Deleting the CloudWatch agent and Fluent Bit for Container Insights
If you installed Container Insights by using installing the CloudWatch Observability add-on for Amazon EKS, you can delete Container Insights and the CloudWatch agent by entering the following command:
The Amazon EKS add-on now supports Container Insights on Windows worker nodes. If you delete the Amazon EKS add-on, Container Insights for Windows is also deleted.
aws eks delete-addon —cluster-name my-cluster —addon-name amazon-cloudwatch-observability
Otherwise, to delete all resources related to the CloudWatch agent and Fluent Bit, enter the
following command. In this command, My_Cluster_Name
is the name
of your Amazon EKS or Kubernetes cluster, and My_Region
is the name
of the Region where the logs are published.
curl | sed 's/{{cluster_name}}/'${ClusterName}'/g;s/{{region_name}}/'${RegionName}'/g' | kubectl delete -f - curl | kubectl delete -f -