Deleting an RDS Proxy - Amazon Aurora

Deleting an RDS Proxy

You can delete a proxy when you no longer need it. Or, you might delete a proxy if you take the DB instance or cluster associated with it out of service.

To delete a proxy
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon RDS console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Proxies.

  3. Choose the proxy to delete from the list.

  4. Choose Delete Proxy.

To delete a DB proxy, use the AWS CLI command delete-db-proxy. To remove related associations, also use the deregister-db-proxy-targets command.

aws rds delete-db-proxy --name proxy_name
aws rds deregister-db-proxy-targets --db-proxy-name proxy_name [--target-group-name target_group_name] [--target-ids comma_separated_list] # or [--db-instance-identifiers instance_id] # or [--db-cluster-identifiers cluster_id]

To delete a DB proxy, call the Amazon RDS API function DeleteDBProxy. To delete related items and associations, you also call the functions DeleteDBProxyTargetGroup and DeregisterDBProxyTargets.