Create and configure CloudWatch Application Insights monitoring using CloudFormation templates - Amazon CloudWatch

Create and configure CloudWatch Application Insights monitoring using CloudFormation templates

You can add Application Insights monitoring, including key metrics and telemetry, to your application, database, and web server, directly from AWS CloudFormation templates.

This section provides sample AWS CloudFormation templates in both JSON and YAML formats to help you create and configure Application Insights monitoring.

To view the Application Insights resource and property reference in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide, see ApplicationInsights resource type reference.

Create an Application Insights application for the entire AWS CloudFormation stack

To apply the following template, you must create AWS resources and one or more resource groups from which to create Application Insights applications to monitor those resources. For more information, see Getting started with AWS Resource Groups.

The first two parts of the following template specify a resource and a resource group. The last part of the template creates an Application Insights application for the resource group, but does not configure the application or apply monitoring. For more information, see the CreateApplication command details in the Amazon CloudWatch Application Insights API Reference.

Template in JSON format

{ "AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09", "Description": "Test Resource Group stack", "Resources": { "EC2Instance": { "Type": "AWS::EC2::Instance", "Properties": { "ImageId" : "ami-abcd1234efgh5678i", "SecurityGroupIds" : ["sg-abcd1234"] } }, ... "ResourceGroup": { "Type": "AWS::ResourceGroups::Group", "Properties": { "Name": "my_resource_group" } }, "AppInsightsApp": { "Type": "AWS::ApplicationInsights::Application", "Properties": { "ResourceGroupName": "my_resource_group" }, "DependsOn" : "ResourceGroup" } } }

Template in YAML format

--- AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' Description: Test Resource Group stack Resources: EC2Instance: Type: AWS::EC2::Instance Properties: ImageId: ami-abcd1234efgh5678i SecurityGroupIds: - sg-abcd1234 ... ResourceGroup: Type: AWS::ResourceGroups::Group Properties: Name: my_resource_group AppInsightsApp: Type: AWS::ApplicationInsights::Application Properties: ResourceGroupName: my_resource_group DependsOn: ResourceGroup

The following template section applies the default monitoring configuration to the Application Insights application. For more information, see the CreateApplication command details in the Amazon CloudWatch Application Insights API Reference.

When AutoConfigurationEnabled is set to true, all components of the application are configured with the recommended monitoring settings for the DEFAULT application tier. For more information about these settings and tiers, see DescribeComponentConfigurationRecommendation and UpdateComponentConfiguration in the Amazon CloudWatch Application Insights API Reference.

Template in JSON format

{ "AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09", "Description": "Test Application Insights Application stack", "Resources": { "AppInsightsApp": { "Type": "AWS::ApplicationInsights::Application", "Properties": { "ResourceGroupName": "my_resource_group", "AutoConfigurationEnabled": true } } } }

Template in YAML format

--- AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' Description: Test Application Insights Application stack Resources: AppInsightsApp: Type: AWS::ApplicationInsights::Application Properties: ResourceGroupName: my_resource_group AutoConfigurationEnabled: true

Create an Application Insights application with detailed settings

The following template performs these actions:

  • Creates an Application Insights application with CloudWatch Events notification and OpsCenter enabled. For more information, see the CreateApplication command details in the Amazon CloudWatch Application Insights API Reference.

  • Tags the application with two tags, one of which has no tag values. For more information, see TagResource in the Amazon CloudWatch Application Insights API Reference.

  • Creates two custom instance group components. For more information, see CreateComponent in the Amazon CloudWatch Application Insights API Reference.

  • Creates two log pattern sets. For more information, see CreateLogPattern in the Amazon CloudWatch Application Insights API Reference.

  • Sets AutoConfigurationEnabled to true, which configures all components of the application with the recommended monitoring settings for the DEFAULT tier. For more information, see DescribeComponentConfigurationRecommendation in the Amazon CloudWatch Application Insights API Reference.

Template in JSON format

{ "Type": "AWS::ApplicationInsights::Application", "Properties": { "ResourceGroupName": "my_resource_group", "CWEMonitorEnabled": true, "OpsCenterEnabled": true, "OpsItemSNSTopicArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:123456789012:my_topic", "AutoConfigurationEnabled": true, "Tags": [ { "Key": "key1", "Value": "value1" }, { "Key": "key2", "Value": "" } ], "CustomComponents": [ { "ComponentName": "test_component_1", "ResourceList": [ "arn:aws:ec2:us-east-1:123456789012:instance/i-abcd1234efgh5678i" ] }, { "ComponentName": "test_component_2", "ResourceList": [ "arn:aws:ec2:us-east-1:123456789012:instance/i-abcd1234efgh5678i", "arn:aws:ec2:us-east-1:123456789012:instance/i-abcd1234efgh5678i" ] } ], "LogPatternSets": [ { "PatternSetName": "pattern_set_1", "LogPatterns": [ { "PatternName": "deadlock_pattern", "Pattern": ".*\\sDeadlocked\\sSchedulers(([^\\w].*)|($))", "Rank": 1 } ] }, { "PatternSetName": "pattern_set_2", "LogPatterns": [ { "PatternName": "error_pattern", "Pattern": ".*[\\s\\[]ERROR[\\s\\]].*", "Rank": 1 }, { "PatternName": "warning_pattern", "Pattern": ".*[\\s\\[]WARN(ING)?[\\s\\]].*", "Rank": 10 } ] } ] } }

