Using write forwarding in an Aurora PostgreSQL global database - Amazon Aurora

Using write forwarding in an Aurora PostgreSQL global database

Region and version availability of write forwarding in Aurora PostgreSQL

In Aurora PostgreSQL version 16 and higher major versions, global write forwarding is supported in all minor versions. For earlier Aurora PostgreSQL versions, global write forwarding is supported with version 15.4 and higher minor versions, and version 14.9 and higher minor versions. Write forwarding is available in every AWS Region where Aurora PostgreSQL-based global databases are available.

For more information on version and Region availability of Aurora PostgreSQL global databases, see Aurora global databases with Aurora PostgreSQL.

Enabling write forwarding in Aurora PostgreSQL

By default, write forwarding isn't enabled when you add a secondary cluster to an Aurora global database. You can enable write forwarding for your secondary DB cluster while you're creating it or anytime after you create it. If needed, you can disable it later. Enabling or disabling write forwarding doesn't cause downtime or a reboot.


You can use local write forwarding for your applications that have occasional writes and require read-after-write consistency, which is the ability to read the latest write in a transaction.

In the console, you can enable or disable write forwarding when you create or modify a secondary DB cluster.

Enabling or disabling write forwarding when creating a secondary DB cluster

When you create a new secondary DB cluster, you enable write forwarding by selecting the Turn on global write forwarding check box under Read replica write forwarding. Or clear the check box to disable it. To create a secondary DB cluster, follow the instructions for your DB engine in Creating an Amazon Aurora DB cluster.

The following screenshot shows the Read replica write forwarding section with the Turn on global write forwarding check box selected.

The Read replica write forwarding section, showing the Turn on global write forwarding check box selected.

Enabling or disabling write forwarding when modifying a secondary DB cluster

In the console, you can modify a secondary DB cluster to enable or disable write forwarding.

To enable or disable write forwarding for a secondary DB cluster by using the console
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon RDS console at

  2. Choose Databases.

  3. Choose the secondary DB cluster, and choose Modify.

  4. In the Read replica write forwarding section, check or clear the Turn on global write forwarding check box.

  5. Choose Continue.

  6. For Schedule modifications, choose Apply immediately. If you choose Apply during the next scheduled maintenance window, Aurora ignores this setting and turns on write forwarding immediately.

  7. Choose Modify cluster.

To enable write forwarding by using the AWS CLI, use the --enable-global-write-forwarding option. This option works when you create a new secondary cluster using the create-db-cluster command. It also works when you modify an existing secondary cluster using the modify-db-cluster command. It requires that the global database uses an Aurora version that supports write forwarding. You can disable write forwarding by using the --no-enable-global-write-forwarding option with these same CLI commands.

The following procedures describe how to enable or disable write forwarding for a secondary DB cluster in your global cluster by using the AWS CLI.

To enable or disable write forwarding for an existing secondary DB cluster
  • Call the modify-db-cluster AWS CLI command and supply the following values:

    • --db-cluster-identifier – The name of the DB cluster.

    • --enable-global-write-forwarding to turn on or --no-enable-global-write-forwarding to turn off.

    The following example enables write forwarding for DB cluster sample-secondary-db-cluster.

    For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

    aws rds modify-db-cluster \ --db-cluster-identifier sample-secondary-db-cluster \ --enable-global-write-forwarding

    For Windows:

    aws rds modify-db-cluster ^ --db-cluster-identifier sample-secondary-db-cluster ^ --enable-global-write-forwarding

To enable write forwarding using the Amazon RDS API, set the EnableGlobalWriteForwarding parameter to true. This parameter works when you create a new secondary cluster using the CreateDBCluster operation. It also works when you modify an existing secondary cluster using the ModifyDBCluster operation. It requires that the global database uses an Aurora version that supports write forwarding. You can disable write forwarding by setting the EnableGlobalWriteForwarding parameter to false.

Checking if a secondary cluster has write forwarding enabled in Aurora PostgreSQL

To determine whether you can use write forwarding from a secondary cluster, you can check whether the cluster has the attribute "GlobalWriteForwardingStatus": "enabled".

In the AWS Management Console, you see Read replica write forwarding on the Configuration tab of the details page for the cluster. To see the status of the global write forwarding setting for all of your clusters, run the following AWS CLI command.

