Tuning Aurora MySQL with wait events - Amazon Aurora

Tuning Aurora MySQL with wait events

The following table summarizes the Aurora MySQL wait events that most commonly indicate performance problems. The following wait events are a subset of the list in Aurora MySQL wait events.

Wait event Description


This event occurs when a thread is active in CPU or is waiting for CPU.


This event occurs when a session is writing persistent data to Aurora storage.


This event occurs when a thread is waiting to return a result set to a client.


This event occurs when a session is writing persistent data to Aurora storage.


This event occurs when a thread is in the process of handling a new connection.


This event occurs when work has been delegated to a storage engine.


This event occurs when one session has locked a row for an update, and another session tries to update the same row.


This event occurs when one session has locked a row for an update, and another session tries to update the same row.


This event occurs when there are threads waiting on a table metadata lock.


This event occurs when one session has locked a row for an update, and another session tries to update the same row.


This event occurs when a thread has acquired a lock on the InnoDB buffer pool to access a page in memory.


This event occurs when a session is waiting to access the tablespace memory cache.


This event occurs when there is high database activity with a large number of transactions.


This event occurs when pages not found in the buffer pool must be read from a file.