Single-shard queries in Aurora PostgreSQL Limitless Database - Amazon Aurora

Single-shard queries in Aurora PostgreSQL Limitless Database

A single-shard query is a query that can be run directly on a shard while maintaining SQL ACID semantics. When such a query is encountered by the query planner on the router, the planner detects it and proceeds to push down the entire SQL query to the corresponding shard.

This optimization reduces the number of network round trips from the router to the shard, improving the performance. Currently this optimization is performed for INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE, and DELETE queries.

Single-shard query examples

In the following examples, we have the sharded table customers, with the shard key customer_id, and the reference table zipcodes.

postgres_limitless=> EXPLAIN (VERBOSE, COSTS OFF) SELECT * FROM customers WHERE customer_id = 100; QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------------- Foreign Scan Output: customer_id, other_id, customer_name, balance Remote SQL: SELECT customer_id, other_id, customer_name, balance FROM public.customers WHERE (customer_id = 100) Single Shard Optimized (9 rows)
postgres_limitless=> EXPLAIN (VERBOSE, COSTS OFF) SELECT * FROM orders LEFT JOIN zipcodes ON orders.zipcode_id = zipcodes.zipcode_id WHERE customer_id = 11; QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Foreign Scan Output: customer_id, order_id, zipcode_id, customer_name, balance, zipcodes.zipcode_id, Remote SQL: SELECT orders.customer_id, orders.order_id, orders.zipcode_id, orders.customer_name, orders.balance, zipcodes.zipcode_id, FROM (public.orders LEFT JOIN public.zipcodes ON ((orders.zipcode_id = zipcodes.zipcode_id))) WHERE (orders.customer_id = 11) Single Shard Optimized (13 rows)
postgres_limitless=> EXPLAIN (VERBOSE, COSTS OFF) INSERT INTO customers (customer_id, other_id, customer_name, balance) VALUES (1, 10, 'saikiran', 1000); QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------- Insert on public.customers -> Result Output: 1, 10, 'saikiran'::text, '1000'::real Single Shard Optimized (4 rows)
postgres_limitless=> EXPLAIN (VERBOSE, COSTS OFF) UPDATE orders SET balance = balance + 100 WHERE customer_id = 100; QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update on public.orders Foreign Update on public.orders_fs00002 orders_1 -> Foreign Update Remote SQL: UPDATE public.orders SET balance = (balance + (100)::double precision) WHERE (customer_id = 100) Single Shard Optimized (6 rows)
postgres_limitless=> EXPLAIN (VERBOSE, COSTS OFF) DELETE FROM orders WHERE customer_id = 100 and balance = 0; QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------------------------- Delete on public.orders Foreign Delete on public.orders_fs00002 orders_1 -> Foreign Delete Remote SQL: DELETE FROM public.orders WHERE ((customer_id = 100) AND (balance = (0)::double precision)) Single Shard Optimized (6 rows)

Restrictions for single-shard queries

Single-shard queries have the following restrictions:


If a single-shard query contains a function, the query qualifies for single-shard optimization only if one of the following conditions applies:

  • The function is immutable. For more information, see Function volatility.

  • The function is mutable, but is registered in the rds_aurora.limitless_distributed_functions view. For more information, see Function distribution.


If a query contains one or more views, single-shard optimization is disabled for the query if it has one of the following conditions:

  • Any view has the security_barrier attribute.

  • Objects used in the query require multiple user privileges. For example, a query contains two views, and the views are run under two different users.

