "RULE_MATCHING"
          • "ML_MATCHING"
          • "PROVIDER"
        • ruleBasedProperties — (map)

          An object which defines the list of matching rules to run and has a field Rules, which is a list of rule objects.

          • attributeMatchingModelrequired — (String)

            The comparison type. You can either choose ONE_TO_ONE or MANY_TO_MANY as the attributeMatchingModel.

            If you choose MANY_TO_MANY, the system can match attributes across the sub-types of an attribute type. For example, if the value of the Email field of Profile A and the value of BusinessEmail field of Profile B matches, the two profiles are matched on the Email attribute type.

            If you choose ONE_TO_ONE, the system can only match attributes if the sub-types are an exact match. For example, for the Email attribute type, the system will only consider it a match if the value of the Email field of Profile A matches the value of the Email field of Profile B.

            Possible values include:
            • "ONE_TO_ONE"
            • "MANY_TO_MANY"
          • matchPurpose — (String)

            An indicator of whether to generate IDs and index the data or not.

            If you choose IDENTIFIER_GENERATION, the process generates IDs and indexes the data.

            If you choose INDEXING, the process indexes the data without generating IDs.

            Possible values include:
            • "INDEXING"
          • rulesrequired — (Array<map>)

            A list of Rule objects, each of which have fields RuleName and MatchingKeys.

            • matchingKeysrequired — (Array<String>)

              A list of MatchingKeys. The MatchingKeys must have been defined in the SchemaMapping. Two records are considered to match according to this rule if all of the MatchingKeys match.

            • ruleNamerequired — (String)

              A name for the matching rule.

      • roleArn — (String)

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role. Entity Resolution assumes this role to access Amazon Web Services resources on your behalf.

      • tags — (map<String>)

        The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource.

      • updatedAt — (Date)

        The timestamp of when the workflow was last updated.

      • workflowArn — (String)

        The ARN (Amazon Resource Name) that Entity Resolution generated for the MatchingWorkflow.

      • workflowName — (String)

        The name of the workflow.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

getPolicy(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Returns the resource-based policy.

Service Reference:


Calling the getPolicy operation

var params = {
  arn: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
entityresolution.getPolicy(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • arn — (String)

      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource for which the policy need to be returned.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • arn — (String)

        The Entity Resolution resource ARN.

      • policy — (String)

        The resource-based policy.

      • token — (String)

        A unique identifier for the current revision of the policy.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

getProviderService(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Returns the ProviderService of a given name.

Service Reference:


Calling the getProviderService operation

var params = {
  providerName: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  providerServiceName: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
entityresolution.getProviderService(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • providerName — (String)

      The name of the provider. This name is typically the company name.

    • providerServiceName — (String)

      The ARN (Amazon Resource Name) of the product that the provider service provides.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • anonymizedOutput — (Boolean)

        Specifies whether output data from the provider is anonymized. A value of TRUE means the output will be anonymized and you can't relate the data that comes back from the provider to the identifying input. A value of FALSE means the output won't be anonymized and you can relate the data that comes back from the provider to your source data.

      • providerComponentSchema — (map)

        Input schema for the provider service.

        • providerSchemaAttributes — (Array<map>)

          The provider schema attributes.

          • fieldNamerequired — (String)

            The field name.

          • hashing — (Boolean)

            The hashing attribute of the provider schema.

          • subType — (String)

            The sub type of the provider schema attribute.

          • typerequired — (String)

            The type of the provider schema attribute.

            Possible values include:
            • "NAME"
            • "NAME_FIRST"
            • "NAME_MIDDLE"
            • "NAME_LAST"
            • "ADDRESS"
            • "ADDRESS_STREET1"
            • "ADDRESS_STREET2"
            • "ADDRESS_STREET3"
            • "ADDRESS_CITY"
            • "ADDRESS_STATE"
            • "ADDRESS_COUNTRY"
            • "ADDRESS_POSTALCODE"
            • "PHONE"
            • "PHONE_NUMBER"
            • "PHONE_COUNTRYCODE"
            • "EMAIL_ADDRESS"
            • "UNIQUE_ID"
            • "DATE"
            • "STRING"
            • "PROVIDER_ID"
        • schemas — (Array<Array<String>>)

          Input schema for the provider service.

      • providerConfigurationDefinition — (map)

        The definition of the provider configuration.

      • providerEndpointConfiguration — (map)

        The required configuration fields to use with the provider service.

        • marketplaceConfiguration — (map)

          The identifiers of the provider service, from Data Exchange.

          • assetIdrequired — (String)

            The asset ID on Data Exchange.

          • dataSetIdrequired — (String)

            The dataset ID on Data Exchange.

          • listingIdrequired — (String)

            The listing ID on Data Exchange.

          • revisionIdrequired — (String)

            The revision ID on Data Exchange.

      • providerEntityOutputDefinition — (map)

        The definition of the provider entity output.

      • providerIdNameSpaceConfiguration — (map)

        The provider configuration required for different ID namespace types.

        • description — (String)

          The description of the ID namespace.

        • providerSourceConfigurationDefinition — (map)

          Configurations required for the source ID namespace.

        • providerTargetConfigurationDefinition — (map)

          Configurations required for the target ID namespace.

      • providerIntermediateDataAccessConfiguration — (map)

        The Amazon Web Services accounts and the S3 permissions that are required by some providers to create an S3 bucket for intermediate data storage.

        • awsAccountIds — (Array<String>)

          The Amazon Web Services account that provider can use to read or write data into the customer's intermediate S3 bucket.

        • requiredBucketActions — (Array<String>)

          The S3 bucket actions that the provider requires permission for.

      • providerJobConfiguration — (map)

        Provider service job configurations.

      • providerName — (String)

        The name of the provider. This name is typically the company name.

      • providerServiceArn — (String)

        The ARN (Amazon Resource Name) that Entity Resolution generated for the provider service.

      • providerServiceDisplayName — (String)

        The display name of the provider service.

      • providerServiceName — (String)

        The name of the product that the provider service provides.

      • providerServiceType — (String)

        The type of provider service.

        Possible values include:
        • "ASSIGNMENT"
        • "ID_MAPPING"


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

getSchemaMapping(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Returns the SchemaMapping of a given name.

Service Reference:


Calling the getSchemaMapping operation

var params = {
  schemaName: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
entityresolution.getSchemaMapping(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • schemaName — (String)

      The name of the schema to be retrieved.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • createdAt — (Date)

        The timestamp of when the SchemaMapping was created.

      • description — (String)

        A description of the schema.

      • hasWorkflows — (Boolean)

        Specifies whether the schema mapping has been applied to a workflow.

      • mappedInputFields — (Array<map>)

        A list of MappedInputFields. Each MappedInputField corresponds to a column the source data table, and contains column name plus additional information Venice uses for matching.

        • fieldNamerequired — (String)

          A string containing the field name.

        • groupName — (String)

          A string that instructs Entity Resolution to combine several columns into a unified column with the identical attribute type.

          For example, when working with columns such as first_name, middle_name, and last_name, assigning them a common groupName will prompt Entity Resolution to concatenate them into a single value.

        • hashed — (Boolean)

          Indicates if the column values are hashed in the schema input. If the value is set to TRUE, the column values are hashed. If the value is set to FALSE, the column values are cleartext.

        • matchKey — (String)

          A key that allows grouping of multiple input attributes into a unified matching group.

          For example, consider a scenario where the source table contains various addresses, such as business_address and shipping_address. By assigning a matchKey called address to both attributes, Entity Resolution will match records across these fields to create a consolidated matching group.

          If no matchKey is specified for a column, it won't be utilized for matching purposes but will still be included in the output table.

        • subType — (String)

          The subtype of the attribute, selected from a list of values.

        • typerequired — (String)

          The type of the attribute, selected from a list of values.

          Possible values include:
          • "NAME"
          • "NAME_FIRST"
          • "NAME_MIDDLE"
          • "NAME_LAST"
          • "ADDRESS"
          • "ADDRESS_STREET1"
          • "ADDRESS_STREET2"
          • "ADDRESS_STREET3"
          • "ADDRESS_CITY"
          • "ADDRESS_STATE"
          • "ADDRESS_COUNTRY"
          • "PHONE"
          • "PHONE_NUMBER"
          • "EMAIL_ADDRESS"
          • "UNIQUE_ID"
          • "DATE"
          • "STRING"
          • "PROVIDER_ID"
      • schemaArn — (String)

        The ARN (Amazon Resource Name) that Entity Resolution generated for the SchemaMapping.

      • schemaName — (String)

        The name of the schema.

      • tags — (map<String>)

        The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource.

      • updatedAt — (Date)

        The timestamp of when the SchemaMapping was last updated.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

listIdMappingJobs(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Lists all ID mapping jobs for a given workflow.

Service Reference:


Calling the listIdMappingJobs operation

var params = {
  workflowName: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  maxResults: 'NUMBER_VALUE',
  nextToken: 'STRING_VALUE'
entityresolution.listIdMappingJobs(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • maxResults — (Integer)

      The maximum number of objects returned per page.

    • nextToken — (String)

      The pagination token from the previous API call.

    • workflowName — (String)

      The name of the workflow to be retrieved.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • jobs — (Array<map>)

        A list of JobSummary objects.

        • endTime — (Date)

          The time at which the job has finished.

        • jobIdrequired — (String)

          The ID of the job.

        • startTimerequired — (Date)

          The time at which the job was started.

        • statusrequired — (String)

          The current status of the job.

          Possible values include:
          • "RUNNING"
          • "SUCCEEDED"
          • "FAILED"
          • "QUEUED"
      • nextToken — (String)

        The pagination token from the previous API call.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

listIdMappingWorkflows(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Returns a list of all the IdMappingWorkflows that have been created for an Amazon Web Services account.

Service Reference:


Calling the listIdMappingWorkflows operation

var params = {
  maxResults: 'NUMBER_VALUE',
  nextToken: 'STRING_VALUE'
entityresolution.listIdMappingWorkflows(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • maxResults — (Integer)

      The maximum number of objects returned per page.

    • nextToken — (String)

      The pagination token from the previous API call.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • nextToken — (String)

        The pagination token from the previous API call.

      • workflowSummaries — (Array<map>)

        A list of IdMappingWorkflowSummary objects.

        • createdAtrequired — (Date)

          The timestamp of when the workflow was created.

        • updatedAtrequired — (Date)

          The timestamp of when the workflow was last updated.

        • workflowArnrequired — (String)

          The ARN (Amazon Resource Name) that Entity Resolution generated for the IdMappingWorkflow.

        • workflowNamerequired — (String)

          The name of the workflow.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

listIdNamespaces(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Returns a list of all ID namespaces.

Service Reference:


Calling the listIdNamespaces operation

var params = {
  maxResults: 'NUMBER_VALUE',
  nextToken: 'STRING_VALUE'
entityresolution.listIdNamespaces(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • maxResults — (Integer)

      The maximum number of IdNamespace objects returned per page.

    • nextToken — (String)

      The pagination token from the previous API call.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • idNamespaceSummaries — (Array<map>)

        A list of IdNamespaceSummaries objects.

        • createdAtrequired — (Date)

          The timestamp of when the ID namespace was created.

        • description — (String)

          The description of the ID namespace.

        • idMappingWorkflowProperties — (Array<map>)

          An object which defines any additional configurations required by the ID mapping workflow.

          • idMappingTyperequired — (String)

            The type of ID mapping.

            Possible values include:
            • "PROVIDER"
            • "RULE_BASED"
        • idNamespaceArnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the ID namespace.

        • idNamespaceNamerequired — (String)

          The name of the ID namespace.

        • typerequired — (String)

          The type of ID namespace. There are two types: SOURCE and TARGET.

          The SOURCE contains configurations for sourceId data that will be processed in an ID mapping workflow.

          The TARGET contains a configuration of targetId which all sourceIds will resolve to.

          Possible values include:
          • "SOURCE"
          • "TARGET"
        • updatedAtrequired — (Date)

          The timestamp of when the ID namespace was last updated.

      • nextToken — (String)

        The pagination token from the previous API call.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

listMatchingJobs(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Lists all jobs for a given workflow.

Service Reference:


Calling the listMatchingJobs operation

var params = {
  workflowName: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  maxResults: 'NUMBER_VALUE',
  nextToken: 'STRING_VALUE'
entityresolution.listMatchingJobs(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • maxResults — (Integer)

      The maximum number of objects returned per page.

    • nextToken — (String)

      The pagination token from the previous API call.

    • workflowName — (String)

      The name of the workflow to be retrieved.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • jobs — (Array<map>)

        A list of JobSummary objects, each of which contain the ID, status, start time, and end time of a job.

        • endTime — (Date)

          The time at which the job has finished.

        • jobIdrequired — (String)

          The ID of the job.

        • startTimerequired — (Date)

          The time at which the job was started.

        • statusrequired — (String)

          The current status of the job.

