Troubleshooting Babelfish - Amazon Aurora

Troubleshooting Babelfish

Following, you can find troubleshooting ideas and workarounds for some Babelfish DB cluster issues.

Connection failure

Common causes of connection failures to a new Aurora DB cluster with Babelfish include the following:

  • Security group doesn't allow access – If you're having trouble connecting to a Babelfish, make sure that you added your IP address to the default Amazon EC2 security group. You can use to determine your IP address and then add it to your in-bound rule for the TDS port and the PostgreSQL port. For more information, see Add rules to a security group in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.

  • Mismatching SSL configurations – If the rds.force_ssl parameter is turned on (set to 1) on Aurora PostgreSQL, then clients must connect to Babelfish over SSL. If your client isn't set up correctly, you see an error message such as the following:

    Cannot connect to your-Babelfish-DB-cluster, 1433 --------------------- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: no pg_hba_conf entry for host "", user "your-user-name", "database babelfish_db", SSL off (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 33557097) ...

    This error indicates a possible SSL configuration issue between your local client and the Babelfish DB cluster, and that the cluster requires clients to use SSL (its rds.force_ssl parameter is set to 1). For more information about configuring SSL, see Using SSL with a PostgreSQL DB instance in the Amazon RDS User Guide.

    If you are using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) to connect to Babelfish and you see this error, you can choose Encrypt connection and Trust server certificate connection options on the Connection Properties pane and try again. These settings handle the SSL connection requirement for SSMS.

For more information about troubleshooting Aurora connection issues, see Can't connect to Amazon RDS DB instance.