Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) - Amazon ElastiCache

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

Instead of authenticating users with the Valkey and Redis OSS AUTH command as described in Authenticating with the Valkey and Redis OSS AUTH command, in Valkey 7.2 and onward and Redis OSS 6.0 onward you can use a feature called Role-Based Access Control (RBAC). RBAC is also the only way to control access to serverless caches.

Unlike Valkey and Redis OSS AUTH, where all authenticated clients have full cache access if their token is authenticated, RBAC enables you to control cache access through user groups. These user groups are designed as a way to organize access to caches.

With RBAC, you create users and assign them specific permissions by using an access string, as described following. You assign the users to user groups aligned with a specific role (administrators, human resources) that are then deployed to one or more ElastiCache caches. By doing this, you can establish security boundaries between clients using the same Valkey or Redis OSS cache or caches and prevent clients from accessing each other’s data.


When using RBAC with Valkey clusters, you will still need to assign users and user groups the engine “redis”.

RBAC is designed to support the introduction of ACL in Redis OSS 6. When you use RBAC with your ElastiCache Valkey or Redis OSS cache, there are some limitations:

  • You can't specify passwords in an access string. You set passwords with CreateUser or ModifyUser calls.

  • For user rights, you pass on and off as a part of the access string. If neither is specified in the access string, the user is assigned off and doesn't have access rights to the cache.

  • You can't use forbidden and renamed commands. If you specify a forbidden or a renamed command, an exception will be thrown. If you want to use access control lists (ACLs) for a renamed command, specify the original name of the command, in other words the name of the command before it was renamed.

  • You can't use the reset command as a part of an access string. You specify passwords with API parameters, and ElastiCache (Redis OSS) manages passwords. Thus, you can't use reset because it would remove all passwords for a user.

  • Redis OSS 6 introduces the ACL LIST command. This command returns a list of users along with the ACL rules applied to each user. ElastiCache (Redis OSS) supports the ACL LIST command, but does not include support for password hashes as Redis OSS does. With ElastiCache (Redis OSS), you can use the describe-users operation to get similar information, including the rules contained within the access string. However, describe-users doesn't retrieve a user password.

    Other read-only commands supported by ElastiCache with Valkey and Redis OSS include ACL WHOAMI, ACL USERS, and ACL CAT. ElastiCache with Valkey and Redis OSS doesn't support any other write-based ACL commands.

  • The following constraints apply:

    Resource Maximum allowed
    Users per user group 100
    Number of users 1000
    Number of user groups 100

Using RBAC with ElastiCache (Redis OSS) is described in more detail following.

Specifying Permissions Using an Access String

To specify permissions to an ElastiCache (Redis OSS) cache, you create an access string and assign it to a user, using either the AWS CLI or AWS Management Console.

Access strings are defined as a list of space-delimited rules which are applied on the user. They define which commands a user can execute and which keys a user can operate on. In order to execute a command, a user must have access to the command being executed and all keys being accessed by the command. Rules are applied from left to right cumulatively, and a simpler string may be used instead of the one provided if there are redundancies in the string provided.

For information about the syntax of the ACL rules, see ACL.

In the following example, the access string represents an active user with access to all available keys and commands.

on ~* +@all

The access string syntax is broken down as follows:

  • on – The user is an active user.

  • ~* – Access is given to all available keys.

  • +@all – Access is given to all available commands.

The preceding settings are the least restrictive. You can modify these settings to make them more secure.

In the following example, the access string represents a user with access restricted to read access on keys that start with “app::” keyspace

on ~app::* -@all +@read

You can refine these permissions further by listing commands the user has access to:

+command1 – The user's access to commands is limited to command1.

+@category – The user's access is limited to a category of commands.

For information on assigning an access string to a user, see Creating Users and User Groups with the Console and CLI.

If you are migrating an existing workload to ElastiCache, you can retrieve the access string by calling ACL LIST, excluding the user and any password hashes.

For Redis OSS version 6.2 and above the following access string syntax is also supported:

  • &* – Access is given to all available channels.

For Redis OSS version 7.0 and above the following access string syntax is also supported:

  • | – Can be used for blocking subcommands (e.g "-config|set").

  • %R~<pattern> – Add the specified read key pattern. This behaves similar to the regular key pattern but only grants permission to read from keys that match the given pattern. See key permissions for more information.

