Modifying an ElastiCache cluster
In addition to adding or removing nodes from an ElastiCache cluster, there can be times where you need to make other changes such as adding a security group, changing the maintenance window or a parameter group.
We recommend that you have your maintenance window fall at the time of lowest usage. Thus it might need modification from time to time.
When you change a cluster's parameters, the change is applied to the cluster either immediately or after the cluster is restarted. This is true whether you change the cluster's parameter group itself or a parameter value within the cluster's parameter group. To determine when a particular parameter change is applied, see the Changes Take Effect section of the Details column in the tables for Memcached specific parameters and Valkey and Redis OSS parameters. For information on rebooting a cluster's nodes, see Rebooting nodes.
To modify a cluster
Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the ElastiCache console at
. -
From the list in the upper-right corner, choose the AWS Region where the cluster that you want to modify is located.
In the navigation pane, choose the engine running on the cluster that you want to modify.
A list of the chosen engine's clusters appears.
In the list of clusters, for the cluster that you want to modify, choose its name.
Choose Actions and then choose Modify.
The Modify Cluster window appears.
In the Modify Cluster window, make the modifications that you want. Options include:
Cluster mode - To modify cluster mode from Disabled to Enabled, you must first set the cluster mode to Compatible.
Compatible mode allows your Valkey or Redis OSS clients to connect using both cluster mode enabled and cluster mode disabled. After you migrate all Valkey or Redis OSS clients to use cluster mode enabled, you can then complete cluster mode configuration and set the cluster mode to Enabled.
Engine Version Compatibility
You can upgrade to newer engine versions. If you upgrade major engine versions, for example from 5.0.6 to 6.0, you need to select a parameter group family that is compatible with the new engine version. For more information on doing so, see Version Management for ElastiCache. However, you can't downgrade to older engine versions except by deleting the existing cluster and creating it again.
VPC Security Group(s)
Parameter Group
Node Type
If the cluster is using a node type from the r6gd family, you can only choose a different node size from within that family. If you choose a node type from the r6gd family, data tiering will automatically be enabled. For more information, see Data tiering.
Auto failover (cluster mode disabled only)
Enable Automatic Backups
Backup Node Id
Backup Retention Period
Backup Window
Topic for SNS Notification
Memcached Engine Version Compatibility
Network type
If you are switching from IPv4 to IPv6, you must select or create subnet groups compatible with IPv6. For more information, see Choosing a network type in ElastiCache.
VPC Security Group(s)
Parameter Group
Maintenance Window
Topic for SNS Notification
The Apply Immediately box applies only to engine version and node type modifications. To apply changes immediately, choose the Apply Immediately check box. If this box is not chosen, engine version modifications are applied during the next maintenance window. Other modifications, such as changing the maintenance window, are applied immediately.
To enable/disable log delivery for Redis
From the list of clusters, choose the cluster you want to modify. Choose the Cluster name and not the checkbox beside it.
On the Cluster details page, choose the Logs tab.
To enable or disable slow logs, choose either Enable or Disable.
If you choose enable:
Under Log format, choose either JSON or Text.
Under Log destination type, choose either CloudWatch Logs or Kinesis Firehose.
Under Log destination, you can choose Create new and enter either your CloudWatchLogs log group name or your Kinesis Data Firehose stream name. You can also choose Select existing and then choose either your CloudWatchLogs log group name or your Kinesis Data Firehose stream name.
Choose Enable.
To change your configuration for Redis:
Choose Modify.
Under Log format, choose either JSON or Text.
Under Destination Type, choose either CloudWatch Logs or Kinesis Firehose.
Under Log destination, choose either Create new and enter your CloudWatchLogs log group name or your Kinesis Data Firehose stream name. Or choose Select existing and then choose your CloudWatchLogs log group name or your Kinesis Data Firehose stream name.
You can modify an existing cluster using the AWS CLI modify-cache-cluster
To modify a cluster's configuration value, specify the cluster's ID, the parameter to
change and the parameter's new value.
The following example changes the maintenance window for a cluster named my-cluster
applies the change immediately.
You can upgrade to newer Memcached engine versions. For more information on doing so, see Version Management for ElastiCache. However, you can't downgrade to older engine versions except by deleting the existing cluster and creating it again.
You can upgrade to newer Valkey or Redis OSS engine versions. If you upgrade major engine versions, for example from Redis OSS 5.0.6 to Redis OSS 6.0, you need to select a parameter group family that is compatible with the new engine version. For more information on doing so, see Version Management for ElastiCache. However, you can't downgrade to older engine versions except by deleting the existing cluster and creating it again.
For Linux, macOS, or Unix:
aws elasticache modify-cache-cluster \ --cache-cluster-id
\ --preferred-maintenance-windowsun:23:00-mon:02:00
For Windows:
aws elasticache modify-cache-cluster ^ --cache-cluster-id
^ --preferred-maintenance-windowsun:23:00-mon:02:00
The --apply-immediately
parameter applies only to
modifications in node type, engine version, and changing the number of nodes
in a cluster.
If you want to apply any of these changes immediately,
use the --apply-immediately
If you prefer postponing these changes to your next maintenance window, use the
Other modifications, such as changing the maintenance window, are applied immediately.
For more information, see the AWS CLI for ElastiCache topic modify-cache-cluster
You can modify an existing cluster using the ElastiCache API ModifyCacheCluster
To modify a cluster's configuration value, specify the cluster's ID, the parameter to
change and the parameter's new value.
The following example changes the maintenance window for a cluster named my-cluster
applies the change immediately.
You can upgrade to newer Memcached engine versions. For more information on doing so, see Version Management for ElastiCache. However, you can't downgrade to older engine versions except by deleting the existing cluster and creating it again.
You can upgrade to newer Valkey or Redis OSS engine versions. If you upgrade major engine versions, for example from Redis OSS 5.0.6 to Redis OSS 6.0, you need to select a parameter group family that is compatible with the new engine version. For more information on doing so, see Version Management for ElastiCache. However, you can't downgrade to older engine versions except by deleting the existing cluster and creating it again.
Line breaks are added for ease of reading. ?Action=ModifyCacheCluster &CacheClusterId=my-cluster &PreferredMaintenanceWindow=sun:23:00-mon:02:00 &SignatureVersion=4 &SignatureMethod=HmacSHA256 &Timestamp=20150901T220302Z &X-Amz-Algorithm=&AWS;4-HMAC-SHA256 &X-Amz-Date=20150202T220302Z &X-Amz-SignedHeaders=Host &X-Amz-Expires=20150901T220302Z &X-Amz-Credential=<credential> &X-Amz-Signature=<signature>
The ApplyImmediately
parameter applies only to
modifications in node type, engine version, and changing the number of nodes
in a cluster.
If you want to apply any of these changes immediately,
set the ApplyImmediately
parameter to true
If you prefer postponing these changes to your next maintenance window, set the
parameter to false
Other modifications, such as changing the maintenance window, are applied immediately.
For more information, see the ElastiCache API reference topic ModifyCacheCluster