Invalidate files to remove content
If you need to remove a file from CloudFront edge caches before it expires, you can do one of the following:
Invalidate the file from edge caches. The next time a viewer requests the file, CloudFront returns to the origin to fetch the latest version of the file.
Use file versioning to serve a different version of the file that has a different name. For more information, see Update existing files using versioned file names.
Choose between invalidating files and using versioned file names
To control the versions of files that are served from your distribution, you can either invalidate files or give them versioned file names. If you want to update your files frequently, we recommend that you primarily use file versioning for the following reasons:
Versioning enables you to control which file a request returns even when the user has a version cached either locally or behind a corporate caching proxy. If you invalidate the file, the user might continue to see the old version until it expires from those caches.
CloudFront access logs include the names of your files, so versioning makes it easier to analyze the results of file changes.
Versioning provides a way to serve different versions of files to different users.
Versioning simplifies rolling forward and back between file revisions.
Versioning is less expensive. You still have to pay for CloudFront to transfer new versions of your files to edge locations, but you don't have to pay for invalidating files.
For more information about file versioning, see Update existing files using versioned file names.