  • %W~<pattern> – Add the specified write key pattern. This behaves similar to the regular key pattern but only grants permission to write to keys that match the given pattern. See ACL key permissions for more information.

  • %RW~<pattern> – Alia for ~<pattern>.

  • (<rule list>) – Create a new selector to match rules against. Selectors are evaluated after the user permissions, and are evaluated according to the order they are defined. If a command matches either the user permissions or any selector, it is allowed. See ACL selectors more information.

  • clearselectors – Delete all of the selectors attached to the user.

Applying RBAC to a Cache for ElastiCache with Valkey or Redis OSS

To use ElastiCache with Valkey or Redis OSS RBAC, you take the following steps:

  1. Create one or more users.

  2. Create a user group and add users to the group.

  3. Assign the user group to a cache that has in-transit encryption enabled.

These steps are described in detail following.

Creating Users and User Groups with the Console and CLI

The user information for RBAC users is a user ID, user name, and optionally a password and an access string. The access string provides the permission level on keys and commands. The user ID is unique to the user, and the user name is what is passed to the engine.

Make sure that the user permissions you provide make sense with the intended purpose of the user group. For example, if you create a user group called Administrators, any user you add to that group should have its access string set to full access to keys and commands. For users in an e-commerce user group, you might set their access strings to read-only access.

ElastiCache automatically configures a default user with user ID and user name "default" and adds it to all user groups. You can't modify or delete this user. This user is intended for compatibility with the default behavior of previous Redis OSS versions and has an access string that permits it to call all commands and access all keys.

To add proper access control to a cache, replace this default user with a new one that isn't enabled or uses a strong password. To change the default user, create a new user with the user name set to default. You can then swap it with the original default user.

The following procedures shows how to swap the original default user with another default user that has a modified access string.

To modify the default user on the console
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon ElastiCache console at

  2. Choose User group management from the navigation pane.

  3. For User group ID, choose the ID that you want to modify. Make sure that you choose the link and not the check box.

  4. Choose Modify.

  5. In the Modify window, choose Manage and for select the user that you want as the default user with the User name as default.

  6. Choose Choose.

  7. Choose Modify. When you do this, any existing connections to a cache that the original default user has are terminated.

To modify the default user with the AWS CLI
  1. Create a new user with the user name default by using the following commands.

    For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

    aws elasticache create-user \ --user-id "new-default-user" \ --user-name "default" \ --engine "REDIS" \ --passwords "a-str0ng-pa))word" \ --access-string "off +get ~keys*"

    For Windows:

    aws elasticache create-user ^ --user-id "new-default-user" ^ --user-name "default" ^ --engine "REDIS" ^ --passwords "a-str0ng-pa))word" ^ --access-string "off +get ~keys*"
  2. Create a user group and add the user that you created previously.

    For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

    aws elasticache create-user-group \ --user-group-id "new-group-2" \ --engine "REDIS" \ --user-ids "new-default-user"

    For Windows:

    aws elasticache create-user-group ^ --user-group-id "new-group-2" ^ --engine "REDIS" ^ --user-ids "new-default-user"
  3. Swap the new default user with the original default user.

    For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

    aws elasticache modify-user-group \ --user-group-id test-group \ --user-ids-to-add "new-default-user" \ --user-ids-to-remove "default"

    For Windows:

    aws elasticache modify-user-group ^ --user-group-id test-group ^ --user-ids-to-add "new-default-user" ^ --user-ids-to-remove "default"

    When this modify operation is called, any existing connections to a cache that the original default user has are terminated.

When creating a user, you can set up to two passwords. When you modify a password, any existing connections to caches are maintained.

In particular, be aware of these user password constraints when using RBAC for ElastiCache (Redis OSS):

  • Passwords must be 16–128 printable characters.

  • The following nonalphanumeric characters are not allowed: , "" / @.

Managing Users with the Console and CLI

Use the following procedure to manage users on the console.

To manage users on the console
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon ElastiCache console at

  2. On the Amazon ElastiCache dashboard, choose User management. The following options are available:

    • Create user – When creating a user, you enter a user ID, user name, authentication mode, and access string. The access string sets the permission level for what keys and commands the user is allowed.

      When creating a user, you can set up to two passwords. When you modify a password, any existing connections to caches are maintained.

    • Modify user – Enables you to update a user's authentication settings or change its access string.

    • Delete user – The account will be removed from any User Groups to which it belongs.

