Application Insights CloudWatch Events and notifications for detected problems - Amazon CloudWatch

Application Insights CloudWatch Events and notifications for detected problems

For each application that is added to CloudWatch Application Insights, a CloudWatch event is published for the following events on a best effort basis:

  • Problem creation. Emitted when CloudWatch Application Insights detects a new problem.

    • Detail Type: "Application Insights Problem Detected"

    • Detail:

      • problemId: The detected problem ID.

      • region: The AWS Region where the problem was created.

      • resourceGroupName: The Resource Group for the registered application for which the problem was detected.

      • status: The status of the problem. Possible status and definitions are as follows:

        • In progress: A new problem has been identified. The problem is still receiving observations.

        • Recovering: The problem is stabilizing. You can manually resolve the problem when it is in this state.

        • Resolved: The problem is resolved. There are no new observations about this problem.

        • Recurring: The problem was resolved within the past 24 hours. It has reopened as a result of additional observations.

      • severity: The severity of the problem.

      • problemUrl: The console URL for the problem.

  • Problem update. Emitted when the problem is updated with a new observation or when an existing observation is updated and the problem is subsequently updated; updates include a resolution or closure of the problem.

    • Detail Type: "Application Insights Problem Updated"

    • Detail:

      • problemId: The created problem ID.

      • region: The AWS Region where the problem was created.

      • resourceGroupName: The Resource Group for the registered application for which the problem was detected.

      • status: The status of the problem.

      • severity: The severity of the problem.

      • problemUrl: The console URL for the problem.

How to receive notification for problem events generated by an application

From the CloudWatch console, select Rules under Events in the left navigation pane. From the Rules page, select Create rule. Choose Amazon CloudWatch Application Insights from the Service Name dropdown list and choose the Event Type. Then, choose Add target and select the target and parameters, for example, an SNS topic or Lambda function.

Actions through AWS Systems Manager. CloudWatch Application Insights provides built-in integration with Systems Manager OpsCenter. If you choose to use this integration for your application, an OpsItem is created on the OpsCenter console for every problem detected with the application. From the OpsCenter console, you can view summarized information about the problem detected by CloudWatch Application Insights and pick a Systems Manager Automation runbook to take remedial actions or further identify Windows processes that are causing resource issues in your application.