Based on the number of items that a field contains, this command discards the current record and generates new records.
Each record includes the unnested_field
, which represents each item.
All other fields are from the original record.
The input for unnest
needs to be LIST
, which can come from the jsonParse
Any other types, such as MAP
, String
and numbers
, are treated as a list with one item in unnest
Command structure
The following example describes the format of this command.
unnest field into unnested_field
Example query
The following example parses a JSON object string and expands a list of field events.
fields jsonParse(@message) as json_message | unnest json_message.events into event
Example query
The following example flattens a list and then filters out items.
fields jsonParse(@message) as js | unnest js.accounts into account | filter account.type = "internal"
Example query
The following example flattens a list for aggregation.
fields jsonParse(trimmedData) as accounts | unnest accounts into account | stats sum(account.droppedSpans) as n by account.accountId | sort n desc | limit 10