          Possible values include:
          • "RUNNING"
          • "SUCCEEDED"
          • "FAILED"
          • "QUEUED"
      • nextToken — (String)

        The pagination token from the previous API call.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

listMatchingWorkflows(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Returns a list of all the MatchingWorkflows that have been created for an Amazon Web Services account.

Service Reference:


Calling the listMatchingWorkflows operation

var params = {
  maxResults: 'NUMBER_VALUE',
  nextToken: 'STRING_VALUE'
entityresolution.listMatchingWorkflows(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • maxResults — (Integer)

      The maximum number of objects returned per page.

    • nextToken — (String)

      The pagination token from the previous API call.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • nextToken — (String)

        The pagination token from the previous API call.

      • workflowSummaries — (Array<map>)

        A list of MatchingWorkflowSummary objects, each of which contain the fields WorkflowName, WorkflowArn, CreatedAt, and UpdatedAt.

        • createdAtrequired — (Date)

          The timestamp of when the workflow was created.

        • resolutionTyperequired — (String)

          The method that has been specified for data matching, either using matching provided by Entity Resolution or through a provider service.

          Possible values include:
          • "RULE_MATCHING"
          • "ML_MATCHING"
          • "PROVIDER"
        • updatedAtrequired — (Date)

          The timestamp of when the workflow was last updated.

        • workflowArnrequired — (String)

          The ARN (Amazon Resource Name) that Entity Resolution generated for the MatchingWorkflow.

        • workflowNamerequired — (String)

          The name of the workflow.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

listProviderServices(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Returns a list of all the ProviderServices that are available in this Amazon Web Services Region.

Service Reference:


Calling the listProviderServices operation

var params = {
  maxResults: 'NUMBER_VALUE',
  nextToken: 'STRING_VALUE',
  providerName: 'STRING_VALUE'
entityresolution.listProviderServices(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • maxResults — (Integer)

      The maximum number of objects returned per page.

    • nextToken — (String)

      The pagination token from the previous API call.

    • providerName — (String)

      The name of the provider. This name is typically the company name.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • nextToken — (String)

        The pagination token from the previous API call.

      • providerServiceSummaries — (Array<map>)

        A list of ProviderServices objects.

        • providerNamerequired — (String)

          The name of the provider. This name is typically the company name.

        • providerServiceArnrequired — (String)

          The ARN (Amazon Resource Name) that Entity Resolution generated for the providerService.

        • providerServiceDisplayNamerequired — (String)

          The display name of the provider service.

        • providerServiceNamerequired — (String)

          The name of the product that the provider service provides.

        • providerServiceTyperequired — (String)

          The type of provider service.

          Possible values include:
          • "ASSIGNMENT"
          • "ID_MAPPING"


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

listSchemaMappings(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Returns a list of all the SchemaMappings that have been created for an Amazon Web Services account.

Service Reference:


Calling the listSchemaMappings operation

var params = {
  maxResults: 'NUMBER_VALUE',
  nextToken: 'STRING_VALUE'
entityresolution.listSchemaMappings(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • maxResults — (Integer)

      The maximum number of objects returned per page.

    • nextToken — (String)

      The pagination token from the previous API call.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • nextToken — (String)

        The pagination token from the previous API call.

      • schemaList — (Array<map>)

        A list of SchemaMappingSummary objects, each of which contain the fields SchemaName, SchemaArn, CreatedAt, UpdatedAt.

        • createdAtrequired — (Date)

          The timestamp of when the SchemaMapping was created.

        • hasWorkflowsrequired — (Boolean)

          Specifies whether the schema mapping has been applied to a workflow.

        • schemaArnrequired — (String)

          The ARN (Amazon Resource Name) that Entity Resolution generated for the SchemaMapping.

        • schemaNamerequired — (String)

          The name of the schema.

        • updatedAtrequired — (Date)

          The timestamp of when the SchemaMapping was last updated.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

listTagsForResource(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Displays the tags associated with an Entity Resolution resource. In Entity Resolution, SchemaMapping, and MatchingWorkflow can be tagged.

Service Reference:


Calling the listTagsForResource operation

var params = {
  resourceArn: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
entityresolution.listTagsForResource(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • resourceArn — (String)

      The ARN of the resource for which you want to view tags.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • tags — (map<String>)

        The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

putPolicy(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Updates the resource-based policy.

Service Reference:


Calling the putPolicy operation

var params = {
  arn: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  policy: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  token: 'STRING_VALUE'
entityresolution.putPolicy(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • arn — (String)

      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource for which the policy needs to be updated.

    • policy — (String)

      The resource-based policy.

      If you set the value of the effect parameter in the policy to Deny for the PutPolicy operation, you must also set the value of the effect parameter to Deny for the AddPolicyStatement operation.

    • token — (String)

      A unique identifier for the current revision of the policy.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • arn — (String)

        The Entity Resolution resource ARN.

      • policy — (String)

        The resource-based policy.

      • token — (String)

        A unique identifier for the current revision of the policy.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

startIdMappingJob(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Starts the IdMappingJob of a workflow. The workflow must have previously been created using the CreateIdMappingWorkflow endpoint.

Service Reference:


Calling the startIdMappingJob operation

var params = {
  workflowName: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  outputSourceConfig: [
      outputS3Path: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
      roleArn: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
    /* more items */
entityresolution.startIdMappingJob(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • outputSourceConfig — (Array<map>)

      A list of OutputSource objects.

      • KMSArn — (String)

        Customer KMS ARN for encryption at rest. If not provided, system will use an Entity Resolution managed KMS key.

      • outputS3Pathrequired — (String)

        The S3 path to which Entity Resolution will write the output table.

      • roleArnrequired — (String)

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role. Entity Resolution assumes this role to access Amazon Web Services resources on your behalf as part of workflow execution.

    • workflowName — (String)

      The name of the ID mapping job to be retrieved.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • jobId — (String)

        The ID of the job.

      • outputSourceConfig — (Array<map>)

        A list of OutputSource objects.

        • KMSArn — (String)

          Customer KMS ARN for encryption at rest. If not provided, system will use an Entity Resolution managed KMS key.

        • outputS3Pathrequired — (String)

          The S3 path to which Entity Resolution will write the output table.

        • roleArnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role. Entity Resolution assumes this role to access Amazon Web Services resources on your behalf as part of workflow execution.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

startMatchingJob(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Starts the MatchingJob of a workflow. The workflow must have previously been created using the CreateMatchingWorkflow endpoint.

