Amazon ECS task definition template
An empty task definition template is shown as follows. You can use this template to
create your task definition, which can then be pasted into the console JSON input area
or saved to a file and used with the AWS CLI --cli-input-json
option. For
more information, see Amazon ECS task definition parameters.
Amazon EC2 launch type template
{ "family": "", "taskRoleArn": "", "executionRoleArn": "", "networkMode": "none", "containerDefinitions": [ { "name": "", "image": "", "repositoryCredentials": { "credentialsParameter": "" }, "cpu": 0, "memory": 0, "memoryReservation": 0, "links": [""], "portMappings": [ { "containerPort": 0, "hostPort": 0, "protocol": "tcp" } ], "restartPolicy": { "enabled": true, "ignoredExitCodes": [0], "restartAttemptPeriod": 180 }, "essential": true, "entryPoint": [""], "command": [""], "environment": [ { "name": "", "value": "" } ], "environmentFiles": [ { "value": "", "type": "s3" } ], "mountPoints": [ { "sourceVolume": "", "containerPath": "", "readOnly": true } ], "volumesFrom": [ { "sourceContainer": "", "readOnly": true } ], "linuxParameters": { "capabilities": { "add": [""], "drop": [""] }, "devices": [ { "hostPath": "", "containerPath": "", "permissions": ["read"] } ], "initProcessEnabled": true, "sharedMemorySize": 0, "tmpfs": [ { "containerPath": "", "size": 0, "mountOptions": [""] } ], "maxSwap": 0, "swappiness": 0 }, "secrets": [ { "name": "", "valueFrom": "" } ], "dependsOn": [ { "containerName": "", "condition": "COMPLETE" } ], "startTimeout": 0, "stopTimeout": 0, "hostname": "", "user": "", "workingDirectory": "", "disableNetworking": true, "privileged": true, "readonlyRootFilesystem": true, "dnsServers": [""], "dnsSearchDomains": [""], "extraHosts": [ { "hostname": "", "ipAddress": "" } ], "dockerSecurityOptions": [""], "interactive": true, "pseudoTerminal": true, "dockerLabels": { "KeyName": "" }, "ulimits": [ { "name": "nofile", "softLimit": 0, "hardLimit": 0 } ], "logConfiguration": { "logDriver": "splunk", "options": { "KeyName": "" }, "secretOptions": [ { "name": "", "valueFrom": "" } ] }, "healthCheck": { "command": [""], "interval": 0, "timeout": 0, "retries": 0, "startPeriod": 0 }, "systemControls": [ { "namespace": "", "value": "" } ], "resourceRequirements": [ { "value": "", "type": "InferenceAccelerator" } ], "firelensConfiguration": { "type": "fluentbit", "options": { "KeyName": "" } } } ], "volumes": [ { "name": "", "host": { "sourcePath": "" }, "configuredAtLaunch": true, "dockerVolumeConfiguration": { "scope": "shared", "autoprovision": true, "driver": "", "driverOpts": { "KeyName": "" }, "labels": { "KeyName": "" } }, "efsVolumeConfiguration": { "fileSystemId": "", "rootDirectory": "", "transitEncryption": "DISABLED", "transitEncryptionPort": 0, "authorizationConfig": { "accessPointId": "", "iam": "ENABLED" } }, "fsxWindowsFileServerVolumeConfiguration": { "fileSystemId": "", "rootDirectory": "", "authorizationConfig": { "credentialsParameter": "", "domain": "" } } } ], "placementConstraints": [ { "type": "memberOf", "expression": "" } ], "requiresCompatibilities": ["EC2"], "cpu": "", "memory": "", "tags": [ { "key": "", "value": "" } ], "pidMode": "task", "ipcMode": "task", "proxyConfiguration": { "type": "APPMESH", "containerName": "", "properties": [ { "name": "", "value": "" } ] }, "inferenceAccelerators": [ { "deviceName": "", "deviceType": "" } ], "ephemeralStorage": { "sizeInGiB": 0 }, "runtimePlatform": { "cpuArchitecture": "X86_64", "operatingSystemFamily": "WINDOWS_SERVER_20H2_CORE" } }