A secondary cluster shows the value "enabled" or "disabled" to indicate if write forwarding is turned on or off. A value of null indicates that write forwarding isn't available for that cluster. Either the cluster isn't part of a global database, or is the primary cluster instead of a secondary cluster. The value can also be "enabling" or "disabling" if write forwarding is in the process of being turned on or off.

aws rds describe-db-clusters --query '*[].{DBClusterIdentifier:DBClusterIdentifier,GlobalWriteForwardingStatus:GlobalWriteForwardingStatus}' [ { "GlobalWriteForwardingStatus": "enabled", "DBClusterIdentifier": "aurora-write-forwarding-test-replica-1" }, { "GlobalWriteForwardingStatus": "disabled", "DBClusterIdentifier": "aurora-write-forwarding-test-replica-2" }, { "GlobalWriteForwardingStatus": null, "DBClusterIdentifier": "non-global-cluster" } ]

To find all secondary clusters that have global write forwarding enabled, run the following command. This command also returns the cluster's reader endpoint. You use the secondary cluster's reader endpoint when you use write forwarding from the secondary to the primary in your Aurora global database.

aws rds describe-db-clusters --query 'DBClusters[].{DBClusterIdentifier:DBClusterIdentifier,GlobalWriteForwardingStatus:GlobalWriteForwardingStatus,ReaderEndpoint:ReaderEndpoint} | [?GlobalWriteForwardingStatus == `enabled`]' [ { "GlobalWriteForwardingStatus": "enabled", "ReaderEndpoint": "", "DBClusterIdentifier": "aurora-write-forwarding-test-replica-1" } ]

Application and SQL compatibility with write forwarding in Aurora PostgreSQL

Certain statements aren't allowed or can produce stale results when you use them in a global database with write forwarding. In addition, user defined functions and user defined procedures aren't supported. Thus, the EnableGlobalWriteForwarding setting is turned off by default for secondary clusters. Before turning it on, check to make sure that your application code isn't affected by any of these restrictions.

You can use the following kinds of SQL statements with write forwarding:

  • Data manipulation language (DML) statements, such as INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE


  • PREPARE and EXECUTE statements

  • EXPLAIN statements with the statements in this list

The following kinds of SQL statements aren't supported with write forwarding:

  • Data definition language (DDL) statements



  • COPY

  • Cursors – Cursors aren't supported, so make sure to close them before using write forwarding.


  • LOCK

  • SAVEPOINT statements





Isolation and consistency for write forwarding in Aurora PostgreSQL

In sessions that use write forwarding, you can use the REPEATABLE READ and READ COMMITTED isolation levels. However, the SERIALIZABLE isolation level isn't supported.

You can control the degree of read consistency on a secondary cluster. The read consistency level determines how much waiting the secondary cluster does before each read operation to ensure that some or all changes are replicated from the primary cluster. You can adjust the read consistency level to ensure that all forwarded write operations from your session are visible in the secondary cluster before any subsequent queries. You can also use this setting to ensure that queries on the secondary cluster always see the most current updates from the primary cluster. This is so even for those submitted by other sessions or other clusters. To specify this type of behavior for your application, you choose the appropriate value for the apg_write_forward.consistency_mode parameter. The apg_write_forward.consistency_mode parameter has an effect only on secondary clusters that have write forwarding enabled.


For the apg_write_forward.consistency_mode parameter, you can specify the value SESSION, EVENTUAL, GLOBAL, or OFF. By default, the value is set to SESSION. Setting the value to OFF disables write forwarding in the session.

As you increase the consistency level, your application spends more time waiting for changes to be propagated between AWS Regions. You can choose the balance between fast response time and ensuring that changes made in other locations are fully available before your queries run.

With each available consistency mode setting, the effect is as follows:

  • SESSION – All queries in a secondary AWS Region that uses write forwarding see the results of all changes made in that session. The changes are visible regardless of whether the transaction is committed. If necessary, the query waits for the results of forwarded write operations to be replicated to the current Region. It doesn't wait for updated results from write operations performed in other Regions or in other sessions within the current Region.

  • EVENTUAL – Queries in a secondary AWS Region that uses write forwarding might see data that is slightly stale due to replication lag. Results of write operations in the same session aren't visible until the write operation is performed on the primary Region and replicated to the current Region. The query doesn't wait for the updated results to be available. Thus, it might retrieve the older data or the updated data, depending on the timing of the statements and the amount of replication lag.

  • GLOBAL – A session in a secondary AWS Region sees changes made by that session. It also sees all committed changes from both the primary AWS Region and other secondary AWS Regions. Each query might wait for a period that varies depending on the amount of session lag. The query proceeds when the secondary cluster is up-to-date with all committed data from the primary cluster, as of the time that the query began.

  • OFF – Write forwarding is disabled in the session.

For more information about all the parameters involved with write forwarding, see Configuration parameters for write forwarding in Aurora PostgreSQL.

Transaction access modes with write forwarding

If the transaction access mode is set to read only, write forwarding isn't used. You can set the access mode to read write only while you’re connected to a DB cluster and session that has write forwarding enabled.

For more information on the transaction access modes, see SET TRANSACTION.