Service Reference:


Calling the startMatchingJob operation

var params = {
  workflowName: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
entityresolution.startMatchingJob(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • workflowName — (String)

      The name of the matching job to be retrieved.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • jobId — (String)

        The ID of the job.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

tagResource(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Assigns one or more tags (key-value pairs) to the specified Entity Resolution resource. Tags can help you organize and categorize your resources. You can also use them to scope user permissions by granting a user permission to access or change only resources with certain tag values. In Entity Resolution, SchemaMapping and MatchingWorkflow can be tagged. Tags don't have any semantic meaning to Amazon Web Services and are interpreted strictly as strings of characters. You can use the TagResource action with a resource that already has tags. If you specify a new tag key, this tag is appended to the list of tags associated with the resource. If you specify a tag key that is already associated with the resource, the new tag value that you specify replaces the previous value for that tag.

Service Reference:


Calling the tagResource operation

var params = {
  resourceArn: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  tags: { /* required */
    '<TagKey>': 'STRING_VALUE',
    /* '<TagKey>': ... */
entityresolution.tagResource(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • resourceArn — (String)

      The ARN of the resource for which you want to view tags.

    • tags — (map<String>)

      The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

untagResource(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Removes one or more tags from the specified Entity Resolution resource. In Entity Resolution, SchemaMapping, and MatchingWorkflow can be tagged.

Service Reference:


Calling the untagResource operation

var params = {
  resourceArn: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  tagKeys: [ /* required */
    /* more items */
entityresolution.untagResource(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • resourceArn — (String)

      The ARN of the resource for which you want to untag.

    • tagKeys — (Array<String>)

      The list of tag keys to remove from the resource.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

updateIdMappingWorkflow(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Updates an existing IdMappingWorkflow. This method is identical to CreateIdMappingWorkflow, except it uses an HTTP PUT request instead of a POST request, and the IdMappingWorkflow must already exist for the method to succeed.

Service Reference:


Calling the updateIdMappingWorkflow operation

var params = {
  idMappingTechniques: { /* required */
    idMappingType: PROVIDER | RULE_BASED, /* required */
    providerProperties: {
      providerServiceArn: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
      intermediateSourceConfiguration: {
        intermediateS3Path: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
      providerConfiguration: {
    ruleBasedProperties: {
      attributeMatchingModel: ONE_TO_ONE | MANY_TO_MANY, /* required */
      recordMatchingModel: ONE_SOURCE_TO_ONE_TARGET | MANY_SOURCE_TO_ONE_TARGET, /* required */
      ruleDefinitionType: SOURCE | TARGET, /* required */
      rules: [
          matchingKeys: [ /* required */
            /* more items */
          ruleName: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
        /* more items */
  inputSourceConfig: [ /* required */
      inputSourceARN: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
      schemaName: 'STRING_VALUE',
      type: SOURCE | TARGET
    /* more items */
  workflowName: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  description: 'STRING_VALUE',
  outputSourceConfig: [
      outputS3Path: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
    /* more items */
  roleArn: 'STRING_VALUE'
entityresolution.updateIdMappingWorkflow(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • description — (String)

      A description of the workflow.

    • idMappingTechniques — (map)

      An object which defines the ID mapping technique and any additional configurations.

      • idMappingTyperequired — (String)

        The type of ID mapping.

        Possible values include:
        • "PROVIDER"
        • "RULE_BASED"
      • providerProperties — (map)

        An object which defines any additional configurations required by the provider service.

        • intermediateSourceConfiguration — (map)

          The Amazon S3 location that temporarily stores your data while it processes. Your information won't be saved permanently.

          • intermediateS3Pathrequired — (String)

            The Amazon S3 location (bucket and prefix). For example: s3://provider_bucket/DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET

        • providerConfiguration — (map)

          The required configuration fields to use with the provider service.

        • providerServiceArnrequired — (String)

          The ARN of the provider service.

      • ruleBasedProperties — (map)

        An object which defines any additional configurations required by rule-based matching.

        • attributeMatchingModelrequired — (String)

          The comparison type. You can either choose ONE_TO_ONE or MANY_TO_MANY as the attributeMatchingModel.

          If you choose MANY_TO_MANY, the system can match attributes across the sub-types of an attribute type. For example, if the value of the Email field of Profile A matches the value of the BusinessEmail field of Profile B, the two profiles are matched on the Email attribute type.

          If you choose ONE_TO_ONE, the system can only match attributes if the sub-types are an exact match. For example, for the Email attribute type, the system will only consider it a match if the value of the Email field of Profile A matches the value of the Email field of Profile B.

          Possible values include:
          • "ONE_TO_ONE"
          • "MANY_TO_MANY"
        • recordMatchingModelrequired — (String)

          The type of matching record that is allowed to be used in an ID mapping workflow.

          If the value is set to ONE_SOURCE_TO_ONE_TARGET, only one record in the source can be matched to the same record in the target.

          If the value is set to MANY_SOURCE_TO_ONE_TARGET, multiple records in the source can be matched to one record in the target.

          Possible values include:
        • ruleDefinitionTyperequired — (String)

          The set of rules you can use in an ID mapping workflow. The limitations specified for the source or target to define the match rules must be compatible.

          Possible values include:
          • "SOURCE"
          • "TARGET"
        • rules — (Array<map>)

          The rules that can be used for ID mapping.

          • matchingKeysrequired — (Array<String>)

            A list of MatchingKeys. The MatchingKeys must have been defined in the SchemaMapping. Two records are considered to match according to this rule if all of the MatchingKeys match.

          • ruleNamerequired — (String)

            A name for the matching rule.

    • inputSourceConfig — (Array<map>)

      A list of InputSource objects, which have the fields InputSourceARN and SchemaName.

      • inputSourceARNrequired — (String)

        An Glue table Amazon Resource Name (ARN) or a matching workflow ARN for the input source table.

      • schemaName — (String)

        The name of the schema to be retrieved.

      • type — (String)

        The type of ID namespace. There are two types: SOURCE and TARGET.

        The SOURCE contains configurations for sourceId data that will be processed in an ID mapping workflow.

        The TARGET contains a configuration of targetId which all sourceIds will resolve to.

        Possible values include:
        • "SOURCE"
        • "TARGET"
    • outputSourceConfig — (Array<map>)

      A list of OutputSource objects, each of which contains fields OutputS3Path and KMSArn.

      • KMSArn — (String)

        Customer KMS ARN for encryption at rest. If not provided, system will use an Entity Resolution managed KMS key.

      • outputS3Pathrequired — (String)

        The S3 path to which Entity Resolution will write the output table.

    • roleArn — (String)

      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role. Entity Resolution assumes this role to access Amazon Web Services resources on your behalf.

