Editing a custom endpoint - Amazon Aurora

Editing a custom endpoint

You can edit the properties of a custom endpoint to change which DB instances are associated with the endpoint. You can also change an endpoint between a static list and an exclusion list. If you need more details about these endpoint properties, see Membership rules for custom endpoints.

You can continue connecting to and using a custom endpoint while the changes from an edit action are in progress.

To edit a custom endpoint with the AWS Management Console, you can select the endpoint on the cluster detail page, or bring up the detail page for the endpoint, and choose the Edit action.

Editing a custom endpoint.

To edit a custom endpoint with the AWS CLI, run the modify-db-cluster-endpoint command.

The following commands change the set of DB instances that apply to a custom endpoint and optionally switches between the behavior of a static or exclusion list. The --static-members and --excluded-members parameters take a space-separated list of DB instance identifiers.

For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

aws rds modify-db-cluster-endpoint --db-cluster-endpoint-identifier my-custom-endpoint \ --static-members db-instance-id-1 db-instance-id-2 db-instance-id-3 \ --region region_name aws rds modify-db-cluster-endpoint --db-cluster-endpoint-identifier my-custom-endpoint \ --excluded-members db-instance-id-4 db-instance-id-5 \ --region region_name

For Windows:

aws rds modify-db-cluster-endpoint --db-cluster-endpoint-identifier my-custom-endpoint ^ --static-members db-instance-id-1 db-instance-id-2 db-instance-id-3 ^ --region region_name aws rds modify-db-cluster-endpoint --db-cluster-endpoint-identifier my-custom-endpoint ^ --excluded-members db-instance-id-4 db-instance-id-5 ^ --region region_name

To edit a custom endpoint with the RDS API, run the ModifyDBClusterEndpoint.html operation.