Using the sandbox
Many requesters choose to test their Amazon Mechanical Turk (Mechanical Turk) tasks in the sandbox environment. The sandbox is a mirror image of the production marketplace and is a useful way to test task interfaces and processes without spending money on worker rewards or fees. In the sandbox environment, you can perform all of the same operations you can perform in the production environment, such as creating HITs and retrieving results. This can be a great way to test your task interface and confirm that the results you receive meet your needs.
Because the sandbox is a mirror of production environment, you need to complete account
setup a second time, as described in Set up Amazon Mechanical Turk. To enable easy switching between testing and
production, you can link to the same AWS account and use the same AWS credentials. To switch
to the sandbox environment, simply specify that you want the CLI or SDK to use the sandbox
endpoint (
API calls using the CLI
When using the sandbox from the AWS CLI, you need to specify the sandbox endpoint with
each operation as shown in the following GetAccountBalance
aws mturk get-account-balance --endpoint
This returns an available balance of 10000.00, the default balance in the sandbox.
API calls using the Python SDK (boto3)
The Python AWS SDK, like all of the AWS SDKs, allows you to specify the endpoint when
you instantiate a Mechanical Turk client. The following example shows how you would create a client and
make a request using the GetAccountBalance
import boto3 client = boto3.client( 'mturk', endpoint_url='' ) print(client.get_account_balance()['AvailableBalance'])
This returns an available balance of 10000.00, the default balance in the sandbox.
Testing HITs
To test your HITs in the sandbox, you can use the same operations described in Creating HITs,
provided you've configured the SDK or CLI to use the sandbox endpoint. When you create HITs
in the sandbox, they are published to
When HITs are completed in the sandbox environment, you can retrieve results using the same operations as those described in the following sections of this guide.