Major version behavior and compatibility differences with Redis OSS - Amazon ElastiCache

Major version behavior and compatibility differences with Redis OSS


The following page is structured to signify all incompability differences between versions and inform you of any considerations you should make when upgrading to newer versions. This list is inclusive of any version incompability issues you may encounter when upgrading.

You can upgrade directly from your current Redis OSS version to the latest Redis OSS version available, without the need for sequential upgrades. For example, you can upgrade directly from Redis OSS version 3.0 to version 7.0.

Redis OSS versions are identified with a semantic version which comprise a MAJOR, MINOR, and PATCH component. For example, in Redis OSS 4.0.10, the major version is 4, the minor version 0, and the patch version is 10. These values are generally incremented based off the following conventions:

  • MAJOR versions are for API incompatible changes

  • MINOR versions are for new functionality added in a backwards-compatible way

  • PATCH versions are for backwards-compatible bug fixes and non-functional changes

We recommend always staying on the latest patch version within a given MAJOR.MINOR version in order to have the latest performance and stability improvements. Beginning with Redis OSS 6.0, ElastiCache (Redis OSS) will offer a single version for each Redis OSS minor release, rather than offering multiple patch versions. ElastiCache (Redis OSS) will automatically manage the patch version of your running cache clusters, ensuring improved performance and enhanced security.

We also recommend periodically upgrading to the latest major version, since most major improvements are not back ported to older versions. As ElastiCache expands availability to a new AWS region, ElastiCache (Redis OSS) supports the two most recent MAJOR.MINOR versions at that time for the new region. For example, if a new AWS region launches and the latest MAJOR.MINOR ElastiCache (Redis OSS) versions are 7.0 and 6.2, ElastiCache (Redis OSS) will support versions 7.0 and 6.2 in the new AWS region. As newer MAJOR.MINOR versions of ElastiCache (Redis OSS) are released, ElastiCache will continue to add support for the newly released ElastiCache (Redis OSS) Versions. To learn more about choosing regions for ElastiCache, see Choosing regions and availability zones.

When doing an upgrade that spans major or minor versions, please consider the following list which includes behavior and backwards incompatible changes released with Redis OSS over time.

Redis OSS 7.0 behavior and backwards incompatible changes

For a full list of changes, see Redis OSS 7.0 release notes.

  • SCRIPT LOAD and SCRIPT FLUSH are no longer propagated to replicas. If you need to have some durability for scripts, we recommend you consider using Redis OSS functions.

  • Pubsub channels are now blocked by default for new ACL users.

  • STRALGO command was replaced with the LCS command.

  • The format for ACL GETUSER has changed so that all fields show the standard access string pattern. If you had automation using ACL GETUSER, you should verify that it will handle either format.

  • The ACL categories for SELECT, WAIT, ROLE, LASTSAVE, READONLY, READWRITE, and ASKING have changed.

  • The INFO command now shows command stats per sub-command instead of in the top level container commands.

  • The return values of LPOP, RPOP, ZPOPMIN and ZPOPMAX commands have changed under certain edge cases. If you use these commands, you should check the release notes and evaluate if you are impacted.

  • The SORT and SORT_RO commands now require access to the entire keyspace in order to use the GET and BY arguments.

Redis OSS 6.2 behavior and backwards incompatible changes

For a full list of changes, see Redis OSS 6.2 release notes.

  • The ACL flags of the TIME, ECHO, ROLE, and LASTSAVE commands were changed. This may cause commands that were previously allowed to be rejected and vice versa.


    None of these commands modify or give access to data.

  • When upgrading from Redis OSS 6.0, the ordering of key/value pairs returned from a map response to a lua script are changed. If your scripts use redis.setresp() or return a map (new in Redis OSS 6.0), consider the implications that the script may break on upgrades.

Redis OSS 6.0 behavior and backwards incompatible changes

For a full list of changes, see Redis OSS 6.0 release notes.

  • The maximum number of allowed databases has been decreased from 1.2 million to 10 thousand. The default value is 16, and we discourage using values much larger than this as we’ve found performance and memory concerns.

  • Set AutoMinorVersionUpgrade parameter to yes, and ElastiCache (Redis OSS) will manage the minor version upgrade through self-service updates. This will be handled through standard customer-notification channels via a self-service update campaign. For more information, see Self-service updates in ElastiCache.

Redis OSS 5.0 behavior and backwards incompatible changes

For a full list of changes, see Redis OSS 5.0 release notes.

  • Scripts are by replicated by effects instead of re-executing the script on the replica. This generally improves performance but may increase the amount of data replicated between primaries and replicas. There is an option to revert back to the previous behavior that is only available in ElastiCache (Redis OSS) 5.0.

  • If you are upgrading from Redis OSS 4.0, some commands in LUA scripts will return arguments in a different order than they did in earlier versions. In Redis OSS 4.0, Redis OSS would order some responses lexographically in order to make the responses deterministic, this ordering is not applied when scripts are replicated by effects.

  • Inn Redis OSS 5.0.3 and above, ElastiCache (Redis OSS) will offload some IO work to background cores on instance types with more than 4 VCPUs. This may change the performance characteristics Redis OSS and change the values of some metrics. For more information, see Which Metrics Should I Monitor? to understand if you need to change which metrics you watch.

Redis OSS 4.0 behavior and backwards incompatible changes

For a full list of changes, see Redis OSS 4.0 release notes.

  • Slow log now logs an additional two arguments, the client name and address. This change should be backwards compatible unless you are explicitly relying on each slow log entry containing 3 values.

  • The CLUSTER NODES command now returns a slight different format, which is not backwards compatible. We recommend that clients don’t use this command for learning about the nodes present in a cluster, and instead they should use CLUSTER SLOTS.

Past EOL

Redis OSS 3.2 behavior and backwards incompatible changes

For a full list of changes, see Redis OSS 3.2 release notes.

  • There are no compatibility changes to call out for this version.

For more information, see Redis OSS versions end of life schedule.

Redis OSS 2.8 behavior and backwards incompatible changes

For a full list of changes, see Redis OSS 2.8 release notes.

  • Starting in Redis OSS 2.8.22, Redis OSS AOF is no longer supported in ElastiCache (Redis OSS). We recommend using MemoryDB when data needs to be persisted durably.

  • Starting in Redis OSS 2.8.22, ElastiCache (Redis OSS) no longer supports attaching replicas to primaries hosted within ElastiCache. While upgrading, external replicas will be disconnected and they will be unable to reconnect. We recommend using client-side caching, made available in Redis OSS 6.0 as an alternative to external replicas.

  • The TTL and PTTL commands now return -2 if the key does not exist and -1 if it exists but has no associated expire. Redis OSS 2.6 and previous versions used to return -1 for both the conditions.

  • SORT with ALPHA now sorts according to local collation locale if no STORE option is used.

For more information, see Redis OSS versions end of life schedule.