Test a distribution - Amazon CloudFront

Test a distribution

After you've created your distribution, CloudFront knows where your origin server is, and you know the domain name associated with the distribution. To test your distribution, do the following:

  1. Wait until your distribution is deployed.

    • View your distribution Details in the console. When your distribution is done deploying, the Last modified field changes from Deploying to a date and time.

  2. Create links to your objects with the CloudFront domain name by using the following procedure.

  3. Test the links. CloudFront serves the objects to your webpage or application.

Use the following procedure to create test links for the objects in your CloudFront web distribution.

To create links to objects in a web distribution
  1. Copy the following HTML code into a new file, replace domain-name with your distribution's domain name, and replace object-name with the name of your object.

    <html> <head>My CloudFront Test</head> <body> <p>My text content goes here.</p> <p><img src="https://domain-name/object-name" alt="my test image" </body> </html>

    For example, if your domain name were d111111abcdef8.cloudfront.net and your object were image.jpg, the URL for the link would be:


    If your object is in a folder on your origin server, then the folder must also be included in the URL. For example, if image.jpg were located in the images folder on your origin server, then the URL would be:


  2. Save the HTML code in a file that has an .html file name extension.

  3. Open your webpage in a browser to ensure that you can see your object.

The browser returns your page with the embedded image file, served from the edge location that CloudFront determined was appropriate to serve the object.