Windows containers on Fargate container image pull behavior for Amazon ECS - Amazon Elastic Container Service

Windows containers on Fargate container image pull behavior for Amazon ECS

Fargate Windows caches the most recent month's, and the previous month's, servercore base image provided by Microsoft. These images match the KB/Build number patches updated each Patch Tuesday. For example, on 4/9/2024 Microsoft released KB5036896 (17763.5696) for Windows Server 2019. The previous month KB on 12/3/2024 was KB5035849 (17763.5576). So for the platforms WINDOWS_SERVER_2019_CORE and WINDOWS_SERVER_2019_FULL the following container images were cached::




Additionally, on 9/4/2024 Microsoft released KB5036909 (20348.2402) for Windows Server 2022. The previous months KB on 12/3/2024 was KB5035857 (20348.2340). So for the platforms WINDOWS_SERVER_2022_CORE and WINDOWS_SERVER_2022_FULL the following container images were cached:


