Deleting retained automated backups for Amazon Aurora - Amazon Aurora

Deleting retained automated backups for Amazon Aurora

You can delete retained automated backups when they are no longer needed. To delete a retained automated backup using the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, or Amazon RDS API, use the following procedures.

To delete a retained automated backup
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon RDS console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Automated backups.

  3. Choose the Retained tab.

    Retained automated backups
  4. Choose the retained automated backup that you want to delete.

  5. For Actions, choose Delete.

  6. On the confirmation page, enter delete me and choose Delete.

You can delete a retained automated backup by using the AWS CLI command delete-db-cluster-automated-backup with the following option:

  • --db-cluster-resource-id – The resource identifier for the source DB cluster.

    You can find the resource identifier for the source DB cluster of a retained automated backup by running the AWS CLI command describe-db-cluster-automated-backups.

This example deletes the retained automated backup for the source DB cluster that has the resource ID cluster-123ABCEXAMPLE.

For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

aws rds delete-db-cluster-automated-backup \ --db-cluster-resource-id cluster-123ABCEXAMPLE

For Windows:

aws rds delete-db-cluster-automated-backup ^ --db-cluster-resource-id cluster-123ABCEXAMPLE

You can delete a retained automated backup by using the Amazon RDS API operation DeleteDBClusterAutomatedBackup with the following parameter:

  • DbClusterResourceId – The resource identifier for the source DB cluster.

    You can find the resource identifier for the source DB instance of a retained automated backup using the Amazon RDS API operation DescribeDBClusterAutomatedBackups.