Use the following procedures to manage users with the AWS CLI.

To modify a user by using the CLI
  • Use the modify-user command to update a user's password or passwords or change a user's access permissions.

    When a user is modified, the user groups associated with the user are updated, along with any caches associated with the user group. All existing connections are maintained. The following are examples.

    For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

    aws elasticache modify-user \ --user-id user-id-1 \ --access-string "~objects:* ~items:* ~public:*" \ --no-password-required

    For Windows:

    aws elasticache modify-user ^ --user-id user-id-1 ^ --access-string "~objects:* ~items:* ~public:*" ^ --no-password-required

We don't recommend using the nopass option. If you do, we recommend setting the user's permissions to read-only with access to a limited set of keys.

To delete a user by using the CLI
  • Use the delete-user command to delete a user. The account is deleted and removed from any user groups to which it belongs. The following is an example.

    For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

    aws elasticache delete-user \ --user-id user-id-2

    For Windows:

    aws elasticache delete-user ^ --user-id user-id-2

To see a list of users, call the describe-users operation.

aws elasticache describe-users

Managing User Groups with the Console and CLI

You can create user groups to organize and control access of users to one or more caches, as shown following.

Use the following procedure to manage user groups using the console.

To manage user groups using the console
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon ElastiCache console at

  2. On the Amazon ElastiCache dashboard, choose User group management.

    The following operations are available to create new user groups:

    • Create – When you create a user group, you add users and then assign the user groups to caches. For example, you can create an Admin user group for users who have administrative roles on a cache.


      When you create a user group, you are required to include the default user.

    • Add Users – Add users to the user group.

    • Remove Users – Remove users from the user group. When users are removed from a user group, any existing connections they have to a cache are terminated.

    • Delete – Use this to delete a user group. Note that the user group itself, not the users belonging to the group, will be deleted.

    For existing user groups, you can do the following:

    • Add Users – Add existing users to the user group.

    • Delete Users – Removes existing users from the user group.


      Users are removed from the user group, but not deleted from the system.

Use the following procedures to manage user groups using the CLI.

To create a new user group and add a user by using the CLI
  • Use the create-user-group command as shown following.

    For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

    aws elasticache create-user-group \ --user-group-id "new-group-1" \ --engine "REDIS" \ --user-ids user-id-1, user-id-2

    For Windows:

    aws elasticache create-user-group ^ --user-group-id "new-group-1" ^ --engine "REDIS" ^ --user-ids user-id-1, user-id-2
To modify a user group by adding new users or removing current members by using the CLI
  • Use the modify-user-group command as shown following.

    For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

    aws elasticache modify-user-group --user-group-id new-group-1 \ --user-ids-to-add user-id-3 \ --user-ids-to-remove user-id-2

    For Windows:

    aws elasticache modify-user-group --user-group-id new-group-1 ^ --user-ids-to-add userid-3 ^ --user-ids-to-removere user-id-2

Any open connections belonging to a user removed from a user group are ended by this command.

To delete a user group by using the CLI
  • Use the delete-user-group command as shown following. The user group itself, not the users belonging to the group, is deleted.

    For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

    aws elasticache delete-user-group / --user-group-id

    For Windows:

    aws elasticache delete-user-group ^ --user-group-id

To see a list of user groups, you can call the describe-user-groups operation.

aws elasticache describe-user-groups \ --user-group-id test-group

Assigning User Groups to Serverless Caches

After you have created a user group and added users, the final step in implementing RBAC is assigning the user group to a serverless cache.

Assigning User Groups to Serverless Caches Using the Console

To add a user group to a serverless cache using the AWS Management Console, do the following:

Assigning User Groups to Serverless Caches Using the AWS CLI

The following AWS CLI operation creates a serverless cache using the user-group-id parameter with the value my-user-group-id. Replace the subnet group sng-test with a subnet group that exists.

Key Parameters
  • --engine – Must be valkey or redis.

  • --user-group-id – This value provides the ID of the user group, comprised of users with specified access permissions for the cache.

For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

aws elasticache create-serverless-cache \ --serverless-cache-name "new-serverless-cache" \ --description "new-serverless-cache" \ --engine "redis" \ --user-group-id "new-group-1"

For Windows:

aws elasticache create-serverless-cache ^ --serverless-cache-name "new-serverless-cache" ^ --description "new-serverless-cache" ^ --engine "redis" ^ --user-group-id "new-group-1"

The following AWS CLI operation modifies a serverless cache with the user-group-id parameter with the value my-user-group-id.

