HTTP 404 status code (Not Found)
CloudFront returns a 404 (Not Found) error when the client attempts to access a resource that doesn’t exist. If you receive this error with your CloudFront distribution, common causes include the following:
Resource doesn't exist.
URL is incorrect.
Custom origin returning a 404.
Custom error pages returning a 404. (Any error code might be translated to 404.) For more information, see How CloudFront processes errors when you have configured custom error pages.
Custom error page accidentally deleted, resulting in a 404 because the request looks for the deleted custom error page. For more information, see How CloudFront processes errors when you have not configured custom error pages.
Incorrect origin path. If the origin path is populated, its value is appended to the path of each request from the browser before the request is forwarded to the origin. For more information, see Origin path.