    • workflowName — (String)

      The name of the workflow.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • description — (String)

        A description of the workflow.

      • idMappingTechniques — (map)

        An object which defines the ID mapping technique and any additional configurations.

        • idMappingTyperequired — (String)

          The type of ID mapping.

          Possible values include:
          • "PROVIDER"
          • "RULE_BASED"
        • providerProperties — (map)

          An object which defines any additional configurations required by the provider service.

          • intermediateSourceConfiguration — (map)

            The Amazon S3 location that temporarily stores your data while it processes. Your information won't be saved permanently.

            • intermediateS3Pathrequired — (String)

              The Amazon S3 location (bucket and prefix). For example: s3://provider_bucket/DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET

          • providerConfiguration — (map)

            The required configuration fields to use with the provider service.

          • providerServiceArnrequired — (String)

            The ARN of the provider service.

        • ruleBasedProperties — (map)

          An object which defines any additional configurations required by rule-based matching.

          • attributeMatchingModelrequired — (String)

            The comparison type. You can either choose ONE_TO_ONE or MANY_TO_MANY as the attributeMatchingModel.

            If you choose MANY_TO_MANY, the system can match attributes across the sub-types of an attribute type. For example, if the value of the Email field of Profile A matches the value of the BusinessEmail field of Profile B, the two profiles are matched on the Email attribute type.

            If you choose ONE_TO_ONE, the system can only match attributes if the sub-types are an exact match. For example, for the Email attribute type, the system will only consider it a match if the value of the Email field of Profile A matches the value of the Email field of Profile B.

            Possible values include:
            • "ONE_TO_ONE"
            • "MANY_TO_MANY"
          • recordMatchingModelrequired — (String)

            The type of matching record that is allowed to be used in an ID mapping workflow.

            If the value is set to ONE_SOURCE_TO_ONE_TARGET, only one record in the source can be matched to the same record in the target.

            If the value is set to MANY_SOURCE_TO_ONE_TARGET, multiple records in the source can be matched to one record in the target.

            Possible values include:
            • "ONE_SOURCE_TO_ONE_TARGET"
          • ruleDefinitionTyperequired — (String)

            The set of rules you can use in an ID mapping workflow. The limitations specified for the source or target to define the match rules must be compatible.

            Possible values include:
            • "SOURCE"
            • "TARGET"
          • rules — (Array<map>)

            The rules that can be used for ID mapping.

            • matchingKeysrequired — (Array<String>)

              A list of MatchingKeys. The MatchingKeys must have been defined in the SchemaMapping. Two records are considered to match according to this rule if all of the MatchingKeys match.

            • ruleNamerequired — (String)

              A name for the matching rule.

      • inputSourceConfig — (Array<map>)

        A list of InputSource objects, which have the fields InputSourceARN and SchemaName.

        • inputSourceARNrequired — (String)

          An Glue table Amazon Resource Name (ARN) or a matching workflow ARN for the input source table.

        • schemaName — (String)

          The name of the schema to be retrieved.

        • type — (String)

          The type of ID namespace. There are two types: SOURCE and TARGET.

          The SOURCE contains configurations for sourceId data that will be processed in an ID mapping workflow.

          The TARGET contains a configuration of targetId which all sourceIds will resolve to.

          Possible values include:
          • "SOURCE"
          • "TARGET"
      • outputSourceConfig — (Array<map>)

        A list of OutputSource objects, each of which contains fields OutputS3Path and KMSArn.

        • KMSArn — (String)

          Customer KMS ARN for encryption at rest. If not provided, system will use an Entity Resolution managed KMS key.

        • outputS3Pathrequired — (String)

          The S3 path to which Entity Resolution will write the output table.

      • roleArn — (String)

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role. Entity Resolution assumes this role to access Amazon Web Services resources on your behalf.

      • workflowArn — (String)

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the workflow role. Entity Resolution assumes this role to access Amazon Web Services resources on your behalf.

      • workflowName — (String)

        The name of the workflow.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

updateIdNamespace(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Updates an existing ID namespace.

Service Reference:


Calling the updateIdNamespace operation

var params = {
  idNamespaceName: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  description: 'STRING_VALUE',
  idMappingWorkflowProperties: [
      idMappingType: PROVIDER | RULE_BASED, /* required */
      providerProperties: {
        providerServiceArn: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
        providerConfiguration: {
      ruleBasedProperties: {
        attributeMatchingModel: ONE_TO_ONE | MANY_TO_MANY,
        recordMatchingModels: [
          /* more items */
        ruleDefinitionTypes: [
          SOURCE | TARGET,
          /* more items */
        rules: [
            matchingKeys: [ /* required */
              /* more items */
            ruleName: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
          /* more items */
    /* more items */
  inputSourceConfig: [
      inputSourceARN: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
      schemaName: 'STRING_VALUE'
    /* more items */
  roleArn: 'STRING_VALUE'
entityresolution.updateIdNamespace(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • description — (String)

      The description of the ID namespace.

    • idMappingWorkflowProperties — (Array<map>)

      Determines the properties of IdMappingWorkflow where this IdNamespace can be used as a Source or a Target.

      • idMappingTyperequired — (String)

        The type of ID mapping.

        Possible values include:
        • "PROVIDER"
        • "RULE_BASED"
      • providerProperties — (map)

        An object which defines any additional configurations required by the provider service.

        • providerConfiguration — (map)

          An object which defines any additional configurations required by the provider service.

        • providerServiceArnrequired — (String)

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the provider service.

      • ruleBasedProperties — (map)

        An object which defines any additional configurations required by rule-based matching.

        • attributeMatchingModel — (String)

          The comparison type. You can either choose ONE_TO_ONE or MANY_TO_MANY as the attributeMatchingModel.

          If you choose MANY_TO_MANY, the system can match attributes across the sub-types of an attribute type. For example, if the value of the Email field of Profile A matches the value of BusinessEmail field of Profile B, the two profiles are matched on the Email attribute type.

          If you choose ONE_TO_ONE, the system can only match attributes if the sub-types are an exact match. For example, for the Email attribute type, the system will only consider it a match if the value of the Email field of Profile A matches the value of the Email field of Profile B.

          Possible values include:
          • "ONE_TO_ONE"
          • "MANY_TO_MANY"
        • recordMatchingModels — (Array<String>)

          The type of matching record that is allowed to be used in an ID mapping workflow.

          If the value is set to ONE_SOURCE_TO_ONE_TARGET, only one record in the source is matched to one record in the target.

          If the value is set to MANY_SOURCE_TO_ONE_TARGET, all matching records in the source are matched to one record in the target.