For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

aws elasticache modify-serverless-cache \ --serverless-cache-name serverless-cache-1 \ --user-group-id "new-group-2"

For Windows:

aws elasticache modify-serverless-cache ^ --serverless-cache-name serverless-cache-1 ^ --user-group-id "new-group-2"

Note that any modifications made to a cache are updated asynchronously. You can monitor this progress by viewing the events. For more information, see Viewing ElastiCache events.

Assigning User Groups to Replication Groups

After you have created a user group and added users, the final step in implementing RBAC is assigning the user group to a replication group.

Assigning User Groups to Replication Groups Using the Console

To add a user group to a replication using the AWS Management Console, do the following:

Assigning User Groups to Replication Groups Using the AWS CLI

The following AWS CLI operation creates a replication group with encryption in transit (TLS) enabled and the user-group-ids parameter with the value my-user-group-id. Replace the subnet group sng-test with a subnet group that exists.

Key Parameters
  • --engine – Must be valkey or redis.

  • --engine-version – Must be 6.0 or later.

  • --transit-encryption-enabled – Required for authentication and for associating a user group.

  • --user-group-ids – This value provides the ID of the user group, comprised of users with specified access permissions for the cache.

  • --cache-subnet-group – Required for associating a user group.

For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

aws elasticache create-replication-group \ --replication-group-id "new-replication-group" \ --replication-group-description "new-replication-group" \ --engine "redis" \ --cache-node-type cache.m5.large \ --transit-encryption-enabled \ --user-group-ids "new-group-1" \ --cache-subnet-group "cache-subnet-group"

For Windows:

aws elasticache create-replication-group ^ --replication-group-id "new-replication-group" ^ --replication-group-description "new-replication-group" ^ --engine "redis" ^ --cache-node-type cache.m5.large ^ --transit-encryption-enabled ^ --user-group-ids "new-group-1" ^ --cache-subnet-group "cache-subnet-group"

The following AWS CLI operation modifies a replication group with encryption in transit (TLS) enabled and the user-group-ids parameter with the value my-user-group-id.

For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

aws elasticache modify-replication-group \ --replication-group-id replication-group-1 \ --user-group-ids-to-remove "new-group-1" \ --user-group-ids-to-add "new-group-2"

For Windows:

aws elasticache modify-replication-group ^ --replication-group-id replication-group-1 ^ --user-group-ids-to-remove "new-group-1" ^ --user-group-ids-to-add "new-group-2"

Note the PendingChanges in the response. Any modifications made to a cache are updated asynchronously. You can monitor this progress by viewing the events. For more information, see Viewing ElastiCache events.

Migrating from AUTH to RBAC

If you are using AUTH as described in Authenticating with the Valkey and Redis OSS AUTH command and want to migrate to using RBAC, use the following procedures.

Use the following procedure to migrate from AUTH to RBAC using the console.

To migrate from Valkey or Redis OSS AUTH to RBAC using the console
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the ElastiCache console at

  2. From the list in the upper-right corner, choose the AWS Region where the cache that you want to modify is located.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose the engine running on the cache that you want to modify.

    A list of the chosen engine's caches appears.

  4. In the list of caches, for the cache that you want to modify, choose its name.

  5. For Actions, choose Modify.

    The Modify window appears.

  6. For Access control, choose User group access control list.

  7. For User group access control list, choose a user group.

  8. Choose Preview changes and then on the next screen, Modify.

Use the following procedure to migrate from Valkey or Redis OSS AUTH to RBAC using the CLI.

To migrate from AUTH to RBAC using the CLI
  • Use the modify-replication-group command as shown following.

    For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

    aws elasticache modify-replication-group --replication-group-id test \ --auth-token-update-strategy DELETE \ --user-group-ids-to-add user-group-1

    For Windows:

    aws elasticache modify-replication-group --replication-group-id test ^ --auth-token-update-strategy DELETE ^ --user-group-ids-to-add user-group-1

Migrating from RBAC to AUTH

If you are using RBAC and want to migrate to Redis OSS AUTH , see Migrating from RBAC to AUTH.


If you need to disable access control on an ElastiCache cache, you'll need to do it through the AWS CLI. For more information, see Disabling access control on an ElastiCache Valkey or Redis OSS cache.