CREATE VIEW v1 AS SELECT customer_name FROM customers c WHERE c.customer_id = 1; CREATE VIEW v2 WITH (security_barrier) AS SELECT customer_name FROM customers c WHERE c.customer_id = 1; postgres_limitless=> EXPLAIN VERBOSE SELECT * FROM v1; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Foreign Scan (cost=100.00..101.00 rows=100 width=0) Output: customer_name Remote Plans from Shard postgres_s3: Seq Scan on public.customers_ts00001 c (cost=0.00..24.12 rows=6 width=32) Output: c.customer_name Filter: (c.customer_id = 1) Query Identifier: -6005737533846718506 Remote SQL: SELECT customer_name FROM ( SELECT c.customer_name FROM public.customers c WHERE (c.customer_id = 1)) v1 Query Identifier: -5754424854414896228 (12 rows) postgres_limitless=> EXPLAIN VERBOSE SELECT * FROM v2; QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Foreign Scan on public.customers_fs00001 c (cost=100.00..128.41 rows=7 width=32) Output: c.customer_name Remote Plans from Shard postgres_s3: Seq Scan on public.customers_ts00001 customers (cost=0.00..24.12 rows=6 width=32) Output: customers.customer_name Filter: (customers.customer_id = 1) Query Identifier: 4136563775490008117 Remote SQL: SELECT customer_name FROM public.customers WHERE ((customer_id = 1)) Query Identifier: 5056054318010163757 (9 rows)
PREPARE and EXECUTE statements

Aurora PostgreSQL Limitless Database supports single-shard optimization for prepared SELECT statements.

However, if the prepared statement is an UPDATE or DELETE and contains a prepared variable, the query planner rejects single-shard optimization for that query. This is shown in the following examples: the Single Shard Optimized indicator is missing.

postgres_limitless=> PREPARE testStmt AS SELECT customer_name FROM customers c WHERE c.customer_id = $1; PREPARE postgres_limitless=> EXECUTE testStmt(1); customer_name --------------- (0 rows)
postgres_limitless=> EXPLAIN verbose EXECUTE testStmt(1); QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Foreign Scan (cost=100.00..101.00 rows=100 width=0) Output: customer_name Remote Plans from Shard postgres_s3: Seq Scan on public.customers_ts00001 c (cost=0.00..24.12 rows=6 width=32) Output: c.customer_name Filter: (c.customer_id = 1) Query Identifier: 1520926022284463170 Remote SQL: SELECT customer_name FROM public.customers c WHERE (customer_id = $1) Query Identifier: 1520926022284463170 (11 rows)

Queries with PL/pgSQL variables are run as implicitly prepared statements. If a query contains any PL/pgSQL variables, the query planner rejects single-shard optimization.

Optimization is supported in the PL/pgSQL block if the statement doesn't contain any PL/pgSQL variables.

Fully qualified (explicit) joins

Single-shard optimization is based on partition eliminations. The PostgreSQL optimizer eliminates partitions based on constant conditions. If Aurora PostgreSQL Limitless Database finds that all of the remaining partitions and tables are on the same shard, it marks the query eligible for single-shard optimization. All filter conditions must be explicit for partition elimination to work. Aurora PostgreSQL Limitless Database can't eliminate partitions without one or more join predicates or filter predicates on the shard keys of every sharded table in the statement.

Assume that we've partitioned the customers, orders, and order_details tables based on the customer_id column. In this schema, the application tries to keep all of the data for a customer on a single shard.

Consider the following query:

SELECT * FROM customers c, orders o, order_details od WHERE c.customer_id = o.customer_id AND od.order_id = o.order_id AND c.customer_id = 1;

This query retrieves all of the data for a customer (c.customer_id = 1). Data for this customer is on a single shard, but Aurora PostgreSQL Limitless Database doesn't qualify this query as a single-shard query. The optimizer process for the query is as follows:

  1. The optimizer can eliminate partitions for customers and orders based on the following condition:

    c.customer_id = 1 c.customer_id = o.customer_id o.customer_id = 1 (transitive implicit condition)
  2. The optimizer can't eliminate any partitions for order_details, because there's no constant condition on the table.

  3. The optimizer concludes that it has read all of the partitions from order_details. Therefore, the query can't be qualified for single-shard optimization.

To make this a single-shard query, we add the following explicit join condition:

o.customer_id = od.customer_id

The changed query looks like this:

SELECT * FROM customers c, orders o, order_details od WHERE c.customer_id = o.customer_id AND o.customer_id = od.customer_id AND od. order_id = o. order_id AND c.customer_id = 1;

Now the optimizer can eliminate partitions for order_details. The new query becomes a single-shard query and qualifies for optimization.