Running multipart statements with write forwarding in Aurora PostgreSQL

A DML statement might consist of multiple parts, such as a INSERT ... SELECT statement or a DELETE ... WHERE statement. In this case, the entire statement is forwarded to the primary cluster and run there.

Configuration parameters for write forwarding in Aurora PostgreSQL

The Aurora cluster parameter groups include settings for the write forwarding feature. Because these are cluster parameters, all DB instances in each cluster have the same values for these variables. Details about these parameters are summarized in the following table, with usage notes after the table.

Name Scope Type Default value Valid values
apg_write_forward.connect_timeout Session seconds 30 0–2147483647
apg_write_forward.consistency_mode Session enum Session SESSION, EVENTUAL, GLOBAL, OFF
apg_write_forward.idle_in_transaction_session_timeout Session milliseconds 86400000 0–2147483647
apg_write_forward.idle_session_timeout Session milliseconds 300000 0–2147483647
apg_write_forward.max_forwarding_connections_percent Global int 25 1–100

The apg_write_forward.max_forwarding_connections_percent parameter is the upper limit on database connection slots that can be used to handle queries forwarded from readers. It is expressed as a percentage of the max_connections setting for the writer DB instance in the primary cluster. For example, if max_connections is 800 and apg_write_forward.max_forwarding_connections_percent is 10, then the writer allows a maximum of 80 simultaneous forwarded sessions. These connections come from the same connection pool managed by the max_connections setting. This setting applies only on the primary cluster when at least one secondary clusters has write forwarding enabled.

Use the following settings on the secondary cluster:

  • apg_write_forward.consistency_mode – A session-level parameter that controls the degree of read consistency on the secondary cluster. Valid values are SESSION, EVENTUAL, GLOBAL, or OFF. By default, the value is set to SESSION. Setting the value to OFF disables write forwarding in the session. To learn more about consistency levels, see Isolation and consistency for write forwarding in Aurora PostgreSQL. This parameter is relevant only in reader instances of secondary clusters that have write forwarding enabled and that are in an Aurora global database.

  • apg_write_forward.connect_timeout – The maximum number of seconds the secondary cluster waits when establishing a connection to the primary cluster before giving up. A value of 0 means to wait indefinitely.

  • apg_write_forward.idle_in_transaction_session_timeout – The number of milliseconds the primary cluster waits for activity on a connection that's forwarded from a secondary cluster that has an open transaction before closing it. If the session remains idle in transaction beyond this period, Aurora terminates the session. A value of 0 disables the timeout.

  • apg_write_forward.idle_session_timeout – The number of milliseconds the primary cluster waits for activity on a connection that's forwarded from a secondary cluster before closing it. If the session remains idle beyond this period, Aurora terminates the session. A value of 0 disables the timeout.

Amazon CloudWatch metrics for write forwarding in Aurora PostgreSQL

The following Amazon CloudWatch metrics apply to the primary cluster when you use write forwarding on one or more secondary clusters. These metrics are all measured on the writer DB instance in the primary cluster.

CloudWatch Metric

Units and description


Count (per second). Number of forwarded DML statements processed each second by this writer DB instance.


Count. Number of open sessions on this writer DB instance processing forwarded queries.


Count. Total number of forwarded sessions on this writer DB instance.

The following CloudWatch metrics apply to each secondary cluster. These metrics are measured on each reader DB instance in a secondary cluster with write forwarding enabled.

CloudWatch Metric

Unit and description


Count (per second). Number of commits in sessions forwarded by this replica each second.


Milliseconds. Average response time in milliseconds of forwarded DMLs on replica.


Count (per second). Number of forwarded DML statements processed on this replica each second.


Count. Number of sessions rejected by the primary cluster because the limit for max connections or max write forward connections was reached.


Count. The number of sessions that are using write forwarding on a replica instance.


Milliseconds. Average wait time in milliseconds that the replica waits to be consistent with the LSN of the primary cluster. The degree to which the reader DB instance waits depends on the apg_write_forward.consistency_mode setting. For information about this setting, see Configuration parameters for write forwarding in Aurora PostgreSQL.

Wait events for write forwarding in Aurora PostgreSQL

Amazon Aurora generates the following wait events when you use write forwarding with Aurora PostgreSQL.


The IPC:AuroraWriteForwardConnect event occurs when a backend process on the secondary DB cluster is waiting for a connection to the writer node of the primary DB cluster to be opened.

Likely causes of increased waits

This event increases as the number of connection attempts from a secondary Region's reader node to the writer node of the primary DB cluster increases.


Reduce the number of simultaneous connections from a secondary node to the primary Region's writer node.


The IPC:AuroraWriteForwardConsistencyPoint event describes how long a query from a node on the secondary DB cluster will wait for the results of forwarded write operations to be replicated to the current Region. This event is only generated if the session-level parameter apg_write_forward.consistency_mode is set to one of the following:

  • SESSION – queries on a secondary node wait for the results of all changes made in that session.

