pgtle.available_extension_versions - Amazon Aurora


The available_extension_versions function is a set-returning function. It returns a list of all available TLE extensions and their versions. Each row contains information about a specific version of the given TLE extension, including whether it requires a specific role.

Function prototype







  • name – The name of the TLE extension.

  • version – The version of the TLE extension.

  • superuser – This value is always false for your TLE extensions. The permissions needed to create the TLE extension or update it are the same as for creating other objects in the given database.

  • trusted – This value is always false for a TLE extension.

  • relocatable – This value is always false for a TLE extension.

  • schema – Specifies the name of the schema in which the TLE extension is installed.

  • requires – An array containing the names of other extensions needed by this TLE extension.

  • description – A detailed description of the TLE extension.

For more information about output values, see Packaging Related Objects into an Extension > Extension Files in the PostgreSQL documentation.

Usage example

SELECT * FROM pgtle.available_extension_versions();