Template in YAML format

--- Type: AWS::ApplicationInsights::Application Properties: ResourceGroupName: my_resource_group CWEMonitorEnabled: true OpsCenterEnabled: true OpsItemSNSTopicArn: arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:123456789012:my_topic AutoConfigurationEnabled: true Tags: - Key: key1 Value: value1 - Key: key2 Value: '' CustomComponents: - ComponentName: test_component_1 ResourceList: - arn:aws:ec2:us-east-1:123456789012:instance/i-abcd1234efgh5678i - ComponentName: test_component_2 ResourceList: - arn:aws:ec2:us-east-1:123456789012:instance/i-abcd1234efgh5678i - arn:aws:ec2:us-east-1:123456789012:instance/i-abcd1234efgh5678i LogPatternSets: - PatternSetName: pattern_set_1 LogPatterns: - PatternName: deadlock_pattern Pattern: ".*\\sDeadlocked\\sSchedulers(([^\\w].*)|($))" Rank: 1 - PatternSetName: pattern_set_2 LogPatterns: - PatternName: error_pattern Pattern: ".*[\\s\\[]ERROR[\\s\\]].*" Rank: 1 - PatternName: warning_pattern Pattern: ".*[\\s\\[]WARN(ING)?[\\s\\]].*" Rank: 10

Create an Application Insights application with CUSTOM mode component configuration

The following template performs these actions:

  • Creates an Application Insights application. For more information, see CreateApplication in the Amazon CloudWatch Application Insights API Reference.

  • Component my_component sets ComponentConfigurationMode to CUSTOM, which causes this component to be configured with the configuration specified in CustomComponentConfiguration. For more information, see UpdateComponentConfiguration in the Amazon CloudWatch Application Insights API Reference.

Template in JSON format

{ "Type": "AWS::ApplicationInsights::Application", "Properties": { "ResourceGroupName": "my_resource_group, "ComponentMonitoringSettings": [ { "ComponentARN": "my_component", "Tier": "SQL_SERVER", "ComponentConfigurationMode": "CUSTOM", "CustomComponentConfiguration": { "ConfigurationDetails": { "AlarmMetrics": [ { "AlarmMetricName": "StatusCheckFailed" }, ... ], "Logs": [ { "LogGroupName": "my_log_group_1", "LogPath": "C:\\LogFolder_1\\*", "LogType": "DOT_NET_CORE", "Encoding": "utf-8", "PatternSet": "my_pattern_set_1" }, ... ], "WindowsEvents": [ { "LogGroupName": "my_windows_event_log_group_1", "EventName": "Application", "EventLevels": [ "ERROR", "WARNING", ... ], "Encoding": "utf-8", "PatternSet": "my_pattern_set_2" }, ... ], "Alarms": [ { "AlarmName": "my_alarm_name", "Severity": "HIGH" }, ... ] }, "SubComponentTypeConfigurations": [ { "SubComponentType": "EC2_INSTANCE", "SubComponentConfigurationDetails": { "AlarmMetrics": [ { "AlarmMetricName": "DiskReadOps" }, ... ], "Logs": [ { "LogGroupName": "my_log_group_2", "LogPath": "C:\\LogFolder_2\\*", "LogType": "IIS", "Encoding": "utf-8", "PatternSet": "my_pattern_set_3" }, ... ], "processes" : [ { "processName" : "my_process", "alarmMetrics" : [ { "alarmMetricName" : "procstat cpu_usage", "monitor" : true }, { "alarmMetricName" : "procstat memory_rss", "monitor" : true } ] } ], "WindowsEvents": [ { "LogGroupName": "my_windows_event_log_group_2", "EventName": "Application", "EventLevels": [ "ERROR", "WARNING", ... ], "Encoding": "utf-8", "PatternSet": "my_pattern_set_4" }, ... ] } } ] } } ] } }