        • ruleDefinitionTypes — (Array<String>)

          The sets of rules you can use in an ID mapping workflow. The limitations specified for the source and target must be compatible.

        • rules — (Array<map>)

          The rules for the ID namespace.

          • matchingKeysrequired — (Array<String>)

            A list of MatchingKeys. The MatchingKeys must have been defined in the SchemaMapping. Two records are considered to match according to this rule if all of the MatchingKeys match.

          • ruleNamerequired — (String)

            A name for the matching rule.

    • idNamespaceName — (String)

      The name of the ID namespace.

    • inputSourceConfig — (Array<map>)

      A list of InputSource objects, which have the fields InputSourceARN and SchemaName.

      • inputSourceARNrequired — (String)

        An Glue table Amazon Resource Name (ARN) or a matching workflow ARN for the input source table.

      • schemaName — (String)

        The name of the schema.

    • roleArn — (String)

      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role. Entity Resolution assumes this role to access the resources defined in this IdNamespace on your behalf as part of a workflow run.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • createdAt — (Date)

        The timestamp of when the ID namespace was created.

      • description — (String)

        The description of the ID namespace.

      • idMappingWorkflowProperties — (Array<map>)

        Determines the properties of IdMappingWorkflow where this IdNamespace can be used as a Source or a Target.

        • idMappingTyperequired — (String)

          The type of ID mapping.

          Possible values include:
          • "PROVIDER"
          • "RULE_BASED"
        • providerProperties — (map)

          An object which defines any additional configurations required by the provider service.

          • providerConfiguration — (map)

            An object which defines any additional configurations required by the provider service.

          • providerServiceArnrequired — (String)

            The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the provider service.

        • ruleBasedProperties — (map)

          An object which defines any additional configurations required by rule-based matching.

          • attributeMatchingModel — (String)

            The comparison type. You can either choose ONE_TO_ONE or MANY_TO_MANY as the attributeMatchingModel.

            If you choose MANY_TO_MANY, the system can match attributes across the sub-types of an attribute type. For example, if the value of the Email field of Profile A matches the value of BusinessEmail field of Profile B, the two profiles are matched on the Email attribute type.

            If you choose ONE_TO_ONE, the system can only match attributes if the sub-types are an exact match. For example, for the Email attribute type, the system will only consider it a match if the value of the Email field of Profile A matches the value of the Email field of Profile B.

            Possible values include:
            • "ONE_TO_ONE"
            • "MANY_TO_MANY"
          • recordMatchingModels — (Array<String>)

            The type of matching record that is allowed to be used in an ID mapping workflow.

            If the value is set to ONE_SOURCE_TO_ONE_TARGET, only one record in the source is matched to one record in the target.

            If the value is set to MANY_SOURCE_TO_ONE_TARGET, all matching records in the source are matched to one record in the target.

          • ruleDefinitionTypes — (Array<String>)

            The sets of rules you can use in an ID mapping workflow. The limitations specified for the source and target must be compatible.

          • rules — (Array<map>)

            The rules for the ID namespace.

            • matchingKeysrequired — (Array<String>)

              A list of MatchingKeys. The MatchingKeys must have been defined in the SchemaMapping. Two records are considered to match according to this rule if all of the MatchingKeys match.

            • ruleNamerequired — (String)

              A name for the matching rule.

      • idNamespaceArn — (String)

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the ID namespace.

      • idNamespaceName — (String)

        The name of the ID namespace.

      • inputSourceConfig — (Array<map>)

        A list of InputSource objects, which have the fields InputSourceARN and SchemaName.

        • inputSourceARNrequired — (String)

          An Glue table Amazon Resource Name (ARN) or a matching workflow ARN for the input source table.

        • schemaName — (String)

          The name of the schema.

      • roleArn — (String)

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role. Entity Resolution assumes this role to access the resources defined in this IdNamespace on your behalf as part of a workflow run.

      • type — (String)

        The type of ID namespace. There are two types: SOURCE and TARGET.

        The SOURCE contains configurations for sourceId data that will be processed in an ID mapping workflow.

        The TARGET contains a configuration of targetId to which all sourceIds will resolve to.

        Possible values include:
        • "SOURCE"
        • "TARGET"
      • updatedAt — (Date)

        The timestamp of when the ID namespace was last updated.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

updateMatchingWorkflow(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Updates an existing MatchingWorkflow. This method is identical to CreateMatchingWorkflow, except it uses an HTTP PUT request instead of a POST request, and the MatchingWorkflow must already exist for the method to succeed.

Service Reference:


Calling the updateMatchingWorkflow operation

var params = {
  inputSourceConfig: [ /* required */
      inputSourceARN: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
      schemaName: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
      applyNormalization: true || false
    /* more items */
  outputSourceConfig: [ /* required */
      output: [ /* required */
          name: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
          hashed: true || false
        /* more items */
      outputS3Path: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
      applyNormalization: true || false
    /* more items */
  resolutionTechniques: { /* required */
    resolutionType: RULE_MATCHING | ML_MATCHING | PROVIDER, /* required */
    providerProperties: {
      providerServiceArn: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
      intermediateSourceConfiguration: {
        intermediateS3Path: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
      providerConfiguration: {
    ruleBasedProperties: {
      attributeMatchingModel: ONE_TO_ONE | MANY_TO_MANY, /* required */
      rules: [ /* required */
          matchingKeys: [ /* required */
            /* more items */
          ruleName: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
        /* more items */
  roleArn: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  workflowName: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  description: 'STRING_VALUE',
  incrementalRunConfig: {
    incrementalRunType: IMMEDIATE
entityresolution.updateMatchingWorkflow(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • description — (String)

      A description of the workflow.

    • incrementalRunConfig — (map)

      An object which defines an incremental run type and has only incrementalRunType as a field.

      • incrementalRunType — (String)

        The type of incremental run. It takes only one value: IMMEDIATE.

        Possible values include:
        • "IMMEDIATE"
    • inputSourceConfig — (Array<map>)

      A list of InputSource objects, which have the fields InputSourceARN and SchemaName.

      • applyNormalization — (Boolean)

        Normalizes the attributes defined in the schema in the input data. For example, if an attribute has an AttributeType of PHONE_NUMBER, and the data in the input table is in a format of 1234567890, Entity Resolution will normalize this field in the output to (123)-456-7890.

      • inputSourceARNrequired — (String)

        An Glue table Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the input source table.

      • schemaNamerequired — (String)

        The name of the schema to be retrieved.

