Using AD security groups for Aurora PostgreSQL access control - Amazon Aurora

Using AD security groups for Aurora PostgreSQL access control

From Aurora PostgreSQL 14.10 and 15.5 versions, Aurora PostgreSQL access control can be managed using AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory (AD) security groups. Earlier versions of Aurora PostgreSQL support Kerberos based authentication with AD only for individual users. Each AD user had to be explicitly provisioned to DB cluster to get access.

Instead of explicitly provisioning each AD user to DB cluster based on business needs, you can leverage AD security groups as explained below:

  • AD users are members of various AD security groups in an Active Directory. These are not dictated by DB cluster administrator, but are based on business requirements, and are handled by an AD administrator.

  • DB cluster administrators create DB roles in DB instances based on business requirements. These DB roles may have different permissions or privileges.

  • DB cluster administrators configure a mapping from AD security groups to DB roles on a per DB cluster basis.

  • DB users can access DB clusters using their AD credentials. Access is based on AD security group membership. AD users gain or lose access automatically based on their AD group memberships.


Ensure that you have the following before setting up the extension for AD Security groups:

Setting up the pg_ad_mapping extension

Aurora PostgreSQL is now providing pg_ad_mapping extension to manage the mapping between AD security groups and DB roles in Aurora PostgreSQL cluster. For more information about the functions provided by pg_ad_mapping, see Using functions from the pg_ad_mapping extension.

To set up the pg_ad_mapping extension on your Aurora PostgreSQL DB cluster, you first add pg_ad_mapping to the shared libraries on the custom DB cluster parameter group for your Aurora PostgreSQL DB cluster. For information about creating a custom DB cluster parameter group, see Parameter groups for Amazon Aurora. Next, you install the pg_ad_mapping extension. The procedures in this section show you how. You can use the AWS Management Console or the AWS CLI.

You must have permissions as the rds_superuser role to perform all these tasks.

The steps following assume that your Aurora PostgreSQL DB cluster is associated with a custom DB cluster parameter group.

To set up the pg_ad_mapping extension
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon RDS console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose your Aurora PostgreSQL DB cluster's Writer instance.

  3. Open the Configuration tab for your Aurora PostgreSQL DB cluster writer instance. Among the Instance details, find the Parameter group link.

  4. Choose the link to open the custom parameters associated with your Aurora PostgreSQL DB cluster.

  5. In the Parameters search field, type shared_pre to find the shared_preload_libraries parameter.

  6. Choose Edit parameters to access the property values.

  7. Add pg_ad_mapping to the list in the Values field. Use a comma to separate items in the list of values.

    Image of the shared_preload_libaries parameter with pgAudit added.
  8. Reboot the writer instance of your Aurora PostgreSQL DB cluster so that your change to the shared_preload_libraries parameter takes effect.

  9. When the instance is available, verify that pg_ad_mapping has been initialized. Use psql to connect to the writer instance of your Aurora PostgreSQL DB cluster, and then run the following command.

    SHOW shared_preload_libraries; shared_preload_libraries -------------------------- rdsutils,pg_ad_mapping (1 row)
  10. With pg_ad_mapping initialized, you can now create the extension. You need to create the extension after initializing the library to start using the functions provided by this extension.

    CREATE EXTENSION pg_ad_mapping;
  11. Close the psql session.

    labdb=> \q
To setup pg_ad_mapping

To setup pg_ad_mapping using the AWS CLI, you call the modify-db-parameter-group operation to add this parameter in your custom parameter group, as shown in the following procedure.

  1. Use the following AWS CLI command to add pg_ad_mapping to the shared_preload_libraries parameter.

    aws rds modify-db-parameter-group \ --db-parameter-group-name custom-param-group-name \ --parameters "ParameterName=shared_preload_libraries,ParameterValue=pg_ad_mapping,ApplyMethod=pending-reboot" \ --region aws-region
  2. Use the following AWS CLI command to reboot the writer instance of your Aurora PostgreSQL DB cluster so that the pg_ad_mapping is initialized.

    aws rds reboot-db-instance \ --db-instance-identifier writer-instance \ --region aws-region
  3. When the instance is available, you can verify that pg_ad_mapping has been initialized. Use psql to connect to the writer instance of your Aurora PostgreSQL DB cluster, and then run the following command.