  • GLOBAL – queries on a secondary node wait for the results of changes made by that session, plus all committed changes from both the primary Region and other secondary Regions in the global cluster.

For more information about the apg_write_forward.consistency_mode parameter settings, see Configuration parameters for write forwarding in Aurora PostgreSQL.

Likely causes of increased waits

Common causes for longer wait times include the following:

  • Increased replica lag, as measured by the Amazon CloudWatch ReplicaLag metric. For more information about this metric, see Monitoring Aurora PostgreSQL replication.

  • Increased load on the primary Region's writer node or on the secondary node.


Change your consistency mode, depending on your application's requirements.


The IPC:AuroraWriteForwardExecute event occurs when a backend process on the secondary DB cluster is waiting for a forwarded query to complete and obtain results from the writer node of the primary DB cluster.

Likely causes of increased waits

Common causes for increased waits include the following:

  • Fetching a large number of rows from the primary Region's writer node.

  • Increased network latency between the secondary node and primary Region's writer node increases the time it takes the secondary node to receive data from the writer node.

  • Increased load on the secondary node can delay transmission of the query request from the secondary node to the primary Region's writer node.

  • Increased load on the primary Region's writer node can delay transmission of data from the writer node to the secondary node.


We recommend different actions depending on the causes of your wait event.

  • Optimize queries to retrieve only necessary data.

  • Optimize data manipulation language (DML) operations to only modify necessary data.

  • If the secondary node or primary Region's writer node is constrained by CPU or network bandwidth, consider changing it to an instance type with more CPU capacity or more network bandwidth.


The IPC:AuroraWriteForwardGetGlobalConsistencyPoint event occurs when a backend process on the secondary DB cluster that's using the GLOBAL consistency mode is waiting to obtain the global consistency point from the writer node before executing a query.

Likely causes of increased waits

Common causes for increased waits include the following:

  • Increased network latency between the secondary node and primary Region's writer node increases the time it takes the secondary node to receive data from the writer node.

  • Increased load on the secondary node can delay transmission of the query request from the secondary node to the primary Region's writer node.

  • Increased load on the primary Region's writer node can delay transmission of data from the writer node to the secondary node.


We recommend different actions depending on the causes of your wait event.

  • Change your consistency mode, depending on your application's requirements.

  • If the secondary node or primary Region's writer node is constrained by CPU or network bandwidth, consider changing it to an instance type with more CPU capacity or more network bandwidth.


The IPC:AuroraWriteForwardXactAbort event occurs when a backend process on the secondary DB cluster is waiting for the result of a remote cleanup query. Cleanup queries are issued to return the process to the appropriate state after a write-forwarded transaction is aborted. Amazon Aurora performs them either because an error was found or because an user issued an explicit ABORT command or cancelled a running query.

Likely causes of increased waits

Common causes for increased waits include the following:

  • Increased network latency between the secondary node and primary Region's writer node increases the time it takes the secondary node to receive data from the writer node.

  • Increased load on the secondary node can delay transmission of the cleanup query request from the secondary node to the primary Region's writer node.

  • Increased load on the primary Region's writer node can delay transmission of data from the writer node to the secondary node.


We recommend different actions depending on the causes of your wait event.

  • Investigate the cause of the aborted transaction.

  • If the secondary node or primary Region's writer node is constrained by CPU or network bandwidth, consider changing it to an instance type with more CPU capacity or more network bandwidth.


The IPC:AuroraWriteForwardXactCommit event occurs when a backend process on the secondary DB cluster is waiting for the result of a forwarded commit transaction command.

Likely causes of increased waits

Common causes for increased waits include the following:

  • Increased network latency between the secondary node and primary Region's writer node increases the time it takes the secondary node to receive data from the writer node.

  • Increased load on the secondary node can delay transmission of the query request from the secondary node to the primary Region's writer node.

  • Increased load on the primary Region's writer node can delay transmission of data from the writer node to the secondary node.


If the secondary node or primary Region's writer node is constrained by CPU or network bandwidth, consider changing it to an instance type with more CPU capacity or more network bandwidth.


The IPC:AuroraWriteForwardXactStart event occurs when a backend process on the secondary DB cluster is waiting for the result of a forwarded start transaction command.

Likely causes of increased waits

Common causes for increased waits include the following:

  • Increased network latency between the secondary node and primary Region's writer node increases the time it takes the secondary node to receive data from the writer node.

  • Increased load on the secondary node can delay transmission of the query request from the secondary node to the primary Region's writer node.

  • Increased load on the primary Region's writer node can delay transmission of data from the writer node to the secondary node.


If the secondary node or primary Region's writer node is constrained by CPU or network bandwidth, consider changing it to an instance type with more CPU capacity or more network bandwidth.