Setting an active shard key

This feature allows you to set a single shard key while querying the database, causing all SELECT and DML queries to be appended with the shard key as a constant predicate. This feature is useful if you've migrated to Aurora PostgreSQL Limitless Database and have denormalized the schema by adding shard keys to tables.

You can append a shard key predicate automatically to the existing SQL logic, without changing the semantics of the queries. Appending an active shard key predicate is done only for compatible tables.

The active shard key feature uses the rds_aurora.limitless_active_shard_key variable, which has the following syntax:

SET [session | local] rds_aurora.limitless_active_shard_key = '{"col1_value", "col2_value", ...}';

Assume that we have a customers table that is sharded on the customer_id column.

BEGIN; SET local rds_aurora.limitless_create_table_mode='sharded'; SET local rds_aurora.limitless_create_table_shard_key='{"customer_id"}'; CREATE TABLE customers(customer_id int PRIMARY KEY, name text , email text); COMMIT;

With an active shard key set, queries have the following transformations.

SET rds_aurora.limitless_active_shard_key = '{"123"}'; SELECT * FROM customers; -- This statement is changed to: SELECT * FROM customers WHERE customer_id = '123'::int;
SET rds_aurora.limitless_active_shard_key = '{"123"}'; INSERT INTO customers(name, email) VALUES('Alex', ''); -- This statement is changed to: INSERT INTO customers(customer_id, name, email) VALUES('123'::int, 'Alex', '');
SET rds_aurora.limitless_active_shard_key = '{"123"}'; UPDATE customers SET email = ''; -- This statement is changed to: UPDATE customers SET email = '' WHERE customer_id = '123'::int;
SET rds_aurora.limitless_active_shard_key = '{"123"}'; DELETE FROM customers; -- This statement is changed to: DELETE FROM customers WHERE customer_id = '123'::int;

When performing join operations on tables with an active shard key, the shard key predicate is automatically added to all tables involved in the join. This automatic addition of the shard key predicate occurs only when all tables in the query belong to the same collocation group. If the query involves tables from different collocation groups, an error is raised instead.

Assume that we also have orders and order_details tables that are collocated with the customers table.

SET local rds_aurora.limitless_create_table_mode='sharded'; SET local rds_aurora.limitless_create_table_collocate_with='customers'; SET local rds_aurora.limitless_create_table_shard_key='{"customer_id"}'; CREATE TABLE orders (id int , customer_id int, total_amount int, date date); CREATE TABLE order_details (id int , order_id int, customer_id int, product_name VARCHAR(100), price int); COMMIT;

Retrieve the last 10 order invoices for a customer whose customer ID is 10.

SET rds_aurora.limitless_active_shard_key = '{"10"}'; SELECT * FROM customers, orders, order_details WHERE orders.customer_id = customers.customer_id AND order_details.order_id = orders.order_id AND customers.customer_id = 10 order by order_date limit 10;

This query is transformed into the following:

SELECT * FROM customers, orders, order_details WHERE orders.customer_id = customers.customer_id AND orders.order_id = order_details.order_id AND customers.customer_id = 10 AND order_details.customer_id = 10 AND orders.customer_id = 10 AND ORDER BY "order_date" LIMIT 10;
Active shard key compatible tables

The shard key predicate is added only to tables that are compatible with the active shard key. A table is considered compatible if it has the same number of columns in its shard key as specified in the rds_aurora.limitless_active_shard_key variable. If the query involves tables that are incompatible with the active shard key, the system raises an error instead of proceeding with the query.

For example:

-- Compatible table SET rds_aurora.limitless_active_shard_key = '{"10"}'; -- The following query works because the customers table is sharded on one column. SELECT * FROM customers; -- Incompatible table SET rds_aurora.limitless_active_shard_key = '{"10","20"}'; -- The following query raises a error because the customers table isn't sharded on two columns. SELECT * FROM customers;