    SHOW shared_preload_libraries; shared_preload_libraries -------------------------- rdsutils,pg_ad_mapping (1 row)

    With pg_ad_mapping initialized, you can now create the extension.

    CREATE EXTENSION pg_ad_mapping;
  4. Close the psql session so that you can use the AWS CLI.

    labdb=> \q

Retrieving Active Directory Group SID in PowerShell

A security identifier (SID) is used to uniquely identify a security principal or security group. Whenever a security group or account is created in Active Directory a SID is assigned to it. To fetch the AD security group SID from the active directory, you can use the Get-ADGroup cmdlet from windows client machine which is joined with that Active Directory domain. The Identity parameter specifies the Active Directory group name to get the corresponding SID.

The following example returns the SID of AD group adgroup1.

C:\Users\Admin> Get-ADGroup -Identity adgroup1 | select SID SID ----------------------------------------------- S-1-5-21-3168537779-1985441202-1799118680-1612

Mapping DB role with AD security group

You need to explicitly provision the AD security groups in the database as a PostgreSQL DB role. An AD user, who is part of at least one provisioned AD security group will get access to the database. You shouldn’t grant rds_ad role to AD group security based DB role. Kerberos authentication for security group will get triggered by using the domain name suffix like This DB role can't use Password or IAM authentication to gain access to database.


AD users who have a corresponding DB role in the database with rds_ad role granted to them, can't login as part of the AD security group. They will get access through DB role as an individual user.

For example, accounts-group is a security group in AD where you would like to provision this security group in the Aurora PostgreSQL as accounts-role.

AD Security Group PosgreSQL DB role
accounts-group accounts-role

When mapping the DB role with the AD security group, you must ensure that DB role has the LOGIN attribute set and it has CONNECT privilege to the required login database.

postgres => alter role accounts-role login; ALTER ROLE postgres => grant connect on database accounts-db to accounts-role;

Admin can now proceed to create the mapping between AD security group and PostgreSQL DB role.

admin=>select pgadmap_set_mapping('accounts-group', 'accounts-role', <SID>, <Weight>);

For information on retrieving SID of AD security group, see Retrieving Active Directory Group SID in PowerShell.

There might be cases where an AD user belongs to multiple groups, in that case, AD user will inherit the privileges of the DB role, which was provisioned with the highest weight. If the two roles have the same weight, AD user will inherit the privileges of the DB role corresponding to the mapping that was added recently. The recommendation is to specify weights that reflect the relative permissions/privileges of individual DB roles. Higher the permissions or privileges of a DB role, higher the weight that should be associated with the mapping entry. This will avoid the ambiguity of two mappings having the same weight.

The following table shows a sample mapping from AD security groups to Aurora PostgreSQL DB roles.

AD Security Group PosgreSQL DB role Weight
accounts-group accounts-role 7
sales-group sales-role 10
dev-group dev-role 7

In the following example, user1 will inherit the privileges of sales-role since it has the higher weight while user2 will inherit the privileges of dev-role as the mapping for this role was created after accounts-role, which share the same weight as accounts-role.

Username Security Group membership
user1 accounts-group sales-group
user2 accounts-group dev-group

The psql commands to establish, list, and clear the mappings are shown below. Currently, it isn't possible to modify a single mapping entry. The existing entry needs to be deleted and the mapping recreated.

admin=>select pgadmap_set_mapping('accounts-group', 'accounts-role', 'S-1-5-67-890', 7); admin=>select pgadmap_set_mapping('sales-group', 'sales-role', 'S-1-2-34-560', 10); admin=>select pgadmap_set_mapping('dev-group', 'dev-role', 'S-1-8-43-612', 7); admin=>select * from pgadmap_read_mapping(); ad_sid | pg_role | weight | ad_grp -------------+----------------+--------+--------------- S-1-5-67-890 | accounts-role | 7 | accounts-group S-1-2-34-560 | sales-role | 10 | sales-group S-1-8-43-612 | dev-role | 7 | dev-group (3 rows)

AD user identity logging/auditing

Use the following command to determine the database role inherited by current or session user:

postgres=>select session_user, current_user; session_user | current_user -------------+-------------- dev-role | dev-role (1 row)

