Troubleshooting Docker commands and issues when using Amazon ECR - Amazon ECR

Troubleshooting Docker commands and issues when using Amazon ECR

In some cases, running a Docker command against Amazon ECR might result in an error message. Some common error messages and potential solutions are explained below.

Docker logs do not contain expected error messages

To begin debugging any Docker-related issue, start by turning on Docker debugging output on the Docker daemon running on your host instances. If you are using images pulled from Amazon ECR on Amazon ECS container instances, see Configuring verbose output from the Docker daemon in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide.

Error: "Filesystem Verification Failed" or "404: Image Not Found" when pulling an image from an Amazon ECR repository

You may receive the error Filesystem verification failed when using the docker pull command to pull an image from an Amazon ECR repository with Docker 1.9 or above. You may receive the error 404: Image not found when you are using Docker versions before 1.9.

Some possible reasons and their explanations are given below.

The local disk is full

If the local disk on which you're running docker pull is full, then the SHA-1 hash calculated on the local file may be different than the one calculated by Amazon ECR. Check that your local disk has enough remaining free space to store the Docker image you are pulling. You can also delete old images to make room for new ones. Use the docker images command to see a list of all locally downloaded Docker images, along with their sizes.

Client cannot connect to the remote repository due to network error

Calls to an Amazon ECR repository require a functioning connection to the internet. Verify your network settings, and verify that other tools and applications can access resources on the internet. If you are running docker pull on an Amazon EC2 instance in a private subnet, verify that the subnet has a route to the internet. Use a network address translation (NAT) server or a managed NAT gateway.

Currently, calls to an Amazon ECR repository also require network access through your corporate firewall to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). If your organization uses firewall software or a NAT device that allows service endpoints, ensure that the Amazon S3 service endpoints for your current Region are allowed.

If you are using Docker behind an HTTP proxy, you can configure Docker with the appropriate proxy settings. For more information, see HTTP proxy in the Docker documentation.

Error: "Filesystem Layer Verification Failed" when pulling images from Amazon ECR

You may receive the error image image-name not found when pulling images using the docker pull command. If you inspect the Docker logs, you may see an error like the following:

filesystem layer verification failed for digest sha256:2b96f...

This error indicates that one or more of the layers for your image has failed to download. Some possible reasons and their explanations are given below.

You are using an older version of Docker

This error can occur in a small percentage of cases when using a Docker version less than 1.10. Upgrade your Docker client to 1.10 or greater.

Your client has encountered a network or disk error

A full disk or a network issue may prevent one or more layers from downloading, as discussed earlier about the Filesystem verification failed message. Follow the recommendations above to ensure that your filesystem is not full, and that you have enabled access to Amazon S3 from within your network.

HTTP 403 Errors or "no basic auth credentials" error when pushing to repository

There are times when you may receive an HTTP 403 (Forbidden) error, or the error message no basic auth credentials from the docker push or docker pull commands, even if you have successfully authenticated to Docker using the aws ecr get-login-password command. The following are some known causes of this issue:

You have authenticated to a different region

Authentication requests are tied to specific regions, and cannot be used across regions. For example, if you obtain an authorization token from US West (Oregon), you cannot use it to authenticate against your repositories in US East (N. Virginia). To resolve the issue, ensure that you have retrieved an authentication token from the same Region your repository exists in. For more information, see Private registry authentication in Amazon ECR.

You have authenticated to push to a repository you don't have permissions for

You do not have the necessary permissions to push to the repository. For more information, see Private repository policies in Amazon ECR.

Your token has expired

The default authorization token expiration period for tokens obtained using the GetAuthorizationToken operation is 12 hours.

Bug in wincred credential manager

Some versions of Docker for Windows use a credential manager called wincred, which does not properly handle the Docker login command produced by aws ecr get-login-password (for more information, see CredsStore fails with private repositories). You can run the Docker login command that is output, but when you try to push or pull images, those commands fail. You can work around this bug by removing the https:// scheme from the registry argument in the Docker login command that is output from aws ecr get-login-password. An example Docker login command without the HTTPS scheme is shown below.

docker login -u AWS -p <password> <aws_account_id>.dkr.ecr.<region>