Upgrading PostgreSQL extensions - Amazon Aurora

Upgrading PostgreSQL extensions

Upgrading your Aurora PostgreSQL DB cluster to a new major or minor version doesn't upgrade the PostgreSQL extensions at the same time. For most extensions, you upgrade the extension after the major or minor version upgrade completes. However, in some cases, you upgrade the extension before you upgrade the Aurora PostgreSQL DB engine. For more information, see the list of extensions to update in Testing an upgrade of your production DB cluster to a new major version.

Installing PostgreSQL extensions requires rds_superuser privileges. Typically, an rds_superuser delegates permissions over specific extensions to relevant users (roles), to facilitate the management of a given extension. That means that the task of upgrading all the extensions in your Aurora PostgreSQL DB cluster might involve many different users (roles). Keep this in mind especially if you want to automate the upgrade process by using scripts. For more information about PostgreSQL privileges and roles, see Security with Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL.


For information about updating the PostGIS extension, see Managing spatial data with the PostGIS extension (Step 6: Upgrade the PostGIS extension).

To update the pg_repack extension, drop the extension and then create the new version in the upgraded DB instance. For more information, see pg_repack installation in the pg_repack documentation.

To update an extension after an engine upgrade, use the ALTER EXTENSION UPDATE command.

ALTER EXTENSION extension_name UPDATE TO 'new_version';

To list your currently installed extensions, use the PostgreSQL pg_extension catalog in the following command.

SELECT * FROM pg_extension;

To view a list of the specific extension versions that are available for your installation, use the PostgreSQL pg_available_extension_versions view in the following command.

SELECT * FROM pg_available_extension_versions;