To determine the AD security principal identity, use the following command:

postgres=>select principal from pg_stat_gssapi where pid = pg_backend_pid(); principal ------------------------- (1 row)

Currently, AD user identity isn't visible in the audit logs. The log_connections parameter can be enabled to log DB session establishment. For more information, see log_connections. The output for this includes the AD user identity, as shown below. The backend PID associated with this output can then help attribute actions back to the actual AD user.

pgrole1@postgres:[615]:LOG: connection authorized: user=pgrole1 database=postgres application_name=psql GSS (authenticated=yes, encrypted=yes, principal=Admin@EXAMPLE.COM)


  • Microsoft Entra ID known as Azure Active Directory isn't supported.

Using functions from the pg_ad_mapping extension

pg_ad_mapping extension provided support to the following functions:


This function establishes the mapping between AD security group and Database role with an associated weight.


pgadmap_set_mapping( ad_group, db_role, ad_group_sid, weight)


Parameter Description
ad_group Name of AD Group. Value cannot be null or empty string.
db_role Database role to be mapped to the specified AD Group. Value cannot be null or empty string.
ad_group_sid Security identifier that is used to uniquely identify the AD group. Value starts with 'S-1-' and cannot be null or empty string. For more information, see Retrieving Active Directory Group SID in PowerShell.
weight Weight associated with the database role. The role with highest weight gets precedence when user is a member of multiple groups. Default value of weight is 1.

Return type


Usage notes

This function adds a new mapping from AD security group to database role. It can only be executed on the primary DB instance of the DB cluster by a user having rds_superuser privilege.


postgres=> select pgadmap_set_mapping('accounts-group','accounts-role','S-1-2-33-12345-67890-12345-678',10); pgadmap_set_mapping (1 row)


This function lists the mappings between AD security group and DB role that were set using pgadmap_set_mapping function.





Return type

Parameter Description
ad_group_sid Security identifier that is used to uniquely identify the AD group. Value starts with 'S-1-' and cannot be null or empty string. For more information, see Retrieving Active Directory Group SID in
db_role Database role to be mapped to the specified AD Group. Value cannot be null or empty string.
weight Weight associated with the database role. The role with highest weight gets precedence when user is a member of multiple groups. Default value of weight is 1.
ad_group Name of AD Group. Value cannot be null or empty string.

Usage notes

Call this function to list all the available mappings between AD security group and DB role.


postgres=> select * from pgadmap_read_mapping(); ad_sid | pg_role | weight | ad_grp ------------------------------------+---------------+--------+------------------ S-1-2-33-12345-67890-12345-678 | accounts-role | 10 | accounts-group (1 row) (1 row)


This function resets one or all the mappings that were set using pgadmap_set_mapping function.


pgadmap_reset_mapping( ad_group_sid, db_role, weight)


Parameter Description
ad_group_sid Security identifier that is used to uniquely identify the AD group.
db_role Database role to be mapped to the specified AD Group.
weight Weight associated with the database role.

If no arguments are provided, all AD group to DB role mappings are reset. Either all arguments need to be provided or none.

Return type


Usage notes

Call this function to delete a specific AD group to DB role mapping or to reset all mappings. This function can only be executed on the primary DB instance of the DB cluster by a user having rds_superuser privilege.


postgres=> select * from pgadmap_read_mapping(); ad_sid | pg_role | weight | ad_grp --------------------------------+--------------+-------------+------------------- S-1-2-33-12345-67890-12345-678 | accounts-role| 10 | accounts-group S-1-2-33-12345-67890-12345-666 | sales-role | 10 | sales-group (2 rows) postgres=> select pgadmap_reset_mapping('S-1-2-33-12345-67890-12345-678', 'accounts-role', 10); pgadmap_reset_mapping (1 row) postgres=> select * from pgadmap_read_mapping(); ad_sid | pg_role | weight | ad_grp --------------------------------+--------------+-------------+--------------- S-1-2-33-12345-67890-12345-666 | sales-role | 10 | sales-group (1 row) postgres=> select pgadmap_reset_mapping(); pgadmap_reset_mapping (1 row) postgres=> select * from pgadmap_read_mapping(); ad_sid | pg_role | weight | ad_grp --------------------------------+--------------+-------------+-------------- (0 rows)