Retrieving time-series metrics for Performance Insights - Amazon Aurora

Retrieving time-series metrics for Performance Insights

The GetResourceMetrics operation retrieves one or more time-series metrics from the Performance Insights data. GetResourceMetrics requires a metric and time period, and returns a response with a list of data points.

For example, the AWS Management Console uses GetResourceMetrics to populate the Counter Metrics chart and the Database Load chart, as seen in the following image.

Counter Metrics and Database Load charts

All metrics returned by GetResourceMetrics are standard time-series metrics, with the exception of db.load. This metric is displayed in the Database Load chart. The db.load metric is different from the other time-series metrics because you can break it into subcomponents called dimensions. In the previous image, db.load is broken down and grouped by the waits states that make up the db.load.


GetResourceMetrics can also return the db.sampleload metric, but the db.load metric is appropriate in most cases.

For information about the counter metrics returned by GetResourceMetrics, see Performance Insights counter metrics.

The following calculations are supported for the metrics:

  • Average – The average value for the metric over a period of time. Append .avg to the metric name.

  • Minimum – The minimum value for the metric over a period of time. Append .min to the metric name.

  • Maximum – The maximum value for the metric over a period of time. Append .max to the metric name.

  • Sum – The sum of the metric values over a period of time. Append .sum to the metric name.

  • Sample count – The number of times the metric was collected over a period of time. Append .sample_count to the metric name.

For example, assume that a metric is collected for 300 seconds (5 minutes), and that the metric is collected one time each minute. The values for each minute are 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. In this case, the following calculations are returned:

  • Average – 3

  • Minimum – 1

  • Maximum – 5

  • Sum – 15

  • Sample count – 5

For information about using the get-resource-metrics AWS CLI command, see get-resource-metrics.

For the --metric-queries option, specify one or more queries that you want to get results for. Each query consists of a mandatory Metric and optional GroupBy and Filter parameters. The following is an example of a --metric-queries option specification.

{ "Metric": "string", "GroupBy": { "Group": "string", "Dimensions": ["string", ...], "Limit": integer }, "Filter": {"string": "string" ...}