    • outputSourceConfig — (Array<map>)

      A list of OutputSource objects, each of which contains fields OutputS3Path, ApplyNormalization, and Output.

      • KMSArn — (String)

        Customer KMS ARN for encryption at rest. If not provided, system will use an Entity Resolution managed KMS key.

      • applyNormalization — (Boolean)

        Normalizes the attributes defined in the schema in the input data. For example, if an attribute has an AttributeType of PHONE_NUMBER, and the data in the input table is in a format of 1234567890, Entity Resolution will normalize this field in the output to (123)-456-7890.

      • outputrequired — (Array<map>)

        A list of OutputAttribute objects, each of which have the fields Name and Hashed. Each of these objects selects a column to be included in the output table, and whether the values of the column should be hashed.

        • hashed — (Boolean)

          Enables the ability to hash the column values in the output.

        • namerequired — (String)

          A name of a column to be written to the output. This must be an InputField name in the schema mapping.

      • outputS3Pathrequired — (String)

        The S3 path to which Entity Resolution will write the output table.

    • resolutionTechniques — (map)

      An object which defines the resolutionType and the ruleBasedProperties.

      • providerProperties — (map)

        The properties of the provider service.

        • intermediateSourceConfiguration — (map)

          The Amazon S3 location that temporarily stores your data while it processes. Your information won't be saved permanently.

          • intermediateS3Pathrequired — (String)

            The Amazon S3 location (bucket and prefix). For example: s3://provider_bucket/DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET

        • providerConfiguration — (map)

          The required configuration fields to use with the provider service.

        • providerServiceArnrequired — (String)

          The ARN of the provider service.

      • resolutionTyperequired — (String)

        The type of matching. There are three types of matching: RULE_MATCHING, ML_MATCHING, and PROVIDER.

        Possible values include:
        • "RULE_MATCHING"
        • "ML_MATCHING"
        • "PROVIDER"
      • ruleBasedProperties — (map)

        An object which defines the list of matching rules to run and has a field Rules, which is a list of rule objects.

        • attributeMatchingModelrequired — (String)

          The comparison type. You can either choose ONE_TO_ONE or MANY_TO_MANY as the attributeMatchingModel.

          If you choose MANY_TO_MANY, the system can match attributes across the sub-types of an attribute type. For example, if the value of the Email field of Profile A and the value of BusinessEmail field of Profile B matches, the two profiles are matched on the Email attribute type.

          If you choose ONE_TO_ONE, the system can only match attributes if the sub-types are an exact match. For example, for the Email attribute type, the system will only consider it a match if the value of the Email field of Profile A matches the value of the Email field of Profile B.

          Possible values include:
          • "ONE_TO_ONE"
          • "MANY_TO_MANY"
        • matchPurpose — (String)

          An indicator of whether to generate IDs and index the data or not.

          If you choose IDENTIFIER_GENERATION, the process generates IDs and indexes the data.

          If you choose INDEXING, the process indexes the data without generating IDs.

          Possible values include:
          • "INDEXING"
        • rulesrequired — (Array<map>)

          A list of Rule objects, each of which have fields RuleName and MatchingKeys.

          • matchingKeysrequired — (Array<String>)

            A list of MatchingKeys. The MatchingKeys must have been defined in the SchemaMapping. Two records are considered to match according to this rule if all of the MatchingKeys match.

          • ruleNamerequired — (String)

            A name for the matching rule.

    • roleArn — (String)

      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role. Entity Resolution assumes this role to create resources on your behalf as part of workflow execution.

    • workflowName — (String)

      The name of the workflow to be retrieved.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • description — (String)

        A description of the workflow.

      • incrementalRunConfig — (map)

        An object which defines an incremental run type and has only incrementalRunType as a field.

        • incrementalRunType — (String)

          The type of incremental run. It takes only one value: IMMEDIATE.

          Possible values include:
          • "IMMEDIATE"
      • inputSourceConfig — (Array<map>)

        A list of InputSource objects, which have the fields InputSourceARN and SchemaName.

        • applyNormalization — (Boolean)

          Normalizes the attributes defined in the schema in the input data. For example, if an attribute has an AttributeType of PHONE_NUMBER, and the data in the input table is in a format of 1234567890, Entity Resolution will normalize this field in the output to (123)-456-7890.

        • inputSourceARNrequired — (String)

          An Glue table Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the input source table.

        • schemaNamerequired — (String)

          The name of the schema to be retrieved.

      • outputSourceConfig — (Array<map>)

        A list of OutputSource objects, each of which contains fields OutputS3Path, ApplyNormalization, and Output.

        • KMSArn — (String)

          Customer KMS ARN for encryption at rest. If not provided, system will use an Entity Resolution managed KMS key.

        • applyNormalization — (Boolean)

          Normalizes the attributes defined in the schema in the input data. For example, if an attribute has an AttributeType of PHONE_NUMBER, and the data in the input table is in a format of 1234567890, Entity Resolution will normalize this field in the output to (123)-456-7890.

        • outputrequired — (Array<map>)

          A list of OutputAttribute objects, each of which have the fields Name and Hashed. Each of these objects selects a column to be included in the output table, and whether the values of the column should be hashed.

          • hashed — (Boolean)

            Enables the ability to hash the column values in the output.

          • namerequired — (String)

            A name of a column to be written to the output. This must be an InputField name in the schema mapping.

        • outputS3Pathrequired — (String)

          The S3 path to which Entity Resolution will write the output table.

      • resolutionTechniques — (map)

        An object which defines the resolutionType and the ruleBasedProperties

        • providerProperties — (map)

          The properties of the provider service.

          • intermediateSourceConfiguration — (map)

            The Amazon S3 location that temporarily stores your data while it processes. Your information won't be saved permanently.

            • intermediateS3Pathrequired — (String)

              The Amazon S3 location (bucket and prefix). For example: s3://provider_bucket/DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET

          • providerConfiguration — (map)

            The required configuration fields to use with the provider service.

          • providerServiceArnrequired — (String)

            The ARN of the provider service.

        • resolutionTyperequired — (String)

          The type of matching. There are three types of matching: RULE_MATCHING, ML_MATCHING, and PROVIDER.

          Possible values include:
          • "RULE_MATCHING"
          • "ML_MATCHING"
          • "PROVIDER"
        • ruleBasedProperties — (map)

          An object which defines the list of matching rules to run and has a field Rules, which is a list of rule objects.

          • attributeMatchingModelrequired — (String)

            The comparison type. You can either choose ONE_TO_ONE or MANY_TO_MANY as the attributeMatchingModel.