Template in YAML format

--- Type: AWS::ApplicationInsights::Application Properties: ResourceGroupName: my_resource_group ComponentMonitoringSettings: - ComponentARN: my_component Tier: SQL_SERVER ComponentConfigurationMode: CUSTOM CustomComponentConfiguration: ConfigurationDetails: AlarmMetrics: - AlarmMetricName: StatusCheckFailed ... Logs: - LogGroupName: my_log_group_1 LogPath: C:\LogFolder_1\* LogType: DOT_NET_CORE Encoding: utf-8 PatternSet: my_pattern_set_1 ... WindowsEvents: - LogGroupName: my_windows_event_log_group_1 EventName: Application EventLevels: - ERROR - WARNING ... Encoding: utf-8 PatternSet: my_pattern_set_2 ... Alarms: - AlarmName: my_alarm_name Severity: HIGH ... SubComponentTypeConfigurations: - SubComponentType: EC2_INSTANCE SubComponentConfigurationDetails: AlarmMetrics: - AlarmMetricName: DiskReadOps ... Logs: - LogGroupName: my_log_group_2 LogPath: C:\LogFolder_2\* LogType: IIS Encoding: utf-8 PatternSet: my_pattern_set_3 ... Processes: - ProcessName: my_process AlarmMetrics: - AlarmMetricName: procstat cpu_usage ... ... WindowsEvents: - LogGroupName: my_windows_event_log_group_2 EventName: Application EventLevels: - ERROR - WARNING ... Encoding: utf-8 PatternSet: my_pattern_set_4 ...

Create an Application Insights application with DEFAULT mode component configuration

The following template performs these actions:

  • Creates an Application Insights application. For more information, see CreateApplication in the Amazon CloudWatch Application Insights API Reference.

  • Component my_component sets ComponentConfigurationMode to DEFAULT and Tier to SQL_SERVER, which causes this component to be configured with the configuration settings that Application Insights recommends for the SQL_Server tier. For more information, see DescribeComponentConfiguration and UpdateComponentConfiguration in the Amazon CloudWatch Application Insights API Reference.

Template in JSON format

{ "Type": "AWS::ApplicationInsights::Application", "Properties": { "ResourceGroupName": "my_resource_group", "ComponentMonitoringSettings": [ { "ComponentARN": "my_component", "Tier": "SQL_SERVER", "ComponentConfigurationMode": "DEFAULT" } ] } }

Template in YAML format

--- Type: AWS::ApplicationInsights::Application Properties: ResourceGroupName: my_resource_group ComponentMonitoringSettings: - ComponentARN: my_component Tier: SQL_SERVER ComponentConfigurationMode: DEFAULT

Create an Application Insights application with DEFAULT_WITH_OVERWRITE mode component configuration

The following template performs these actions:

  • Creates an Application Insights application. For more information, see CreateApplication in the Amazon CloudWatch Application Insights API Reference.

  • Component my_component sets ComponentConfigurationMode to DEFAULT_WITH_OVERWRITE and tier to DOT_NET_CORE, which causes this component to be configured with the configuration settings that Application Insights recommends for the DOT_NET_CORE tier. Overwritten configuration settings are specified in the DefaultOverwriteComponentConfiguration:

    • At the component level AlarmMetrics settings are overwritten.

    • At the sub-component level, for the EC2_Instance type sub-components, Logs settings are overwritten.

    For more information, see UpdateComponentConfiguration in the Amazon CloudWatch Application Insights API Reference.

Template in JSON format

{ "Type": "AWS::ApplicationInsights::Application", "Properties": { "ResourceGroupName": "my_resource_group", "ComponentMonitoringSettings": [ { "ComponentName": "my_component", "Tier": "DOT_NET_CORE", "ComponentConfigurationMode": "DEFAULT_WITH_OVERWRITE", "DefaultOverwriteComponentConfiguration": { "ConfigurationDetails": { "AlarmMetrics": [ { "AlarmMetricName": "StatusCheckFailed" } ] }, "SubComponentTypeConfigurations": [ { "SubComponentType": "EC2_INSTANCE", "SubComponentConfigurationDetails": { "Logs": [ { "LogGroupName": "my_log_group", "LogPath": "C:\\LogFolder\\*", "LogType": "IIS", "Encoding": "utf-8", "PatternSet": "my_pattern_set" } ] } } ] } } ] } }

Template in YAML format

--- Type: AWS::ApplicationInsights::Application Properties: ResourceGroupName: my_resource_group ComponentMonitoringSettings: - ComponentName: my_component Tier: DOT_NET_CORE ComponentConfigurationMode: DEFAULT_WITH_OVERWRITE DefaultOverwriteComponentConfiguration: ConfigurationDetails: AlarmMetrics: - AlarmMetricName: StatusCheckFailed SubComponentTypeConfigurations: - SubComponentType: EC2_INSTANCE SubComponentConfigurationDetails: Logs: - LogGroupName: my_log_group LogPath: C:\LogFolder\* LogType: IIS Encoding: utf-8 PatternSet: my_pattern_set