Describing backups - Amazon ElastiCache

Describing backups

The following procedures show you how to display a list of your backups. If you desire, you can also view the details of a particular backup.

To display backups using the AWS Management Console
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the ElastiCache console at

  2. From the navigation pane, choose Backups.

  3. To see the details of a particular backup, choose the box to the left of the backup's name.

To display a list of serverless backups and optionally details about a specific backup, use the describe-serverless-cache-snapshots CLI operation.


The following operation uses the parameter --max-records to list up to 20 backups associated with your account. Omitting the parameter --max-records lists up to 50 backups.

aws elasticache describe-serverless-cache-snapshots --max-records 20

The following operation uses the parameter --serverless-cache-name to list only the backups associated with the cache my-cache.

aws elasticache describe-serverless-cache-snapshots --serverless-cache-name my-cache

The following operation uses the parameter --serverless-cache-snapshot-name to display the details of the backup my-backup.

aws elasticache describe-serverless-cache-snapshots --serverless-cache-snapshot-name my-backup

For more information, see describe-serverless-cache-snapshots in the AWS CLI Command Reference.

To display a list of self-designed cluster backups and optionally details about a specific backup, use the describe-snapshots CLI operation.


The following operation uses the parameter --max-records to list up to 20 backups associated with your account. Omitting the parameter --max-records lists up to 50 backups.

aws elasticache describe-snapshots --max-records 20

The following operation uses the parameter --cache-cluster-id to list only the backups associated with the cluster my-cluster.

aws elasticache describe-snapshots --cache-cluster-id my-cluster

The following operation uses the parameter --snapshot-name to display the details of the backup my-backup.

aws elasticache describe-snapshots --snapshot-name my-backup

For more information, see describe-snapshots in the AWS CLI Command Reference.