            If you choose MANY_TO_MANY, the system can match attributes across the sub-types of an attribute type. For example, if the value of the Email field of Profile A and the value of BusinessEmail field of Profile B matches, the two profiles are matched on the Email attribute type.

            If you choose ONE_TO_ONE, the system can only match attributes if the sub-types are an exact match. For example, for the Email attribute type, the system will only consider it a match if the value of the Email field of Profile A matches the value of the Email field of Profile B.

            Possible values include:
            • "ONE_TO_ONE"
            • "MANY_TO_MANY"
          • matchPurpose — (String)

            An indicator of whether to generate IDs and index the data or not.

            If you choose IDENTIFIER_GENERATION, the process generates IDs and indexes the data.

            If you choose INDEXING, the process indexes the data without generating IDs.

            Possible values include:
            • "INDEXING"
          • rulesrequired — (Array<map>)

            A list of Rule objects, each of which have fields RuleName and MatchingKeys.

            • matchingKeysrequired — (Array<String>)

              A list of MatchingKeys. The MatchingKeys must have been defined in the SchemaMapping. Two records are considered to match according to this rule if all of the MatchingKeys match.

            • ruleNamerequired — (String)

              A name for the matching rule.

      • roleArn — (String)

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role. Entity Resolution assumes this role to create resources on your behalf as part of workflow execution.

      • workflowName — (String)

        The name of the workflow.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.

updateSchemaMapping(params = {}, callback) ⇒ AWS.Request

Updates a schema mapping.

Note: A schema is immutable if it is being used by a workflow. Therefore, you can't update a schema mapping if it's associated with a workflow.

Service Reference:


Calling the updateSchemaMapping operation

var params = {
  mappedInputFields: [ /* required */
      fieldName: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
      groupName: 'STRING_VALUE',
      hashed: true || false,
      matchKey: 'STRING_VALUE',
      subType: 'STRING_VALUE'
    /* more items */
  schemaName: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  description: 'STRING_VALUE'
entityresolution.updateSchemaMapping(params, function(err, data) {
  if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
  else     console.log(data);           // successful response


  • params (Object) (defaults to: {})
    • description — (String)

      A description of the schema.

    • mappedInputFields — (Array<map>)

      A list of MappedInputFields. Each MappedInputField corresponds to a column the source data table, and contains column name plus additional information that Entity Resolution uses for matching.

      • fieldNamerequired — (String)

        A string containing the field name.

      • groupName — (String)

        A string that instructs Entity Resolution to combine several columns into a unified column with the identical attribute type.

        For example, when working with columns such as first_name, middle_name, and last_name, assigning them a common groupName will prompt Entity Resolution to concatenate them into a single value.

      • hashed — (Boolean)

        Indicates if the column values are hashed in the schema input. If the value is set to TRUE, the column values are hashed. If the value is set to FALSE, the column values are cleartext.

      • matchKey — (String)

        A key that allows grouping of multiple input attributes into a unified matching group.

        For example, consider a scenario where the source table contains various addresses, such as business_address and shipping_address. By assigning a matchKey called address to both attributes, Entity Resolution will match records across these fields to create a consolidated matching group.

        If no matchKey is specified for a column, it won't be utilized for matching purposes but will still be included in the output table.

      • subType — (String)

        The subtype of the attribute, selected from a list of values.

      • typerequired — (String)

        The type of the attribute, selected from a list of values.

        Possible values include:
        • "NAME"
        • "NAME_FIRST"
        • "NAME_MIDDLE"
        • "NAME_LAST"
        • "ADDRESS"
        • "ADDRESS_STREET1"
        • "ADDRESS_STREET2"
        • "ADDRESS_STREET3"
        • "ADDRESS_CITY"
        • "ADDRESS_STATE"
        • "PHONE"
        • "PHONE_NUMBER"
        • "EMAIL_ADDRESS"
        • "UNIQUE_ID"
        • "DATE"
        • "STRING"
        • "PROVIDER_ID"
    • schemaName — (String)

      The name of the schema. There can't be multiple SchemaMappings with the same name.

Callback (callback):

  • function(err, data) { ... }

    Called when a response from the service is returned. If a callback is not supplied, you must call AWS.Request.send() on the returned request object to initiate the request.

    Context (this):

    • (AWS.Response)

      the response object containing error, data properties, and the original request object.


    • err (Error)

      the error object returned from the request. Set to null if the request is successful.

    • data (Object)

      the de-serialized data returned from the request. Set to null if a request error occurs. The data object has the following properties:

      • description — (String)

        A description of the schema.

      • mappedInputFields — (Array<map>)

        A list of MappedInputFields. Each MappedInputField corresponds to a column the source data table, and contains column name plus additional information that Entity Resolution uses for matching.

        • fieldNamerequired — (String)

          A string containing the field name.

        • groupName — (String)

          A string that instructs Entity Resolution to combine several columns into a unified column with the identical attribute type.

          For example, when working with columns such as first_name, middle_name, and last_name, assigning them a common groupName will prompt Entity Resolution to concatenate them into a single value.

        • hashed — (Boolean)

          Indicates if the column values are hashed in the schema input. If the value is set to TRUE, the column values are hashed. If the value is set to FALSE, the column values are cleartext.

        • matchKey — (String)

          A key that allows grouping of multiple input attributes into a unified matching group.

          For example, consider a scenario where the source table contains various addresses, such as business_address and shipping_address. By assigning a matchKey called address to both attributes, Entity Resolution will match records across these fields to create a consolidated matching group.

          If no matchKey is specified for a column, it won't be utilized for matching purposes but will still be included in the output table.

        • subType — (String)

          The subtype of the attribute, selected from a list of values.

        • typerequired — (String)

          The type of the attribute, selected from a list of values.

          Possible values include:
          • "NAME"
          • "NAME_FIRST"
          • "NAME_MIDDLE"
          • "NAME_LAST"
          • "ADDRESS"
          • "ADDRESS_STREET1"
          • "ADDRESS_STREET2"
          • "ADDRESS_STREET3"
          • "ADDRESS_CITY"
          • "ADDRESS_STATE"
          • "ADDRESS_COUNTRY"
          • "PHONE"
          • "PHONE_NUMBER"
          • "EMAIL_ADDRESS"
          • "UNIQUE_ID"
          • "DATE"
          • "STRING"
          • "PROVIDER_ID"
      • schemaArn — (String)

        The ARN (Amazon Resource Name) that Entity Resolution generated for the SchemaMapping.

      • schemaName — (String)

        The name of the schema.


  • (AWS.Request)

    a handle to the operation request for subsequent event callback registration.