Delete a key value store - Amazon CloudFront

Delete a key value store

You can delete your key value store by using the Amazon CloudFront console or API.

To delete a key value store
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Functions page in the CloudFront console at

  2. Choose the function name.

  3. Under the Associated KeyValueStore section, verify if a key value store is associated with the function. If it is, remove the association by choosing Disassociate KeyValueStore and then choose Remove association.

  4. In the navigation pane, choose the Functions page and then choose the KeyValueStores tab.

  5. Select the key value store that you want to delete and then choose Delete.

To delete a key value store
  1. Get the ETag and the name of the key value stores. For more information, see Get a reference to a key value store.

  2. Verify if the key value stores is associated with a function. If it is, remove the association. For more information on both these steps, see Update functions.

  3. After you have the name and ETag of the key value store and it's no longer associated with a function, you can delete it.

    Run the following command to delete the specified key value store.

    aws cloudfront delete-key-value-store \ --name=keyvaluestore1 \ --if-match=E3UN6WX5RRO2AG
To delete a key value store
  1. Get the ETag and the name of the key value stores. For more information, see Get a reference to a key value store.

  2. Verify if the key value stores is associated with a function. If it is, remove the association. For more information on both these steps, see Update functions.

  3. To delete the key value store, use the CloudFront DeleteKeyValueStore API operation.