Removing a source identifier from an Amazon RDS event notification subscription - Amazon Aurora

Removing a source identifier from an Amazon RDS event notification subscription

You can remove a source identifier (the Amazon RDS source generating the event) from a subscription if you no longer want to be notified of events for that source.

You can easily add or remove source identifiers using the Amazon RDS console by selecting or deselecting them when modifying a subscription. For more information, see Modifying an Amazon RDS event notification subscription.

To remove a source identifier from an Amazon RDS event notification subscription, use the AWS CLI remove-source-identifier-from-subscription command. Include the following required parameters:

  • --subscription-name

  • --source-identifier


The following example removes the source identifier mysqldb from the myrdseventsubscription subscription.

For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

aws rds remove-source-identifier-from-subscription \ --subscription-name myrdseventsubscription \ --source-identifier mysqldb

For Windows:

aws rds remove-source-identifier-from-subscription ^ --subscription-name myrdseventsubscription ^ --source-identifier mysqldb

To remove a source identifier from an Amazon RDS event notification subscription, use the Amazon RDS API RemoveSourceIdentifierFromSubscription command. Include the following required parameters:

  • SubscriptionName

  • SourceIdentifier