Deleting a DB cluster snapshot - Amazon Aurora

Deleting a DB cluster snapshot

You can delete DB cluster snapshots managed by Amazon RDS when you no longer need them.


To delete backups managed by AWS Backup, use the AWS Backup console. For information about AWS Backup, see the AWS Backup Developer Guide.

Deleting a DB cluster snapshot

You can delete a DB cluster snapshot using the console, the AWS CLI, or the RDS API.

To delete a shared or public snapshot, you must sign in to the AWS account that owns the snapshot.

To delete a DB cluster snapshot
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon RDS console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Snapshots.

  3. Choose the DB cluster snapshot that you want to delete.

  4. For Actions, choose Delete snapshot.

  5. Choose Delete on the confirmation page.

You can delete a DB cluster snapshot by using the AWS CLI command delete-db-cluster-snapshot.

The following options are used to delete a DB cluster snapshot.

  • --db-cluster-snapshot-identifier – The identifier for the DB cluster snapshot.

The following code deletes the mydbclustersnapshot DB cluster snapshot.

For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

aws rds delete-db-cluster-snapshot \ --db-cluster-snapshot-identifier mydbclustersnapshot

For Windows:

aws rds delete-db-cluster-snapshot ^ --db-cluster-snapshot-identifier mydbclustersnapshot

You can delete a DB cluster snapshot by using the Amazon RDS API operation DeleteDBClusterSnapshot.

The following parameters are used to delete a DB cluster snapshot.

  • DBClusterSnapshotIdentifier – The identifier for the DB cluster snapshot.