Upgrading to Container Insights with enhanced observability for Amazon EKS in CloudWatch - Amazon CloudWatch

Upgrading to Container Insights with enhanced observability for Amazon EKS in CloudWatch


If you are upgrading or installing Container Insights on an Amazon EKS cluster, we recommend that you use the Amazon CloudWatch Observability EKS add-on for the installation, instead of using the instructions in this section. Additionally, to retrieve accelerated computing metrics, you must use the Amazon CloudWatch Observability EKS add-on. For more information and instructions, see Install the Amazon CloudWatch Observability EKS add-on.

Container Insights with enhanced observability for Amazon EKS is the newest version of Container Insights. It collects detailed metrics from clusters running Amazon EKS and offers curated, immediately usable dashboards to drill down into application and infrastructure telemetry. For more information about this version of Container Insights, see Container Insights with enhanced observability for Amazon EKS.

If you have installed the original version of Container Insights in an Amazon EKS cluster and you want to upgrade it to the newer version with enhanced observability, follow the instructions in this section.


Before completing the steps in this section, you must have verified the prerequisites including cert-manager. For more information, see Quick Start with the CloudWatch agent operator and Fluent Bit.

To upgrade an Amazon EKS cluster to Container Insights with enhanced observability for Amazon EKS
  1. Install the CloudWatch agent operator by entering the following command. Replace my-cluster-name with the name of your Amazon EKS or Kubernetes cluster, and replace my-cluster-region with the name of the Region where the logs are published. We recommend that you use the same Region where your cluster is deployed to reduce the AWS outbound data transfer costs.

    ClusterName=my-cluster-name RegionName=my-cluster-region curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aws-samples/amazon-cloudwatch-container-insights/main/k8s-quickstart/cwagent-operator-rendered.yaml | sed 's/{{cluster_name}}/'${ClusterName}'/g;s/{{region_name}}/'${RegionName}'/g' | kubectl apply -f -

    If you notice a failure caused by conflicting resources, it is likely because you already have the CloudWatch agent and Fluent Bit with its associated components such as the ServiceAccount, the ClusterRole and the ClusterRoleBinding installed on the cluster. When the CloudWatch agent operator tries to install the CloudWatch agent and its associated components, if it detects any change in the contents, it by default fails the installation or update to avoid overwriting the state of the resources on the cluster. We recommend that you delete any existing CloudWatch agent with Container Insights setup that you had previously installed on the cluster, and then install the CloudWatch agent operator.

  2. (Optional) To apply an existing custom Fluent Bit configuration, you must update the configmap associated with the Fluent Bit daemonset. The CloudWatch agent operator provides a default configuration for Fluent Bit, and you can override or modify the default configuration as needed. To apply a custom configuration, follow these steps.

    1. Open the existing configuration by entering the following command.

      kubectl edit cm fluent-bit-config -n amazon-cloudwatch
    2. Make your changes in the file, then enter :wq to save the file and exit edit mode.

    3. Restart Fluent Bit by entering the following command.

      kubectl rollout restart fluent-bit -n amazon-cloudwatch