Fargate launch type template
For the Fargate launch type, you must include the operatingSystemFamily
parameter with one of the
following values:
{ "family": "", "runtimePlatform": {"operatingSystemFamily": ""}, "taskRoleArn": "", "executionRoleArn": "", "networkMode": "awsvpc", "platformFamily": "", "containerDefinitions": [ { "name": "", "image": "", "repositoryCredentials": {"credentialsParameter": ""}, "cpu": 0, "memory": 0, "memoryReservation": 0, "links": [""], "portMappings": [ { "containerPort": 0, "hostPort": 0, "protocol": "tcp" } ], "essential": true, "entryPoint": [""], "command": [""], "environment": [ { "name": "", "value": "" } ], "environmentFiles": [ { "value": "", "type": "s3" } ], "mountPoints": [ { "sourceVolume": "", "containerPath": "", "readOnly": true } ], "volumesFrom": [ { "sourceContainer": "", "readOnly": true } ], "linuxParameters": { "capabilities": { "add": [""], "drop": [""] }, "devices": [ { "hostPath": "", "containerPath": "", "permissions": ["read"] } ], "initProcessEnabled": true, "sharedMemorySize": 0, "tmpfs": [ { "containerPath": "", "size": 0, "mountOptions": [""] } ], "maxSwap": 0, "swappiness": 0 }, "secrets": [ { "name": "", "valueFrom": "" } ], "dependsOn": [ { "containerName": "", "condition": "HEALTHY" } ], "startTimeout": 0, "stopTimeout": 0, "hostname": "", "user": "", "workingDirectory": "", "disableNetworking": true, "privileged": true, "readonlyRootFilesystem": true, "dnsServers": [""], "dnsSearchDomains": [""], "extraHosts": [ { "hostname": "", "ipAddress": "" } ], "dockerSecurityOptions": [""], "interactive": true, "pseudoTerminal": true, "dockerLabels": {"KeyName": ""}, "ulimits": [ { "name": "msgqueue", "softLimit": 0, "hardLimit": 0 } ], "logConfiguration": { "logDriver": "awslogs", "options": {"KeyName": ""}, "secretOptions": [ { "name": "", "valueFrom": "" } ] }, "healthCheck": { "command": [""], "interval": 0, "timeout": 0, "retries": 0, "startPeriod": 0 }, "systemControls": [ { "namespace": "", "value": "" } ], "resourceRequirements": [ { "value": "", "type": "GPU" } ], "firelensConfiguration": { "type": "fluentd", "options": {"KeyName": ""} } } ], "volumes": [ { "name": "", "host": {"sourcePath": ""}, "configuredAtLaunch":true, "dockerVolumeConfiguration": { "scope": "task", "autoprovision": true, "driver": "", "driverOpts": {"KeyName": ""}, "labels": {"KeyName": ""} }, "efsVolumeConfiguration": { "fileSystemId": "", "rootDirectory": "", "transitEncryption": "ENABLED", "transitEncryptionPort": 0, "authorizationConfig": { "accessPointId": "", "iam": "ENABLED" } } } ], "requiresCompatibilities": ["FARGATE"], "cpu": "", "memory": "", "tags": [ { "key": "", "value": "" } ], "ephemeralStorage": {"sizeInGiB": 0}, "pidMode": "task", "ipcMode": "none", "proxyConfiguration": { "type": "APPMESH", "containerName": "", "properties": [ { "name": "", "value": "" } ] }, "inferenceAccelerators": [ { "deviceName": "", "deviceType": "" } ] }
You can generate this task definition template using the following AWS CLI command.
aws ecs register-task-definition --generate-cli-skeleton