aurora_stat_plans - Amazon Aurora


Returns a row for every tracked execution plan.


aurora_stat_plans( showtext )


  • showtext – Show the query and plan text. Valid values are NULL, true or false. True will show the query and plan text.

Return type

Returns a row for each tracked plan that contains all the columns from aurora_stat_statements and the following additional columns.

  • planid – plan identifier

  • explain_plan – explain plan text

  • plan_type:

    • no plan - no plan was captured

    • estimate - plan captured with estimated costs

    • actual - plan captured with EXPLAIN ANALYZE

  • plan_captured_time – last time a plan was captured

Usage notes

aurora_compute_plan_id must be enabled and pg_stat_statements must be in shared_preload_libraries for the plans to be tracked.

The number of plans available is controlled by the value set in the pg_stat_statements.max parameter. When aurora_compute_plan_id is enabled, you can track the plans up to this specified value in aurora_stat_plans.

This function is available from Aurora PostgreSQL versions 14.10, 15.5, and for all other later versions.


In the example below, the two plans that are for the query identifier -5471422286312252535 are captured and the statements statistics are tracked by the planid.

db1=# select calls, total_exec_time, planid, plan_captured_time, explain_plan db1-# from aurora_stat_plans(true) db1-# where queryid = '-5471422286312252535' calls | total_exec_time | planid | plan_captured_time | explain_plan ---------+--------------------+-------------+-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------ 1532632 | 3209846.097107853 | 1602979607 | 2023-10-31 03:27:16.925497+00 | Update on pgbench_branches + | | | | -> Bitmap Heap Scan on pgbench_branches + | | | | Recheck Cond: (bid = 76) + | | | | -> Bitmap Index Scan on pgbench_branches_pkey + | | | | Index Cond: (bid = 76) 61365 | 124078.18012200127 | -2054628807 | 2023-10-31 03:20:09.85429+00 | Update on pgbench_branches + | | | | -> Index Scan using pgbench_branches_pkey on pgbench_branches+ | | | | Index Cond: (bid = 17)